What now happened to the country houses of Russian aristocrats
Russian estate world is our Atlantis went to the bottom of the ocean of history. Only its individual Islands on the surface, not despite, but thanks to quirks of history, need to leave the new masters of life, whose hard life so worried conscientious rightful owners; some of the material symbols of that past life that was destroyed "to the ground". And as all well began! Peter III, the Emperor with a tragic fate, whose name was so long it was accepted to ridicule and despise, had to bestow a decree "On the freedom of the nobility" servicemen estate. And the class rushed to their ancestral lands to build a "perfect world" in accordance with the recommendations of Rousseau and Voltaire. The world had to include the home, pond, Park, temple, stables, kennels, farm.
Estate Of Ivan Turgenev Spasskoye-Lutovinovo
The memorial house of Turgenev in Spasskom — the fruit of great work
generations of conservators and Museum professionals, since 1922. After the death of the great writer's estate came to a complete desolation, and his house burned down in 1906.
Manor stables
It is a utilitarian structure serves another purpose: here smacked of those who created and maintained this "perfect world". But this is the ancestors of most of us. So, walking in the shadows of manor Park, do not forget that somewhere nearby is the manor stables.
Arkhangelskoye estate of the Yusupov princes — the most famous Moscow estate, almost completely preserved thanks to the fact that immediately after the revolution was turned into a Museum and sanatorium for the higher command of the red Army.
The view from the terrace of the Palace
Melikhovo Chekhov — a country cottage rather than a classic Russian estate. She certainly would not have been revived if it had not been consecrated by the name of the great writer. Chekhov bought in 1892 to settle there with his large family and the quiet to work. Lived here for seven years, until he moved to Yalta in connection with the disease.
The main manor house
Without Yasnaya Polyana would not be that of Leo Tolstoy, who we know. This is a real family nest, where she was the life of Tolstoy, where he went and where he is buried.
On the pond, in a secluded corner of the estate recovered an important part of estate life — baths. As you know, in the XIX century bathing suits did not exist.
20 km from Torzhok at the end of XVIII century great Russian architect Lvov built for Senator Glebova manor-a Palace designed for relaxation monarchs on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. This is one of the most interesting estates of Russia, has come down to us from Catherine's time and keep the spirit of the "brilliant century". By the way, transferred to private hands under long-term lease, the estate does not become a closed fortress, and for a small fee open to all, gradually shaking off the ashes of desolation.
Colonnade and old Park
A small village Yaropolets, Volokolamsk, is incredibly rich in historic mansions and monuments. Where else can you see three monumet in honor of the three heads of state? First — in honor of the former owner of the captive Ukrainian Hetman Doroshenko. The second — in honor of the visit of Catherine the great. Third — in honor of Lenin, came to the opening of rural power in 1918. In different parts of the village two stately manors. One in the ruins is an Elizabethan favorite Zakhar Chernyshov. Other restored and alive — Pushkin's mother-in-law Natalia Ivanovna Goncharova, to which the son-in-law a couple of times frequented. The place is not only beautiful but also friendly — admission is free.
The fence of the estate
Polenovo is a unique place designed not only as a residential estate, but also as a cultural centre distance from the capitals of the great Russian artist Vasily Polenov 120 years ago on the banks of the Oka. Surprising: the place chosen by the artist — a symbol of the Russian landscape, the source of the Russian character. Trinity Church in Behave the tradition of ancient Russian architecture. And among all this is a purely European house, workshop, outbuildings. But all together creates a wonderful atmosphere of comfort and spiritual harmony.
Trinity Church in Bekhovo
Hmelita — Smolensk tribal patrimony Griboyedov — estate with an amazing, tragic, but such Russian fate. Built in the mid XVIII century, it has survived all the wars, prokatyvalis through it for two hundred years. But in 1954, drunk farmers lit in the main hall of fire, and the manor burned down. And that is not burned in the fire, was carried off on farmsteads. And nothing would be left, if not there is an amazing seeker — Viktor Kulakov, a pupil of the legendary restorer Pyotr Baranovsky. Thirty years of his life he has devoted to ensuring that from the ashes reborn Griboedov's manor and the Museum was created. Here's to people like the kulaks, Russia held.
Room in the manor
The materials for this article taken from the album "RUSSIAN ALBUM. Konstantin Kokoshkin", published by the National photographic Archive "geofoto".published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru

Estate Of Ivan Turgenev Spasskoye-Lutovinovo
The memorial house of Turgenev in Spasskom — the fruit of great work
generations of conservators and Museum professionals, since 1922. After the death of the great writer's estate came to a complete desolation, and his house burned down in 1906.

Manor stables
It is a utilitarian structure serves another purpose: here smacked of those who created and maintained this "perfect world". But this is the ancestors of most of us. So, walking in the shadows of manor Park, do not forget that somewhere nearby is the manor stables.

Arkhangelskoye estate of the Yusupov princes — the most famous Moscow estate, almost completely preserved thanks to the fact that immediately after the revolution was turned into a Museum and sanatorium for the higher command of the red Army.

The view from the terrace of the Palace

Melikhovo Chekhov — a country cottage rather than a classic Russian estate. She certainly would not have been revived if it had not been consecrated by the name of the great writer. Chekhov bought in 1892 to settle there with his large family and the quiet to work. Lived here for seven years, until he moved to Yalta in connection with the disease.

The main manor house

Without Yasnaya Polyana would not be that of Leo Tolstoy, who we know. This is a real family nest, where she was the life of Tolstoy, where he went and where he is buried.

On the pond, in a secluded corner of the estate recovered an important part of estate life — baths. As you know, in the XIX century bathing suits did not exist.

20 km from Torzhok at the end of XVIII century great Russian architect Lvov built for Senator Glebova manor-a Palace designed for relaxation monarchs on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. This is one of the most interesting estates of Russia, has come down to us from Catherine's time and keep the spirit of the "brilliant century". By the way, transferred to private hands under long-term lease, the estate does not become a closed fortress, and for a small fee open to all, gradually shaking off the ashes of desolation.

Colonnade and old Park

A small village Yaropolets, Volokolamsk, is incredibly rich in historic mansions and monuments. Where else can you see three monumet in honor of the three heads of state? First — in honor of the former owner of the captive Ukrainian Hetman Doroshenko. The second — in honor of the visit of Catherine the great. Third — in honor of Lenin, came to the opening of rural power in 1918. In different parts of the village two stately manors. One in the ruins is an Elizabethan favorite Zakhar Chernyshov. Other restored and alive — Pushkin's mother-in-law Natalia Ivanovna Goncharova, to which the son-in-law a couple of times frequented. The place is not only beautiful but also friendly — admission is free.

The fence of the estate

Polenovo is a unique place designed not only as a residential estate, but also as a cultural centre distance from the capitals of the great Russian artist Vasily Polenov 120 years ago on the banks of the Oka. Surprising: the place chosen by the artist — a symbol of the Russian landscape, the source of the Russian character. Trinity Church in Behave the tradition of ancient Russian architecture. And among all this is a purely European house, workshop, outbuildings. But all together creates a wonderful atmosphere of comfort and spiritual harmony.

Trinity Church in Bekhovo

Hmelita — Smolensk tribal patrimony Griboyedov — estate with an amazing, tragic, but such Russian fate. Built in the mid XVIII century, it has survived all the wars, prokatyvalis through it for two hundred years. But in 1954, drunk farmers lit in the main hall of fire, and the manor burned down. And that is not burned in the fire, was carried off on farmsteads. And nothing would be left, if not there is an amazing seeker — Viktor Kulakov, a pupil of the legendary restorer Pyotr Baranovsky. Thirty years of his life he has devoted to ensuring that from the ashes reborn Griboedov's manor and the Museum was created. Here's to people like the kulaks, Russia held.

Room in the manor
The materials for this article taken from the album "RUSSIAN ALBUM. Konstantin Kokoshkin", published by the National photographic Archive "geofoto".published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru