He was the first.
To remember. Camera Text-audio materials
The first cosmonaut was born on March 9, 1934 in the town of Gzhatsk (now Gagarin) Gzhatsk (now Gagarin) district of Smolensk region in the family farmers. "The family in which I was born - later wrote Yuri A. - the most common; it is no different from the millions of working families of our country. "
April 12, 1961 at 9 o'clock 7 Moscow time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome launched the spacecraft "Vostok" with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board. After just 108 minutes cosmonaut landed near the village of Smelovka in the Saratov region. Total 108 minutes lasted the first flight (compare with the duration of today's flights last for months), but the minute it was destined to be star in the biography of Gagarin.
1968 was the last in the life of Gagarin. February 17, he defended his diploma at the Academy named after NE Zhukovsky. He continues to prepare for a new space mission.
With great difficulty, obtained permission to fly the plane by yourself. March 27, 1968 was the first such flight. And the last ... The plane crashed near the village of Novoselovo Kirzhach Vladimir region.
The circumstances of the accident until the end and not found out. There are many versions, ranging from pilot error and ending the interference of aliens. But that did not happen in that day, only one thing is clear - the first cosmonaut died planet Earth Yuri Gagarin.
Dear friends, relatives and strangers, countrymen, people of all countries and continents!
A few minutes later a mighty spaceship will carry me in the distant Universe. What can we say to you in these last minutes before the start? All my life it seems to me now a beautiful moment. All that is lived, what has been done before, it had lived and done for this moment. You understand that it is difficult to understand the feelings at a time when very close approached the hour of trial, to which we have been preparing long and passionately. Needless to say those feelings that I experienced when I was asked to make this the first in the history of flight. Joy? No, it was not only a joy. Pride? No, it was not only pride. I experienced great happiness. Being the first in space, to enter one by one in an unprecedented duel with nature - whether it is possible to dream big?
But after that, I thought of the enormous responsibility that fell on me. The first to make something that generations of people have dreamed the first to pave the way humanity into space ... Call me a lot on the ease of the task than the one that fell to me. This responsibility is not to be, not in front of dozens of people, not the collective. It is the responsibility of the entire Soviet people, to all mankind, prior to the present and future. And if nevertheless I have decided on this flight, it is only because I am a communist, that I have behind samples of unparalleled heroism of my fellow citizens - the Soviet people. I know that I will gather all his will to the best of the assignment. Realizing the responsibility of the task, I will do everything in my power to perform the task of the Communist Party and the Soviet people.
I am happy, going on a space flight? Of course, happy. After all, at all times and epochs for the people it was the greatest happiness to participate in new discoveries.
I would like to dedicate this first space flight of people to communism - a society in which already enters our Soviet people and which, I am sure, will take all the people in the world.
Now before the start remains a matter of minutes. I say to you, dear friends, good-bye, as always, people say to each other, going on a long journey. How I would like you all to embrace, familiar and unfamiliar, far and near!
See you soon!
April 12, 1961.
Recording of radio:
"Cedar" - the call sign of Yuri Gagarin, "Zarya-1" - Sergei Korolev. The rest of the call sign belong to the Mission Control Center and other terrestrial services.
Gagarin: I give the countdown: 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." You understand perfectly. Keep working.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar", you understand. "Zarya-1," I "Cedar" ping. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 How to understand? Reception.
Korolev: I hear you well. How do you hear?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I hear you well. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5. How to understand? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." I hear you fine. Got it. Continue to check.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Receiving phone. Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you feel?
Gagarin: I feel great. Checking phones and speakers was normal. I turn on the phone.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Got you, we are doing fine. The machine is preparing to normal. All is well. Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. I knew it. "3arya 1" I "Cedar". Ping finished. How to understand? Reception.
Korolev: I understand you well, all right, I "Dawn." Reception.
A pause of 10 seconds.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Starting position toggle switches on the control specified. Globe on the spot separation: latitude 63 degrees north, longitude 97 degrees east. In the correction of the figure 510. Time razdeleniya- 9:00 17 minutes 7 seconds. Magnetic index BKRF in the initial position. The first day, day. The pressure in the Cabinet unit humidity - 65 percent. The temperature of 19 degrees. The pressure in compartment 1 and 2. The system manual orientation-155 atmospheres first automatic orientatsii- 155 atmospheres, a second automatic orientatsii- 157 atmospheres. The pressure in the cylinder TDU - 320 atmospheres. He feels well. Ready to start. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Understand you perfectly, I took all your data, confirm them. Ready for takeoff accepted. We all goes well. Bravo!
Pause for about 10 seconds. Gagarin sings "a snub of the distant childhood».
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you read me? I need you to pass.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". You hear good reception.
Korolev Yuri A., then, I want you just to remind you that after a moment's willingness six minutes and will take place before the flight begins, so you do not worry. Reception.
Gagarin: Roger, I am quite calm.
Korolev: Well, well, well. Keep in mind that after the six-minute readiness minutes and will be for all sorts of things. The tube chairman.
Rudnev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." He says you Rudnev (K.N.Rudnev - Chairman of the State Commission for the launch of the "Vostok" with a man on board). Yuri A. how you feel?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I feel good, ready to start, the mood is cheerful. In general, all right. "Zarya-1," as I understand? Reception.
Rudnev: "Cedar" understood you well. Chairman of you have heard. We are all right.
Pause 20 seconds.
Korolev: I "Dawn." Jura, how are you? Reception.
Gagarin: How taught. Everything is fine, everything is fine. How do you understand? Reception.
Korolev: Yes, understand what you say. Perfectly realized. "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Now you will say. I ask you, if you have the time to connect the transmitter and talk KB. Give expense - about twenty. If you have the time and if you're not busy. Let us know how to understand. Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. Now your job is done.
Korolev: What are you going to do?
Gagarin: Now I want to check the connection of HF.
Korolev: Jura, is just beginning to test about a minute, okay?
Gagarin: Got you.
Korolev: What? Speak to him in KB, and then I'll show you here all there.
Gagarin: show, and then I'll talk.
Korolev: There stacking tubes - lunch, dinner and breakfast.
Gagarin: Clear.
Korolev: I Got it?
Gagarin: Understood.
Korolev: Sausage, Bean there and jam for tea.
Gagarin: Yeah.
Korolev: I Got it?
Gagarin: Understood.
Korolev: Here.
Gagarin: Understood.
Korolev: 63 pieces, will be thick.
Gagarin: Ho-ho.
Queens: This arrival, eat all at once.
Gagarin: Not important - sausage have to brew a snack.
Everyone laughs.
Korolev: Infection, and he writes after all, the villain. Hehe.
Gagarin: "Spring", I "Cedar". I give it. Digital. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15 ... 16 ... 17 ... 18 ... 19 ... 20. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: Ale, Ale, "Cedar" I "Dawn." You understand perfectly. Thank you for your review. Do not forget to switch the function key and the separation switch "Dawn" on "signal».
Gagarin: Understood. The end.
Korolev: Ale.
Gagarin: Yes.
Korolev: Jura, happily, to a meeting in Moscow.
Gagarin: Goodbye. Good meeting!
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Roger, understand you. The starting position, and when working in orbit switch to "Telegraph" and "Dawn". At division - switch on "signal».
Korolev: understand you correctly. Yura. "Cedar" I "Dawn." Understood.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you hear? Reception. Once again, be quiet for all. Before the meeting in Moscow.
Gagarin: I hear you well, like me? Reception.
Korolev: I hear you fine. Yura. Are you busy now?
Gagarin: Yes, there is work here. But it is not very busy. What do you need?
Korolev: I found a continuation of the "lily of the valley", okay?
Gagarin laughing.
Gagarin: Understood, understood. In the reeds?
Queens: Let's sing tonight.
Korolev: Bastards, tortured test connection!
Unscrupulous replica. Noise. Pause 20 seconds.
Korolev: Jura.
Gagarin: Yeah.
Pause 20 seconds.
Gagarin: Oleg Genrikhovich! (O.G.Ivanovsky - leading designer of "Vostok»).
Ivanovski: Ale?
Gagarin: East gone?
Ivanovski: Yes, but what do you want?
Gagarin: What?
Ivanovski: What does he pass?
Gagarin: Huh?
Ivanovski: What to give him?
Gagarin: Hi!
Ivanovski: Hello?
Ivanovski: Okay?
Gagarin: Normally all.
Ivanovski: hello to you.
Gagarin laughing.
Unknown: A piece of plaster tear off, we have forgotten to stick this thing.
Interference. Votes. Some replicas. Noises.
Unknown: Another, and that's enough.
Interference. Votes. Noises.
Unknown: Let another.
Unknown: Enough, enough, do not, thank you very much. Thank you. All.
Pause 6 seconds. Gagarin was whistling the tune of "Motherland hears, the Motherland knows».
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." We are all going well. How do you feel? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. I, too, everything is going well. He feels well. Who will cover the hatch number one. Reception.
Korolev: Got you. Reception.
Pause for a minute. Then the voice. Noises. Slurred remark about the "mechanism of opening the hatch." A pause of 10 seconds.
Queens: All right. Well, good luck.
Gagarin: Thank you.
Korolev: happy, dear.
Gagarin: Goodbye.
Korolev: Happily. See you.
Gagarin: Today. In Kuibyshev.
Korolev: arrives.
Gagarin: Okay.
Gagarin laughing.
Queens: Thank you.
Gagarin: All. Hi there everyone.
Queens: You convey greetings big.
Pause 15 seconds.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you read? Pings from the bunker. Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I hear you well. A little quiet talk. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1." I can hear you well. I got it. Reception.
Pause 15 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." You worked on VHF for one or both of the buttons?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Now I work on the control button. Now I work as a button on the control handle. Working with two buttons you can hear well. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." I got you good. I hear good at both. Fine. Reception.
Gagarin: lily, lily of the valley ...
Gagarin was whistling "Lily of the Valley." Pause 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How to hear? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". You can hear you well. Reception.
Korolev: Jura, check memo, reminder usability and visibility of the code table.
Gagarin: I understand you correctly. Reception. Checking.
Pause 45 seconds.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". The use of checklists and the ability to read the signal checked. Everything is fine.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Understood you. All is fine, well done.
Gagarin was whistling "Lily of the Valley».
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Jura, the collective you greetings from all the guys who are here. How to get it? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood you. Many thanks. Give them all the very warm greetings from me.
Gagarin was whistling "Lily of the Valley." Noise increases.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you hear? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". You can hear you well. Like me? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." I can hear you well. Preparing the product is normal. All is fine, Jura. Reception.
Gagarin: Understood. Preparing the product normally. I also. The state of health, mood is normal. Ready to start.
Korolev: Understood. Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Yuri A. how do you read me? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I can hear you well. I know, I talk to anyone. Reception.
Korolev Yuri A. I want to remind you that I will not give the word "second", but simply to give figures about every fifty: 50, 100, 150, etc. It is clear to you. Yura?
Gagarin: Understood. Reception. I thought so.
Korolev: Good.
Pause 15 seconds.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Please "Twentieth" to communicate.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." "Twenty" in touch.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I ask at reliable communications on a strong plot to tell the time, later or earlier, before the start of the second, if any.
Korolev: I understand you, understand. Your request will be executed, Yuri A..
Gagarin humming, whistling and then "Lilies of the Valley." Then he begins to sing "a snub of the distant childhood».
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Yuri A., we so happened: after closing the hatch like a kontaktik not shown. He pursed, so we probably are going to remove the hatch and then put it back. How to understand?
Gagarin: I understand you correctly. Luke opened. Checking alarms.
Gagarin whistles. Pause 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Declared readiness hour. Keep inspection equipment.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. Announced hour readiness. Everything is fine. She feels good, cheerful mood. Ready to start. Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Got great you, Yura. Reception.
Pause 30 seconds.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1." You're working for laryngitis or music school?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Powered by DM.
Korolev: Got you. Reception.
Pause for 2 minutes.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Pings. How do you read? I "Zarya-1." Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". You heard right. Like me? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." I hear you fine. Reception.
Pause 25 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Package watched? Before it can reach? Check the package and report. I "Zarya-1." Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Package checked. Reach easily available. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." You understand well.
Pause 1 minute 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Ready in five minutes. Put the volume on full. At full volume. I "Zarya-1." Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. Declared a five-minute availability. Put the volume on full. Full volume entered. Reception.
Pause 15 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." So far, so good. Rank starting position for recording physiological functions. I "Zarya-1." Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. So far, so good. Take a starting position for the registration of physiological functions. The position occupied. Reception.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1," you understand.
Pause 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." We're fine. Prior to the beginning of our operations to the minute availability, - a couple of minutes. How do you read me? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I hear you well. Understood. Before the operation remained a couple more minutes. She feels good, cheerful mood, ready to start. Everything is fine. Reception.
Korolev: I understand you, "Cedar", he realized. I "Zarya-1." Good.
A pause of 10 seconds. Gagarin singing "Fly, pigeons, fly", then whistling this tune.
Pause 8 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." The minute availability.
Pause 7 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." The minute availability. What do you hear?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Roger: minute readiness. He held the initial position to do so a few stayed to answer. Reception.
Korolev: Got you.
Pause 12 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." During startup, I can not answer. Answer as you will have the opportunity, because I will translate you all the details.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood.
Queens: The key is to start.
Gagarin: Understood.
Pause of about 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1", given purge.
Gagarin: Got you.
Pause for about 10 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." The key is put to drain.
Gagarin: Got you. I "Cedar».
Queens: We are all okay, drain valve is closed.
Gagarin: I'm all right. He feels well. The mood is cheerful. Ready to start. Reception.
Pause about 40 seconds. You can hear the breath of Gagarin.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Send to a cable-mast. Everything is fine.
Gagarin: I understand you felt. Reception. I hear the valves.
Korolev: Got you. Good.
Pause of about 20 seconds.
Queens: We give the ignition, "Cedar" I "Zarya-1».
Gagarin: I Got you, given the ignition.
Korolev: Preliminary stage.
Gagarin: Understood.
Korolev: Intermediate.
Gagarin: Understood.
Queens: Complete recovery.
Gagarin: Let's go.
The noise of the engines. Pause 20 seconds. Interference and noise. Voters heavily distorted.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". All goes well. The noise in the cabin is weak. She feels good, I feel overload, vibration, everything is fine.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1." We all wish you a good flight. All right?
Gagarin: Thank you. Bye. See you soon, dear friends.
All is well.
Everything is fine.
How are you?
Go ahead.

The first cosmonaut was born on March 9, 1934 in the town of Gzhatsk (now Gagarin) Gzhatsk (now Gagarin) district of Smolensk region in the family farmers. "The family in which I was born - later wrote Yuri A. - the most common; it is no different from the millions of working families of our country. "

April 12, 1961 at 9 o'clock 7 Moscow time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome launched the spacecraft "Vostok" with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board. After just 108 minutes cosmonaut landed near the village of Smelovka in the Saratov region. Total 108 minutes lasted the first flight (compare with the duration of today's flights last for months), but the minute it was destined to be star in the biography of Gagarin.




























1968 was the last in the life of Gagarin. February 17, he defended his diploma at the Academy named after NE Zhukovsky. He continues to prepare for a new space mission.
With great difficulty, obtained permission to fly the plane by yourself. March 27, 1968 was the first such flight. And the last ... The plane crashed near the village of Novoselovo Kirzhach Vladimir region.
The circumstances of the accident until the end and not found out. There are many versions, ranging from pilot error and ending the interference of aliens. But that did not happen in that day, only one thing is clear - the first cosmonaut died planet Earth Yuri Gagarin.
Dear friends, relatives and strangers, countrymen, people of all countries and continents!
A few minutes later a mighty spaceship will carry me in the distant Universe. What can we say to you in these last minutes before the start? All my life it seems to me now a beautiful moment. All that is lived, what has been done before, it had lived and done for this moment. You understand that it is difficult to understand the feelings at a time when very close approached the hour of trial, to which we have been preparing long and passionately. Needless to say those feelings that I experienced when I was asked to make this the first in the history of flight. Joy? No, it was not only a joy. Pride? No, it was not only pride. I experienced great happiness. Being the first in space, to enter one by one in an unprecedented duel with nature - whether it is possible to dream big?
But after that, I thought of the enormous responsibility that fell on me. The first to make something that generations of people have dreamed the first to pave the way humanity into space ... Call me a lot on the ease of the task than the one that fell to me. This responsibility is not to be, not in front of dozens of people, not the collective. It is the responsibility of the entire Soviet people, to all mankind, prior to the present and future. And if nevertheless I have decided on this flight, it is only because I am a communist, that I have behind samples of unparalleled heroism of my fellow citizens - the Soviet people. I know that I will gather all his will to the best of the assignment. Realizing the responsibility of the task, I will do everything in my power to perform the task of the Communist Party and the Soviet people.
I am happy, going on a space flight? Of course, happy. After all, at all times and epochs for the people it was the greatest happiness to participate in new discoveries.
I would like to dedicate this first space flight of people to communism - a society in which already enters our Soviet people and which, I am sure, will take all the people in the world.
Now before the start remains a matter of minutes. I say to you, dear friends, good-bye, as always, people say to each other, going on a long journey. How I would like you all to embrace, familiar and unfamiliar, far and near!
See you soon!
April 12, 1961.
Recording of radio:
"Cedar" - the call sign of Yuri Gagarin, "Zarya-1" - Sergei Korolev. The rest of the call sign belong to the Mission Control Center and other terrestrial services.
Gagarin: I give the countdown: 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." You understand perfectly. Keep working.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar", you understand. "Zarya-1," I "Cedar" ping. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 How to understand? Reception.
Korolev: I hear you well. How do you hear?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I hear you well. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5. How to understand? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." I hear you fine. Got it. Continue to check.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Receiving phone. Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you feel?
Gagarin: I feel great. Checking phones and speakers was normal. I turn on the phone.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Got you, we are doing fine. The machine is preparing to normal. All is well. Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. I knew it. "3arya 1" I "Cedar". Ping finished. How to understand? Reception.
Korolev: I understand you well, all right, I "Dawn." Reception.
A pause of 10 seconds.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Starting position toggle switches on the control specified. Globe on the spot separation: latitude 63 degrees north, longitude 97 degrees east. In the correction of the figure 510. Time razdeleniya- 9:00 17 minutes 7 seconds. Magnetic index BKRF in the initial position. The first day, day. The pressure in the Cabinet unit humidity - 65 percent. The temperature of 19 degrees. The pressure in compartment 1 and 2. The system manual orientation-155 atmospheres first automatic orientatsii- 155 atmospheres, a second automatic orientatsii- 157 atmospheres. The pressure in the cylinder TDU - 320 atmospheres. He feels well. Ready to start. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Understand you perfectly, I took all your data, confirm them. Ready for takeoff accepted. We all goes well. Bravo!
Pause for about 10 seconds. Gagarin sings "a snub of the distant childhood».
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you read me? I need you to pass.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". You hear good reception.
Korolev Yuri A., then, I want you just to remind you that after a moment's willingness six minutes and will take place before the flight begins, so you do not worry. Reception.
Gagarin: Roger, I am quite calm.
Korolev: Well, well, well. Keep in mind that after the six-minute readiness minutes and will be for all sorts of things. The tube chairman.
Rudnev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." He says you Rudnev (K.N.Rudnev - Chairman of the State Commission for the launch of the "Vostok" with a man on board). Yuri A. how you feel?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I feel good, ready to start, the mood is cheerful. In general, all right. "Zarya-1," as I understand? Reception.
Rudnev: "Cedar" understood you well. Chairman of you have heard. We are all right.
Pause 20 seconds.
Korolev: I "Dawn." Jura, how are you? Reception.
Gagarin: How taught. Everything is fine, everything is fine. How do you understand? Reception.
Korolev: Yes, understand what you say. Perfectly realized. "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Now you will say. I ask you, if you have the time to connect the transmitter and talk KB. Give expense - about twenty. If you have the time and if you're not busy. Let us know how to understand. Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. Now your job is done.
Korolev: What are you going to do?
Gagarin: Now I want to check the connection of HF.
Korolev: Jura, is just beginning to test about a minute, okay?
Gagarin: Got you.
Korolev: What? Speak to him in KB, and then I'll show you here all there.
Gagarin: show, and then I'll talk.
Korolev: There stacking tubes - lunch, dinner and breakfast.
Gagarin: Clear.
Korolev: I Got it?
Gagarin: Understood.
Korolev: Sausage, Bean there and jam for tea.
Gagarin: Yeah.
Korolev: I Got it?
Gagarin: Understood.
Korolev: Here.
Gagarin: Understood.
Korolev: 63 pieces, will be thick.
Gagarin: Ho-ho.
Queens: This arrival, eat all at once.
Gagarin: Not important - sausage have to brew a snack.
Everyone laughs.
Korolev: Infection, and he writes after all, the villain. Hehe.
Gagarin: "Spring", I "Cedar". I give it. Digital. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 15 ... 16 ... 17 ... 18 ... 19 ... 20. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: Ale, Ale, "Cedar" I "Dawn." You understand perfectly. Thank you for your review. Do not forget to switch the function key and the separation switch "Dawn" on "signal».
Gagarin: Understood. The end.
Korolev: Ale.
Gagarin: Yes.
Korolev: Jura, happily, to a meeting in Moscow.
Gagarin: Goodbye. Good meeting!
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Roger, understand you. The starting position, and when working in orbit switch to "Telegraph" and "Dawn". At division - switch on "signal».
Korolev: understand you correctly. Yura. "Cedar" I "Dawn." Understood.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you hear? Reception. Once again, be quiet for all. Before the meeting in Moscow.
Gagarin: I hear you well, like me? Reception.
Korolev: I hear you fine. Yura. Are you busy now?
Gagarin: Yes, there is work here. But it is not very busy. What do you need?
Korolev: I found a continuation of the "lily of the valley", okay?
Gagarin laughing.
Gagarin: Understood, understood. In the reeds?
Queens: Let's sing tonight.
Korolev: Bastards, tortured test connection!
Unscrupulous replica. Noise. Pause 20 seconds.
Korolev: Jura.
Gagarin: Yeah.
Pause 20 seconds.
Gagarin: Oleg Genrikhovich! (O.G.Ivanovsky - leading designer of "Vostok»).
Ivanovski: Ale?
Gagarin: East gone?
Ivanovski: Yes, but what do you want?
Gagarin: What?
Ivanovski: What does he pass?
Gagarin: Huh?
Ivanovski: What to give him?
Gagarin: Hi!
Ivanovski: Hello?
Ivanovski: Okay?
Gagarin: Normally all.
Ivanovski: hello to you.
Gagarin laughing.
Unknown: A piece of plaster tear off, we have forgotten to stick this thing.
Interference. Votes. Some replicas. Noises.
Unknown: Another, and that's enough.
Interference. Votes. Noises.
Unknown: Let another.
Unknown: Enough, enough, do not, thank you very much. Thank you. All.
Pause 6 seconds. Gagarin was whistling the tune of "Motherland hears, the Motherland knows».
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." We are all going well. How do you feel? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. I, too, everything is going well. He feels well. Who will cover the hatch number one. Reception.
Korolev: Got you. Reception.
Pause for a minute. Then the voice. Noises. Slurred remark about the "mechanism of opening the hatch." A pause of 10 seconds.
Queens: All right. Well, good luck.
Gagarin: Thank you.
Korolev: happy, dear.
Gagarin: Goodbye.
Korolev: Happily. See you.
Gagarin: Today. In Kuibyshev.
Korolev: arrives.
Gagarin: Okay.
Gagarin laughing.
Queens: Thank you.
Gagarin: All. Hi there everyone.
Queens: You convey greetings big.
Pause 15 seconds.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you read? Pings from the bunker. Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I hear you well. A little quiet talk. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1." I can hear you well. I got it. Reception.
Pause 15 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." You worked on VHF for one or both of the buttons?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Now I work on the control button. Now I work as a button on the control handle. Working with two buttons you can hear well. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." I got you good. I hear good at both. Fine. Reception.
Gagarin: lily, lily of the valley ...
Gagarin was whistling "Lily of the Valley." Pause 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How to hear? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". You can hear you well. Reception.
Korolev: Jura, check memo, reminder usability and visibility of the code table.
Gagarin: I understand you correctly. Reception. Checking.
Pause 45 seconds.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". The use of checklists and the ability to read the signal checked. Everything is fine.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Understood you. All is fine, well done.
Gagarin was whistling "Lily of the Valley».
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Jura, the collective you greetings from all the guys who are here. How to get it? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood you. Many thanks. Give them all the very warm greetings from me.
Gagarin was whistling "Lily of the Valley." Noise increases.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." How do you hear? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". You can hear you well. Like me? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." I can hear you well. Preparing the product is normal. All is fine, Jura. Reception.
Gagarin: Understood. Preparing the product normally. I also. The state of health, mood is normal. Ready to start.
Korolev: Understood. Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Yuri A. how do you read me? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I can hear you well. I know, I talk to anyone. Reception.
Korolev Yuri A. I want to remind you that I will not give the word "second", but simply to give figures about every fifty: 50, 100, 150, etc. It is clear to you. Yura?
Gagarin: Understood. Reception. I thought so.
Korolev: Good.
Pause 15 seconds.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Please "Twentieth" to communicate.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." "Twenty" in touch.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". I ask at reliable communications on a strong plot to tell the time, later or earlier, before the start of the second, if any.
Korolev: I understand you, understand. Your request will be executed, Yuri A..
Gagarin humming, whistling and then "Lilies of the Valley." Then he begins to sing "a snub of the distant childhood».
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Yuri A., we so happened: after closing the hatch like a kontaktik not shown. He pursed, so we probably are going to remove the hatch and then put it back. How to understand?
Gagarin: I understand you correctly. Luke opened. Checking alarms.
Gagarin whistles. Pause 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Declared readiness hour. Keep inspection equipment.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. Announced hour readiness. Everything is fine. She feels good, cheerful mood. Ready to start. Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Got great you, Yura. Reception.
Pause 30 seconds.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1." You're working for laryngitis or music school?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Powered by DM.
Korolev: Got you. Reception.
Pause for 2 minutes.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Pings. How do you read? I "Zarya-1." Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". You heard right. Like me? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." I hear you fine. Reception.
Pause 25 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Package watched? Before it can reach? Check the package and report. I "Zarya-1." Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Package checked. Reach easily available. How to get it? Reception.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." You understand well.
Pause 1 minute 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Ready in five minutes. Put the volume on full. At full volume. I "Zarya-1." Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. Declared a five-minute availability. Put the volume on full. Full volume entered. Reception.
Pause 15 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." So far, so good. Rank starting position for recording physiological functions. I "Zarya-1." Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood. So far, so good. Take a starting position for the registration of physiological functions. The position occupied. Reception.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1," you understand.
Pause 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1", "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." We're fine. Prior to the beginning of our operations to the minute availability, - a couple of minutes. How do you read me? Reception.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I hear you well. Understood. Before the operation remained a couple more minutes. She feels good, cheerful mood, ready to start. Everything is fine. Reception.
Korolev: I understand you, "Cedar", he realized. I "Zarya-1." Good.
A pause of 10 seconds. Gagarin singing "Fly, pigeons, fly", then whistling this tune.
Pause 8 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." The minute availability.
Pause 7 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." The minute availability. What do you hear?
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Roger: minute readiness. He held the initial position to do so a few stayed to answer. Reception.
Korolev: Got you.
Pause 12 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." During startup, I can not answer. Answer as you will have the opportunity, because I will translate you all the details.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". Understood.
Queens: The key is to start.
Gagarin: Understood.
Pause of about 30 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1", given purge.
Gagarin: Got you.
Pause for about 10 seconds.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." The key is put to drain.
Gagarin: Got you. I "Cedar».
Queens: We are all okay, drain valve is closed.
Gagarin: I'm all right. He feels well. The mood is cheerful. Ready to start. Reception.
Pause about 40 seconds. You can hear the breath of Gagarin.
Korolev: "Cedar" I "Zarya-1." Send to a cable-mast. Everything is fine.
Gagarin: I understand you felt. Reception. I hear the valves.
Korolev: Got you. Good.
Pause of about 20 seconds.
Queens: We give the ignition, "Cedar" I "Zarya-1».
Gagarin: I Got you, given the ignition.
Korolev: Preliminary stage.
Gagarin: Understood.
Korolev: Intermediate.
Gagarin: Understood.
Queens: Complete recovery.
Gagarin: Let's go.
The noise of the engines. Pause 20 seconds. Interference and noise. Voters heavily distorted.
Gagarin: "Zarya-1," I "Cedar". All goes well. The noise in the cabin is weak. She feels good, I feel overload, vibration, everything is fine.
Korolev: I "Zarya-1." We all wish you a good flight. All right?
Gagarin: Thank you. Bye. See you soon, dear friends.
All is well.
Everything is fine.
How are you?
Go ahead.