It is necessary to endure until January 2, Mercury retrograde will turn everything around, life will become easier.

Do you know what Mercury will look like in December? Even those who are not interested in astrology and horoscopes have heard of this phenomenon. Now it is customary in case of failure or bad mood to joke that it is Mercury in retrograde to blame. If only it were that simple! As they say, there is some truth in every joke.

This phenomenon is not uncommon, it happens 3-4 times a year and lasts for 3-4 weeks. Right now, we are in one of those star chart positions. Solar Angela Pearl got in touch on the first day of this difficult period for all to tell what will be retrograde Mercury in December.

In fact, it will not be limited to December alone. This time the period of change and upheaval will take up to 5 weeks as we are with you. at an amazing point in time and space. How it will affect the life of everyone, what you can do and what you can not, says an astrologer with experience Angela Pearl. She also compiled an individual horoscope for each of the zodiac signs.

A little bit about what is happening with Mercury right now. On December 13, he turned in the 8th degree of Capricorn and went in the opposite direction. This is a time when you need to stop and think. It is also a time of great and unexpected changes, unpredictable turns of fate. Mercury will return only on January 2, and only then it will be possible to exhale calmly.

Unsplash Angela Pearl warns: in this period of time, do not start anything new – change your mind! That is, opening a business, concluding new contracts and even long-awaited trips can go dramatically wrong. The most dangerous date of reversals, that is, December 13 and January 2. It's better to double-check these days! If the plane is booked, check the dates, review the documents again, arrive at the airport in advance. It is possible that the flight will be canceled on this day.

What can you do during Mercury retrograde? Here’s what the specialist said: You can do everything that begins with the prefix re-sign the contract, re-take the exam, re-plan your vacation or budget. This is a great time to learn and gather more information, generally for reflection.”

Mercury retrograde will bless everything related to putting things right, correcting past mistakes. From its very name, it becomes clear that it calls for a look into the past. At this moment, long-time acquaintances often appear on the horizon, long-extinct feelings flare up, old customers are announced. It will be appropriate to reconcile and visit distant relatives, finish repairs, renew relationships, buy antiques or used things. And everything related to the future and the new, it is better to put in a distant box.

Do not get hot and do a new haircut, especially you should refrain from plastic surgery and buying a new property. Watch and choose - yes, buy - no! It is possible to undergo medical examinations, but it is not recommended to install implants or dye your hair in a new color. Angela Pearl also gives a hint: Look carefully around.Mercury retrograde helps to find old things. It can be lost documents, jewelry and so on. Let’s see what happened to the different zodiac signs.

Mercury retrograde in December: Aries has Mercury retrograde in the 10th house. It's about career and work. Perhaps you will be called to the old place, will appear colleagues from long past work days. It is possible that one of the Aries will want to retire, and he will be asked to stay a little longer. Simply put, the 10th house is all higher. Expect news from your superiors and fathers, for the tenth house is also your stepfather. Perhaps you will have a serious conversation or find some mention of the parent - photos, documents or a letter.

Unsplash Taurus 9th house is about education in every sense. You. A spiritual and intellectual challenge. At this point, you can retake exams, recover to study or even receive a second and third education. If anyone is more fortunate than others in terms of travel, it is Taurus. The 9th House is also about travel.

Twins. Money, money, money! This time Mercury overtakes Gemini in the 8th house, associated with finance and bureaucracy. It is possible to change plans for the distribution of the budget, increase or decrease housing fees, changes in wages. Old bills may come in. It doesn’t have to be you in the middle of a financial coup, perhaps your partner or a family member.

So coincidentally, both Mercury in the seventh house and the Cancers themselves are for the most part loving and sensual. Marriage, love, partners and relationships are top priorities for the coming years, as Mercury is in the 7th house. Angela Pearl predicts meetings with former loverswhich will have a mostly positive result. The only thing to fear is promises. A person who made a promise during Mercury retrograde will likely not keep his word.

The seventh house is also an old enemy. You will probably hear some kind of gossip or, conversely, one of the old enemies will hear about you.

What a positive Mercury retrograde will bring in December: Leo Mercury will turn out to be a solution to old problems. The sixth house represents the sphere of health and repair. It is time to take tests, conduct an examination, establish a regimen or treat an old pathology. Leo should concentrate on repairs in a global sense: to improve health, take time home, transplant plants and plants. Take care of your loved ones.

The Virgin will find Mercury, which will unfold for her in the fifth house, and this is the home of children, love and hobbies. If you are planning a child, there is simply no better time to prepare. Also expect news from your sons or daughters. It can be a change of school, a change in the university program, or just an unexpected visit of already grown children. Most likely, in the coming month, you will be drawn back to old hobbies - you will want to tie a sweater, paintBack to the dance and so on.

In Libra, Mercury retrograde will be associated primarily with home, family and homeland in the most global sense. Here's who's going to have the most beautiful renovation this year! This is also a good time to re-sign rental contracts. It would be useful to visit the parents. Especially sensitive Libra need to be with her mother - perhaps big changes are coming in her life.

Learning and communication are priorities for Scorpios in January and December 2024. Since Mercury will be in the third house in retrograde, you can expect a good combination of circumstances to return to its roots. It can be a reunion with your family, an old company, a return to university, if that profession was your calling. And a lot of communication with people you know well - childhood friends, classmates and classmates, brothers and sisters.

Astrologer Angela recalls that the third house is also connected with technology and transport. A great opportunity to sell a car, washing machine or an old phone.

Unsplash Sagittarius is another sign waiting for changes in the financial sphere. You may be delayed (retrograde Mercury likes to pause financial transactions). Also, the astrologer advises to keep checks after all purchases made on the eve of the New Year, there is a risk of changing your mind and returning the goods. Or the return will be due to marriage. In general, Mercury can tempt you to spend a lot of money on things that may not be necessary in the end.

Who is waiting for a fairy tale in December: Capricorns Mercury unfolds in the sign of Capricorn. Thus, its representatives will feel the wind of change more than others. The initiators of surprises will be them. In December, it is unlikely to keep promises, come on time and generally gather their thoughts.

It’s as if the chaos itself will burst into their lives and confuse all plans! This can apply to both personal and business relationships. Mercury is also in the first house. There will be a great temptation to change the image, to return to the old relationship, to return the old name. What’s good is that Mercury will help Capricorns complete some long-established business. For example, drafting a contract, removing a document from the archive and other paper litigation.

Who should be careful in October: Aquarius Cleansing and detox are true attributes of the 12th house. It is possible that it is time to seriously take care of your health, give up alcohol and cigarettes, cleanse yourself of toxins. Detox is also possible in a figurative sense: during Mercury retrograde, it is good to get rid of toxic people and relationships. In addition to these items, do not forget about keeping the house clean: perhaps it’s time to dump a couple of old pieces of furniture?

Pisces in the next two months will be useful to dream! Study, choose, Planning travel or new work projects. Of course, these plans can be very unstable. However, it is through inspiration that they will be able to slightly determine their desires. The eleventh house is the home of friends, and you can meet someone from your old surroundings.

You can see all the details in the video of the beautiful Angela:


So we are all in for an exciting time of change and surprise, according to Angela Pearl. It is best to take a vacation, because Mercury likes to put life on pause. On January 21, it will finally turn around and be in a good position. Then the aspect to Jupiter - the planet of opportunity and luck - will be 120 degrees. If you want to do something great, it will be a great opportunity to change your life for the better.


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