Kevin Fung's exact forecast for 2019
In 2019, we celebrate Chinese New Year on February 5. It is on this day that the Yellow Earth Pig officially enters into its rights, a completely new cycle begins. And it is from this day that changes will begin for all signs, according to the Eastern horoscope.
Editorial "Site" Congratulations on your holiday and share forecast for 2019 by year of birth From the famous Chinese astrologer Kevin Fung.
Accurate forecast for 2019
Now you know what predictions the Yellow Earth Pig has prepared for you for 2019. The year promises to be intense and very active, but do not immediately get upset, it is better to take matters into your own hands and start acting now!
With the Eastern horoscope is clear, now it remains to find out what is there with the zodiac. Find out what awaits each zodiac sign in 2019.
Tell us in the comments who you are on the Eastern horoscope and whether you like the astrological prognosis. And also whether you believe in horoscopes. We are interested to discuss this together in the comments!
If you like the forecast, be sure to share it with your friends!

Editorial "Site" Congratulations on your holiday and share forecast for 2019 by year of birth From the famous Chinese astrologer Kevin Fung.
Accurate forecast for 2019
- Rat.
For the rats, next year will be a success. If you set a goal for yourself and work hard towards it, it will surely come true. Closer to the middle of the year, determination will bear its first fruits. Success in one thing will affect all areas of life. The most important thing to do Rats is to give up affairs and relationships that have exhausted themselves. If you get rid of this unnecessary anchor, the new start will be bright and successful. Thanks to this, you will be able to restore order in all areas of life. Those who started life with a clean slate will be lucky. - Bull.
For the Bulls next year will be filled with positive events, but you need to be alert. There may be sudden troubles in relationships with loved ones. Even small quarrels can destroy your balance and shake your state of mind. If it knocks you off track, then it will be extremely difficult to get back to normal. Bulls need to show their perseverance and determination. All your endeavors have a great chance of success, but you have to make an effort. Nothing will come easy this year. Success will be rewarded only by those who try hard. - Tiger
Tigers, thanks to their persevering and punchy nature, will be able to achieve great success this year. Remember that the best is the enemy of the good. Attempts to perfect things can turn against the Tigers. It is very important for them to support close people. The year promises to be quite successful, luck will accompany in all matters. It is only important to beware of too tempting offers, even if they come from close people. - Rabbit
For Rabbits, the beginning of the year will be quite calm and unremarkable, but by the middle of the year they will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy. It is worth disposing of this energy wisely and directing it to the implementation of plans. If you properly distribute your strength, you can achieve success in many areas of life. The rabbit will have to work hard this year, but all the efforts will pay off in full. This is the time to take the initiative and take decisive action. This applies not only to work, but also to personal life. There is a chance to improve the relationship or find your soul mate, it is only important to be persistent. - dragon
Those born this year are hot and active. Dragons will want to add extreme to their lives this year. This will be the right decision, travel and new types of extreme sports will be beneficial. However, do not forget about the sense of measure and take care of the family. If you succumb to fleeting temptation, you can destroy a relationship. Dragons, as always, will work hard, but they should take care of their health more carefully. Overwork and lack of strength can unexpectedly affect health. It is advisable to bring your health back to normal by autumn, because there you will be tested for strength. So take a well-deserved vacation in the summer and dedicate it completely to rest. - Snake
For Snakes, this year will be marked by changes. And changes await the Snake in all areas of life, one will pull the other. In principle, change will be good, but it is important not to lose good relations with loved ones and friends. It is easy to destroy a relationship, but it is quite difficult to restore it. But it is worth admitting, thanks to cunning and ingenuity, Snakes will not be difficult to cope with all the trials and difficulties. No serious problems should arise, but the fuss will be enough.
574080 - Horse.
Horses this year are waiting for career growth and success in business. It is best to devote your time to work. If you invest most of the energy and time in this area, you can get a very good breakthrough in both career and material well-being. Despite the increase in income, money should be handled carefully. Don’t spend too much because it can lead to debt and problems. Be discreet and prudent. And do not forget to consult with loved ones, it is their advice that will lead to the greatest success. - goat
Goats will get away with everything this year except stupid whims. You'll be lucky, and you'll be praised at work, even if you make a few mistakes. Everything will turn out so that they will just close their eyes or not notice at all. However, this year will not forgive you vagaries. If you continue to harass loved ones or twist your nose, you may lose something very important. The second enemy of the Goats this year is laziness. Fate will generously give you chances, but there is an opportunity to miss them because of laziness. So do not hesitate, but boldly take on all the opportunities that will be presented to you. - Monkey
Monkeys should not seek fifth-point adventures because they are likely to end badly. Any adventure can lead to an outcome that you certainly did not expect. So be careful, especially when it comes to money and finance. Monkeys should pay attention to new acquaintances. One of them could be the loyal friend you've been looking for. In general, unplanned acquaintances can lead to an unexpected outcome. A great chance to meet a new love and build a strong relationship. - Rooster
It's a golden year for the Roosters. You will have great luck in financial affairs, the main thing is not to miss your chance. In spring and summer, long trips are possible, which will allow you to travel with benefit for work. Everything will be fine at work and in business, but relationships can be difficult. Be careful and don’t get excited so the situation doesn’t get out of hand. You may be disappointed because of your lack of judgment. Most of all, this will affect family life and friendships. So be careful to have someone to share your financial success with. - Dog.
It's not an easy year for Dogs. To achieve success, you will need to work hard and in no case behave defiantly. Good luck awaits those who can work in a team. Tough but productive changes await you, and accept them with patience and humility. Dogs should also take care of themselves. The issues of health and appearance will come to the fore. You should not forget how important it is to take care of yourself. Take care of yourself, it will bring a lot of benefits and help to distract. - Pig.
The pig is the mistress of the year, which means that this is a golden time for all born in this year. In the next 12 months, you can get everything out of life, you just have to want it and try. Pig stars promise unprecedented luck in all areas of life. If last year things did not want to move from the deadlock, now all this will be solved and soon the first results will appear. Now is a good time to implement long-standing ideas and plans. There will be difficult times, but you will be supported by a loved one.
Now you know what predictions the Yellow Earth Pig has prepared for you for 2019. The year promises to be intense and very active, but do not immediately get upset, it is better to take matters into your own hands and start acting now!
With the Eastern horoscope is clear, now it remains to find out what is there with the zodiac. Find out what awaits each zodiac sign in 2019.
Tell us in the comments who you are on the Eastern horoscope and whether you like the astrological prognosis. And also whether you believe in horoscopes. We are interested to discuss this together in the comments!
If you like the forecast, be sure to share it with your friends!