Incredible vegetable juices for weight loss
I wonder, do You like vegetables? Or not? And here's another interesting question of course arises ... And how You love them best? Yes, here the answer can be many. But in the form of juice is the greens prefer a few. But interest in the topic "vegetable juice" is growing every day. And all because they are very effective in burning extra pounds. But ... vegetable juice for weight loss can be super effective in the prevention of various serious diseases.
It is for this reason they have become an integral part of a healthy diet. But if we are talking about the figure, some of them are just phenomenal. The only thing that remains behind the scenes while this is how to make these incredible vegetable juices for weight loss.
Now we offer You to familiarize yourself with where to begin to make these juices in order to obtain perfect figure.
How To Make Incredible Vegetable Juice For Похудения1. Start to learn more.Yes, this is where we started and we. When I first heard that you can make vegetable green juices, I don't even think I believe it.
I wonder, do You like to read any information about the global movie and music stars, athletes and other people of the world level?
If Yes, then you know they love to do their favorite vegetable juices for weight loss. For them it is the surest and healthiest way to lose weight. And by the time this could be the fast way.
No wonder so many people are switching to diet based on juices. In fact, more and more Hollywood stars try to live a healthy lifestyle. Along with sports, diets and detox programs, they began to use green juices and green smoothies.
Also these stars told in an interview that green juices perfectly clean body, they are one hundred percent lose weight and get a charge of vivacity for the whole day.
For the first time about the green juices learned in 1984, when Susana Belen, expert treatment juices, and her daughter Susan Lombardi founded the preventive center. Their clients they were forced to drink a glass of green juice a day and eat a plate of green soup in the evening. They were made from vegetables and fruits green: cucumber, spinach, Romaine lettuce, celery, parsley and green apples. The result was not slow itself to wait: a week they have lost at least 6 pounds.
Now nutritionists say that an effective green food and drinks are because these plants are rich in antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin C. They clean the body, remove toxins, improve metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract.
Many nutritionists agree that the best way to use juices for weight loss not as a diet but as a component of a healthy balanced diet. Rules is not difficult. Just need to do 1 — 2 of juice a day.
But, of course, all this will be so provided healthy food. No fast food, junk food, food should be fresh, tasty and healthy. Of course, the loss of pounds will be gradual, however, and healthy and following a healthy diet is a way to forget about diets. Because they just will not need!
The choice of juice for weight loss in this case is wide. First, you need to know the opinion of a doctor. Second, be guided by own taste. For example, cabbage juice promotes excellent weight loss, but also fermentation, so that at night it do not need to drink.
Beet juice should not be drunk in pure form — it acts on the intestine irritable. But for all that the benefits of beet juice is huge — it helps to organize the work of the liver and normalizes fat metabolism. It can be diluted with other juice or water. Fruit juices are also useful. The choice is yours.
So, the second thing You need to take note of, if You have already decided to try vegetable juices for weight loss, it ...
2. Select the right juicer.
As stated in the expression "healthy body, healthy mind". And to maintain health at the proper level people at all times consume fresh vegetables and fruits. In the crazy pace of living in the contemporary world there is always time for a healthy salad or light meals with fresh fruit.
Therefore, the practical people of the XXI century a long cooking prefer freshly squeezed juice. Tasty and quick, and most importantly, useful. In connection with such preferences, many are thinking about how to choose a good juicer.
Now the pictures above are the most universal and threaded — screw (left) and centrifuga (right). As the first first crushed fruit, as on a grater, and then separate the flesh from the separated juice. The principle of operation of the screw juicer is slightly reminiscent of the principle of operation of grinder.
Inside the device is powerful screw shaft (screw), through which the rotation takes place, and squeeze the juice. Auger juicers have several advantages.
Screw extractor universal – can be used to obtain juice from any fruit, berries and vegetables, able to grind and crush herbs and even to juice wheat germ. Here you can say how much You will have to work a fantasy.
Auger juicer helps to reduce the amount of waste. Because these juicers do squeeze out the juice, and not just separate it from the grated pulp. Therefore, the cake is less!
Work centrifugal juicers need high revs – otherwise it is impossible to separate the juice from the crushed pulp. As a result, the device heats up and the juice that is in it is oxidized, loses vitamins and minerals. Have a screw extractor such faults no.
Auger juicers work at low speed occurs during this so-called "gentle spin" occurs without heating. Experts estimate that in the juice, obtained using a screw extractor, saved to 6 times more vitamins compared to the juice made from centrifugal models.
3. Please be patient.Why patience you ask? And all because of selecting the juicer and after watching most of the recipes are still the first pancake is always lumpy. We open the refrigerator and we never have enough ingredients. We begin to invent their own recipes and obtain not the most delicious drink.
We started the same way. Sometimes, it seems, simply poured this vile mixture down the toilet. But knowing what fruit and vegetable juices are sources of vitamins and minerals... or that drinking fresh juice every day will give You extra energy. It will make skin and hair healthy and beautiful, and provide the opportunity to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drinking only one glass of juice. Again we come to the juicer and think how to make the right juice.
Recommendations:a. Make a start with a basic recipe. Just try to squeeze the juice from one fruit or vegetable. Any fruit is a good choice for juicing.
Many people prefer vegetables as a fine basis for juice.
Vegetables are low in sugar, so vegetable juice does not cause high blood sugar levels, and also contributes to weight gain, and this is just what we need today. Any vegetable can be eaten raw, can also be consumed as juice.
Adding different herbs into the juice, creating the finest flavor and provides additional nutritional value. The nutrients contained in the seeds and nuts give the juice more flavorful and rich taste.
Spices just fine working to burn calories.
Did You know that some herbs and spices contain much more antioxidants than many fruits and vegetables? For example: cloves, cinnamon or turmeric contains 10 times more of them than blueberries.
The advantages of antioxidants in spices are varied and offered as protection against such serious diseases as cancer, heart attack, diabetes, diseases of the joints and helps to rejuvenate the body naturally.
But when You, for example, on Saturday morning will be served a delicious fresh juice to your husband, wife or children, they will understand what it is and perhaps will help You to find all new recipes and combinations. Just for starters don't make them too complicated combinations.
Let's remember how kids love to juice carrots with an Apple. Yes this juice is a great start for anyone. And if we remember that the recipe for this juice is the mainstay of therapy of cancer Dr. Gerson, this juice can be considered a cornerstone.
And the color and it tastes very pleasant.
So this simple recipe No. 1:
If You add a little greenery to the mix and spices, You can get a good juice for weight loss and cleansing the body.
For example, here is recipe number 2 from the blog Futtaim:
By the way, note the effect of each juice in this combination on the body:
Still keep the recipe №3 the cleansing juice from Alina and her Wellness blog Thinking Creature.
3 cucumber, peeled if not organic
3 stalk of celery
5 leaf salad
2 carrots, peeled and cut lengthwise
1 — 2cm piece of ginger
Directions: pass all ingredients through a juicer (if there is, screw), and take (more health than taste) ...
Now You have a complete plan of action, all 4 stages to cook really tasty and healthy vegetable juices for weight loss and not only. We believe that in the near future You will be able to make green juices your entire family.
In General, the purpose of this article is to tell You that the juice is the right way in obtaining the best results in weight loss. and it's quite simple. Just add 300 — 500 ml of juice every day and You will notice great results. Start with simple recipes.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: ngrinko.com/2015/08/15/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%89%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B8-%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%85%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/
It is for this reason they have become an integral part of a healthy diet. But if we are talking about the figure, some of them are just phenomenal. The only thing that remains behind the scenes while this is how to make these incredible vegetable juices for weight loss.

Now we offer You to familiarize yourself with where to begin to make these juices in order to obtain perfect figure.
How To Make Incredible Vegetable Juice For Похудения1. Start to learn more.Yes, this is where we started and we. When I first heard that you can make vegetable green juices, I don't even think I believe it.
I wonder, do You like to read any information about the global movie and music stars, athletes and other people of the world level?
If Yes, then you know they love to do their favorite vegetable juices for weight loss. For them it is the surest and healthiest way to lose weight. And by the time this could be the fast way.
No wonder so many people are switching to diet based on juices. In fact, more and more Hollywood stars try to live a healthy lifestyle. Along with sports, diets and detox programs, they began to use green juices and green smoothies.
Also these stars told in an interview that green juices perfectly clean body, they are one hundred percent lose weight and get a charge of vivacity for the whole day.
For the first time about the green juices learned in 1984, when Susana Belen, expert treatment juices, and her daughter Susan Lombardi founded the preventive center. Their clients they were forced to drink a glass of green juice a day and eat a plate of green soup in the evening. They were made from vegetables and fruits green: cucumber, spinach, Romaine lettuce, celery, parsley and green apples. The result was not slow itself to wait: a week they have lost at least 6 pounds.
Now nutritionists say that an effective green food and drinks are because these plants are rich in antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin C. They clean the body, remove toxins, improve metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract.
Many nutritionists agree that the best way to use juices for weight loss not as a diet but as a component of a healthy balanced diet. Rules is not difficult. Just need to do 1 — 2 of juice a day.
But, of course, all this will be so provided healthy food. No fast food, junk food, food should be fresh, tasty and healthy. Of course, the loss of pounds will be gradual, however, and healthy and following a healthy diet is a way to forget about diets. Because they just will not need!
The choice of juice for weight loss in this case is wide. First, you need to know the opinion of a doctor. Second, be guided by own taste. For example, cabbage juice promotes excellent weight loss, but also fermentation, so that at night it do not need to drink.
Beet juice should not be drunk in pure form — it acts on the intestine irritable. But for all that the benefits of beet juice is huge — it helps to organize the work of the liver and normalizes fat metabolism. It can be diluted with other juice or water. Fruit juices are also useful. The choice is yours.
So, the second thing You need to take note of, if You have already decided to try vegetable juices for weight loss, it ...
2. Select the right juicer.
As stated in the expression "healthy body, healthy mind". And to maintain health at the proper level people at all times consume fresh vegetables and fruits. In the crazy pace of living in the contemporary world there is always time for a healthy salad or light meals with fresh fruit.
Therefore, the practical people of the XXI century a long cooking prefer freshly squeezed juice. Tasty and quick, and most importantly, useful. In connection with such preferences, many are thinking about how to choose a good juicer.
Now the pictures above are the most universal and threaded — screw (left) and centrifuga (right). As the first first crushed fruit, as on a grater, and then separate the flesh from the separated juice. The principle of operation of the screw juicer is slightly reminiscent of the principle of operation of grinder.
Inside the device is powerful screw shaft (screw), through which the rotation takes place, and squeeze the juice. Auger juicers have several advantages.
Screw extractor universal – can be used to obtain juice from any fruit, berries and vegetables, able to grind and crush herbs and even to juice wheat germ. Here you can say how much You will have to work a fantasy.
Auger juicer helps to reduce the amount of waste. Because these juicers do squeeze out the juice, and not just separate it from the grated pulp. Therefore, the cake is less!
Work centrifugal juicers need high revs – otherwise it is impossible to separate the juice from the crushed pulp. As a result, the device heats up and the juice that is in it is oxidized, loses vitamins and minerals. Have a screw extractor such faults no.
Auger juicers work at low speed occurs during this so-called "gentle spin" occurs without heating. Experts estimate that in the juice, obtained using a screw extractor, saved to 6 times more vitamins compared to the juice made from centrifugal models.
3. Please be patient.Why patience you ask? And all because of selecting the juicer and after watching most of the recipes are still the first pancake is always lumpy. We open the refrigerator and we never have enough ingredients. We begin to invent their own recipes and obtain not the most delicious drink.
We started the same way. Sometimes, it seems, simply poured this vile mixture down the toilet. But knowing what fruit and vegetable juices are sources of vitamins and minerals... or that drinking fresh juice every day will give You extra energy. It will make skin and hair healthy and beautiful, and provide the opportunity to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drinking only one glass of juice. Again we come to the juicer and think how to make the right juice.
Recommendations:a. Make a start with a basic recipe. Just try to squeeze the juice from one fruit or vegetable. Any fruit is a good choice for juicing.
- Try to cook the juice of kiwi fruit, strawberry, pomegranate, mango, papaya, apricot, peach, and so on.
- Choose seasonal fruits, especially those You have grown yourself in Your area. They contain more vitamins and usually have a better taste. Buy fruit at the farmers ' market, where You can find fresh, seasonal fruit grown in local conditions.
- Give preference to organic fruits. When You prepare juice from fruit which has been treated with pesticides and other chemicals, you eat these chemicals in the body along with the juice. Purchase only organic fruits in the market or in the shop, in the Department of organic products.
Many people prefer vegetables as a fine basis for juice.
Vegetables are low in sugar, so vegetable juice does not cause high blood sugar levels, and also contributes to weight gain, and this is just what we need today. Any vegetable can be eaten raw, can also be consumed as juice.
- Even if you don't like to eat vegetables, you may like to consume them in juice form. Vegetable juices have a subtle flavor different from the flavor of an entire vegetable. Try the juice from spinach, cabbage, broccoli and other green leafy vegetables.
- Combining vegetables with fruits, you prepare a sweet drink that will not have a taste of vegetables. Some vegetables, such as carrots and red peppers have a natural sweetness, so the juices are very tasty.
Adding different herbs into the juice, creating the finest flavor and provides additional nutritional value. The nutrients contained in the seeds and nuts give the juice more flavorful and rich taste.
- Try to add fresh flavor using mint leaves, lemon balm or rosemary. If You can add it to tea, You can add it into juice. Just make sure you use fresh herbs, as dried herbs do not contain the necessary for juice substance.
- Sprouted wheat is popular with many fans of the juice.
- Cashews, almonds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds and many other seeds and nuts are a good choice for juicing. Use peeled nuts and seeds.
Spices just fine working to burn calories.
Did You know that some herbs and spices contain much more antioxidants than many fruits and vegetables? For example: cloves, cinnamon or turmeric contains 10 times more of them than blueberries.
The advantages of antioxidants in spices are varied and offered as protection against such serious diseases as cancer, heart attack, diabetes, diseases of the joints and helps to rejuvenate the body naturally.
- Rosemary, turmeric, ginger, Basil — a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
- Cumin, turmeric, sage — active fighters with dementia.
- Chili pepper, cumin, coriander, cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels, making them ideal helpers in the loss of body fat.
- Nutmeg, Bay leaf, saffron have a calming effect.
- Garlic mustard, hawthorn, chicory is incredibly good for the heart.
- Basil, cumin will make your skin smoother and softer.
- Turmeric, garlic, Basil, cinnamon, saffron, ginger strengthens the immune system.
- Coriander, rosemary, allspice and black pepper help relieve depression.
But when You, for example, on Saturday morning will be served a delicious fresh juice to your husband, wife or children, they will understand what it is and perhaps will help You to find all new recipes and combinations. Just for starters don't make them too complicated combinations.
Let's remember how kids love to juice carrots with an Apple. Yes this juice is a great start for anyone. And if we remember that the recipe for this juice is the mainstay of therapy of cancer Dr. Gerson, this juice can be considered a cornerstone.
And the color and it tastes very pleasant.
So this simple recipe No. 1:
- carrots — 5 PCs
- Apple green — 1 PC.
If You add a little greenery to the mix and spices, You can get a good juice for weight loss and cleansing the body.
For example, here is recipe number 2 from the blog Futtaim:
- 1 bunch of parsley;
- 2 apples;
- 5 carrots;
- 2 cucumbers;
- 1 branch of broccoli.
By the way, note the effect of each juice in this combination on the body:
- Apple juice reduces cholesterol and improves brain function.
- Carrot juice will reduce the blood pressure, the risk of anemia, cleanse the liver and help to avoid heart disease;
- Cucumber juice will ease the flow of arthritis, help to cope with diseases such as psoriasis and eczema, have a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines, regulates water balance in the body;
- The juice of parsley will eliminate bad breath (which is the intoxication of the large intestine) and is a great energy;
- Juice broccoli and normalizes the level of estrogen and reduce the chance of breast cancer.
Still keep the recipe №3 the cleansing juice from Alina and her Wellness blog Thinking Creature.
3 cucumber, peeled if not organic
3 stalk of celery
5 leaf salad
2 carrots, peeled and cut lengthwise
1 — 2cm piece of ginger
Directions: pass all ingredients through a juicer (if there is, screw), and take (more health than taste) ...
Now You have a complete plan of action, all 4 stages to cook really tasty and healthy vegetable juices for weight loss and not only. We believe that in the near future You will be able to make green juices your entire family.
In General, the purpose of this article is to tell You that the juice is the right way in obtaining the best results in weight loss. and it's quite simple. Just add 300 — 500 ml of juice every day and You will notice great results. Start with simple recipes.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ngrinko.com/2015/08/15/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%89%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B8-%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%85%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/