The path of spiritual growth lies ONLY through crises and nothing else.
If you are afraid of crises, seek to avoid them, and perceive them as a personal insult, you still do not understand what a spiritual path.
The path of spiritual growth lies ONLY through crises and nothing else.
These crises are needed to ensure that our consciousness has changed under the influence of experience. It is important to understand that the spiritual path - is the path of the evolution of consciousness. It starts from the lowest point of animal rights and ending the transition into the fifth kingdom of souls. In this way there is an algorithm:
the accumulation of a critical mass of experience - a crisis point - a transformation of consciousness
. As you can see, any vital disaster happening to us, not because Heaven tuned personally hostile to us for some reason. Crises occur because Heaven extremely kind to us and helped through these difficult times to transform consciousness.
What is the transformation of consciousness?
This transition experience into a new quality, accompanied by a surge in the level of self-awareness.
Let's look at an example.
Before a person is in this lifetime task to understand that the acquisition - a quality that imprisons. It should not just understand it. This truth must become a part of him, it should grow into his consciousness so that people in the future, simply and naturally follow this postulate, automatically followed.
Consequently, all the events of his life will revolve around the fact that he has accumulated enough experience in the matter. He will acquire - and receive the happiness, the misfortune. He will meet people only those that carry the quality of that task. He will receive both positive and negative experiences.
But the experience has to come to a logical conclusion - to grow in quality, transform consciousness. So crises will occur along the way. All these points are crisis more or less similar. Hence, in fact, went the popular expression of the rake, which we like to attack. And as long as the amount of experience is transformed into a new quality (it is the aim of the Incarnation), the rake will be under our feet lie constantly.
Hence, once again we return to the postulate that we put forward at the beginning: if you avoid crises, which means you have no idea about what a spiritual path
What we used to do at points of crisis?
Spare itself (in the first place).
To perceive the situation as a personal insult Heaven who do not like us.
We do everything to arrest the crisis.
Unfortunately, academic psychologists contribute to this in every way - they help to do everything to neutralize the crisis. What are they doing? Throughout the crisis situation they relate to those stereotypes that are so stuffed with humanity. They are guided by the average human variant of the crowd and the so-called "human values". Spiritual values and the more task Soul to this incarnation - this is for them, not just an abstraction, as something harmful and terrible, what must be addressed. Very often the academic psychologists put forward the cause of the crisis was spiritual path. Of course, they are right. But the findings do wrong. In fact, they make us take a step back to avoid a crisis.
The task of the Soul when it passes through our crises, comes to liberate us, to teach freedom by properly assimilated experience. This is because it is working with us spiritually. When we resist, trying to avoid a crisis, we harm ourselves, because we are afraid of pain. But the pain arises because of the resistance, and who has ever overcome this, knows what is hidden behind the veil of the crisis - there is no pain, there is freedom and joy
A person engaged in spiritual practices, can not use the services of academic psychologists, because they do not have tools that can provide real help. I believe that once the psychologists will esoteric science, and then everything changed. In the meantime, anyone who is engaged in spiritual practices, should acquire a skill passed through the crisis point.
So, if you consider yourself a man advanced, you will not deny the crisis and try to avoid it. Moreover, if your life is fixed for several years, then think about whether you sleep? The student and aspiring constantly dives from one crisis to another, and the rate of its progress on the Path is determined by the speed at which the transformation of consciousness.
So, you do not avoid the crisis, but at the moment when it comes, you begin to realize that the time has come to act. By the way, this does not mean that it is necessary to create a crisis in their lives and the lives of others on a whim. Let us still leave this privilege of the soul, resigned to the fact that we do not know everything about this world.