Why you should go to sea at the first opportunity
“When there is so much behind everything, especially grief, don’t wait for anyone’s support, get on the train, land by the sea.”
So inspiring is the sea of many poets that not writing about it is like committing a mortal sin. Oh splashing waves, oh gulls circling in the clouds! Show me a man who doesn't want to live in a cabin by the sea.
Scientists also admire the sea, proving day by day its positive effect on the human body. "The sea is good for health!" they claim. You don’t need a reason to go to warm places. Strengthening immunity is the most important reason, and since there is never much health, you can consider a trip to the sea a necessary measure.
How to get rid of depression Thalassotherapy is the use of sea water for healing. Sea water treats skin diseases, allergies, arthritis, depression.
The therapeutic property also has the noise of sea water and the cry of gulls. Psychologists advise to imagine water when a person experiences anxiety, anger or hatred. Imagine a mentally murmuring stream or a raging sea, you can cope with depression on their own.
If it is not possible to go to sea immediately, Deal with depression and stress at home It helps to record the sound of sea waves. Be sure to close your eyes and imagine the endless sea - your hand will remove. Such relaxation helps to recover and throw away unpleasant thoughts.
British physician Richard Russell in 1769 defended his thesis, in which he spoke about the benefits of sea water for the treatment of lymph nodes. He also argued that it is useful not only to swim in the sea, but also to drink sea water. If modern doctors agree with the first statement, then the second can be argued. However, the content of minerals useful for the body in this water is striking.
sea salt Seawater contributes to the healing of wounds, but fresh wounds should not be soaked with it - it will hurt to burn, and from the depths of the sea you can pick up some infection. Another thing is salt in its pure form.
There's sodium, calcium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, silicon. It is not surprising that sea salt is part of many pharmacy products. Remember the first thing that comes to mind when your throat hurts. Gargle with a solution of soda and salt This is a sure way not to let the disease beat you.
In Soviet times, doctor Ivan Ivanovich Shcheglov treated open wounds of soldiers. salt-bandage. He poured table salt on a gauze dressing, wetted it with a hypertonic solution. Surprisingly, after a few days of using such bandages, the wound healed and the soldier stood up.
Scientists have proven that there is no difference between ordinary table salt and sea salt. Also, experts recommend limit salt regardless of its origin, as excessive salt consumption leads to hypertension, harmful effects on the joints.
Sea warm breeze and bright sunlight have a positive effect on the skin, blood vessels, the general condition of a person. And physical exercises in the fresh air are many times more useful than indoors. The body is saturated with oxygen, a person embraces a sense of vivacity and lightness.
Allergists are advised to change climate to relieve symptoms. To do this, you need to go where the air is fresh, clean and there are no irritants. Allergies will pass and the body will get stronger if you wait out a difficult period in the mountains or at sea.
There's no excuse, this summer pack your bags and go to the sea. Combining the pleasant with the useful is an urgent recommendation of your doctor. You can live to be 100.
Tell your friends on social networks about the benefits of the sea.
So inspiring is the sea of many poets that not writing about it is like committing a mortal sin. Oh splashing waves, oh gulls circling in the clouds! Show me a man who doesn't want to live in a cabin by the sea.

Scientists also admire the sea, proving day by day its positive effect on the human body. "The sea is good for health!" they claim. You don’t need a reason to go to warm places. Strengthening immunity is the most important reason, and since there is never much health, you can consider a trip to the sea a necessary measure.

How to get rid of depression Thalassotherapy is the use of sea water for healing. Sea water treats skin diseases, allergies, arthritis, depression.
The therapeutic property also has the noise of sea water and the cry of gulls. Psychologists advise to imagine water when a person experiences anxiety, anger or hatred. Imagine a mentally murmuring stream or a raging sea, you can cope with depression on their own.

If it is not possible to go to sea immediately, Deal with depression and stress at home It helps to record the sound of sea waves. Be sure to close your eyes and imagine the endless sea - your hand will remove. Such relaxation helps to recover and throw away unpleasant thoughts.

British physician Richard Russell in 1769 defended his thesis, in which he spoke about the benefits of sea water for the treatment of lymph nodes. He also argued that it is useful not only to swim in the sea, but also to drink sea water. If modern doctors agree with the first statement, then the second can be argued. However, the content of minerals useful for the body in this water is striking.
sea salt Seawater contributes to the healing of wounds, but fresh wounds should not be soaked with it - it will hurt to burn, and from the depths of the sea you can pick up some infection. Another thing is salt in its pure form.

There's sodium, calcium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, silicon. It is not surprising that sea salt is part of many pharmacy products. Remember the first thing that comes to mind when your throat hurts. Gargle with a solution of soda and salt This is a sure way not to let the disease beat you.

In Soviet times, doctor Ivan Ivanovich Shcheglov treated open wounds of soldiers. salt-bandage. He poured table salt on a gauze dressing, wetted it with a hypertonic solution. Surprisingly, after a few days of using such bandages, the wound healed and the soldier stood up.

Scientists have proven that there is no difference between ordinary table salt and sea salt. Also, experts recommend limit salt regardless of its origin, as excessive salt consumption leads to hypertension, harmful effects on the joints.

Sea warm breeze and bright sunlight have a positive effect on the skin, blood vessels, the general condition of a person. And physical exercises in the fresh air are many times more useful than indoors. The body is saturated with oxygen, a person embraces a sense of vivacity and lightness.

Allergists are advised to change climate to relieve symptoms. To do this, you need to go where the air is fresh, clean and there are no irritants. Allergies will pass and the body will get stronger if you wait out a difficult period in the mountains or at sea.

There's no excuse, this summer pack your bags and go to the sea. Combining the pleasant with the useful is an urgent recommendation of your doctor. You can live to be 100.
Tell your friends on social networks about the benefits of the sea.