Evil Corporation. Okay, Google: how to destroy humanity?

The degree of immersion in the setting determines the user loyalty. Developers are faced daily with the growing need for involvement and the players always want something more: new locations, levels, characters. Soon created game universes will not be enough and you will need a portal, which connects them with the real world. Some companies have long been working in this direction and not afraid to experiment. Nonstandard solution involving players in-game websites have become corporations.
Umbrella Corporation
Game: Resident Evil
Founded in June 2007
Would you like some cult of weapons? Umbrella personally guarantee the quality! If this is not enough, the site has a photo customer , and on YouTube - numerous video reviews.
Website launched simultaneously with the release of Resident Evil 4 on the Wii and PC, and at the same time there was a film Resident Evil: Extinction. When your best-selling game in its genre, to create and maintain such a site is not a problem. A 168 000 subscribers to the official account Facebook - a good indicator for a non-existent company.
Sarif Industries
Game: Deus Ex
Founded in February 2010
The atmosphere surpasses site: Eidos Montreal have not only created it but also hacked on behalf of the opponents of implant technology. So against the background of a beautiful and attractive advertising slogans we see the terrible truth of the universe Deus Ex.
Site Sarif Industries, as well as book Deus Ex: Icarus Effect, became part of the promotional campaign for the exit as fans anticipated prequel Deus Ex: Human Revolution. If you have a webcam, anyone can make a realistic self implant.
Game: RoboCop
Founded in July 2012
Think easy to be a robot? Test your reactions and analytical skills in the role of Robocop directly on the site Omnicorp. The tests, however, are simple and short, but much better represented the company's products - a detailed description, 3D models and video presentations.
The site launched with the release of the movie RoboCop remake in 2014. Then the studio GLU Mobile released the official game based on this movie. Videos about the company together account for nearly half a million views, and the official Account Facebook gathered 30,000 subscribers.
Weyland-Yutani Corporation
Games: Aliens vs. Predator; Aliens: Colonial Marines; Alien: Isolation
Founded in March 2012
If you want to work in the most powerful and influential corporations in the world, welcome to Weyland-Yutani. Get in the training center and to assess their chances for employment rated. Employee card is issued instantly ... by you. But, alas, to become a member of Weyland-Yutani, you have to completely forget about morality and to use Internet Explorer, because it is Microsoft and IE in due time became the official sponsor of this project.
The site was created as part of the promotion of the film Prometheus. Therefore, all the interactive features of it tied to the project of the same name Weyland-Yutani.
Black Mesa
Game: Half-Life, Black Mesa
Founded in November 2013
Some companies allow the public to know about yourself as much as you need us the most. Black Mesa is working to make a better future for mankind. You will see this by looking at the site, which in essence - commercial. However, in the end there is clearly something went wrong ...
In 2013, the site looked different: the classic card company - a description of the projects, news, contacts. C January 2015 was broadcast through the site "emergency radio message" about the explosion and evacuation, which quickly spread to the network. Thus began the preparation for the appearance of the shooter Black Mesa on Steam. Today, the site has an automatic redirect to the page of the game in the Steam.
Aperture Science
Game: Portal
Founded in July 2006
Christmas has not yet been associated with you and Portal? Then log on to Aperture Science, watch the video over and over again ... Feel the Christmas spirit! Want more? Old version is available thanks web.archive and other similar services, storing anything that has ever been on the Internet. Old Site - very interactive. Instructions to use it on the network enough. However, many mistaken for a secret archive of the company's website.
Aperture Science was launched before the release of Portal and replaced by a new version in 2011, just in time for the release of the second part.
Excellia Battlefield Systems
Game: Soldiers Inc.
Founded in April 2013
// player.vimeo.com/video/105238266 video>
It's time to think seriously about their safety. A couple of small tanks and helicopter will look quite impressive. For the doubters have customer reviews, annual financial report and the opportunity to return the unused product virtually free of charge (unless 92% of the purchase price is the money?).
The site was released simultaneously with the launch of the game.
The Epsilon Program
Game: GTA
Founding date: June 2004
You do not want to give some money to a good cause? More specifically, a lot. Seriously, Epsilon Program will change your life. The fundamental ideas are simple and clear, convincing testimony believed, and music on the site ... does not turn off - it's like hypnosis.
For the first time the program has appeared in GTA San Andreas, and the site became part of PR-campaign games. Interest in the site increased, respectively, with the release of GTA 4 and GTA 5, which also found references to the cult of the Epsilon Program.
Come to the Dark Side
Evaluate the success and profitability of the projects is just across of PR-campaign, but such experiments are not only attract new players, but also support existing interest: it is a good expansion of the gaming universe for her real fans, but as a pretext media sites such ballyhoo around game project, providing it with the interest of potential players.
And what gaming corporation immediately come to mind for you?
Source: geektimes.ru/company/plarium/blog/260190/