Before we destroy the base, and then ......
On Lenin, Barton and the former owner.
Will be 24 photos and comments.
1.Gorki - one of the oldest estates near Moscow. The first details of which date from the mid 16th century.
But the most brilliant page in the history of the estate associated with the name Zinaida G. Morozova-Reinboth,
widow of the famous Russian businessman and philanthropist ST Morozov. It acquired the Gorky in 1909
2.Chestolyubivaya and rich mistress, made the reconstruction of the main farmstead buildings, created a farm, equipped with the latest technology, built new greenhouses, water tower and power plant supplies all manor of water and electricity.
3. In the reconstruction has changed not only the appearance of buildings, but also interior decoration,
Modern comfort is combined with the atmosphere of an old aristocratic manor.
4.Gorki does not suffer the sad fate of most estates,
that after the events of October 1917, have been looted or destroyed.
Morozova-Reinboth managed to organize the protection of the estate economy and avoid defeat.
In the spring of 1918 Slides were nationalized. Big house and the north wing to find in them the property sealed, and on the basis of the manor farm economy is organized. Sina Fosdick under threat of arrest, forbidden to appear in imenii.Ona went to Moscow and never returned to Gorki.
5.Dalneyshuyu fate of the estate determined the arrival of Gorki VI Lenin was the arrival saved the estate from oblivion, and a collection of razoreniya.Vpervye Lenin was in Gorki, in September 1918, exactly one month after the injury. And she manor, and the area around it very much, he asked for nothing in the house to rebuild, and the furniture is not changed. Over the next few years, the Ulyanov family came here periodically. Only from May 1923 until his death, Lenin lived and worked in Gorki constantly.
6.Pervoe time due to faulty boiler Ulyanovs settled in the northern wing of the manor. Living rooms in the lodge were small, but all are equipped with stoves.
Room Vladimir Ilyich in the northern wing of.
7.Komnata Nadezhda Krupskaya. A friend of his wife and colleague ...
8.Samuyu large area occupied by the sister of Vladimir Ilyich
9.Komnata Ilinichny Maria Ulyanova.
10.Vo annexe Ulyanov lived in autumn and winter and in the big house just got over the summer.
12.Krupskaya recalled: "The house was well built up, with terraces, with bath, with electric lighting, richly furnished ... We used to live in a modest apartment in deshёvenkih rooms and cheap foreign pensions and did not know where to stick their noses in the chambers Reinbot ... Only gradually we are accustomed to this house. "
13.I do by the standards of the time the device was a manor than incredible in terms of technical progress
14.telefonnaya room
15.Privyknuv, Ulyanov family was placed in the house until his death V.ILenina
16.Stolovaya in a big house
17.Rabochy office leader
18.Komnata Lenin in a big house
19.Biblioteka ...
20.Edinstvennoe change that Vladimir Ilyich asked to do is give him a movie theater on the first floor of a large house. Remember the well-known expression of the leader "Of all the arts for us cinema is the most important»
21.Rasskazyvaya about Manor not to mention about another tsenneyshem exhibit standing in the coach house.
This is a car Rolls-Royce «Silver Ghost» was bought in England in 1922 for the government garage. In Russia, at the Putilov factory in Petrograd, it was redesigned: chassis chassis placed on the tracks, and the front wheels fastened skis. The machine is ideal for trips in the winter. This car VI Lenin arrived from Moscow in Gorki. Due to the fact that after the death of Lenin remained in the car slides and little exploited, all the details of it original. It is the only Rolls-Royce on the half-track course.
22.Karetny barn is in the service housing estate. From this building to the south, in the direction of the train station leads park alley, received after the death of Lenin called "Funeral". For this avenue January 23, 1924, the year the coffin with Lenin's body was taken to the train.
23. In the beginning of "Funeral Alley" is a group of sculptures SD Merkurov "The funeral of the leader."
24.Posle death of Lenin in Gorki with his family settled his younger brat.V 1930 it was decided to establish a museum in the mansion, but to evict Dmitry Ulyanov did not succeed. Dmitry Ilyich died in Gorki in 1943, his family still moved, and in 1947, work began on the creation of the museum. Two years later, the museum-estate Lenin Hills received its first visitors.
After the revolution Morozova-Reinboth narrowly escaped repression, but lost all his estates had to sell her personal belongings and valuables. To leave the country she could not, the children died young grandchildren were ill with tuberculosis, the war began. Zinaida G. Morozova died in 1947. Her ashes rest in the family vault in the Old Believers' Morozov Rogozhskoe cemetery in Moscow.
That's all. I apologize for that long, PL brakes.
Will be 24 photos and comments.

1.Gorki - one of the oldest estates near Moscow. The first details of which date from the mid 16th century.
But the most brilliant page in the history of the estate associated with the name Zinaida G. Morozova-Reinboth,
widow of the famous Russian businessman and philanthropist ST Morozov. It acquired the Gorky in 1909

2.Chestolyubivaya and rich mistress, made the reconstruction of the main farmstead buildings, created a farm, equipped with the latest technology, built new greenhouses, water tower and power plant supplies all manor of water and electricity.

3. In the reconstruction has changed not only the appearance of buildings, but also interior decoration,
Modern comfort is combined with the atmosphere of an old aristocratic manor.

4.Gorki does not suffer the sad fate of most estates,
that after the events of October 1917, have been looted or destroyed.
Morozova-Reinboth managed to organize the protection of the estate economy and avoid defeat.
In the spring of 1918 Slides were nationalized. Big house and the north wing to find in them the property sealed, and on the basis of the manor farm economy is organized. Sina Fosdick under threat of arrest, forbidden to appear in imenii.Ona went to Moscow and never returned to Gorki.

5.Dalneyshuyu fate of the estate determined the arrival of Gorki VI Lenin was the arrival saved the estate from oblivion, and a collection of razoreniya.Vpervye Lenin was in Gorki, in September 1918, exactly one month after the injury. And she manor, and the area around it very much, he asked for nothing in the house to rebuild, and the furniture is not changed. Over the next few years, the Ulyanov family came here periodically. Only from May 1923 until his death, Lenin lived and worked in Gorki constantly.

6.Pervoe time due to faulty boiler Ulyanovs settled in the northern wing of the manor. Living rooms in the lodge were small, but all are equipped with stoves.
Room Vladimir Ilyich in the northern wing of.

7.Komnata Nadezhda Krupskaya. A friend of his wife and colleague ...

8.Samuyu large area occupied by the sister of Vladimir Ilyich

9.Komnata Ilinichny Maria Ulyanova.

10.Vo annexe Ulyanov lived in autumn and winter and in the big house just got over the summer.


12.Krupskaya recalled: "The house was well built up, with terraces, with bath, with electric lighting, richly furnished ... We used to live in a modest apartment in deshёvenkih rooms and cheap foreign pensions and did not know where to stick their noses in the chambers Reinbot ... Only gradually we are accustomed to this house. "

13.I do by the standards of the time the device was a manor than incredible in terms of technical progress

14.telefonnaya room

15.Privyknuv, Ulyanov family was placed in the house until his death V.ILenina

16.Stolovaya in a big house

17.Rabochy office leader

18.Komnata Lenin in a big house

19.Biblioteka ...

20.Edinstvennoe change that Vladimir Ilyich asked to do is give him a movie theater on the first floor of a large house. Remember the well-known expression of the leader "Of all the arts for us cinema is the most important»

21.Rasskazyvaya about Manor not to mention about another tsenneyshem exhibit standing in the coach house.
This is a car Rolls-Royce «Silver Ghost» was bought in England in 1922 for the government garage. In Russia, at the Putilov factory in Petrograd, it was redesigned: chassis chassis placed on the tracks, and the front wheels fastened skis. The machine is ideal for trips in the winter. This car VI Lenin arrived from Moscow in Gorki. Due to the fact that after the death of Lenin remained in the car slides and little exploited, all the details of it original. It is the only Rolls-Royce on the half-track course.

22.Karetny barn is in the service housing estate. From this building to the south, in the direction of the train station leads park alley, received after the death of Lenin called "Funeral". For this avenue January 23, 1924, the year the coffin with Lenin's body was taken to the train.

23. In the beginning of "Funeral Alley" is a group of sculptures SD Merkurov "The funeral of the leader."

24.Posle death of Lenin in Gorki with his family settled his younger brat.V 1930 it was decided to establish a museum in the mansion, but to evict Dmitry Ulyanov did not succeed. Dmitry Ilyich died in Gorki in 1943, his family still moved, and in 1947, work began on the creation of the museum. Two years later, the museum-estate Lenin Hills received its first visitors.
After the revolution Morozova-Reinboth narrowly escaped repression, but lost all his estates had to sell her personal belongings and valuables. To leave the country she could not, the children died young grandchildren were ill with tuberculosis, the war began. Zinaida G. Morozova died in 1947. Her ashes rest in the family vault in the Old Believers' Morozov Rogozhskoe cemetery in Moscow.
That's all. I apologize for that long, PL brakes.
