I have 200 days of not buying any new things. And that's what I understood
A few months ago I went through the worst experience in my life: my father passed away. He had cancer.
But in our society it is not accepted too long to mourn the loss of a loved one: the need to work. And nudzhno to collect a pile of papers and to notify about the incident a thousand different instances. When I'm done with all that, then decided to remove from the apartment of the father for unnecessary things.
It is a very thankless task. While clearing the rubble, I felt like literally suffocate. Almost every thing, or the jacket has been associated with certain memories.
I had a lot of work.
It took weeks to get rid of all that junk that has accumulated in the den of my single dad. He needed something to sell, something had to give, and something had to throw away. Boxes and boxes of kitchenware, clothing, furniture, office office and a ton of everything...
In fact, I threw out all his savings over the decades.
To buy these things, my father once spent a lot of time, money and effort. And now I still with great difficulty had to give them for recycling. We are destroying the planet, ready not to leave anything for future generations — and all in order to buy things, most of which we use rarely, sometimes, and sometimes never at all. About some of them we will forget almost the same day when you bought them.
That story sobered me.
I started to experiment, wanted to try not to buy any new things for 200 consecutive days.
Like many of those who have a stable income, I've never been too disciplined consumer. Like everyone else, I buy things that cannot afford. And often thought, "Why not?". So I was very interested if I can do without shopping malls all the time.
I did. If you don't count food, medicines and basic toiletries, I have nothing in the stores did not buy. All that I needed, I either borrowed or bought through the classifieds site. It was an amazing experience. And here are 7 lessons I learned from this experiment.
1. There's too many things. While I was selling her dad's estate, visited a lot of thrift stores and websites with ads. Even on Facebook a lot of people sell each other a million things.
Frankly, I'm shocked by the amount of things we produce. The piles of clothes, tons of furniture, dishes, pots, canes, ocean, things that cannot even imagine. A huge part of it all end up in a landfill. We hardly need more things.
2. We are dependent on purchases. It should be treated. When I tried to fill my need for shopping by using used things, when began to walk around the charity shops, just stunned what number of us unnecessary things surrounds us.
These shops are full of things in packages that have never been opened. I have met new in packages even scented candles!
In General, the mere act of buying — rather the result of us manipulation, rather than a conscious choice.
3. People taught to think like boisee is not hygienic. When I described my experience in the blog, many have written me in the comments that buying used car is not hygienic. They say that buying clothes, furniture and other goods is low, and these things — "dirty foreign germs". It's weird!
People who give her things for humanitarian aid, do it with a smile on my face! Why then should we assume that this is only for the poor, but not for us?
4. Large supermarkets need not you and the corporations. During these 200 days, I realized I did not need in hypermarkets. All the necessary products you can buy near the house, within one or two blocks. To shop in these stores even more enjoyable; they're always cleaner, there are gentler products and customers.
When you go to the supermarket, you always buy a bunch of unnecessary things that were not on your shopping list. Everything you need to do done. You want to go to a big store to "stock up" and save, as a result of still spend way more than they spent, staying at home.
5. Nothing new and nothing expensive. My Bank account is, of course, exhale during these six months. I don't use credit cards, I don't have any financial pressure. I live easily (in a moral sense, to work I left) and finally realize: it is much better to live without the constant shopping, than with him and bargain with the eternal fear of being without money.
Things are just not worth it.
6. It's amazing to pay a specific person, not a Corporation. When you buy something through the ad, we find that the majority of sellers are honest and decent people who want to sell you a good thing. They are normal, ready to give you something completely new purchase price, with a small discount. They bought too much, they don't need it, and they welcome the chance to get their money back. Your transaction will bless them much more than a cashier in a hypermarket of home appliances. And even more than the sales Manager who wanted to sell you the TV you couldn't afford it. And it's just nice to know that your money go into the pocket of the normal man, and not in the mouth of a faceless Corporation.
7. I don't really need all of this goodness. Yes, there are things that you can't buy beushnye. A lot of things. Typically all these items linked to hygiene. When I have to buy them, I literally forced myself to do it.
But most of the time I have everything as always. I just live, go to work, drink with friends, ride in a taxi. And the salary exceeds my expenses, and not equal to them. My stress is almost gone, it returns the serenity and inner harmony. Now I understand that the absolute value of most things is overrated.
I believe that minimalism is the best way of life. For this to realize it, I had to lose a father. But I hope you to comprehend this truth does not have to go through hell.
I hope this post will make you at least think about how you usually behave in large stores. Whether to count all these discounts and to pay attention to all of it? Maybe it's just a hoax? published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: lifter.com.ua/YA-uge-200-dney-ne-pokupayu-nikakih-novih-veshchey-I-vot-chto-ya-ponyal
But in our society it is not accepted too long to mourn the loss of a loved one: the need to work. And nudzhno to collect a pile of papers and to notify about the incident a thousand different instances. When I'm done with all that, then decided to remove from the apartment of the father for unnecessary things.

It is a very thankless task. While clearing the rubble, I felt like literally suffocate. Almost every thing, or the jacket has been associated with certain memories.
I had a lot of work.
It took weeks to get rid of all that junk that has accumulated in the den of my single dad. He needed something to sell, something had to give, and something had to throw away. Boxes and boxes of kitchenware, clothing, furniture, office office and a ton of everything...
In fact, I threw out all his savings over the decades.
To buy these things, my father once spent a lot of time, money and effort. And now I still with great difficulty had to give them for recycling. We are destroying the planet, ready not to leave anything for future generations — and all in order to buy things, most of which we use rarely, sometimes, and sometimes never at all. About some of them we will forget almost the same day when you bought them.
That story sobered me.
I started to experiment, wanted to try not to buy any new things for 200 consecutive days.
Like many of those who have a stable income, I've never been too disciplined consumer. Like everyone else, I buy things that cannot afford. And often thought, "Why not?". So I was very interested if I can do without shopping malls all the time.
I did. If you don't count food, medicines and basic toiletries, I have nothing in the stores did not buy. All that I needed, I either borrowed or bought through the classifieds site. It was an amazing experience. And here are 7 lessons I learned from this experiment.
1. There's too many things. While I was selling her dad's estate, visited a lot of thrift stores and websites with ads. Even on Facebook a lot of people sell each other a million things.
Frankly, I'm shocked by the amount of things we produce. The piles of clothes, tons of furniture, dishes, pots, canes, ocean, things that cannot even imagine. A huge part of it all end up in a landfill. We hardly need more things.
2. We are dependent on purchases. It should be treated. When I tried to fill my need for shopping by using used things, when began to walk around the charity shops, just stunned what number of us unnecessary things surrounds us.
These shops are full of things in packages that have never been opened. I have met new in packages even scented candles!
In General, the mere act of buying — rather the result of us manipulation, rather than a conscious choice.
3. People taught to think like boisee is not hygienic. When I described my experience in the blog, many have written me in the comments that buying used car is not hygienic. They say that buying clothes, furniture and other goods is low, and these things — "dirty foreign germs". It's weird!
People who give her things for humanitarian aid, do it with a smile on my face! Why then should we assume that this is only for the poor, but not for us?
4. Large supermarkets need not you and the corporations. During these 200 days, I realized I did not need in hypermarkets. All the necessary products you can buy near the house, within one or two blocks. To shop in these stores even more enjoyable; they're always cleaner, there are gentler products and customers.
When you go to the supermarket, you always buy a bunch of unnecessary things that were not on your shopping list. Everything you need to do done. You want to go to a big store to "stock up" and save, as a result of still spend way more than they spent, staying at home.
5. Nothing new and nothing expensive. My Bank account is, of course, exhale during these six months. I don't use credit cards, I don't have any financial pressure. I live easily (in a moral sense, to work I left) and finally realize: it is much better to live without the constant shopping, than with him and bargain with the eternal fear of being without money.
Things are just not worth it.
6. It's amazing to pay a specific person, not a Corporation. When you buy something through the ad, we find that the majority of sellers are honest and decent people who want to sell you a good thing. They are normal, ready to give you something completely new purchase price, with a small discount. They bought too much, they don't need it, and they welcome the chance to get their money back. Your transaction will bless them much more than a cashier in a hypermarket of home appliances. And even more than the sales Manager who wanted to sell you the TV you couldn't afford it. And it's just nice to know that your money go into the pocket of the normal man, and not in the mouth of a faceless Corporation.
7. I don't really need all of this goodness. Yes, there are things that you can't buy beushnye. A lot of things. Typically all these items linked to hygiene. When I have to buy them, I literally forced myself to do it.
But most of the time I have everything as always. I just live, go to work, drink with friends, ride in a taxi. And the salary exceeds my expenses, and not equal to them. My stress is almost gone, it returns the serenity and inner harmony. Now I understand that the absolute value of most things is overrated.
I believe that minimalism is the best way of life. For this to realize it, I had to lose a father. But I hope you to comprehend this truth does not have to go through hell.
I hope this post will make you at least think about how you usually behave in large stores. Whether to count all these discounts and to pay attention to all of it? Maybe it's just a hoax? published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: lifter.com.ua/YA-uge-200-dney-ne-pokupayu-nikakih-novih-veshchey-I-vot-chto-ya-ponyal
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