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Herbal teas - useful and tasty!

Herbal teas accelerate metabolism, detoxify the body, and in addition to this - they are extremely fragrant and delicious. Use the properties of useful herbs for the benefit of your body!

Herbal teas - useful and tasty!

If you are difficult to wake up in the morning and at night you can not sleep, do not rush to take up coffee or sleeping pills. Cheer will help tea from lemon balm and stevia, a sweet dream or provide a tincture of hawthorn teas from acacia.

Do you know that some herbal teas have different effects depending on the temperature? For a cool drink from the leaves of black currant and sage perfectly quench thirst, and the same hot tea is able to make the body sweat in the cold.

How to prepare herbal teas?
To maximize herbal tea enriched with nutrients, you need to follow the rules of cooking.
Broth best cook in a water bath. Herbs that do not require long-term (10-15 minutes) to heat treatment, it is necessary to insist in porcelain, glass or enamel pot (in contact with the metal nutrients are destroyed).
Crushed roots and fruits (eg, dog rose) is recommended to brew in a thermos, insisting them for a few hours.

When you need to drink herbal tea?
In the morning you should drink tonic tea (angelica, wild strawberry leaves, flowers and clover leaves, lemongrass, lavender, lyubistik).
In the evening, it is necessary to drink soothing herbal teas (St. John's wort, willow-herb, Raspberry (leaves), peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm, primrose, cherry leaf, etc.).
In winter or early spring, it is desirable to drink multivitamin herbal teas (raspberry leaves, blackberry, black currant, nettle, carrot, rose hips, mountain ash, barberry, buckthorn, etc.).
In the summer of herbal teas are prepared with only the freshest herbs, this period of the year should be used for maximum benefit to the organism.

Herbal tea of ​​lemon balm
Preparation: 1 tablespoon. l. crushed leaves of lemon balm and mint (to connect the components in the same proportions), pour boiling water (1, 5-2 cups), 1 hour, close the lid, and then filter.
Use: This herb tea contains an essential oil, which has a pleasant lemon flavor. It lowers blood pressure, has a tonic effect in the cold, and hot tea is used as a diaphoretic for colds with fever.

Herbal tea made from mint
Preparation: 1 tablespoon. l.izmelchennyh mint leaves pour boiling water (1, 5 cups), brew under the lid for 15 minutes.
The benefits: quenches thirst, reduces appetite. It contains essential oil with antiseptic action (useful for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder). Activates the stomach and intestines, relieves swelling.

herbal tea of ​​chamomile
Preparation: 2 tsp.. flowers pour boiling water (1 cup), to insist under the lid.
Drink fresh: 1-2 hours chamomile tea loses its medicinal properties.
Use: antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect (useful in diseases of the respiratory tract). It relieves spasms and improves digestion in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates flatulence.

Herbal tea of ​​raspberries
Preparation: 1-2 tbsp. l. leaves and flowers raspberries pour boiling water (1, 5 cups), insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours.
Once cooled, you can sweeten a teaspoon raspberry jam, add a slice of lemon.
Use: raspberry jam (or fresh berries, frayed with sugar), as well as tea leaves have diaphoretic and antipyretic properties, used for colds and chills. Astringent and wound-healing effect.

herbal tea from rose hips
Preparation: 1 tablespoon. l. fruit add water {1, 5-2 cups), to boil in an enamel pot for 5-10 minutes, to insist in a thermos.
The hot drink is drunk for colds, accompanied by fever, cold - in the heat.
Benefits: prevention of beriberi - contains 30 times more vitamin C than a lemon. Strengthens the immune system, it has an antiseptic effect in diseases of the urinary tract.

herbal tea from the leaves of black currant
Preparation: 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves pour boiling water (2-2, 5 cups), to insist half an hour under the hood.
Use: a great tea strengthens the body's defenses during colds epidemic. It improves the process of hematopoiesis and metabolism. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Black currant is useful for visual disturbances and heart disease. The hot infusion of leaves and fruits lowers the body temperature.

herbal tea Hawthorn
Preparation: 1 tablespoon. l. hawthorn flowers pour boiling water (1, 5 cups), brew under the lid for 15-20 minutes, drain.
Take this infusion to half a cup 3 times a day.
Use: lowers blood pressure, calms, eliminates insomnia. Beneficial effect on brain blood vessels (especially useful for women in menopause), improves the oxygen supply of the heart tissue, restores metabolism.

herbal tea from the Sudanese rose (hibiscus)
Preparation: 1 tablespoon. l. crushed Sudanese rose petals pour boiling water (1-1, 5 cups), let it brew.
Because of the pronounced laxative effect abusing this tea is not recommended.
Use: in the cold drink refreshes and reduces the pressure in the hot - increases. It contains vitamins B, C, and citric and malic acid. It normalizes appetite and digestion. Removes intoxication in case of poisoning.

Herbal tea linden
Preparation: chopped or whole inflorescence linden (1-2 tsp..) pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-20 minutes under the lid, drain.
Use: this herbal tea normalizes digestion, anti-inflammatory effect in gastritis.
Helps with chills (has diaphoretic properties), helps fight colds (including angina and bronchitis). Removes intoxication caused by poisoning.

Herbal tea from sage
Preparation: chopped leaves (.. 1 tbsp) pour boiling water (1 cup 5-2), push the lid for half an hour.
To improve the taste you can add a slice of lemon or sweet apple.
Use: tea cool refreshing in hot weather, a hot infusion taken as an antiseptic for chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as well as gastritis with a reduced secretory function of the stomach, as a means of boosting the appetite. It is used when you cough.

Herbal tea stevia
Preparation: Connect the crushed herb stevia and lemon balm (1 tsp..), pour boiling water (1 cup 5-2), push the lid for 10-15 minutes, then strain.
Use: Stevia - excellent low-calorie sweetener. The herb stevia is rich in vitamins C, A, E, F, as well as substances that improve the oxygenation of cells. Due to this property stevia normalizes brain blood circulation, improves memory and concentration.

Herbal tea of ​​horsetail
Preparation: 2 tbsp. l. herb horsetail pour boiling water (1, 5-2 cups), hold water bath for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat, drain.
Infusion take half a cup 3 times a day after meals.
Benefits: anti-inflammatory and diuretic action, useful in edema and diseases of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis). It prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases (as rich in silicon).

Herbal tea Nettle
Preparation: 1 tablespoon. l. crushed leaves and roots nettle pour a glass of boiling water, keep the water bath for 5 minutes.
Let it brew (rhizomes can be left for several hours in a thermos).
Use: indicated for bleeding (often prescribed after the birth), anemia, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, liver, bladder and gall bladder, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, metabolic disorders. Vitamins C, A, B2, carotene, pantothenic acid, iron, potassium, calcium.

Herbal tea of ​​birch
Preparation: 2 tbsp. l. a mixture of leaves and buds of birch pour 0, 5 liters of warm water.
Bring to medium heat until boiling. Hold for 10 minutes, remove from heat, let stand, drain.
Use: birch sap has a refreshing and tonic properties. Herbal tea of ​​birch leaves and buds are used in kidney disease (prevent the formation of stones, normalize the excretion of uric acid from the body).

Recipes vitamin herbal tea

Vitamin tea has beneficial effects on the body's metabolism, nourishes it and nourishes with vitamins and microelements.

Strawberry tea - 10 g of dried leaves of strawberry, Hypericum 2 g, 2 g peppermint, 200 ml of water. Porcelain tea rinse with boiling water, cover with a mixture of leaves, pour over boiling water and insist 7-10 minutes.

Cranberry tea - 12 g of dried leaves, cranberries, 10-15 g sugar, 200 ml of water. Porcelain tea rinse with boiling water, cover cranberries leaves, pour boiling water and infuse for 10-15 minutes, add sugar and pour into cups.

Rosehip tea and honey - 20 grams of rose hips, 15 g of honey, 5 grams of lemon juice, 200 ml of water. Dried rose hips crushed, pour boiling water, cook for 10 minutes in an enamel pot with the lid closed, to insist 10 minutes. Broth strain. Add honey, lemon juice.

Rowan tea - 30 grams of dried berries of mountain ash, 5 grams of dried raspberries, 2 grams of dried black currant leaves. The mixture is brewed in a porcelain teapot, insist 5-7 minutes. Used as welding.

Tea from the hips and thyme - 10 grams of dried rose hips, 5 grams of dried thyme leaves, 15 g of honey, 200 ml of water. Hips chop, pour boiling water and cook for 5 minutes, then add the thyme leaves. Insist 10 minutes, drain, add the honey.

Vitamin herbal tea - 20 grams of dried rose hips, 10 g of dried fruits of mountain ash, 5 grams of dried oregano leaves, 200 ml of water. Dried fruits chop, pour boiling water and cook for 5 minutes, then add the oregano leaves and infuse for 10 minutes.