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The spy who tried to destroy the world


Half a century ago, in the midst of an acute confrontation between the USSR and the United States, was arrested in Moscow GRU Colonel Penkovsky
He gave all of our opponents weaknesses and almost started a nuclear war ...

Oleg Penkovsky was a valuable agent of Western intelligence agencies, their greatest success in the history of confrontation with Moscow. While the relationship lasted less than two years. In second place in the "ranking of Fortune" - KGB colonel Oleg Gordievsky, after 11 years of espionage, escaped to England, where he lives to this day. On the third - GRU Major-General Dmitry Polyakov. Spies quarter of a century. Our shot in 1988.

 - In the United States in the 90 book "The spy who saved the world", based on the reports declassified by the CIA and MI6 agent named "Hero" - says the writer Gennady E. Sokolov, historian global intelligence. - The authors claimed that Penkovsky changed the course of the "cold war", saved the world from a nuclear holocaust in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. We have recently published a book, retired KGB colonel Anatoly Maximov "main mystery of the GRU." Ostensibly actually Penkovsky - our hero without quotes embedded in the CIA with special dezinformatorskoy mission. A trial it was only a hoax.
The two diametrically opposed versions in circulation.

 - The truth, as always, in the middle, Gennady E.?

 - The truth is that the traitor Penkovsky was shot by sentence of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. It was a harsh sentence for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. He lost his post as chief of the GRU legendary Ivan Serov. Almost a quarter century, he reigns in Soviet intelligence. Deputy Beria, head of the KGB, and then - the GRU. General of the Army sacked by depriving titles and awards. From the court of his long-standing friendship and saved "special case" with Khrushchev. Hastily shifted almost all the leaders of the GRU. Urgent withdrawn from abroad for more than three hundred of legal and illegal intelligence, which could light the traitor. Others recall was too late. A number of promising operations was hopelessly fail. Many undercover connection lost forever. Serov was replaced by Peter Ivashutin KGB general, who led the operation to arrest Penkovsky. Most of the new staff during cleaning also came in from the offices of the KGB GRU. "Fellow competitors," military intelligence. The prestige of the Soviet military intelligence was dealt a crushing blow.
And to dismiss the Chief of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the USSR Sergei Varentsova. Marshall lowered the rank of four-stage, stripped the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Broke career and a number of other military leaders. All because of the same "heroes" Penkovsky.
Too great a price for the mythical "dezinformatorskoy mission»!
A similar cleaning was not unprecedented in the history of Russia in the case of the other traitors.

 - As Penkovsky recruited? What have caught?

 - Recruitment was not. He - "Initsiativniki." I do not just trying to pass through foreign to the West a letter with a proposal of cooperation. He was considered a provocateur, the paper refused to take. In the summer of 1960 one letter still got the CIA. Through American tourists. CIA and MI6 have established a joint team of Penkovsky. During his three trips abroad in London and Paris traitor "gutted" completely. Total Time "interrogation" was 140 hours! 1,200 pages of typewritten text. Plus from Moscow, he managed to give the owners a lot of valuable messages and 111 films. I shoot a 5500 top-secret documents totaling 7,650 pages. A team of interpreters did not keep up with the indefatigable spy. The CIA has not been able to believe luck!

 - However, our government claimed after the trial, that traitor to the secrets of access had not worked only shows in the SCS & T (the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology).

 - He had to somehow cover up our universal shame. Under the "roof" of the SCS & T colonel led a full range of issues of economic and scientific-technical cooperation with the West. He was responsible for organizing the GRU military and industrial espionage against the West by the SCS & T channels. It turned us sideways. Jobs SCCT traitor provided an excellent opportunity to obtain private information about the economic, technological and military potential of the USSR. Status advisor of the State Committee gave access to the leaders of our major military factories and design bureaus, General management of military-industrial complex.
Another, even more important source of sensitive data have become familiar high Penkovsky. First of all - Chief Marshal Missile Forces and Artillery of the USSR Sergei Varentsov.

 - They say it was a test of Penkovsky.

 - Gossip. Traitor was married to the daughter of Lieutenant General Gapanovich, Head of the Political Department of the Moscow Military District, at that time - late. And Varentsova Penkovsky served as adjutant of war, has important "unofficial" services. He knew how to please his superiors! Since then, friends, communicate often. During a casual conversation in the house under a glass Marshal received from Penkovsky Varentsova its famous guests such as Defense Minister Malinovsky invaluable for Western intelligence agencies information about the latest Soviet nuclear missiles. Quickly learn about the intentions of top management of the USSR to the West at the height of the "cold war" threatens to turn into a hot, nuclear. I went to the pet and the chief of the GRU Serov. Back in the mid-50s Penkovsky's going to dismiss from military intelligence. Erring in Turkey. But Serov saved him. A typical example: in 1961, for a meeting with the "masters" to Albion traitor came, accompanied on a business trip ... his wife and daughter Serov. He helped them to buy in London scarce at that time in the USSR stuff.
The patronage of high officials opened the doors of many offices spy and secret archives, access to encryption of foreign residency documents for the country's top leadership. These materials were not according to the laws and regulations of conspiracy GRU get Penkovsky eyes. He managed to copy the secret materials, ferrying all the most important to the West. Sometimes he does not even need to find out the names of the agents recruited by the GRU in Britain, the United States. It is enough to tell you that the GRU has received a copy of the document with such a signature stamp and serial number. The enemy counter-espionage is calculated from the leak. So it was put many of our agents abroad.

 - However, a traitor and he spent less than two years. Fast as he calculated!

 - Could reveal even earlier! In August 1961, an agent of the Ministry of War in France, Paris recruited by the GRU residency Vadim Georgievich Ilyin said that the secret services of the USSR is a traitor. Surname - Penkovsky.

 - That's good luck! Take lukewarm spy!

 - GRU resident in Paris, Nikolay Cheredeyev considered unreliable information and forbade send it to the Centre. Ilyin was on his own. He was recalled to Moscow, was forced to retire from the GRU. That's what communication Penkovsky!

 - What happened to Ilyin?

 - They say, worked as a translator. I tried to find Ilina, could not. Can read "Komsomolskaya Pravda", he or his family will respond?

 - As yet we have caught a spy?

 - To this day, analysts of the CIA and MI-6 are scratching their heads, which led to his unmasking, blaming each other for the failure of the superspy. So much so that the guilty disclosure Penkovsky recognized head of MI5, Sir Roger Hollis. In fact, it has helped calculate our super spy George Blake. He lives in Moscow a few days ago to celebrate the 90th anniversary. Twenty years ago, in cooperation with the German documentary I was shooting a movie about him, something he learned firsthand. In the 50s he worked in West Berlin Blake residency MI6. He informed Moscow of all its employees. Including a couple Chisholm. When Penkovsky became an agent of the West, the couple was sent to Moscow to communicate with him. I am hoping that Madame Chisholm, walking around Moscow with a small child, will not cause suspicion of the KGB. However, the KGB knew, thanks to Blake, the true face of British mothers. "Toptun" from the 7th department of the KGB immediately upon arrival in Moscow of Madame took her by dense "cap." They spotted 30 December 1961 contact "one-touch" between Janet Chisholm and unknown Russian on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Further surveillance of Madame gave our counterintelligence to Penkovsky.
Chief of the Second Chief Directorate of the KGB (counterintelligence) Gribanov General and Chief of the six major management (military counterintelligence) Ivashutin General, received the first indirect evidence of possible links with Western intelligence agencies Penkovsky, long refused to believe it. I do not give rest to make a mistake and the fear of incurring the wrath of the top government officials patronize Penkovsky. In addition to photographs of random meetings in Moscow with Chisholm specific information against the colonel of the GRU in the Lubyanka was not. Colonel Military Intelligence was able to cover his tracks!
Only a few months later he KGB chief Vladimir Sevenfold gave the order to produce in the absence of Penkovsky searched his apartment. In order to "remove" the master of the house, counterintelligence officers treated him in his office chair toxic compounds. Colonel ill. I got to the hospital. While treated, the apartment was searched. What a surprise it was the KGB, when they found an arsenal in a secret spy ammunition: minifotokamery, voice recorders, money, codes, regulations, and so on. Only this discovery finally decided the fate of the "mole." He gave leadership of the KGB "iron" the reasons for subsequent arrest. Behind him was next, revealing all the contacts under various pretexts, "shut down" the planned trip to the United States, Europe.

 - What led to Penkovsky conscious treason?

 - A similar question was asked June 26, 1963 CIA chief John McCone at a meeting of the Advisory Council for the Exploration of the US President. The Council met specifically to discuss the failure of the most valuable agent. McCone candidly replied: "First of all, he was guided by emotional motives. This person could not accept the fact that he was unable to climb to a higher rung of power, which prompted him to work against the current leaders of the USSR. "The CIA because examined it from all sides, for fear of a" double game ". And he knew the true essence of the "ideological fighter against communism».

 - Spell out the word about the steps authorities.

 - Penkovsky felt that had stayed in the colonel. I dreamed to be a general. That's all. More money was very fond of. CIA promised him 250 thousand dollars after the espionage activities and resettlement in the United States. The huge sum for those times.

 - What is the main damage caused traitor?

 - Conducted on the instructions of the country's leadership investigation revealed: US intelligence Penkovsky gave crucial information about Soviet strategic nuclear missile forces. At the height of the Cuban missile crisis, when the confrontation between the two countries has reached its climax and threatens to escalate into armed conflict with unpredictable consequences.

 - What was his "mission to save the world", as the authors of the book tsereushnoy?

 - Khrushchev was bluffing. Like, in the USSR "missiles like sausages do." And the West was ready to believe in the power of the Russian nuclear. But Penkovsky gave Washington and London truly invaluable information. It turns out that against the 5,000 US nuclear warheads USSR could put the whole 300. The traitor helped lead the United States to reveal the weaknesses of the Soviet defense, believing in its military superiority and act without fear in the Cuban missile crisis from a position of strength. Again, thanks to Penkovsky learned about our US nuclear missiles in Cuba. Under their noses. In August and October 62nd American spy plane U-2 spotted in Cuba active construction. Only with the help of "the Soviet nuclear dossier" Penkovsky CIA identified: on Liberty Island "red" hastily mounted pads for nuclear missiles ready to take aim at all of America! And sounded the alarm.

 - Khrushchev was a famous adventurer. As they said - "voluntarist". He promised to "bury America"! Could foolish and start a nuclear war. Maybe it really was Penkovsky savior of the world, opening time West plans Nikita Sergeyevich?

 - In a story about the Savior can believe, except for one caveat. About him I learned from declassified CIA documents, carefully studied them. Penkovsky agreed with curators from the CIA on two coded telephone emergency warning signals of their owners. One - the threat of arrest. The other - the Kremlin's secret decision of the nuclear attack on the West. Sensing the failure, on the eve of his arrest Penkovsky did in Moscow CIA encrypted call about ... the threat of nuclear attack on the USSR, the United States. It can be seen, he decided to disappear, so with music! Let go with him into the nether world. In any case, the birthplace. He understood that he would be shot.
However, Dee ECI - CIA chief John Alex McCone has not received a coded message.

 - Why? Our intercepted promptly?

 - Someone has to Langley, the CIA headquarters, withhold it. Two candidates. Analyst Raymond Gartkoff (perhaps Russian, because at the end of the names of two "f"), or the deputy head of the CIA Ray Cline. Perhaps both had a hand in ensuring that an extremely important, but it is doubtful encryption on the preparation of a Soviet nuclear attack did not go to the leadership of the United States. I read the note Gartkoffa. He compared Penkovsky defiant signal to the decision of the biblical Samson bring down the temple on the heads of his enemies and himself. It is easy to imagine the reaction of the American "hawks", surrounded by Kennedy, if not a coded message from Moscow is stuck in Langley, and reached them. It could break out nuclear war. Because of Penkovsky. Again, it was the height of the Cuban missile crisis. The Americans have just learned about our missiles in Cuba.
October 22 in Moscow arrested a traitor. The same day, Kennedy told the nation that the armed forces were put on alert.

 - The arrest of a spy, and we were tied Kennedy?

 - No. On the arrest of Penkovsky CIA and Kennedy himself learned only at the beginning of November, when the Cuban crisis is "absorbable". There is also an interesting story. KGB to lure one of the "connected" spy, an American diplomat, to a geocache Penkovsky. Taking its name from the secret shifrffovanny sign. The diplomat was caught red-handed, he immediately expelled from the Soviet Union.
And in those days of October the situation was tense to the limit. About a hundred warships, submarines the US Navy completely blocked Cuba, not to miss the Soviet ships with weapons. But our nuclear warheads were already on the island. Pentagon hastily preparing for the invasion of more than three hundred thousand infantry and paratroopers reinforced shock air force and navy. In the air, circled around the clock US Air Force strategic bombers with thermonuclear bombs on board. The armed forces of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact were also put on alert.
 - I was at the time of 9 years, Gennady E.. Haunting severe speech Defense Minister Malinovsky on the radio (TV while in the village was not, like electricity). In the evening we gathered in the house of men. They drank moonshine, argued.

 - Will there be a war?

 - That the war is about to begin, no one doubted. Gad only when they announced mobilization and men with guns will go to the front in the 41st. Still I remember very patriotic. In our general store sold out instantly matches, salt, soap, kerosene. Sam stood in the queue. And more and there was nothing to buy.
 - I also remember how one day in October 62 th in the yard of my house on the Moscow Usachёvke laden lorry drove up to the top. In the basement of the house began to throw out gas masks. Threw them as potatoes - the mountain. To the delight of
We, boys! Each then took away his home a few pieces. Liberally sprinkled with talcum powder, they smelled bad. After the first fitting dress them did not want to. Then they began to clean up the bomb shelter - a favorite place of our games of hide and seek. It was another obvious even for the boys' eyes a sign of imminent threat of war.

 - Our nuclear weapons in Cuba - Khrushchev's gamble?

 - The Cuban missile crisis did not come right away. After the failure of the US operation in the Bay of Pigs invasion in the spring of 1961 the CIA and the Pentagon has developed a plan to "Mongoose" to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro. Kremlin decided to create a powerful nuclear missile beachhead in Cuba to take sight of the whole territory of the United States. Operation of the delivery of the missiles was code-named "Anadyr". Later, Khrushchev accused of treachery. But it was an adequate response to the United States, who were the first, back in the 61 th, placed missiles in Turkey, can cover Moscow. Khrushchev was not without reason to believe that the Soviet Union has the same right as the States to place missiles in another country with the consent of its government. Especially when it comes to the protection of the state against foreign invasion.

 - How did the "Operation Anadyr»?

 - In April 1962, during a progress report in the Kremlin, Soviet Defense Minister Marshal Malinovsky, Khrushchev interrupted and suddenly asked: "Rodion, and that if the Americans run the pants of our hedgehog?" Malinowski was silent, not knowing what to say.
