Angela Pearl shares her prediction for the year of the Dragon for all zodiac signs according to the Chinese horoscope

Astronomer Angela Pearl He never misses an opportunity to please us and prefers to look at things positively. After all, you can benefit from any position of the stars, the main thing is to know how. Her latest analysis is very unusual, because before this stargazer has never made predictions for the Chinese New Year. But, as Angela herself said, this year is absolutely special and she definitely will not miss the opportunity to give it to her. Dragon year forecast! And this is fiery energy, the energy of undertakings and conquests. So Angela decided to start this special year with something new.

The astrologer says: “It’s time to change your life for the better, because it is in this year you can fight with your family.” dragon and even to win”. The king of the Chinese signs came into force from the new moon, that is, February 10. And this marked the beginning of the cycle of powerful Jupiter, which will last 12 years. According to the cycle, the Dragon is fifth, and the five, according to numerology, the number of changes. Therefore, they will catch up with each of us to some extent. How exactly, says Angela Pearl.

Forecast for the Year of the Dragon

Unsplash Prediction for People Born in the Year of the Cat/Rabbit Cat or RabbitThe next rotation of the Earth around the Sun is very important. They are at the very beginning of the cycle. It will be helpful for them to start something from scratch in a new place or profession, and even a new relationship will be a good solution. Immigration, relocation and new hobbies will be the main hassles for Rabbits and Cats and at the same time good opportunities to change their lives for the better.

Forecast for people born in the year of the Tiger, the year of beginnings was last, 2023. And this year they are under the influence of two, which indicates partnership, collaborations. On the one hand, these will be changes in romantic relationships – new challenges will appear, but also opportunities to customize life and interaction. What the Year of the Dragon is Good for Tigers career. They will simply be unseemly lucky in the professional sphere, a great career leap and new cooperation are expected.

Unsplash Prediction for the Year of the Dragon for Bulls of the Year reward for the work done back in 2023. But specifically, representatives bull-mark The year 2024 will be remembered for forming the foundation for the next endeavors. It will be useful to set goals for the future and prepare well for them, learn, improve skills. Someone will be successful this year.

The Rat is stable, we can say that only with them the Dragon will show exemplary behavior and will not give much to worry. On the one hand, if last year was very busy, this is a great opportunity to relax. But for some more ambitious rats The year may seem a little stuffy, too calm and monotonous. But this is a good time to start a new romantic relationship that will distract from the usual way of life.

Unsplash Prediction for People Born in the Year of the Pig Who Will Not Sit Still year of the Pig. They have the fifth year of the cycle, which is superimposed on the five of the Dragon. There comes a very energetic period, full of travel, moving, dating, popularity. Life can change in a way that will never be boring. This is a change of activity, new beginnings, and, most importantly, the energy for all this.

Prediction for People Born in the Year of the Dog If Your Year dog-yearGet ready for a change in your family. It could be a baby or a wedding, for example. It is possible that some lost relative will appear. But here’s where you really need to be careful – so health. You should be very attentive to your diet, sleep regimen and habits. The Year of the Dragon will be a good way to change your lifestyle. At the same time, the scope of activity may even change. Dogs will be mired in domestic duties and routine, and this will be necessary to restore order in life.

According to Angela Pearl, the Roosters will have the most successful year: they will be lucky in love, money, and real estate. But in general, it is worth counting on serious positive changes in relations. A great chance to meet your soul mate or arrange a long-awaited divorce. Anyway, Romantic dating is inevitable. This luck extends a bit to business relationships, the search for business partners.

Prediction for People Born in the Year of the Monkey, Prepare Your Wallets! After all, this year will be a year of finance and successful investments. Eight, under which he will pass, predicts abundance and generous gifts fate. It can be a promotion, a bonus, an inheritance or a profitable business. But you have to be careful, because the eight often talk about crisis and health problems. The crisis can overtake in any area of life, so you need to be more attentive and be sure to undergo a check with doctors.

Unsplash Forecast for people born in the year of the Goat in the year of the Dragon will all succeed with an easy hand. 2024 will be a period of time superluckFortune will not get you into trouble. This is mainly due to the number nine, which will become a symbol of success and luck for Goats. There will be a lot of travel, most things will happen the first time, and even paperwork will pass without a hitch and without a hitch. It’s time to buy a lottery ticket!

The prognosis for people born in the Year of the Horse expects a real leap in terms of ambition and achievement of goals. In general, we can even say that many Horses in 2024 will be able to either change their status, become what they have long wanted to be, or approach the level of self-realization to which they aspired. It's big yearThe year of opening your inner self, the year of working on yourself. The catch can only wait in terms of finances - Angela Pearl strongly advises not to risk money.

Unsplash And the Serpents enter a cycle of grace and summation. In 2024, they will finally get all the achievements of the past, all the results of their hard work over the past decade. It will be useful to take a short pause and think about life, analyze whether you are happy, whether you like your job and home. Also. dragon-year It will be a year when you can make your deepest wishes and they will come true.

Forecast for people born in the year of the Dragon are the culprits of the triumph of reason and progress. For them, 2024 is the final, or rather zero. The cycle begins again. For those of you who have. sum upGlobal changes will begin in 2024. Those who have held on to a past life will need a little more thought. But absolutely all Dragons in 2024 are recommended to get rid of everything old and unnecessary. There comes a period of great beginnings and revision of values, even a change of religion, mentality, name or surname.

Unsplash Angela Pearl. The year of the Dragon is very positive. She stressed that for many, he will become a springboard for the manifestation of talents and his inner self. Therefore, all representatives Chinese horoscope We are waiting for a very energetic and busy 2024. Are you ready for a change?


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