25 things you need to get done urgently
Similarly, noted in Forbes
So 25 items:
01. Buy a 100-watt light bulb
Electric lamps with 100 watts or more from January 1, 2011 will not be admitted to circulation on the territory of Russia.
This is stated in the law "On energy saving and energy efficiency improvements and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." Gradually disappear from the market and other bulb: from January 1, 2013 ban on the planned turnover of bulbs 75-watt or more, and from January 1, 2014 - rated at 25 watts. The world leader in the fight for low power consumption in favor of England. There incandescent lamp of 75 watts and 100 were banned in 2009, and from January 1, 2011 under a ban fall bulb rated at more than 40 watts.
02. To walk around Paris in burqa
On January 1, 2011 in France enters into force a ban on wearing Muslim in public places clothing that hides the woman's face. Fall under the ban, therefore, the veil, burqa and niqab. The penalty for violation of € 150. Much more penalty provided for men who force women to wear such clothes - € 30 000.
September 14, the French Senate almost unanimously (246 members were "for" and only one - "against") voted for this law. The ban applies to all, including tourists from other countries, but under it fall only varieties of clothing that covers the face. So to cover up a hair scarf hijab wear is still permitted. For nearly a month of waiting for opponents of the law reports that the ban thinks the Constitutional Court, which could consider that the document violates the rights of the citizens. However, the October 8, 2010 document was approved, and in this instance.
03. The fish in Israel and in the Aleutian Islands
On January 1, 2011 comes into force the government solution a total ban on fishing in the Kinneret, as well as in the Upper Jordan River and its tributaries.
Notification to this effect was issued on November 7 at the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of Israel. The ban includes all the types of freshwater fishing, even sports - when the fish caught is released back. According to Israeli media, in essence the law is "anti-Russian" because it is mainly come from Russia and former Soviet Union like to do in Israel fishing.
Since January 1, comes into action and ban the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US catch of cod and mackerel to Western Aleutian Islands.
04. Spend the maternity capital for mortgage
From 1 January 2011 it will be abolished position to send the maternity capital to repay the mortgage loan or loans for housing, without waiting for the child's third birthday.
Previously, paragraph 6.1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law №256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children" on 29 December 2006 allowed to do so at any time of the birth (adoption) of the second, third or subsequent children. According to the explanation of the Pension Fund, the borrowers will be able to direct the maternity capital to pay off the mortgage loans without any restrictions relating to the age of the child, if the credit agreement for the purchase or construction of housing concluded before December 31, 2010.
05. Buy Fiat with the familiar logo
From 1 January 2011, the Italian automaker FIAT logo changes. The new logo was developed by an Italian advertising agency Robilant Associati and presented to the public in mid-November of 2010.
Changing the logo accompanied by the separation company into two parts, which is formally the same will happen on January 1st. The automaker will allocate unit production of agricultural, construction and trucks into a separate company. Thus created company will be called Fiat Industrial SpA and will produce only technique special-purpose, while the company Fiat SpA continue to produce cars.
06. To pay for electricity
The company's decision "Mosenergosbyt" from 1 January 2011, the bank rates will be excluded from the cost of electricity, that is, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region will have to pay for them separately.
Currently, the bank rate is included in the price per kilowatt-hour, and thus pays its own energy supplier. The amount of commission to be charged by banks are still to be confirmed, but the more expensive electricity itself. The rising cost of JSC "Mosenergosbyt" on January 1, 2011 will be 9, 9% for apartments with electric stoves (2, 66 rubles per kWh instead of 2, 42), and 10, 1% for apartments with gas stoves (3, 80 rubles for kWh instead of 3, 45).
07. Spend the Estonian kroon and the Netherlands Antillean Guilder
From 1 January 2011, by the decision of the European Commission Estonia joins the euro area. The Estonian kroon, produced from 1928 to 1940 and from 1992 to the present, will be completely replaced by the new currency. The exchange will last until 14 January 2011. The exchange rate will be 15 kroons for 6466 of € 1.
It is worth noting that this is not the first transition of the Estonian state one currency to another: in 1928 the Estonian kroon was replaced existed before the Estonian Mark.
Along with Estonia in the other currency will go and special municipalities of the Netherlands, located in the Caribbean: Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. To replace the Netherlands Antilles guilder here come the US dollar.
08. Save on travel to Rome
According to the decision of the City Council of Rome, from 1 January 2011, the City will charge a so-called tourist tax, which would pay nearly all staying in the city tourists.
If you live in apartments or hotels to three stars, each tourist will pay € 2 per night, and those who stay in hotels 4-5 stars, - € 3. The tax will be charged for each night (but no more than ten) and will be paid when leaving the country. Will be exempt from taxes consist of hostels and children up to two years. All the money authorities are going to send to the improvement and development of the tourist service.
09. Take advantage of cheap labor
From 1 January 2011 the quota for foreign workers in the retail trade in alcoholic beverages and pharmaceutical goods retailing in tents on the market and other trading outside stores will be zero.
This is stated in the decree of the Russian Government №947 dated November 27, 2010 "On the establishment in 2011 allowed proportion of foreign workers employed by business entities engaged in activity in the retail sector and in the field of sport in the Russian Federation." From this decision that in the field of sports of foreign workers permitted to engage in an amount not exceeding 25% of the total headcount. Prior to January 1, 2011 all enterprises need to bring the number of foreign workers in line with the new requirements.
10. Buy cheap vodka
From 1 January 2011, the minimum retail price for vodka and other alcoholic products fortress over 28 degrees will rise from 89 to 98 rubles for 0, 5 liters.
The minimum price at which a manufacturer can sell vodka wholesalers to increase from 70 to 77, 7 rubles. Wholesalers also not be allowed to sell vodka for under 85, 5 rubles. It is reported with reference to Rosalkogolregulirovanie «Interfax».
11. Visit the museum "House stationmaster»
From 1 January 2011 it is planned to close indefinitely Museum "House stationmaster", located in the village of Expression Gatchina district and open to the public since 1972.
Several news outlets reported that in early December 2010. Despite the fact that in the museum that information could neither confirm nor deny, an employee of the Museum agency of Leningrad region Valentina Kirin explained that the closure of the museum by the need to repair.
12. Buy frozen chicken
From 1 January 2011 Russia introduced a complete ban on the turnover of deep-frozen poultry - said the November 3, 2010 the chief state sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko.
By the new year, according to Onishchenko, poultry must be sold in stores just chilled. It should be noted that shortly before Russia imposed a ban on poultry meat treated with chlorine-containing drugs, and the use of frozen poultry meat in the production of baby food.
13. Write a letter to the newspaper "Illichivets-sports»
The only Mariupol sports newspaper "Illichivets Sport" will cease to exist from January 1, 2011.
Closure of the observers associated with the change of leadership at the plant "MMK Ilyich", which belongs to the newspaper "Illichivets-sports", and known regional newspaper "Illichivets." "Illichivets" is one of the most prominent regional newspapers in Ukraine and applied not only in Mariupol, but also in the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhya regions, and also has affiliated publications: "Illichivets-Capital", "Illichivets-Uman", "Illichivets-Crimea" "Illichivets - Krivoy Rog" and "Illichivets-Zaporizhzhya».
14. Buy a used refrigerator in Ghana
From 1 January 2011, import of used refrigerators in Ghana and their sale through retail network completely stopped.
The first attempts to ban the import of used refrigerators in Ghana (mostly - from European countries) have been taken by the Parliament in 2008, when it was made public, and then approved the draft law. Imports had to stop for 9 May 2010 but because of the violent protests of sellers who do not have time to sell existing refrigerators by that date, the entry into force of the ban has been postponed until the coming of the new year.
15. Bring a used car in Kazakhstan
On January 1, 2011 comes into effect a ban on the import of automobiles Kazakhstan, not conforming to Euro-3 standards.
An appropriate statement by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are no restrictions on the use of imported into the country before the new year is not planned to enter cars. Euro-3 standard was adopted in Europe in 2000 and in 2006 was replaced by Euro-4 standard. Go to this standard, Kazakhstan plans to January 1, 2014.
16. Cut a part of the beak in chickens
From 1 January 2011 the Ministry of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in England (DEFRA) ordered all the country's farmers to abandon beak trimming chickens and other domestic birds using termonozhey.
Extremely painful procedure beak trimming, ie the cut-off part of the beak of young birds used in agriculture around the world to prevent injury to the birds each other, as well as damage to bird eggs. Beak trimming using less common technologies - laser and infra-red - is still legal, but from January 1, 2016 DEFRA plans to introduce a total ban on this cruel procedure.
17. Buy a plastic bag in Italy and Malaysia
From 1 January 2011, in Italy enters into force a ban on the use and production of plastic bags.
This was stated by December 4 2010 Italian Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo. According to the Ministry of common data, the Italians annually emit more 20 billion plastic bags, and 73% of the population in favor of full transition to a package of alternative materials - cotton, flax and hemp.
On the same day a similar ban comes into force in Malaysia - but not throughout the country, but only in the state of Penang, the most populous in the country (in 2457, 33 people per sq. Km).
18. Ride in a truck on the morning Tel Aviv
C January 1, 2011 will be denied passage of trucks through the Tel Aviv from 6 to 9 am. This was stated by the Israeli Transport Minister Yisrael Katz.
This ban, the minister said, is intended to rid the city from morning traffic jams and significantly improve the environment. Supporters of the ban point that a similar law, which came into force a year ago in Jerusalem proved to be a very effective measure. Opponents of the ban are reminded in Jerusalem - as opposed to Tel Aviv - the drivers were offered numerous detour routes.
19. Send SMS, while driving in Kentucky
From 1 January 2011, the police will have the right of Kentucky impose a fine for writing SMS while driving. For a first offense - $ 25 for each subsequent - $ 50.
The law to ban SMS behind the wheel was signed by the Governor of Kentucky Steve Beshearom another 15 July 2010 and entered into force immediately, but before January 1, 2011 police staff may only verbally warn offender non-compliance of the laws of the state. An exception is made only for reports of wrongdoing, or if necessary, call an ambulance
20. A ride in a car with flashing lights, not respecting the ethics
From 1 January 2011 to drive spetssignalami equipped with flashing light and the car will be able to only those drivers who have been trained on the new program, approved by the Ministry of Education.
This was announced in early December, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The special course will include not only general training, theory lessons on safety and first aid to the wounded, but also the course "Ethics of driving with spetssignalami." As explained by representatives of the State Technological College №21, who will participate in the training program to retrain all the drivers will leave no more than one and a half weeks.
21. fly over Scotland and drink
From 1 January 2011, the British Regional airline Flybe, serving mainly Scotland and all major Scottish island on January 1, raises ticket prices and will no longer offer passengers free alcoholic beverages and soft.
The exact amount of increase is not yet known.
22. cash in on Belarusians
On January 1, Russia cancels export duties on oil for Belarus. Experts estimate that the annual losses of the Russian budget will be about $ 2 billion.
On December 9, the Kremlin held a meeting of the Supreme Body of the Customs Union and the Interstate Council of Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), the results of which the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia adopted a Declaration on the formation of the Common Economic Space. The same day, a separate meeting of Medvedev and Lukashenka to discuss the procedure for payment of customs duties on petroleum products. In return for the Russian indulgence Belarus Moscow has pledged to transfer 100% fees it receives from the export of oil products.
23. adopt a child from Vietnam
On January 1, 2011 in Viet Nam is greatly complicated adoption of children by foreigners.
The new law on adoptions with the number 52/2010 / QH12 Vietnam was passed by Parliament on 17 June 2010 and comes into force on 1 January 2011. As the one of the items, foreign nationals will now be allowed to adopt a Vietnamese child just in case if at this moment there is not a single application for adoption of Vietnamese family.
24. Stock up on cheap tickets on the Moscow transport
Moscow public transportation - surface and underground - from January 1, will become more expensive.
A ticket for the bus or trolley bus will cost 25 rubles is now, not 24 rubles. The price of a trip on the subway will grow even stronger - 2 rubles. Subscription for 365 days will cost 11 430 rubles - almost 1,500 rubles more expensive than it is now.
25. a cigarette in Spanish or Polish bar
In Spain, the new year comes into force a law on smoking in public places, banning smoking in all the bars, cafes and restaurants.
Today, smoking is allowed in the bars of less than 100 square meters. m, as well as in restaurants, equipped with special areas for smokers. The Spanish authorities have provided smooth introduction of the law: it will come into force until January 2, 2011, so that New Year's Eve you can still smoke.
Since January 1, the possibility to fine violators ban on smoking in public places will receive the Polish police. Here complete ban on smoking in bars and restaurants came into force November 15, 2010.
He graduated, thank you.
So 25 items:
01. Buy a 100-watt light bulb
Electric lamps with 100 watts or more from January 1, 2011 will not be admitted to circulation on the territory of Russia.
This is stated in the law "On energy saving and energy efficiency improvements and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." Gradually disappear from the market and other bulb: from January 1, 2013 ban on the planned turnover of bulbs 75-watt or more, and from January 1, 2014 - rated at 25 watts. The world leader in the fight for low power consumption in favor of England. There incandescent lamp of 75 watts and 100 were banned in 2009, and from January 1, 2011 under a ban fall bulb rated at more than 40 watts.

02. To walk around Paris in burqa
On January 1, 2011 in France enters into force a ban on wearing Muslim in public places clothing that hides the woman's face. Fall under the ban, therefore, the veil, burqa and niqab. The penalty for violation of € 150. Much more penalty provided for men who force women to wear such clothes - € 30 000.
September 14, the French Senate almost unanimously (246 members were "for" and only one - "against") voted for this law. The ban applies to all, including tourists from other countries, but under it fall only varieties of clothing that covers the face. So to cover up a hair scarf hijab wear is still permitted. For nearly a month of waiting for opponents of the law reports that the ban thinks the Constitutional Court, which could consider that the document violates the rights of the citizens. However, the October 8, 2010 document was approved, and in this instance.

03. The fish in Israel and in the Aleutian Islands
On January 1, 2011 comes into force the government solution a total ban on fishing in the Kinneret, as well as in the Upper Jordan River and its tributaries.
Notification to this effect was issued on November 7 at the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of Israel. The ban includes all the types of freshwater fishing, even sports - when the fish caught is released back. According to Israeli media, in essence the law is "anti-Russian" because it is mainly come from Russia and former Soviet Union like to do in Israel fishing.
Since January 1, comes into action and ban the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US catch of cod and mackerel to Western Aleutian Islands.

04. Spend the maternity capital for mortgage
From 1 January 2011 it will be abolished position to send the maternity capital to repay the mortgage loan or loans for housing, without waiting for the child's third birthday.
Previously, paragraph 6.1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law №256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children" on 29 December 2006 allowed to do so at any time of the birth (adoption) of the second, third or subsequent children. According to the explanation of the Pension Fund, the borrowers will be able to direct the maternity capital to pay off the mortgage loans without any restrictions relating to the age of the child, if the credit agreement for the purchase or construction of housing concluded before December 31, 2010.

05. Buy Fiat with the familiar logo
From 1 January 2011, the Italian automaker FIAT logo changes. The new logo was developed by an Italian advertising agency Robilant Associati and presented to the public in mid-November of 2010.
Changing the logo accompanied by the separation company into two parts, which is formally the same will happen on January 1st. The automaker will allocate unit production of agricultural, construction and trucks into a separate company. Thus created company will be called Fiat Industrial SpA and will produce only technique special-purpose, while the company Fiat SpA continue to produce cars.

06. To pay for electricity
The company's decision "Mosenergosbyt" from 1 January 2011, the bank rates will be excluded from the cost of electricity, that is, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region will have to pay for them separately.
Currently, the bank rate is included in the price per kilowatt-hour, and thus pays its own energy supplier. The amount of commission to be charged by banks are still to be confirmed, but the more expensive electricity itself. The rising cost of JSC "Mosenergosbyt" on January 1, 2011 will be 9, 9% for apartments with electric stoves (2, 66 rubles per kWh instead of 2, 42), and 10, 1% for apartments with gas stoves (3, 80 rubles for kWh instead of 3, 45).

07. Spend the Estonian kroon and the Netherlands Antillean Guilder
From 1 January 2011, by the decision of the European Commission Estonia joins the euro area. The Estonian kroon, produced from 1928 to 1940 and from 1992 to the present, will be completely replaced by the new currency. The exchange will last until 14 January 2011. The exchange rate will be 15 kroons for 6466 of € 1.
It is worth noting that this is not the first transition of the Estonian state one currency to another: in 1928 the Estonian kroon was replaced existed before the Estonian Mark.
Along with Estonia in the other currency will go and special municipalities of the Netherlands, located in the Caribbean: Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. To replace the Netherlands Antilles guilder here come the US dollar.

08. Save on travel to Rome
According to the decision of the City Council of Rome, from 1 January 2011, the City will charge a so-called tourist tax, which would pay nearly all staying in the city tourists.
If you live in apartments or hotels to three stars, each tourist will pay € 2 per night, and those who stay in hotels 4-5 stars, - € 3. The tax will be charged for each night (but no more than ten) and will be paid when leaving the country. Will be exempt from taxes consist of hostels and children up to two years. All the money authorities are going to send to the improvement and development of the tourist service.

09. Take advantage of cheap labor
From 1 January 2011 the quota for foreign workers in the retail trade in alcoholic beverages and pharmaceutical goods retailing in tents on the market and other trading outside stores will be zero.
This is stated in the decree of the Russian Government №947 dated November 27, 2010 "On the establishment in 2011 allowed proportion of foreign workers employed by business entities engaged in activity in the retail sector and in the field of sport in the Russian Federation." From this decision that in the field of sports of foreign workers permitted to engage in an amount not exceeding 25% of the total headcount. Prior to January 1, 2011 all enterprises need to bring the number of foreign workers in line with the new requirements.

10. Buy cheap vodka
From 1 January 2011, the minimum retail price for vodka and other alcoholic products fortress over 28 degrees will rise from 89 to 98 rubles for 0, 5 liters.
The minimum price at which a manufacturer can sell vodka wholesalers to increase from 70 to 77, 7 rubles. Wholesalers also not be allowed to sell vodka for under 85, 5 rubles. It is reported with reference to Rosalkogolregulirovanie «Interfax».

11. Visit the museum "House stationmaster»
From 1 January 2011 it is planned to close indefinitely Museum "House stationmaster", located in the village of Expression Gatchina district and open to the public since 1972.
Several news outlets reported that in early December 2010. Despite the fact that in the museum that information could neither confirm nor deny, an employee of the Museum agency of Leningrad region Valentina Kirin explained that the closure of the museum by the need to repair.

12. Buy frozen chicken
From 1 January 2011 Russia introduced a complete ban on the turnover of deep-frozen poultry - said the November 3, 2010 the chief state sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko.
By the new year, according to Onishchenko, poultry must be sold in stores just chilled. It should be noted that shortly before Russia imposed a ban on poultry meat treated with chlorine-containing drugs, and the use of frozen poultry meat in the production of baby food.

13. Write a letter to the newspaper "Illichivets-sports»
The only Mariupol sports newspaper "Illichivets Sport" will cease to exist from January 1, 2011.
Closure of the observers associated with the change of leadership at the plant "MMK Ilyich", which belongs to the newspaper "Illichivets-sports", and known regional newspaper "Illichivets." "Illichivets" is one of the most prominent regional newspapers in Ukraine and applied not only in Mariupol, but also in the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhya regions, and also has affiliated publications: "Illichivets-Capital", "Illichivets-Uman", "Illichivets-Crimea" "Illichivets - Krivoy Rog" and "Illichivets-Zaporizhzhya».

14. Buy a used refrigerator in Ghana
From 1 January 2011, import of used refrigerators in Ghana and their sale through retail network completely stopped.
The first attempts to ban the import of used refrigerators in Ghana (mostly - from European countries) have been taken by the Parliament in 2008, when it was made public, and then approved the draft law. Imports had to stop for 9 May 2010 but because of the violent protests of sellers who do not have time to sell existing refrigerators by that date, the entry into force of the ban has been postponed until the coming of the new year.

15. Bring a used car in Kazakhstan
On January 1, 2011 comes into effect a ban on the import of automobiles Kazakhstan, not conforming to Euro-3 standards.
An appropriate statement by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are no restrictions on the use of imported into the country before the new year is not planned to enter cars. Euro-3 standard was adopted in Europe in 2000 and in 2006 was replaced by Euro-4 standard. Go to this standard, Kazakhstan plans to January 1, 2014.

16. Cut a part of the beak in chickens
From 1 January 2011 the Ministry of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in England (DEFRA) ordered all the country's farmers to abandon beak trimming chickens and other domestic birds using termonozhey.
Extremely painful procedure beak trimming, ie the cut-off part of the beak of young birds used in agriculture around the world to prevent injury to the birds each other, as well as damage to bird eggs. Beak trimming using less common technologies - laser and infra-red - is still legal, but from January 1, 2016 DEFRA plans to introduce a total ban on this cruel procedure.

17. Buy a plastic bag in Italy and Malaysia
From 1 January 2011, in Italy enters into force a ban on the use and production of plastic bags.
This was stated by December 4 2010 Italian Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo. According to the Ministry of common data, the Italians annually emit more 20 billion plastic bags, and 73% of the population in favor of full transition to a package of alternative materials - cotton, flax and hemp.
On the same day a similar ban comes into force in Malaysia - but not throughout the country, but only in the state of Penang, the most populous in the country (in 2457, 33 people per sq. Km).

18. Ride in a truck on the morning Tel Aviv
C January 1, 2011 will be denied passage of trucks through the Tel Aviv from 6 to 9 am. This was stated by the Israeli Transport Minister Yisrael Katz.
This ban, the minister said, is intended to rid the city from morning traffic jams and significantly improve the environment. Supporters of the ban point that a similar law, which came into force a year ago in Jerusalem proved to be a very effective measure. Opponents of the ban are reminded in Jerusalem - as opposed to Tel Aviv - the drivers were offered numerous detour routes.

19. Send SMS, while driving in Kentucky
From 1 January 2011, the police will have the right of Kentucky impose a fine for writing SMS while driving. For a first offense - $ 25 for each subsequent - $ 50.
The law to ban SMS behind the wheel was signed by the Governor of Kentucky Steve Beshearom another 15 July 2010 and entered into force immediately, but before January 1, 2011 police staff may only verbally warn offender non-compliance of the laws of the state. An exception is made only for reports of wrongdoing, or if necessary, call an ambulance

20. A ride in a car with flashing lights, not respecting the ethics
From 1 January 2011 to drive spetssignalami equipped with flashing light and the car will be able to only those drivers who have been trained on the new program, approved by the Ministry of Education.
This was announced in early December, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The special course will include not only general training, theory lessons on safety and first aid to the wounded, but also the course "Ethics of driving with spetssignalami." As explained by representatives of the State Technological College №21, who will participate in the training program to retrain all the drivers will leave no more than one and a half weeks.

21. fly over Scotland and drink
From 1 January 2011, the British Regional airline Flybe, serving mainly Scotland and all major Scottish island on January 1, raises ticket prices and will no longer offer passengers free alcoholic beverages and soft.
The exact amount of increase is not yet known.

22. cash in on Belarusians
On January 1, Russia cancels export duties on oil for Belarus. Experts estimate that the annual losses of the Russian budget will be about $ 2 billion.
On December 9, the Kremlin held a meeting of the Supreme Body of the Customs Union and the Interstate Council of Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), the results of which the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia adopted a Declaration on the formation of the Common Economic Space. The same day, a separate meeting of Medvedev and Lukashenka to discuss the procedure for payment of customs duties on petroleum products. In return for the Russian indulgence Belarus Moscow has pledged to transfer 100% fees it receives from the export of oil products.

23. adopt a child from Vietnam
On January 1, 2011 in Viet Nam is greatly complicated adoption of children by foreigners.
The new law on adoptions with the number 52/2010 / QH12 Vietnam was passed by Parliament on 17 June 2010 and comes into force on 1 January 2011. As the one of the items, foreign nationals will now be allowed to adopt a Vietnamese child just in case if at this moment there is not a single application for adoption of Vietnamese family.

24. Stock up on cheap tickets on the Moscow transport
Moscow public transportation - surface and underground - from January 1, will become more expensive.
A ticket for the bus or trolley bus will cost 25 rubles is now, not 24 rubles. The price of a trip on the subway will grow even stronger - 2 rubles. Subscription for 365 days will cost 11 430 rubles - almost 1,500 rubles more expensive than it is now.

25. a cigarette in Spanish or Polish bar
In Spain, the new year comes into force a law on smoking in public places, banning smoking in all the bars, cafes and restaurants.
Today, smoking is allowed in the bars of less than 100 square meters. m, as well as in restaurants, equipped with special areas for smokers. The Spanish authorities have provided smooth introduction of the law: it will come into force until January 2, 2011, so that New Year's Eve you can still smoke.
Since January 1, the possibility to fine violators ban on smoking in public places will receive the Polish police. Here complete ban on smoking in bars and restaurants came into force November 15, 2010.
He graduated, thank you.
