Detailed Eastern horoscope for 2019

February 5, 2019 is the time to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and with it its new patron – the Yellow Earth Pig. What relations will the mistress of the year develop with predatory representatives of the Eastern calendar, what will she present to timid and romantic signs, what to expect for lazy and workaholics and what to hope for the wards of the Pig, born in the past years of her reign? We are sure that the Yellow Earth Pig has a good goal - to make all mankind happy, and the mistress of the year will definitely achieve her!


Editorial "Site" I learned that the Pig prepared for each of the signs of the Eastern horoscope. If in the outgoing year of the Dog we were hovering in the clouds, then during the reign of the Earth Pig we will have to move to active actions. Open the veil of the future and quickly study Chinese horoscope for 2019 for your sign!

Eastern horoscope for 2019
  1. Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)
    Rats are purposeful creatures, so you can’t confuse them. Yellow Pig is delighted with such tenacity and will give Rats a lot of opportunities in the coming year. Representatives of the sign who have not yet managed to declare themselves to the world, it is time to brag about their talents. All efforts will be generously rewarded by the hostess of the year. Disagreements in family life will finally subside, and the lonely representatives of the Pig sign are preparing a fateful meeting with all the ensuing consequences - love, marriage and children. In February, April and October, luck will be on the side of the Rat!

  2. Bull (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
    Persistent Bulls will get what they have been striving for all year, active work will bear fruit. With special trepidation, the Pig took care of family and personal life - the coming year will be full of love, warmth and harmony! If the family is only in plans, the Pig will definitely give the Bulls the right person. In the coming year, the Bulls will be lucky to go on the journey of their dreams, but it is better to embark on this adventure not alone, but with family and friends. In March, May and August, Bykov is waiting for financial luck, and summer is the best period for changing jobs and moving to a new position.

  3. Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
    If the Tiger promised, you will have to keep your word - the Pig will not tolerate idle chatter and deprive empty talkers of pleasant bonuses. Representatives of this sign should not get involved in long-term projects, it is better to do what will bring quick results. Everything you want will literally go to the Tigers in your hands, the main thing is not to be lazy. The pig is a fertile animal, so Tigers will not bypass family well-being. Unmarried and unmarried Tigers will be lucky, and serious relationships will not take long to wait. Pleasant changes in personal life occur in April, May and September.

  4. Rabbit (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
    In order not to fall out of favor with the soft and delicate Pig, sharp and hot-tempered Rabbits will have to cultivate the qualities inherent in the patroness of the year. Only the ability to negotiate and compromise will help to achieve the goals set. Work, family, hobbies - there are so many long-awaited changes that Rabbits will not immediately be able to accept all the innovations. Astrologers do not recommend taking everything at once, it is worth choosing what is more important, so that by the end of the year there is a reason to be proud of yourself. The most favorable months are September, October, December.

  5. The Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
    Enticing offers will come from all sides, but Dragons should not rush into the pool with their heads - many projects may not be realized, so you need to take care of a backup plan in advance. Dragons who are married should expect replenishment in the family. The coming year under the auspices of the Pig is a great time to take care of your health. Dragons should often go to nature and pacify the temper with meditation - only in this way it will be possible to avoid many ailments. Favorable months are February, May and July.

  6. The Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
    The relationship of the Snake and the mistress of the year will not work out - representatives of this sign should not climb on the horn. It is worth living in the usual rhythm, not afraid to show healthy ambitions and moderate initiative. Every step should be well thought out. And although most of the year the Snake’s thoughts will be occupied by the financial issue, it will not work to make large capitals. As for love relationships, snakes should remember the wisdom: it is better to be alone than with anyone. The promising months are March, June, July, December.

  7. Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
    Representatives of this sign in the coming year should abandon the role of a driven horse and allow themselves to be a little lazy - the Pig will forgive everything. Hard work Horse will be rewarded financially, and the year promises good luck to those who venture to open their own business. It is possible that there will be a proposal to change jobs. Horses should expect changes in their personal lives: wait for an offer or decide to finally make it to the lady of the heart. If there are doubts, it is time to leave the relationship in the past, and it is better to do it in 2019. The favorable period is April, July and December.

  8. Goat (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
    In their desire to know everything, Goats often break their horns, but failure will not cool their ardour, because they are with the patroness of the year - bosom friends. The Pig will give Goats a full set of all kinds of joys and luck. The year promises excellent prospects, and the Goats who worked hard will receive monetary compensation and earn the respect of others. Goats will certainly want to prove themselves in something new, find a hobby, master another profession or learn something unusual. You can do it if you want to! In March, September and October there will be pleasant events in personal life.

  9. Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
    The abundance of events of the coming year will turn the Monkeys' heads - everything will have to be planned in advance and not take on too much. But whatever obstacles arise, the Monkeys will brilliantly cope with any task. At times, representatives of this sign can overcome doubts about the correctness of the choice, so astrologers recommend heeding the advice of the one whom the Monkeys trust most. In the spring, the Monkeys will have to be nervous, because the stars are preparing a test for strength. Pleasant surprises and successful deals await in May, September and November.

  10. Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)
    Roosters will want to change literally everything: work, environment, image. By the way, almost everything planned can be implemented! Roosters will be able to express themselves and achieve the desired recognition. Of particular importance will be family ties, which in the pursuit of financial success should not be put in the background. Major troubles will bypass the Roosters side, and the coming year will be favorable for marriage and procreation. Keep your finger on the pulse in July, October and December - Roosters will have something to remember!

  11. Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
    2019 can be called a successful year for representatives of this sign - career will rush uphill, and personal life will improve. The Pig has prepared many pleasant surprises for Dogs, and the most fortunate months in the coming year are January, March and August. It is time to correct the mistakes of the past and try yourself in a new field. Single Dogs are prepared for a fateful meeting and, choosing between career and personal life, will have to bet on love.

  12. Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)
    For their wards, the Yellow Earth Pig has collected the maximum of pleasures, so it is worth stocking up on them more than for subsequent years. Astrologers recommend settling things at work, saving money, saving or starting a family. No matter how favorable the hostess of the year was, you should not allow yourself to relax too much and let things take their course - you can miss grandiose opportunities. In the affairs of the heart, harmony and order reign, and strong married couples can even start a joint business. The most successful months are March, May and November.


Every person can say with confidence in the year of which animal he was born and, one way or another, is interested in the characteristics of his totem patron.

Chinese horoscope for 2019 by signs He told us what the next 12 months will bring under the auspices of the Yellow Pig. The Year of the Pig completes the circle of the Eastern calendar, and this is not just a summary, but the very beginning of a new path!

Don’t forget to share another horoscope for 2019 with your friends on social networks. I'm sure they'll be interested!


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