Dave against crisis
Our life today is anxious and unstable. In the news we hear about the coming crisis. Many people worry about their future. But worries and worries will not help, and none of us can influence the global economy. So, instead of falling into despondency and sad pessimism, let’s talk about our dachas.
Yes, the season is over, there is a long winter ahead. But no matter what she brought, it is the beloved dacha that can become both a point of support and a “lifeline”, if suddenly a storm played out in the worldly sea. The older generation remembers that in difficult years, garden plots were a good help for many, and not only in terms of food. How can we save ourselves from the crisis?
This is the simplest, most obvious and understandable answer. The next winter, the prudent owner waits calmly: he has full bins. Summer labor was not wasted - the family will be fed, no matter what happens. It is no longer a curiosity and all kinds of animals in the country villages. Chickens and geese, rabbits and even goats animate the landscape, please the surrounding children and deliver environmentally friendly products to family tables.
We are especially pleased that we have learned to get excellent harvests with minimal effort and time. New technologies plus experience and creativity Many summer residents were convinced: you do not need to "plough" on the field from dawn to dawn, you do not need hectares of land - an ordinary family on a standard "six-hundred" plot is able to grow everything you need in sufficient quantities.
Remember, probably: once the country house for most consisted of only beds and potato furrows, among which stood a shed, proudly called the “country house”. They went there “to serve labor service” (although some enthusiasts knew how to find pleasure in it). Then came the “fed” times, and the beds began to retreat under the pressure of flower beds and neat green lawns. There are real country houses in which you can not only hide from the rain, but also live comfortably, often even all year round. The cottage became a place of rest, and those who continued to persistently cultivate their gardens were looked at as retrogrades: why? ... in the store, everything is there. . .
Finally, the balance was restored. Most modern cottages are a full-fledged country world, where there is everything: benefits, and beauty; work, and rest; and flower beds, and beds with greenhouses. We began to understand that every family member in this world needs a corner, and everyone should be comfortable here. Therefore, we find a place on our "hundreds" (no matter how many there are) for children's sandbox, and for mother's flowers, and for grandmother's cucumbers with zucchini, and for dad's workshop.
And if hard times come again, we will not plow our favorite lawn to plant potatoes. Today we know that the dacha will surely feed us, but it exists not only for this. . .
Even two weekends spent outside the city are able to restore both strength and mental balance. Here everyone has his own recipe: who drowns the bath, who wanders around the neighborhood goes, who admires the garden ... Some comforts the contemplation of country beauties, another shock work returns lost peace - you all know me better. Ask yourself, what does this have to do with the topic? .
A crisis, whether personal or family, is always stressful. Instability and uncertainty are unsettling. However, the expectation of problems is no better, so many are experiencing nervous tension now. And perhaps someone will object to me: they say, not until a country holiday, when you do not know what will happen tomorrow. I'm not arguing. I'll just tell you my story.
Four years ago, just before the New Year, I was out of work. Not that it happened all of a sudden. And I will not say that such a turn would upset me to tears: I would leave myself, but I could not decide, but everything happened without my participation. But no matter what, and a woman after 40 with a preschool child to remain without means of subsistence somehow alarming. Stress in its purest form...
To the surprise of most of my acquaintances, instead of killing myself for this sad reason or engaging in the senseless roaming of endless office thresholds in search of work, I went to the country house, to the village. Where I spent a wonderful winter vacation, and where I came from, already clearly understanding what I really want and where to go next.
Most often, to find the necessary answers and find balance, it is enough just to stop, to be quiet for a while. Dacha is a great place for such a stop. No, of course, and here you can easily find reasons for drama: whether the fence tilted, or the roof at the house leaked, or potatoes Colorado beetle ate... But it is not for nothing that it is said: seek and discover. And we usually find exactly what we were looking for: some solutions, some new problems.
By the way, two years after the events described, I was already living permanently in the countryside, fulfilling my old dream. And now I often hear from friends and acquaintances: “Oh, we should...” But it is scary to change your life when it seems to be arranged and arranged. Another thing is the crisis. .
This autumn, we have many neighbours, summer residents bitterly joked: "Here they turn off the heat in the city - we will come to you to warm up." And some of their own “ways to retreat” were prepared in advance: wood wood was stored “just in case”, the stove was repaired or a new boiler was installed. Even some of those who in the spring claimed that he did not imagine life in the country, by the autumn began to say: it is time, they say, to move closer to the ground. Because utilities are growing, and at work there is about to be a reduction in staff... Salary cuts are already a reality: some businesses are switching to 3-4 working days a week.
Citizens (at least in our region) increasingly consider the nearest suburbs and villages as a place of permanent residence. Pensioners move to the country: the city is boring, and there is always something to do, and it is useful for health. Those who are still far from retirement leave: sometimes it is easier and faster to get to work from a “country residence” than to break through urban traffic jams. Yes, and silence, clean air, white snow - what residents of large cities are deprived of - can often be found only here, in the country.
Modern technologies of construction and improvement, new materials and “smart” equipment have made suburban life much more comfortable. “Facilities in the yard” or stove heating now few people are afraid: everything is solvable, there would be a desire. Transportation is no longer a problem for most families: there are cars in many families. Television, the Internet, telephone communication - they are not available today except in the most remote, remote villages (and if the crisis - so without these "goods of civilization", maybe better :) Take it easy, for sure.
If desired, you can find additional “bonuses” of suburban existence. For example, my friends — a couple of pensioners — many years ago moved from a city apartment to a village house inherited. And in the former dwelling let tenants - a good increase in pension and savings on the "communal".
Do you think we will talk about bundles of radishes and fresh greenery on the market counter? Yes, this is one of the options of the “country business” – but not the only one.
Ideas and options can be listed for a very long time – these are just examples that I easily found in my inner circle. Surely each of you, digging into the memory, will be able to supplement and expand the list. However, the specific way of earning is not so important – the essence is more important: it is possible, it is real, it really works, and it is done not by some mythical characters, but by those we know personally. And if they do not only enjoy it, but also enjoy it, what is it that prevents us from doing it? .
So it turns out that we – summer residents – have everything to look to the future with optimism. No matter how life turns, the dacha will help and help. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: www.7dach.ru
Yes, the season is over, there is a long winter ahead. But no matter what she brought, it is the beloved dacha that can become both a point of support and a “lifeline”, if suddenly a storm played out in the worldly sea. The older generation remembers that in difficult years, garden plots were a good help for many, and not only in terms of food. How can we save ourselves from the crisis?
This is the simplest, most obvious and understandable answer. The next winter, the prudent owner waits calmly: he has full bins. Summer labor was not wasted - the family will be fed, no matter what happens. It is no longer a curiosity and all kinds of animals in the country villages. Chickens and geese, rabbits and even goats animate the landscape, please the surrounding children and deliver environmentally friendly products to family tables.
We are especially pleased that we have learned to get excellent harvests with minimal effort and time. New technologies plus experience and creativity Many summer residents were convinced: you do not need to "plough" on the field from dawn to dawn, you do not need hectares of land - an ordinary family on a standard "six-hundred" plot is able to grow everything you need in sufficient quantities.
Remember, probably: once the country house for most consisted of only beds and potato furrows, among which stood a shed, proudly called the “country house”. They went there “to serve labor service” (although some enthusiasts knew how to find pleasure in it). Then came the “fed” times, and the beds began to retreat under the pressure of flower beds and neat green lawns. There are real country houses in which you can not only hide from the rain, but also live comfortably, often even all year round. The cottage became a place of rest, and those who continued to persistently cultivate their gardens were looked at as retrogrades: why? ... in the store, everything is there. . .
Finally, the balance was restored. Most modern cottages are a full-fledged country world, where there is everything: benefits, and beauty; work, and rest; and flower beds, and beds with greenhouses. We began to understand that every family member in this world needs a corner, and everyone should be comfortable here. Therefore, we find a place on our "hundreds" (no matter how many there are) for children's sandbox, and for mother's flowers, and for grandmother's cucumbers with zucchini, and for dad's workshop.
And if hard times come again, we will not plow our favorite lawn to plant potatoes. Today we know that the dacha will surely feed us, but it exists not only for this. . .
Even two weekends spent outside the city are able to restore both strength and mental balance. Here everyone has his own recipe: who drowns the bath, who wanders around the neighborhood goes, who admires the garden ... Some comforts the contemplation of country beauties, another shock work returns lost peace - you all know me better. Ask yourself, what does this have to do with the topic? .
A crisis, whether personal or family, is always stressful. Instability and uncertainty are unsettling. However, the expectation of problems is no better, so many are experiencing nervous tension now. And perhaps someone will object to me: they say, not until a country holiday, when you do not know what will happen tomorrow. I'm not arguing. I'll just tell you my story.
Four years ago, just before the New Year, I was out of work. Not that it happened all of a sudden. And I will not say that such a turn would upset me to tears: I would leave myself, but I could not decide, but everything happened without my participation. But no matter what, and a woman after 40 with a preschool child to remain without means of subsistence somehow alarming. Stress in its purest form...
To the surprise of most of my acquaintances, instead of killing myself for this sad reason or engaging in the senseless roaming of endless office thresholds in search of work, I went to the country house, to the village. Where I spent a wonderful winter vacation, and where I came from, already clearly understanding what I really want and where to go next.
Most often, to find the necessary answers and find balance, it is enough just to stop, to be quiet for a while. Dacha is a great place for such a stop. No, of course, and here you can easily find reasons for drama: whether the fence tilted, or the roof at the house leaked, or potatoes Colorado beetle ate... But it is not for nothing that it is said: seek and discover. And we usually find exactly what we were looking for: some solutions, some new problems.
By the way, two years after the events described, I was already living permanently in the countryside, fulfilling my old dream. And now I often hear from friends and acquaintances: “Oh, we should...” But it is scary to change your life when it seems to be arranged and arranged. Another thing is the crisis. .
This autumn, we have many neighbours, summer residents bitterly joked: "Here they turn off the heat in the city - we will come to you to warm up." And some of their own “ways to retreat” were prepared in advance: wood wood was stored “just in case”, the stove was repaired or a new boiler was installed. Even some of those who in the spring claimed that he did not imagine life in the country, by the autumn began to say: it is time, they say, to move closer to the ground. Because utilities are growing, and at work there is about to be a reduction in staff... Salary cuts are already a reality: some businesses are switching to 3-4 working days a week.
Citizens (at least in our region) increasingly consider the nearest suburbs and villages as a place of permanent residence. Pensioners move to the country: the city is boring, and there is always something to do, and it is useful for health. Those who are still far from retirement leave: sometimes it is easier and faster to get to work from a “country residence” than to break through urban traffic jams. Yes, and silence, clean air, white snow - what residents of large cities are deprived of - can often be found only here, in the country.
Modern technologies of construction and improvement, new materials and “smart” equipment have made suburban life much more comfortable. “Facilities in the yard” or stove heating now few people are afraid: everything is solvable, there would be a desire. Transportation is no longer a problem for most families: there are cars in many families. Television, the Internet, telephone communication - they are not available today except in the most remote, remote villages (and if the crisis - so without these "goods of civilization", maybe better :) Take it easy, for sure.
If desired, you can find additional “bonuses” of suburban existence. For example, my friends — a couple of pensioners — many years ago moved from a city apartment to a village house inherited. And in the former dwelling let tenants - a good increase in pension and savings on the "communal".
Do you think we will talk about bundles of radishes and fresh greenery on the market counter? Yes, this is one of the options of the “country business” – but not the only one.
- I knew a pensioner who was engaged in tulips: every spring he sold flowers, in the autumn he traded bulbs; and in the summer he prepared brooms for the bath - also a running commodity.
- another friend keeps a bird: geese, chickens, ducks; eggs and fresh meat bring a good income, and he does not need to stand on the market - there are regular buyers;
- forest gifts feed entire villages, not to mention summer residents - during the season, hard-working mushroom pickers sometimes earn for several months of quite comfortable life;
- one of the neighbors in the old cottage - a passionate lover of decorative floriculture - organized a mini-nursery, where she grows for sale seedlings of flowers and seedlings of perennials;
- friends keep an apiary - and themselves with honey, and the income is good, because the product is high-quality and natural;
- I know summer residents-pensioners who make friends with their busy neighbors on the farm to help: who to mow grass, who to cut wood – and everyone is happy with the result;
- You can rent an apartment, like my friends, about whom I have already told, and you can even rent a cottage, if conditions allow: year by year in cities there are more and more people willing to rent suburban housing for the summer. . .
Ideas and options can be listed for a very long time – these are just examples that I easily found in my inner circle. Surely each of you, digging into the memory, will be able to supplement and expand the list. However, the specific way of earning is not so important – the essence is more important: it is possible, it is real, it really works, and it is done not by some mythical characters, but by those we know personally. And if they do not only enjoy it, but also enjoy it, what is it that prevents us from doing it? .
So it turns out that we – summer residents – have everything to look to the future with optimism. No matter how life turns, the dacha will help and help. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.7dach.ru