When the disease is the teacher, and when the enemy
Classical Ayurveda has never considered the causes and mechanisms of disease development only in terms of external factors.
Photographer Weerapong Chaipuck
Of course, there are diseases that arise due to the introduction into the human organism to infection or due to prolonged exposure to destructive physical and chemical factors. Typically, these types of pathology occur in the form of light and are cured as soon as they cease to influence the negative factors of the external environment. Any chronic disease associated with five, four or three mechanisms, about which we will speak in this article.
Problems of modern Western medicine often lies in the fact that she is not considering the etiopathogenesis, including a range of internal and external mechanisms of the disease, and claims that not a single chronic disease cannot be cured. Modern Western medicine has created a system of suppression of symptoms of various types of disease with pharmacological agents based on synthetic analogues, plant alkaloids (special nitrogenous substances), antibiotics or hormonal preparations. Both are means of redeeming man from his disturbing symptoms of disease such as increased body temperature, impaired blood pressure, coughing, or pains in any parts of the body.
However, all these methods do not solve the subtle psychological causes of disease and lead to the chronicity of the process, because contribute to the fact that the disease goes away inside. At the same time most of the chronic diseases considered to be diseases – atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic dermatitis or polyarthritis have their psychological causes and sometimes develop over 10 or even 20 years.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, all diseases are classified into 5 types:
1. Illness-teachers
These diseases occur when the person “turns” from his evolutionary path in the so-called “dead end corridor”, and are a kind of indicator of our imperfections and vices. From the point of view of the evolution of consciousness these diseases stop us that we not went aside from their present program. According to our observations in modern society, such diseases found around 60-70 percent.
2. Disease-friends
The occurrence of such diseases leads to protect the body from more terrible pathologies. For example, systemic dermatitis (eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis) protecting people from such deadly diseases as bronchial asthma or even cirrhosis of the liver. Their current treatment doctors usually use hormone creams that not only block the release of endotoxins through the skin, but also gradually induce corticosteroid insufficiency. The most amazing thing is that these ointments can be purchased in any pharmacy without prescription. It is also known that some people suffering from bronchial asthma, after suffering tuberculosis fully get rid of their original disease. Currently in some Western countries developed special TB vaccines that will be used in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma. Since ancient times it is known that if a person suffering from epilepsy will develop varicose veins, the manifestation of seizures can completely disappear or weaken. So, such a “disease friends”, if they occur, require proper evaluation by the doctor, and their treatment should be quite different than in ordinary cases. Such diseases are found about 3-5 percent.
3. Disease-assistants
Numerous viruses or other types of infections, as well as some physical factors (geomagnetic storms, geopathic influences) have on our body tonic and adaptogenic effects. With their help, our body seems to be undergoing some training to overcome more severe ailments. In some cases, this impact may even change the nature of biological evolution. “Disease-helpers” usually clear up without treatment and do not cause disturbance. Occur in 3-5 percent of cases.
4. Disease-conductors
Such diseases occur in a person for several years before his death, and from the point of view of Ayurveda are considered incurable. Modern research suggests that the causes of our death is encoded in the period of fetal development at the level of DNA molecules. “Disease guide” associated with the stop mechanism of our “small and big biological clock”. That is, with the so-called depletion of Ojas. These diseases come, to ensure our departure from this world, because no one just dies from old age. Such diseases now occur in 10-15 percent of cases.
5. Disease-enemies
Arise solely from external causes, such as exposure to ionizing radiation, ingestion of potent toxic substances (e.g. alcohol or drugs), ingestion of carcinogens to air, water, food or severe hypothermia. These diseases occur in 5-10 percent of cases
Mechanisms of disease development
Ayurvedic medicine considers the five main mechanisms of development of chronic diseases.
Every physician should be able to determine to which category a particular ailment of the person and how many mechanisms involved in the development of this disease. This will depend on assigned therapy and the prognosis of the disease. The less reason has caused the disease, the less need for the efforts of the doctor and the patient.
Of the five mechanisms of disease development, two refers to the internal reasons, and three to the outside.
The karmic mechanism
Linked to the individual program of the individual (prarabdha-karma). As during the past and during the present life each of us can arise and accumulate certain negative stereotypes. Pride, greed, fear, hatred, condemnation, envy, lust, or lie germinate in our heart like weeds. Our way of life they are a kind of psychological pitfalls involved in a particular dead-end corridor. Under their influence we have a keen sense of dissatisfaction and frustration, there is depression, depression that could eventually lead to the development of defect corresponding to this disease. To cure such diseases with the help of even the most wonderful of medicines, with a particular power system or gymnastics — it is impossible. It requires deep analysis, reflections, different types of meditation or some other spiritual and psychological practices. Modern Western medicine does not consider the karmic cause of the disease and usually can not achieve lasting positive results in the treatment of certain ailments. You can open any textbook on propaedeutics and therapy and read that no chronic disease cannot be completely cured. However, the experience of Ayurvedic, Tibetan and Chinese medical systems, says absolutely otherwise.
One day in our medical center has been approached by a businessman with hemorrhoids. Prior to that, he was treated in various clinics and even had surgery, but the disease continued to progress and brought him a lot of anxiety. The survey we have identified that the subtle cause of the disease is the pride of the patient and the tendency to condemn other people. In addition, he often pronounced the word "hemorrhoids" when he was dissatisfied with something. For example, talking about what he needed today to repair your car, he said: "to Go to the car wash is a pain in the arse". Or mentioned the forthcoming trip: "Another hemorrhoids! Need to fly to Ekaterinburg and to solve problems with my companions!". When we explained to the patient the cause of his illness, he didn't believe and asked to appoint him some miraculous herb or a course of acupuncture. But, as we expected, despite the assigned therapy to achieve complete cure of the disease failed. Then he finally agreed to try to change themselves. It was, of course, very difficult, but it turned out to be extremely diligent patient. As time went on. Gradually, the businessman learned to accept others for who they are, got rid of fault. We asked him not to say the word "hemorrhoids" in the case of dissatisfaction with one or other life circumstances. He listened to our advice and have coped with this problem. In a few months he completely forgot about his illness, and we haven't found any signs of the disease. It took a little more time. He liked to work on himself, he began to apply various techniques for correction of his condition that he was learning in various popular books on medicine. But there was another problem — he began to condemn others for what they don't want to work on themselves and therefore, hurt. Thus, he reappeared pride, and hemorrhoids immediately announced itself again. We had to explain to him that the karmic mechanism of disease development like the sword of Damocles. This sword constantly hanging over us, ready to strike whenever we break the laws of Nature. When our patient were aware, he was not only able to fully overcome their illness, but very much internally has changed.
Remember one of the plots of the books by L. Lagin "Old Hottabych". One boy was constantly judged others, and then Jin did so that the boy was barking whenever he tried to speak. Neither the doctors nor psychiatrists was nothing I could do until Hottabych did not explain to the boy that it will return to normal human speech, if he stops to criticize others. However, once again he wants to throw someone a dirt- will again begin to bark. This is the karmic mechanism of the disease, forcing a person to work on their vices.
Ayurvedic diagnostic methods allow exact determination of the karmic person's predisposition to certain diseases. They can be applied to the newly born child, preventing the worst diseases.
A generic mechanism
This mechanism of disease development is associated not only with genetic diseases (currently there are about two and a half thousand), but mainly with the collective karma, sometimes called hereditary.
When the child appears in a particular family, it inherits the good quality and abilities of their parents, and their vices. Born in the family, in which you can Express your prarabdha (destined life program), we inevitably take over and problems of their parents. You can ask: "Why? Why should people have to solve the problems of their parents?". If you want to become, for example, a musician, an actor or a doctor, and your parents are masters in this art, it will let you in early childhood to show their talent. But you absorb their negative problems. And some of the stereotypes the child begins to absorb like a sponge in the womb and in the first 2-3 months after birth. The energy-informational matrix of the father and mother — their interior world — a single. The baby is in this world, and therefore begins to absorb all good and all bad. In infancy we are not yet able to discern what is good and what is bad, and we simply have no choice. And then these stereotypes will also act as the karmic mechanism of the disease.
When our parents die, we become heirs of its kind. We often think that the inheritance is a house, car or Bank account. But the true legacy is the ability, either positive or negative stereotypes of our ancestors. We may not like some features of the father or mother. Because of this, we can proceed to interfere with them or attempt to change them. But as soon as they leave this world, we surprisingly notice that they are negative stereotypes to fully begin to manifest within ourselves, and in this period there is the greatest risk of developing these diseases.
Therefore, each person should work not only with their individual problems, but also solve the problems of his family. By the way, the first and second cause of disease do not disappear after our death — these are reasons we move on into the next life. As for the generic mechanism of the disease, if we overcome it, it will be transmitted to our descendants.
Environmental mechanism
This mechanism of disease development is associated with external negative influences, which include: wrong diet, inappropriate to the Constitution of human life, damaging the physical and chemical factors — high frequency radiation, hypothermia, radiation, toxic emissions from industrial enterprises, preservatives, dyes, synthetic fertilizers, pharmaceutical drugs, drugs, alcohol, poisons (in St. Petersburg, for example, in the air is about 500 chemical components instead of 21). Negative impacts include biological (infections) and hormonal factors (excess of certain types of hormones has a devastating impact on vital organs).
Unfortunately, modern medicine treats the causes and mechanisms of chronic diseases only in the framework of the ecological model. However, Ayurveda believes that although completely exclude this mechanism should not, influence on an organism of various pathogenic factors of external environment in the absence of internal reasons in most cases not lead to a serious chronic diseases. Proof of this are numerous examples of people in contact with infectious patients, but the remaining perfectly healthy. Most significant in this regard is the case of 73-year-old Professor of hygiene and biochemistry max Pettenkofer. In the late 19th century in Europe was an outbreak of cholera. The entire population was terrified. Every day dead hundreds of people. At this time, the famous scientist Robert Koch at a meeting of the German biologists report their discovery of a terrible disease is of particular pathogen — Vibrio cholerae. He showed the flask with a culture of cholera and explained that the fluid contains a vast number of microorganisms that they can infect at least 10 thousand people. Max Pettenkofer present at the academic Council, accused the Koch falsification of the facts, claiming that he was researching the causes of cholera, introducing the animal contents of various tissues of people who died during the epidemic, but none of them are sick. Among the scientists began to argue. Someone shared the views of Koch, who supported Pettenkofer. In the courtroom was a terrible noise. Then Pettenkofer took to the pulpit, took the flask with a culture of Vibrio cholerae and in front of astonished scientists took a long gulp: "you see, I don't get sick!" he said, with irony looked at Koch and left the room. And not sick! Vibrio cholerae was powerless against the strong beliefs of the scientist.
Probably the environmental causes of the disease are triggering or complementary mechanism, but not leading.
Here are some examples of environmental causes.
In the 20th century in economically developed countries, increased consumption of simple carbohydrates in 100 times (sugar, refined wheat flour, corn products), and cholesterindegrading products is 7-10 times (red meat, eggs, butter, yellow cheese). This has led to the rapid spread among the population of these countries is atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes type 2 diabetes and hypertension. For example, modern research has shown that inclusion in the daily diet of three eggs increases after 4-5 weeks cholesterol of 0.5 mmol (rate of cholesterol from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol/liter).
The General spread of tobacco Smoking has led to an increase in mortality from atherosclerosis vessels of the heart and brain due to toxic damage to the endothelium, increased thrombosis and disorders of cholesterol metabolism. In addition, nicotine and other combustion products of tobacco reduces anti-tumor immunity due to inhibition of the function of the thymus gland. Smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day in all age groups correlated with increased mortality rates 10-15 times. And after the age of 45 years is enough and 10 cigarettes to cause an equally negative consequences.
Regular consumption of coffee leads to a permanent saturation of blood plasma cholesterol, damage to the vascular endothelium and inhibition of functioning of liver cells. According to some researchers, coffee is even more dangerous to the liver than alcohol — coffee depletes the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland weakens the kidneys. Especially harmful drinking coffee for women because it blocks the transfer of estradiol to estriol, which threatens the development of fibrin, endometriosis, mastitis and sporadic goiter. Coffee also revealed a number of mutagens and carcinogens.
Widespread use in the 20th century, aluminum cookware has accelerated the development of osteoporosis in the elderly (aluminum ions displace the calcium from the bones) and numerous forms of cancer (alumina belongs to the carcinogens). Even in US prisons in the mid 70-ies were forbidden to use aluminum cookware. However, in our country it continues to be sold in all hardware stores.
Accumulation or metabolic mechanism
Various factors can damage every cell of the organism at any stage of development of the organism.
The probability of damage increases with time. According to Ayurveda, at the moment of conception we receive from parents a certain amount of irreplaceable energy of Ojas, which is considered our "biological clock". As it occurs using the aging process and increases the probability of occurrence of various chronic diseases. Most likely, the Ojas relates to DNA molecules, each division of the cells losing part of their telomeres, which contain information about how to operate one or the other cell, the mechanism of self-regulation, detoxication, metabolism and reproduction. Naturally, over time the cell is more and more loses information about its functionality, which leads on the one hand to increased damage, and on the other hand, to the accumulation of products of incomplete metabolism, the so-called cellular toxins. An example of the accumulation of ballast is to increase with age in the number of lipofuscin (fat pigment) in the cells of the nervous system. It is known that if the neurons at the level of lipofuscin is 30%, death occurs.
It is also known that the protection of blood vessels from atherosclerosis also depends on the work of the special antioxidant enzymes and prostacyclin that inhibit atherosclerosis and increased thrombosis. However, with age, this biological system gradually reduces its activity, leading to the inevitable development of atherosclerosis.
The gradual depletion of the depot of the inhibitory neurotransmitters of the Central nervous system (dopamine, serotonin, enkephalins and endorphins) leads to violations of adaptation to environmental factors. Therefore, in elderly and senile age people are more sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, magnetic storms and various emotional effects. This is one of the reasons for the development of hypertension and parkinsonism.
Some people after 60-63 years begins to develop progressive decline in memory, combined with apathy and inertia. Then progressing to dementia. While preserving the memory of previous life, he forgets how to use a fork or electricity, he is broken orientation in space, in time, he becomes completely helpless. This symptom complex is referred to as the disease of Alzheimer's. This pathology is associated with a gradual decrease in the concentration in the brain norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.
The fourth mechanism of the disease certainly plays a big role after 25-30 years. It is believed that mortality from chronic diseases increases exponentially in males after 3-36 years, and women after 45-50 years.
Ontogenetic mechanisms (ontogeny and literally "development)
According to Ayurveda the functioning of the organism depends on the stability of the system of the doshas — Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas are an integral function of the neuroendocrine system. Vata relates to the function of the nervous system, Pitta is the catabolic function of the level of the hormonal system and enzymes, causing breakdown of tissue and energy reserves of the body and Kapha is the anabolic functions of the level of the hormonal system and biologically active substances, ensuring the stability and protection of tissue. The three doshas are actually administering the principles of homeostasis (the constancy of the internal environment of the body). Various methods of Ayurveda, a system of nutrition, lifestyle, yoga exercises as well as a special meditation intended to keep balance of three doshas (Prakriti). Otherwise will inevitably occur various diseases and developed the structure of the body. However, Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata and other authorities of Ayurveda have indicated that the development of the physical body, unfortunately, it is impossible without compromising the stability of the three doshas (vikriti). 2000 years later Claude Bernard, not knowing the principles of Ayurveda, is actually formulated the same idea. He pointed out that homeostasis is a prerequisite for the free existence of the body. Meanwhile, the continued stability of the system eliminates the possibility of development, and Vice versa — a prerequisite for the implementation of the development programme is programmed, the violation of homeostasis.
For example, during pregnancy there is also an additional endocrine gland — the "placenta-fetus". Hormones produced by it are not controlled by conventional feedback systems, and therefore the synthesis of placental hormones increases in parallel with increasing weight of the placenta and over time. The placental "hormone of growth" in cooperation with the cortisol reduces glucose uptake muscle tissue in the mother's body. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy significantly increases the level of glucose. Excess glucose used by the fetus, but pregnant hyperglycemia causes an increase in blood basal level of insulin. The influence of these two factors leads to the accumulation of fat during pregnancy, weight increased by an average of 5-10 lbs.
With a strong fetal growth increases the demand for cholesterol to build cell membranes.
At the same time, hormonal changes cause suppression of cell-mediated immunity to prevent rejection of the fetus (paradoxically, the mother's body sees baby as foreign tissue). It develops persistent violation of homeostasis during pregnancy, which in some cases can persist after the birth of a child. This arises from the fact that in our time broken at the same time as the special tuning fork system of the body relates to its energy-matrix.
According to Ayurveda there are special channels Sukshma, where coded information on how to operate certain centers of the neuroendocrine system, the body's vital organs and tissues. Unfortunately, Sukshma channels are easily damaged due to the impact of the lepton and other radiations, which literally saturated the modern city (they are computers, television and radio, electronic appliances). In addition, the Sukshma channels are very sensitive to negative emotional factors that daily spill by the man himself.
Thus, the proposed methods in Ayurveda understanding of the nature and causal mechanisms of development of various chronic diseases can help to solve many problems of modern medicine. published
Author: I. Winds
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ashtanga.narod.ru/foe.htm

Photographer Weerapong Chaipuck
Of course, there are diseases that arise due to the introduction into the human organism to infection or due to prolonged exposure to destructive physical and chemical factors. Typically, these types of pathology occur in the form of light and are cured as soon as they cease to influence the negative factors of the external environment. Any chronic disease associated with five, four or three mechanisms, about which we will speak in this article.
Problems of modern Western medicine often lies in the fact that she is not considering the etiopathogenesis, including a range of internal and external mechanisms of the disease, and claims that not a single chronic disease cannot be cured. Modern Western medicine has created a system of suppression of symptoms of various types of disease with pharmacological agents based on synthetic analogues, plant alkaloids (special nitrogenous substances), antibiotics or hormonal preparations. Both are means of redeeming man from his disturbing symptoms of disease such as increased body temperature, impaired blood pressure, coughing, or pains in any parts of the body.
However, all these methods do not solve the subtle psychological causes of disease and lead to the chronicity of the process, because contribute to the fact that the disease goes away inside. At the same time most of the chronic diseases considered to be diseases – atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic dermatitis or polyarthritis have their psychological causes and sometimes develop over 10 or even 20 years.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, all diseases are classified into 5 types:
1. Illness-teachers
These diseases occur when the person “turns” from his evolutionary path in the so-called “dead end corridor”, and are a kind of indicator of our imperfections and vices. From the point of view of the evolution of consciousness these diseases stop us that we not went aside from their present program. According to our observations in modern society, such diseases found around 60-70 percent.
2. Disease-friends
The occurrence of such diseases leads to protect the body from more terrible pathologies. For example, systemic dermatitis (eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis) protecting people from such deadly diseases as bronchial asthma or even cirrhosis of the liver. Their current treatment doctors usually use hormone creams that not only block the release of endotoxins through the skin, but also gradually induce corticosteroid insufficiency. The most amazing thing is that these ointments can be purchased in any pharmacy without prescription. It is also known that some people suffering from bronchial asthma, after suffering tuberculosis fully get rid of their original disease. Currently in some Western countries developed special TB vaccines that will be used in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma. Since ancient times it is known that if a person suffering from epilepsy will develop varicose veins, the manifestation of seizures can completely disappear or weaken. So, such a “disease friends”, if they occur, require proper evaluation by the doctor, and their treatment should be quite different than in ordinary cases. Such diseases are found about 3-5 percent.
3. Disease-assistants
Numerous viruses or other types of infections, as well as some physical factors (geomagnetic storms, geopathic influences) have on our body tonic and adaptogenic effects. With their help, our body seems to be undergoing some training to overcome more severe ailments. In some cases, this impact may even change the nature of biological evolution. “Disease-helpers” usually clear up without treatment and do not cause disturbance. Occur in 3-5 percent of cases.
4. Disease-conductors
Such diseases occur in a person for several years before his death, and from the point of view of Ayurveda are considered incurable. Modern research suggests that the causes of our death is encoded in the period of fetal development at the level of DNA molecules. “Disease guide” associated with the stop mechanism of our “small and big biological clock”. That is, with the so-called depletion of Ojas. These diseases come, to ensure our departure from this world, because no one just dies from old age. Such diseases now occur in 10-15 percent of cases.
5. Disease-enemies
Arise solely from external causes, such as exposure to ionizing radiation, ingestion of potent toxic substances (e.g. alcohol or drugs), ingestion of carcinogens to air, water, food or severe hypothermia. These diseases occur in 5-10 percent of cases
Mechanisms of disease development
Ayurvedic medicine considers the five main mechanisms of development of chronic diseases.
Every physician should be able to determine to which category a particular ailment of the person and how many mechanisms involved in the development of this disease. This will depend on assigned therapy and the prognosis of the disease. The less reason has caused the disease, the less need for the efforts of the doctor and the patient.
Of the five mechanisms of disease development, two refers to the internal reasons, and three to the outside.
The karmic mechanism
Linked to the individual program of the individual (prarabdha-karma). As during the past and during the present life each of us can arise and accumulate certain negative stereotypes. Pride, greed, fear, hatred, condemnation, envy, lust, or lie germinate in our heart like weeds. Our way of life they are a kind of psychological pitfalls involved in a particular dead-end corridor. Under their influence we have a keen sense of dissatisfaction and frustration, there is depression, depression that could eventually lead to the development of defect corresponding to this disease. To cure such diseases with the help of even the most wonderful of medicines, with a particular power system or gymnastics — it is impossible. It requires deep analysis, reflections, different types of meditation or some other spiritual and psychological practices. Modern Western medicine does not consider the karmic cause of the disease and usually can not achieve lasting positive results in the treatment of certain ailments. You can open any textbook on propaedeutics and therapy and read that no chronic disease cannot be completely cured. However, the experience of Ayurvedic, Tibetan and Chinese medical systems, says absolutely otherwise.
One day in our medical center has been approached by a businessman with hemorrhoids. Prior to that, he was treated in various clinics and even had surgery, but the disease continued to progress and brought him a lot of anxiety. The survey we have identified that the subtle cause of the disease is the pride of the patient and the tendency to condemn other people. In addition, he often pronounced the word "hemorrhoids" when he was dissatisfied with something. For example, talking about what he needed today to repair your car, he said: "to Go to the car wash is a pain in the arse". Or mentioned the forthcoming trip: "Another hemorrhoids! Need to fly to Ekaterinburg and to solve problems with my companions!". When we explained to the patient the cause of his illness, he didn't believe and asked to appoint him some miraculous herb or a course of acupuncture. But, as we expected, despite the assigned therapy to achieve complete cure of the disease failed. Then he finally agreed to try to change themselves. It was, of course, very difficult, but it turned out to be extremely diligent patient. As time went on. Gradually, the businessman learned to accept others for who they are, got rid of fault. We asked him not to say the word "hemorrhoids" in the case of dissatisfaction with one or other life circumstances. He listened to our advice and have coped with this problem. In a few months he completely forgot about his illness, and we haven't found any signs of the disease. It took a little more time. He liked to work on himself, he began to apply various techniques for correction of his condition that he was learning in various popular books on medicine. But there was another problem — he began to condemn others for what they don't want to work on themselves and therefore, hurt. Thus, he reappeared pride, and hemorrhoids immediately announced itself again. We had to explain to him that the karmic mechanism of disease development like the sword of Damocles. This sword constantly hanging over us, ready to strike whenever we break the laws of Nature. When our patient were aware, he was not only able to fully overcome their illness, but very much internally has changed.
Remember one of the plots of the books by L. Lagin "Old Hottabych". One boy was constantly judged others, and then Jin did so that the boy was barking whenever he tried to speak. Neither the doctors nor psychiatrists was nothing I could do until Hottabych did not explain to the boy that it will return to normal human speech, if he stops to criticize others. However, once again he wants to throw someone a dirt- will again begin to bark. This is the karmic mechanism of the disease, forcing a person to work on their vices.
Ayurvedic diagnostic methods allow exact determination of the karmic person's predisposition to certain diseases. They can be applied to the newly born child, preventing the worst diseases.
A generic mechanism
This mechanism of disease development is associated not only with genetic diseases (currently there are about two and a half thousand), but mainly with the collective karma, sometimes called hereditary.
When the child appears in a particular family, it inherits the good quality and abilities of their parents, and their vices. Born in the family, in which you can Express your prarabdha (destined life program), we inevitably take over and problems of their parents. You can ask: "Why? Why should people have to solve the problems of their parents?". If you want to become, for example, a musician, an actor or a doctor, and your parents are masters in this art, it will let you in early childhood to show their talent. But you absorb their negative problems. And some of the stereotypes the child begins to absorb like a sponge in the womb and in the first 2-3 months after birth. The energy-informational matrix of the father and mother — their interior world — a single. The baby is in this world, and therefore begins to absorb all good and all bad. In infancy we are not yet able to discern what is good and what is bad, and we simply have no choice. And then these stereotypes will also act as the karmic mechanism of the disease.
When our parents die, we become heirs of its kind. We often think that the inheritance is a house, car or Bank account. But the true legacy is the ability, either positive or negative stereotypes of our ancestors. We may not like some features of the father or mother. Because of this, we can proceed to interfere with them or attempt to change them. But as soon as they leave this world, we surprisingly notice that they are negative stereotypes to fully begin to manifest within ourselves, and in this period there is the greatest risk of developing these diseases.
Therefore, each person should work not only with their individual problems, but also solve the problems of his family. By the way, the first and second cause of disease do not disappear after our death — these are reasons we move on into the next life. As for the generic mechanism of the disease, if we overcome it, it will be transmitted to our descendants.
Environmental mechanism
This mechanism of disease development is associated with external negative influences, which include: wrong diet, inappropriate to the Constitution of human life, damaging the physical and chemical factors — high frequency radiation, hypothermia, radiation, toxic emissions from industrial enterprises, preservatives, dyes, synthetic fertilizers, pharmaceutical drugs, drugs, alcohol, poisons (in St. Petersburg, for example, in the air is about 500 chemical components instead of 21). Negative impacts include biological (infections) and hormonal factors (excess of certain types of hormones has a devastating impact on vital organs).
Unfortunately, modern medicine treats the causes and mechanisms of chronic diseases only in the framework of the ecological model. However, Ayurveda believes that although completely exclude this mechanism should not, influence on an organism of various pathogenic factors of external environment in the absence of internal reasons in most cases not lead to a serious chronic diseases. Proof of this are numerous examples of people in contact with infectious patients, but the remaining perfectly healthy. Most significant in this regard is the case of 73-year-old Professor of hygiene and biochemistry max Pettenkofer. In the late 19th century in Europe was an outbreak of cholera. The entire population was terrified. Every day dead hundreds of people. At this time, the famous scientist Robert Koch at a meeting of the German biologists report their discovery of a terrible disease is of particular pathogen — Vibrio cholerae. He showed the flask with a culture of cholera and explained that the fluid contains a vast number of microorganisms that they can infect at least 10 thousand people. Max Pettenkofer present at the academic Council, accused the Koch falsification of the facts, claiming that he was researching the causes of cholera, introducing the animal contents of various tissues of people who died during the epidemic, but none of them are sick. Among the scientists began to argue. Someone shared the views of Koch, who supported Pettenkofer. In the courtroom was a terrible noise. Then Pettenkofer took to the pulpit, took the flask with a culture of Vibrio cholerae and in front of astonished scientists took a long gulp: "you see, I don't get sick!" he said, with irony looked at Koch and left the room. And not sick! Vibrio cholerae was powerless against the strong beliefs of the scientist.
Probably the environmental causes of the disease are triggering or complementary mechanism, but not leading.
Here are some examples of environmental causes.
In the 20th century in economically developed countries, increased consumption of simple carbohydrates in 100 times (sugar, refined wheat flour, corn products), and cholesterindegrading products is 7-10 times (red meat, eggs, butter, yellow cheese). This has led to the rapid spread among the population of these countries is atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes type 2 diabetes and hypertension. For example, modern research has shown that inclusion in the daily diet of three eggs increases after 4-5 weeks cholesterol of 0.5 mmol (rate of cholesterol from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol/liter).
The General spread of tobacco Smoking has led to an increase in mortality from atherosclerosis vessels of the heart and brain due to toxic damage to the endothelium, increased thrombosis and disorders of cholesterol metabolism. In addition, nicotine and other combustion products of tobacco reduces anti-tumor immunity due to inhibition of the function of the thymus gland. Smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day in all age groups correlated with increased mortality rates 10-15 times. And after the age of 45 years is enough and 10 cigarettes to cause an equally negative consequences.
Regular consumption of coffee leads to a permanent saturation of blood plasma cholesterol, damage to the vascular endothelium and inhibition of functioning of liver cells. According to some researchers, coffee is even more dangerous to the liver than alcohol — coffee depletes the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland weakens the kidneys. Especially harmful drinking coffee for women because it blocks the transfer of estradiol to estriol, which threatens the development of fibrin, endometriosis, mastitis and sporadic goiter. Coffee also revealed a number of mutagens and carcinogens.
Widespread use in the 20th century, aluminum cookware has accelerated the development of osteoporosis in the elderly (aluminum ions displace the calcium from the bones) and numerous forms of cancer (alumina belongs to the carcinogens). Even in US prisons in the mid 70-ies were forbidden to use aluminum cookware. However, in our country it continues to be sold in all hardware stores.
Accumulation or metabolic mechanism
Various factors can damage every cell of the organism at any stage of development of the organism.
The probability of damage increases with time. According to Ayurveda, at the moment of conception we receive from parents a certain amount of irreplaceable energy of Ojas, which is considered our "biological clock". As it occurs using the aging process and increases the probability of occurrence of various chronic diseases. Most likely, the Ojas relates to DNA molecules, each division of the cells losing part of their telomeres, which contain information about how to operate one or the other cell, the mechanism of self-regulation, detoxication, metabolism and reproduction. Naturally, over time the cell is more and more loses information about its functionality, which leads on the one hand to increased damage, and on the other hand, to the accumulation of products of incomplete metabolism, the so-called cellular toxins. An example of the accumulation of ballast is to increase with age in the number of lipofuscin (fat pigment) in the cells of the nervous system. It is known that if the neurons at the level of lipofuscin is 30%, death occurs.
It is also known that the protection of blood vessels from atherosclerosis also depends on the work of the special antioxidant enzymes and prostacyclin that inhibit atherosclerosis and increased thrombosis. However, with age, this biological system gradually reduces its activity, leading to the inevitable development of atherosclerosis.
The gradual depletion of the depot of the inhibitory neurotransmitters of the Central nervous system (dopamine, serotonin, enkephalins and endorphins) leads to violations of adaptation to environmental factors. Therefore, in elderly and senile age people are more sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, magnetic storms and various emotional effects. This is one of the reasons for the development of hypertension and parkinsonism.
Some people after 60-63 years begins to develop progressive decline in memory, combined with apathy and inertia. Then progressing to dementia. While preserving the memory of previous life, he forgets how to use a fork or electricity, he is broken orientation in space, in time, he becomes completely helpless. This symptom complex is referred to as the disease of Alzheimer's. This pathology is associated with a gradual decrease in the concentration in the brain norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.
The fourth mechanism of the disease certainly plays a big role after 25-30 years. It is believed that mortality from chronic diseases increases exponentially in males after 3-36 years, and women after 45-50 years.
Ontogenetic mechanisms (ontogeny and literally "development)
According to Ayurveda the functioning of the organism depends on the stability of the system of the doshas — Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas are an integral function of the neuroendocrine system. Vata relates to the function of the nervous system, Pitta is the catabolic function of the level of the hormonal system and enzymes, causing breakdown of tissue and energy reserves of the body and Kapha is the anabolic functions of the level of the hormonal system and biologically active substances, ensuring the stability and protection of tissue. The three doshas are actually administering the principles of homeostasis (the constancy of the internal environment of the body). Various methods of Ayurveda, a system of nutrition, lifestyle, yoga exercises as well as a special meditation intended to keep balance of three doshas (Prakriti). Otherwise will inevitably occur various diseases and developed the structure of the body. However, Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata and other authorities of Ayurveda have indicated that the development of the physical body, unfortunately, it is impossible without compromising the stability of the three doshas (vikriti). 2000 years later Claude Bernard, not knowing the principles of Ayurveda, is actually formulated the same idea. He pointed out that homeostasis is a prerequisite for the free existence of the body. Meanwhile, the continued stability of the system eliminates the possibility of development, and Vice versa — a prerequisite for the implementation of the development programme is programmed, the violation of homeostasis.
For example, during pregnancy there is also an additional endocrine gland — the "placenta-fetus". Hormones produced by it are not controlled by conventional feedback systems, and therefore the synthesis of placental hormones increases in parallel with increasing weight of the placenta and over time. The placental "hormone of growth" in cooperation with the cortisol reduces glucose uptake muscle tissue in the mother's body. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy significantly increases the level of glucose. Excess glucose used by the fetus, but pregnant hyperglycemia causes an increase in blood basal level of insulin. The influence of these two factors leads to the accumulation of fat during pregnancy, weight increased by an average of 5-10 lbs.
With a strong fetal growth increases the demand for cholesterol to build cell membranes.
At the same time, hormonal changes cause suppression of cell-mediated immunity to prevent rejection of the fetus (paradoxically, the mother's body sees baby as foreign tissue). It develops persistent violation of homeostasis during pregnancy, which in some cases can persist after the birth of a child. This arises from the fact that in our time broken at the same time as the special tuning fork system of the body relates to its energy-matrix.
According to Ayurveda there are special channels Sukshma, where coded information on how to operate certain centers of the neuroendocrine system, the body's vital organs and tissues. Unfortunately, Sukshma channels are easily damaged due to the impact of the lepton and other radiations, which literally saturated the modern city (they are computers, television and radio, electronic appliances). In addition, the Sukshma channels are very sensitive to negative emotional factors that daily spill by the man himself.
Thus, the proposed methods in Ayurveda understanding of the nature and causal mechanisms of development of various chronic diseases can help to solve many problems of modern medicine. published
Author: I. Winds
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ashtanga.narod.ru/foe.htm
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