The buzz and use
Pleasure and benefit are Central concepts in the subject of personality integration.
Integrated person derives pleasure only from the useful, the disintegrated personality gets pleasure mainly from harmful.
Thirty seven million one hundred ninety nine thousand three hundred thirty six
frame from the movie "dazed and confused"
Some (usually poorly integrated) believe that benefit is subjective. Some of them even preach, what good is all that fun. If you notice, this is the way they try to reach a state of integrity. That is, until between what a person considers useful for himself, and what he thinks is pleasant, there is a big gap, he suffers and is torn: it makes itself through the power to do unpleasant (and stress), stops torturing yourself and indulges in all serious fun. In the first case the man could support himself with the words "to live not for pleasure, but for conscience", and in the second case, to argue that the use is an abstract concept with no practical meaning for him personally. And physiologically, this is understandable, because he is stressed, so for him, everything is "useful" is harmful.
"Break yourself is much more harmful than to afford fun" — they say such people, and they are right. Breaking really bad. I wrote that just a few minutes, and sometimes seconds of great stress, and death can occur. The body is very badly to the rise of cortisol levels and taking all possible measures in order to either eliminate the stressor or reduce the stress response (to adapt). That is, the body is ready to deny even a real danger, sometimes mortal danger, creating a thick shield of illusions, if only cortisol decreased. And it's very logical and very natural. Not the fact that the hazard will lead you to death, but severe stress will lead to death within minutes.
This is why food addict feel that bigmag useful for them, not harmful, drug addicts think the same thing about drugs, and much of love a person does not want to listen to well-wishers who convinced him to leave a loved one for bad attitude. What is there attitude? There is nothing more dangerous and unpleasant stress that addict experiences during withdrawal.
The relativity of the good proclaimed, and in other cases also, not directly related to addiction.
For example, a person who cannot get pleasure from work, but on the contrary obtained only for stress stress may begin to say that the benefits of the work is very questionable. For someone this good, thinks such a person is likely — for the damned capitalists, who brazenly appropriated the added value, but for me — solid damage. That is about the harm such a person is not lying because of his body – the stress of the job, and thus the worst harm. But about what the benefits of get only the capitalists, people mistaken. Many neocapitalist get off work benefit because they are engaged in it with pleasure, developing in the process their brain and get money and the approval of others. But the first person looks at this experience with skepticism. He agrees only with money, but believes that money is the carrot that damn capitalist hung before the donkey's nose. All the money of the working people is spent on fuel for work and for pleasure nothing. That is, he spends salary on transportation, Lunches in the office, on presentable clothes at the bar after work to relieve the stress on housing in the city, and he has nothing left for life. Such a skeptic can not imagine what life is office-Lunches-bar-the city, because the skeptic never gets no pleasure, his pleasure is lying in a hammock near the sea and do nothing, only drinking coconut juice and watch naked girls. And so the skeptic hates capitalism and dreams of downshifting.
Please note, I do not blame a skeptic, and support. I understand that if from work and the city is one big stress and not a drop of energy, the work no one fool does not want to, his body simply will not allow it cortisolo without end, and will continue to create in the brain paintings of the sea, the girls and palm trees to convince such a person to leave the city stress to hell. Often painting even easier and far less romantic. No palm trees and no coconuts are presented to the brain, worn out by cortisol, and a pint and a garage buddy, where you can completely relax yourself and to remove the stress. For the Russian provinces, the second picture is much more urgent, because the thought of flying to a foreign country with a foreign language and some incomprehensible rules – in itself creates stress. And coconuts and girls don't seem attractive to those who are not accustomed to get pleasure from it. This is only for office plankton, which have many times been to Thailand, Goa, Dominican Republic, and accustomed to associate the word happiness.
But the General idea is, I hope, is clear. The benefit is that it enables you to provide the body with energy. But fun – this is the same energy flow, the immediate rush when the impulses in the brain gentle massage of particular receptors, and you feel a terrific flow of energy. It may be slightly different flow: relaxing, relieving anxiety that fills the soul with light, heat, or Vice versa, stimulating, uplifting soul in a wave of enthusiasm and faith in their own strength, and even gives the real feeling of the forces, powers, filling its entire body. Energy flow is the most direct pleasure is. And the real benefit. Right?
True, but there are some nuances.
What man calls a favour (and sometimes more precisely – debt) and separates this from the pleasure, and sometimes even in opposition to him, it is something that will provide energy in the future. Not now, not immediate, and then continue. That's what benefits and debt.
If you remember the fable about the Grasshopper and the Ant, but rather about the Beetle and the Ant (gender-neutral in the original), the image of the worker who sweat gathers reserves for the winter, opposed to carefree slacker who enjoys the bounty of nature. But the bounty of nature ends with the arrival of winter, and then the lover of innocent pleasure, or have to beg the person of debt or to Rob him (as a Fox with bast hut) or perish.
I want to pay attention to. Duty and pleasure are not opposed to each other. Debt is deferred pleasure, that provides stable getting of pleasure, at least stable protection from suffering. Pleasure as such for the present and the energy flow we get today, now, and debt or benefits relate to the future and the flow of energy, which we will need tomorrow, then.
And then in a completely new way looks to look at integrated and non-integrated personalities. The first one may get momentary pleasure from the fact of occupation which will provide it with pleasure tomorrow. The second is a huge dissonance between the present and the future, she is now experiencing cravings that will destroy it tomorrow. When too much dissonance, the body makes a choice in favor of the present, driving her dose of the drug to avoid death. But when too much dissonance this strategy of the body is just delaying death, delaying it for tomorrow. The same goes for no death, just the suffering, that is stress in which the body can survive, but is in pain. Avoiding MUK today, a body stretches that destroys it, removing the flour now provides himself another big meal tomorrow.
That's the way all addicti. And anyone who wants addiction effectively treat or just to help addicted loved ones, it is necessary to take this into account. People can't quit, because you can't transcend suffering in the present. It is possible to suggest that suffering in this temporary, he needs to quit, to recover, and then in the future suffering will not, and will start happy life. But first, not all suffering of the body will allow him to cross, but only moderate (see about cortisol), and secondly, about the mandatory happy life — not true. To ensure future happiness, not enough to give up the addiction. It is necessary to create and establish the sources of energy. That is why, taken from addiction of the needle, not necessarily chemical, and psychological too, even putting an end to the cycle of dose-kaif-break-up-the dose, you still are in poor condition, apathy, depression, energy hole, if they failed in any way to complete the circle of resources, that is to connect to some areas and get pleasure from useful sources. And we remember how useful the source is different from harmful, right? Harmful gives energy now, and tomorrow takes more and requires increasing dose. Useful and gives energy now, and provides it and tomorrow.
Why is office work better than a coconut palm?
Again, better office work is not for everyone, but for those who are able to obtain from it the energy (in the language of psihologiei – connected and my online Work). For those who have this resource is blocked, work in the office is very unpleasant, heavy, causes stress. But for those who have a resource connected, work much better than sitting around all the rest. More precisely, "work first, fun later", idleness can also be and even necessary, it relaxes the entire body and relax. But this idleness is good in very small amounts. Even for leisure, preferred recreation, and passive – in a small dose (if we are talking about physical and mental passivity, that is, not about what the person in the hammock active imagination is part of the creative process, and is concerned about relaxation and out of my head for the rest of the body).
Work, by contrast, can take up most of your life time, and if this favorite work, has not only mechanical, but creative, intellectual, social, that is, indirectly for other resources, such work doesn't exhaust the energy reserves in the present, even adds to them, but also secures the future. In the future, this work provides the salary, bonuses, awards, promotion of respect of society, appreciation of loved ones, career growth, skills development, growth of intelligence, the development of new social areas. In contrast to work, idleness, if it occupies a large part of life, it comes exactly the opposite: the money is spent, rising debts, the respect of society is reduced, disgruntled relatives, career breaks, skills, inhibited, intelligence is degraded, the social zone is narrowed.
Paradoxically, even the level of pleasure from idleness, yields to enjoyment of work (if the resource is connected and tuned). Idleness is a passive, mind-numbing pleasure, quickly turning into apathy, boredom, drudgery. Work is fun, active, feeding the self-esteem of the best and high quality food – real achievements, stimulating the brain and to connect all new receptors. From work also can develop addiction, workaholism, but it is quite another as the interaction with the resource, and this addiction is too destructive, no less than any other (although we must pay tribute to that addiction, it grows much slower than the others, and very seldom reaches a destructive threshold, though it happens). How to distinguish the study of the resource from the addiction to him and as a second to avoid it, I will tell in detail now.
And while I would like to mention that in the ethical sphere "debt" has exactly the same properties, i.e. the duty not useful in the abstract, but very specifically because it provides a prosperous tomorrow. The person who is cheating, not paying debts, trying to take someone else's and use others, can get immediate benefits, but creates its own tomorrow's problems (especially when it's a massive scenario, this scenario leads to fast destruction of the society). When some immorality trying to contrast the happiness of a person performing a social duty, they talk about the hardships of the people who perform the debt, and painfully hard. Personality integrated with pleasure and ease complies with ethical rules. Her hate to disturb them. Ethics, harmoniously blended in her personality. She makes a choice between "steal not steal" are not rationally commensurate benefits in either case. It is physically repel and turn away all those things that frankly hurt others (when something is inscribed in the core of self, it begins to not work on a rational level but on an emotional and physical). Thus, the integrated identity ensures the respect and trust of society, his love and support. Unethical people (scammers, cheaters) disintegrated as a person (infantile, stuck in the stage of children's selfishness), so they have all the time to choose – private or public, and of course they make a choice in favor of personal because it affects their health.
And finally, what to do disintegrated person who receives the stress from useful things, and a thrill — from all that is bad? To do such a person the following:
1. Be aware that today's buzz creates a future collapse. Be aware that the useful can also be a thrill if it is to rebuild from within.
2. Do not try to break roughly yourself, forced to do (eating, drinking) is useful and abandon harmful.
3. Be aware that the break-up itself leads to stress and need in harmful buzz becomes even more (stress creates a hole and require additional energy to be darn). Avoid stress.
4. Compromise between today's pleasure and tomorrow's benefits, finding the most pleasant of things useful and least harmful pleasant. To soften the transition, to relieve stress in additional ways.
5. Gradually accustom your body to get pleasure from a useful, slowly removing it from the harmful (though the best way I have to describe this is, of course, pumping resources).
6. This whole gradualism does not concern the deadly pleasures that can break the link. In this case, you must consult a doctor to help you with medicines to alleviate stress in a period of abrupt weaning. This applies to some cases of love addiction when a merger is large and the partner is dangerous to health and life. Sometimes it comes to gambling, extreme sports, Shopaholic, food addiction, etc. And almost always refers to dependency on hard drugs. published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/61454.html
Integrated person derives pleasure only from the useful, the disintegrated personality gets pleasure mainly from harmful.
Thirty seven million one hundred ninety nine thousand three hundred thirty six
frame from the movie "dazed and confused"
Some (usually poorly integrated) believe that benefit is subjective. Some of them even preach, what good is all that fun. If you notice, this is the way they try to reach a state of integrity. That is, until between what a person considers useful for himself, and what he thinks is pleasant, there is a big gap, he suffers and is torn: it makes itself through the power to do unpleasant (and stress), stops torturing yourself and indulges in all serious fun. In the first case the man could support himself with the words "to live not for pleasure, but for conscience", and in the second case, to argue that the use is an abstract concept with no practical meaning for him personally. And physiologically, this is understandable, because he is stressed, so for him, everything is "useful" is harmful.
"Break yourself is much more harmful than to afford fun" — they say such people, and they are right. Breaking really bad. I wrote that just a few minutes, and sometimes seconds of great stress, and death can occur. The body is very badly to the rise of cortisol levels and taking all possible measures in order to either eliminate the stressor or reduce the stress response (to adapt). That is, the body is ready to deny even a real danger, sometimes mortal danger, creating a thick shield of illusions, if only cortisol decreased. And it's very logical and very natural. Not the fact that the hazard will lead you to death, but severe stress will lead to death within minutes.
This is why food addict feel that bigmag useful for them, not harmful, drug addicts think the same thing about drugs, and much of love a person does not want to listen to well-wishers who convinced him to leave a loved one for bad attitude. What is there attitude? There is nothing more dangerous and unpleasant stress that addict experiences during withdrawal.
The relativity of the good proclaimed, and in other cases also, not directly related to addiction.
For example, a person who cannot get pleasure from work, but on the contrary obtained only for stress stress may begin to say that the benefits of the work is very questionable. For someone this good, thinks such a person is likely — for the damned capitalists, who brazenly appropriated the added value, but for me — solid damage. That is about the harm such a person is not lying because of his body – the stress of the job, and thus the worst harm. But about what the benefits of get only the capitalists, people mistaken. Many neocapitalist get off work benefit because they are engaged in it with pleasure, developing in the process their brain and get money and the approval of others. But the first person looks at this experience with skepticism. He agrees only with money, but believes that money is the carrot that damn capitalist hung before the donkey's nose. All the money of the working people is spent on fuel for work and for pleasure nothing. That is, he spends salary on transportation, Lunches in the office, on presentable clothes at the bar after work to relieve the stress on housing in the city, and he has nothing left for life. Such a skeptic can not imagine what life is office-Lunches-bar-the city, because the skeptic never gets no pleasure, his pleasure is lying in a hammock near the sea and do nothing, only drinking coconut juice and watch naked girls. And so the skeptic hates capitalism and dreams of downshifting.
Please note, I do not blame a skeptic, and support. I understand that if from work and the city is one big stress and not a drop of energy, the work no one fool does not want to, his body simply will not allow it cortisolo without end, and will continue to create in the brain paintings of the sea, the girls and palm trees to convince such a person to leave the city stress to hell. Often painting even easier and far less romantic. No palm trees and no coconuts are presented to the brain, worn out by cortisol, and a pint and a garage buddy, where you can completely relax yourself and to remove the stress. For the Russian provinces, the second picture is much more urgent, because the thought of flying to a foreign country with a foreign language and some incomprehensible rules – in itself creates stress. And coconuts and girls don't seem attractive to those who are not accustomed to get pleasure from it. This is only for office plankton, which have many times been to Thailand, Goa, Dominican Republic, and accustomed to associate the word happiness.
But the General idea is, I hope, is clear. The benefit is that it enables you to provide the body with energy. But fun – this is the same energy flow, the immediate rush when the impulses in the brain gentle massage of particular receptors, and you feel a terrific flow of energy. It may be slightly different flow: relaxing, relieving anxiety that fills the soul with light, heat, or Vice versa, stimulating, uplifting soul in a wave of enthusiasm and faith in their own strength, and even gives the real feeling of the forces, powers, filling its entire body. Energy flow is the most direct pleasure is. And the real benefit. Right?
True, but there are some nuances.
What man calls a favour (and sometimes more precisely – debt) and separates this from the pleasure, and sometimes even in opposition to him, it is something that will provide energy in the future. Not now, not immediate, and then continue. That's what benefits and debt.
If you remember the fable about the Grasshopper and the Ant, but rather about the Beetle and the Ant (gender-neutral in the original), the image of the worker who sweat gathers reserves for the winter, opposed to carefree slacker who enjoys the bounty of nature. But the bounty of nature ends with the arrival of winter, and then the lover of innocent pleasure, or have to beg the person of debt or to Rob him (as a Fox with bast hut) or perish.
I want to pay attention to. Duty and pleasure are not opposed to each other. Debt is deferred pleasure, that provides stable getting of pleasure, at least stable protection from suffering. Pleasure as such for the present and the energy flow we get today, now, and debt or benefits relate to the future and the flow of energy, which we will need tomorrow, then.
And then in a completely new way looks to look at integrated and non-integrated personalities. The first one may get momentary pleasure from the fact of occupation which will provide it with pleasure tomorrow. The second is a huge dissonance between the present and the future, she is now experiencing cravings that will destroy it tomorrow. When too much dissonance, the body makes a choice in favor of the present, driving her dose of the drug to avoid death. But when too much dissonance this strategy of the body is just delaying death, delaying it for tomorrow. The same goes for no death, just the suffering, that is stress in which the body can survive, but is in pain. Avoiding MUK today, a body stretches that destroys it, removing the flour now provides himself another big meal tomorrow.
That's the way all addicti. And anyone who wants addiction effectively treat or just to help addicted loved ones, it is necessary to take this into account. People can't quit, because you can't transcend suffering in the present. It is possible to suggest that suffering in this temporary, he needs to quit, to recover, and then in the future suffering will not, and will start happy life. But first, not all suffering of the body will allow him to cross, but only moderate (see about cortisol), and secondly, about the mandatory happy life — not true. To ensure future happiness, not enough to give up the addiction. It is necessary to create and establish the sources of energy. That is why, taken from addiction of the needle, not necessarily chemical, and psychological too, even putting an end to the cycle of dose-kaif-break-up-the dose, you still are in poor condition, apathy, depression, energy hole, if they failed in any way to complete the circle of resources, that is to connect to some areas and get pleasure from useful sources. And we remember how useful the source is different from harmful, right? Harmful gives energy now, and tomorrow takes more and requires increasing dose. Useful and gives energy now, and provides it and tomorrow.
Why is office work better than a coconut palm?
Again, better office work is not for everyone, but for those who are able to obtain from it the energy (in the language of psihologiei – connected and my online Work). For those who have this resource is blocked, work in the office is very unpleasant, heavy, causes stress. But for those who have a resource connected, work much better than sitting around all the rest. More precisely, "work first, fun later", idleness can also be and even necessary, it relaxes the entire body and relax. But this idleness is good in very small amounts. Even for leisure, preferred recreation, and passive – in a small dose (if we are talking about physical and mental passivity, that is, not about what the person in the hammock active imagination is part of the creative process, and is concerned about relaxation and out of my head for the rest of the body).
Work, by contrast, can take up most of your life time, and if this favorite work, has not only mechanical, but creative, intellectual, social, that is, indirectly for other resources, such work doesn't exhaust the energy reserves in the present, even adds to them, but also secures the future. In the future, this work provides the salary, bonuses, awards, promotion of respect of society, appreciation of loved ones, career growth, skills development, growth of intelligence, the development of new social areas. In contrast to work, idleness, if it occupies a large part of life, it comes exactly the opposite: the money is spent, rising debts, the respect of society is reduced, disgruntled relatives, career breaks, skills, inhibited, intelligence is degraded, the social zone is narrowed.
Paradoxically, even the level of pleasure from idleness, yields to enjoyment of work (if the resource is connected and tuned). Idleness is a passive, mind-numbing pleasure, quickly turning into apathy, boredom, drudgery. Work is fun, active, feeding the self-esteem of the best and high quality food – real achievements, stimulating the brain and to connect all new receptors. From work also can develop addiction, workaholism, but it is quite another as the interaction with the resource, and this addiction is too destructive, no less than any other (although we must pay tribute to that addiction, it grows much slower than the others, and very seldom reaches a destructive threshold, though it happens). How to distinguish the study of the resource from the addiction to him and as a second to avoid it, I will tell in detail now.
And while I would like to mention that in the ethical sphere "debt" has exactly the same properties, i.e. the duty not useful in the abstract, but very specifically because it provides a prosperous tomorrow. The person who is cheating, not paying debts, trying to take someone else's and use others, can get immediate benefits, but creates its own tomorrow's problems (especially when it's a massive scenario, this scenario leads to fast destruction of the society). When some immorality trying to contrast the happiness of a person performing a social duty, they talk about the hardships of the people who perform the debt, and painfully hard. Personality integrated with pleasure and ease complies with ethical rules. Her hate to disturb them. Ethics, harmoniously blended in her personality. She makes a choice between "steal not steal" are not rationally commensurate benefits in either case. It is physically repel and turn away all those things that frankly hurt others (when something is inscribed in the core of self, it begins to not work on a rational level but on an emotional and physical). Thus, the integrated identity ensures the respect and trust of society, his love and support. Unethical people (scammers, cheaters) disintegrated as a person (infantile, stuck in the stage of children's selfishness), so they have all the time to choose – private or public, and of course they make a choice in favor of personal because it affects their health.
And finally, what to do disintegrated person who receives the stress from useful things, and a thrill — from all that is bad? To do such a person the following:
1. Be aware that today's buzz creates a future collapse. Be aware that the useful can also be a thrill if it is to rebuild from within.
2. Do not try to break roughly yourself, forced to do (eating, drinking) is useful and abandon harmful.
3. Be aware that the break-up itself leads to stress and need in harmful buzz becomes even more (stress creates a hole and require additional energy to be darn). Avoid stress.
4. Compromise between today's pleasure and tomorrow's benefits, finding the most pleasant of things useful and least harmful pleasant. To soften the transition, to relieve stress in additional ways.
5. Gradually accustom your body to get pleasure from a useful, slowly removing it from the harmful (though the best way I have to describe this is, of course, pumping resources).
6. This whole gradualism does not concern the deadly pleasures that can break the link. In this case, you must consult a doctor to help you with medicines to alleviate stress in a period of abrupt weaning. This applies to some cases of love addiction when a merger is large and the partner is dangerous to health and life. Sometimes it comes to gambling, extreme sports, Shopaholic, food addiction, etc. And almost always refers to dependency on hard drugs. published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/61454.html