Domestic firearms. Opinion Riot.
"The dagger is good for someone who does - is, and bad for those who have it will not appear at the right time»
(Abdullah, "White Sun of the Desert»)
Firearms - an essential attribute of civilization. Since ancient times served as a tool to protect weapons, obtaining food, the conquest of the territories. And always a weapon - a tool to do the will of his master, the offender or the servant of the law, the invader or defender of the Fatherland.
For eighteen years, small arms is my constant companion. The heat and cold, day and night, in different parts of the area, in different regions, in the dash, at the site, in a fight, at home - it is always with me. Over the years, I passed through my hands a lot of samples of domestic military weapons and very little foreign. I know I was capable of each sample, what to expect from him, to hope and something to fear.
And, of course, each formed his own opinion, often do not coincide with the common. Not without my active participation in combat situations. And about the weapon I can tell, may be more right than the other "experts" on the Internet and some of the "weapons" journals that extensively painted the advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of weapon. The main trouble of domestic small arms - is mediocre, and sometimes terrible ergonomics, and, of course, the low quality of production (the Soviet period does not apply).
But as they say, how many people - so many opinions. Let's start ...
Self-loading Pistol Small PSM
It can be deciphered as "gun for complacency. Maybe you're lucky. " A case where the wounded, with five bullets in the abdomen, issued from PSM, alone went to the health facility, located a mile.
5, 45-mm automatic pistol PSM
And he was the addition of subtle. Very precise gun at sports small-caliber pistol. Very compact. James Bond would have been happy with it. In the gun battle would not prevent spur on the cover of one of the shops. Suitable as a backup gun, but not as a primary weapon. Plus a problem with a deficit of ammunition.
Makarov PM pistol
Legendary undoubtedly gun. The standard of reliability, relatively compact, always ready for a fight. Even despite its venerable age, and remains in service today, and is widely used in the dash, and in battle. Classic gun for civilian and police use. Of course, it is not a gun for target shooting or speed, but put three bullets in the center of the standard target (circle with a diameter of 10 cm) to 25 m are no problem for this "old man." It is capable of even more. Some of our PM allows put five holes in a circle of 6 cm. As for the small stopping power, I can say that this person say, at best, killing paper target, and never firing in a combat situation. It is important to get to the vital organs, "goal", or even a rifle bullet can guarantee a reliable defeat.
9-mm automatic pistol PM
Some problems create a bullet with a steel core Pst, sometimes rebounding from solid obstacles. In recent years, the situation with ammunition for the PM has changed, there were bullets with bullets, having enhanced stopping power and improved penetrative ability PBM (7N25). For example, a cartridge for law enforcement PPO allows you to use weapons (pistols and sub-machine guns) indoors, in settlements, with a low probability of dangerous ricochets, due to the absence of solid core in the pool. There is information about the poor quality cartridges PPO, unstable performance, but the cartridges supplied in our division, surprises are not presented with a weapon and work with them as a clock.
Makarov pistol upgraded MMP-12
Modernization PM chambered for increased power. Improved handle ergonomics, the store increased capacity. It is used with a cartridge and Pst and middleware as standard bullets 7N16 - a rarity for a long time and are not produced.
9-mm automatic pistol MMP
The springs in the shops working with overexertion, so quickly lose their elasticity, which leads to delays in shooting. Poor-quality plastic which is made from the feeder, is the cause of cracking and wear or breakage of the tooth feeder.
Pistol Tula Tokarev TT
Another legend armory. Much has been said about him, you can add quite a bit. More suitable for military use when it is given in combat readiness. For its relatively small size, it is one of the most powerful handguns in the world.
7, 62-mm self-loading pistols TT
And much more pleasant to the touch, such as PCOS and any "Glock". It is not suitable for urban shootings and self-defense. Most bullet penetration and lack of self-cocking may lead to prison (Bang Bang and a passerby), or at the cemetery (it is necessary to have time to cock).
APS Stechkin automatic pistol
Rovesnik PM, even more popular. Pistol with a capital letter. Reliable, powerful, precise, with more ammunition and the possibility of automatic fire. Often used as a primary weapon for operations in confined spaces, using bullet-proof shields when only one hand free. Automatic mode is used when shooting at close distances to create a high density of fire and a greater probability of defeat.
APS gun holsters with regular-butts and pouches.
APS pistols altered in the hip holster with rubber lining on the pistol grip and twisted strap
Beloved members of special units, demanded now. Even before entering the gun at him in a unit already comes true "hunting." Some, having tasted the "charm" of the TL prefer to replace them with the old, sometimes dismantled APS. The pistol has a streamlined shape, no clinging with the rapid extraction from the holster. Some of the problems when you hold creates a pistol grip, over the years, polished hands and clothing. The heat and cold gun tends to "slip" out of hand. But this minor nuisance is eliminated putting on the handle piece of bicycle inner tube or lining, such as the company «Uncle Mike's».
Gun rather big, but with the proper skill and experience can be worn discreetly, like all pistols. I usually wear it in the holster podbryuchnoy own making, without any fasteners, for its fast retrieval and a pistol with a twisted strap or in a suitable size bag over his shoulder.
Fuse never use, even if there is a cartridge in the chamber, one is not perturbed absence fuse on most revolvers, self-cocking gun and charged the same security as a loaded revolver. When you work in an urban environment in a converted pistol wear loin holster, and buttoned - holster design allows you to hold the gun even in the inverted position. Spare wear shops on the left thigh in a makeshift haversack. One store is always open valve for fast retrieval.
Yarygin Pistol PYA
Miracle national armory of thought. Although, no doubt, the long-awaited type of army pistol. Powerful, moderately ergonomic, with capacious store. But ... I doubt that in Soviet times, it would have taken to arms. The gun was a "crude". Angular, with protruding parts as if felled with an ax. Workmanship - appropriate. When shooting ten new sporting gun cartridges issued by for target practice, there were two guns clamps sleeves, one flash in the pan, and then re-pinned - shot. When loaded magazine sharp edges sponges cut fingers and not to die from the periodic bloodletting, we have to take over the file. By increasing the capacity to store one bullet hole should move to control the number of rounds (in the Ministry of Interior adopted by 18-round gun). Sami holes are located on the right side, and to visually determine the number of rounds of ammunition, it is necessary to store the handle to pull out completely or be left-handed. Move the hole on the left wall of the store or on the back, probably it was not possible.
Latch shop is not protected, accidentally pressed when wearing - not a rarity. At best, you can lose the store, and at worst - to stay in the face of danger with an empty cartridge chamber, because if you accidentally press the button magazine catch it moves down the line chambering and slips past the gate of the cartridge. A store - such as in the handle is pressed against the latch. The shop itself should make the type of store APS, with large windows, or by type of store PSM to facilitate equipment cartridges. Slide stop lever is located near the fuse, and when you click on one of the levers of pin falls and another that requires additional effort. Some relatively new guns, the bolt spontaneously breaks down with the slide stop. The back of the shutter - downright openwork design. Probably specially made for the collection of different waste. (In contrast to the PM and APS).
9-mm automatic pistols APS
Notch in front of the gate - probably a fad and nothing more. With this incision fingers stumble on the sharp edges of the front of the frame. Maybe it is used to check the cartridge in the chamber, as do foreign pistols? But this is a pointer presence cartridge in the chamber.
Bilateral safety lever. Good decision. But with only right-sided standard holster, this decision remains unclaimed. The same can be said about saving the gun with the hammer cocked. It is an extra feature. If you remove the gun from the holster, cock at the same time does not pose any problems. All the more so in the DA mode PYA soft and hard on the accuracy of the first shot is not affected.
9-mm automatic pistol PYA
Here's what not to take away from the mailbox, so it's smooth descent and a quick return to the line of sight after the shot. For rapid-fire, he is better suited. The similarity trigger PCOS and PSM obviously and noticeably did not even professional. Why not make the fuse is the same as on the PSM design and place it on the gate, the simultaneous removal of a fuse and the hammer cocked. And to close with the back of the gate from possible blockage by foreign objects. The projection on the front of the trigger guard to the index finger. Maybe he improves accuracy - much difference I noticed. The gun throws as well as normal-grip. And with such a wide bracket for proper grip is not necessary to have an index finger, and the tentacle. Sights had to do was streamlined in order to avoid getting caught in the clothes or operational holster.
The pistol has included only one spare magazine. Regular cartridges with bullet Pst differ from those during target practice sports 9x19 Luger ammunition, the level of acoustic impact on the arrow, the greater the impact force and a strong flash when fired. As a result, the shooter knows about these features only when using a gun in combat. When using cartridges with bullet Pst indoors observed dangerous ricochets that can be corrected by replacing half worn on ammunition cartridges with bullets with lead cores. In general, these cases with this gun. Complete analogy with domestic and foreign cars. Similar, but something in our not ...
Self-loading Pistol PSS Special
That's about it, you can say with full confidence phrase that abuse in our country - "is unique." Compact pistol, quite flat for concealed carry. Accurate, unpretentious, always ready to go - no need to attach a silencer.
It is used as a second or third weapon. Rarely, but if it is necessary - it is ready for your service. Pistol - not uncommon in those who it is put. With ammunition problems also arise.
Knife NRS-2 glasses PN14K gun MSS cartridges SP4 and 7N36
The gun TKB-0216
Thoroughly degraded version of revolvers Smith & Wesson. His only advantage is smooth and soft descent. Given its large size, it would be possible to use more powerful ammunition, such as SP10, SP11.
9-mm pistol TKB-0216 (OC-01 Cobalt
Poorly fitting cheeks handle. Often spontaneously unscrewed the drum axle.
Submachine gun PP-93
The compact submachine gun with high fire capabilities. With some experience you can "planting" the entire store into the target. Fairly good accuracy and firing automatic fire with one hand. In a modification of APB is complete BSS and powerful laser tseleeukazatel LP93. Unfortunately, the barrel can be fastened at the same time, or CBE, or LCC. Fixing is effected by means of the latch and has a large backlash. Shoulder stress that more masterpiece. Due to the low returns from the embryo fore-end is still possible to deal with, but because of poor fixation of the shoulder all the way into the firing position bullets do not always go in the desired direction. And over time, this node becomes loose even more.
9-mm submachine gun APB (modification of PP-93) defined BSS (top) or LCC (bottom)
Button latch shop is very good. No complaints, but not so on the handle of a platoon, situated in a very interesting place. To quickly cock the shutter, it is necessary to train for a long time, since it is necessary not just pull the handle, and even before that and drown and do not forget to go back on the PC. Otherwise, during a shot is possible to obtain returns along with the shutter lever on the fingers. Translator-fuse is located on the "right" side, but not always the flat shape allows you to quickly rearrange the modes of fire, especially in the winter, gloves.
9 mm submachine gun SR-2M "Heather»
A powerful submachine gun, precise, with more ammunition. Purchased for the Interior Ministry does not have the staffing patterns collimator sight - one of the main attributes of this weapon. Instead of standard cover has cover from AKS-74U and shopping bag AK-74. Apparently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not have the money or the responsible officials do not feel the need to purchase a weapon out of the box.
9-mm submachine gun SR-2M with a 30-round magazine. Nearby lies a 20-round magazine
Submachine gun SR-2M - a safety and handle reloading is located on the right side
When the first communication is surprising ill-conceived layout of the controls. The fuse is located on the right side, but if you place it on the left hand, thumb, one could quickly lead weapons on alert and quickly translate into a safe state. And all this - with one hand. Translator fire mode on the other hand - often used only once, and quick access to it is optional. For quick reloading should move the bolt handle to the other side or make double-sided. When folded, the butt, in some specimens, right thrust overlaps folded handle charging a couple of millimeters, and the handle has to pick out from under the butt.
If you receive a "Veresk" to the division all those who took their hands, pay attention to the shoulder rest too long. When shooting in a flak jacket is very noticeable, especially when holding the front handle.
Speaking of the handle. The thing is, of course, necessary. When using latch handle, sooner or later he will nip the skin on the index finger. The handle itself is located close to the muzzle, which is under intensive shooting heats and comfort does not add to his hand. It would be set at the bottom of the muzzle plastic overlay. Would not prevent muzzle compensating holes. If you hold the front handle weapons sharp edges of the lower part of the forearm slam into the brush. Tolerant, but it is unpleasant. More recently, during the operation, I tried to quietly hand in these cartridge in the chamber. That is accompanied by a hand bolt carrier and avoid hitting the moving parts in the forward position.
Once again. And you?
(Abdullah, "White Sun of the Desert»)
Firearms - an essential attribute of civilization. Since ancient times served as a tool to protect weapons, obtaining food, the conquest of the territories. And always a weapon - a tool to do the will of his master, the offender or the servant of the law, the invader or defender of the Fatherland.
For eighteen years, small arms is my constant companion. The heat and cold, day and night, in different parts of the area, in different regions, in the dash, at the site, in a fight, at home - it is always with me. Over the years, I passed through my hands a lot of samples of domestic military weapons and very little foreign. I know I was capable of each sample, what to expect from him, to hope and something to fear.
And, of course, each formed his own opinion, often do not coincide with the common. Not without my active participation in combat situations. And about the weapon I can tell, may be more right than the other "experts" on the Internet and some of the "weapons" journals that extensively painted the advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of weapon. The main trouble of domestic small arms - is mediocre, and sometimes terrible ergonomics, and, of course, the low quality of production (the Soviet period does not apply).
But as they say, how many people - so many opinions. Let's start ...

Self-loading Pistol Small PSM
It can be deciphered as "gun for complacency. Maybe you're lucky. " A case where the wounded, with five bullets in the abdomen, issued from PSM, alone went to the health facility, located a mile.

5, 45-mm automatic pistol PSM
And he was the addition of subtle. Very precise gun at sports small-caliber pistol. Very compact. James Bond would have been happy with it. In the gun battle would not prevent spur on the cover of one of the shops. Suitable as a backup gun, but not as a primary weapon. Plus a problem with a deficit of ammunition.

Makarov PM pistol
Legendary undoubtedly gun. The standard of reliability, relatively compact, always ready for a fight. Even despite its venerable age, and remains in service today, and is widely used in the dash, and in battle. Classic gun for civilian and police use. Of course, it is not a gun for target shooting or speed, but put three bullets in the center of the standard target (circle with a diameter of 10 cm) to 25 m are no problem for this "old man." It is capable of even more. Some of our PM allows put five holes in a circle of 6 cm. As for the small stopping power, I can say that this person say, at best, killing paper target, and never firing in a combat situation. It is important to get to the vital organs, "goal", or even a rifle bullet can guarantee a reliable defeat.

9-mm automatic pistol PM
Some problems create a bullet with a steel core Pst, sometimes rebounding from solid obstacles. In recent years, the situation with ammunition for the PM has changed, there were bullets with bullets, having enhanced stopping power and improved penetrative ability PBM (7N25). For example, a cartridge for law enforcement PPO allows you to use weapons (pistols and sub-machine guns) indoors, in settlements, with a low probability of dangerous ricochets, due to the absence of solid core in the pool. There is information about the poor quality cartridges PPO, unstable performance, but the cartridges supplied in our division, surprises are not presented with a weapon and work with them as a clock.

Makarov pistol upgraded MMP-12
Modernization PM chambered for increased power. Improved handle ergonomics, the store increased capacity. It is used with a cartridge and Pst and middleware as standard bullets 7N16 - a rarity for a long time and are not produced.

9-mm automatic pistol MMP
The springs in the shops working with overexertion, so quickly lose their elasticity, which leads to delays in shooting. Poor-quality plastic which is made from the feeder, is the cause of cracking and wear or breakage of the tooth feeder.

Pistol Tula Tokarev TT
Another legend armory. Much has been said about him, you can add quite a bit. More suitable for military use when it is given in combat readiness. For its relatively small size, it is one of the most powerful handguns in the world.

7, 62-mm self-loading pistols TT
And much more pleasant to the touch, such as PCOS and any "Glock". It is not suitable for urban shootings and self-defense. Most bullet penetration and lack of self-cocking may lead to prison (Bang Bang and a passerby), or at the cemetery (it is necessary to have time to cock).

APS Stechkin automatic pistol
Rovesnik PM, even more popular. Pistol with a capital letter. Reliable, powerful, precise, with more ammunition and the possibility of automatic fire. Often used as a primary weapon for operations in confined spaces, using bullet-proof shields when only one hand free. Automatic mode is used when shooting at close distances to create a high density of fire and a greater probability of defeat.

APS gun holsters with regular-butts and pouches.

APS pistols altered in the hip holster with rubber lining on the pistol grip and twisted strap
Beloved members of special units, demanded now. Even before entering the gun at him in a unit already comes true "hunting." Some, having tasted the "charm" of the TL prefer to replace them with the old, sometimes dismantled APS. The pistol has a streamlined shape, no clinging with the rapid extraction from the holster. Some of the problems when you hold creates a pistol grip, over the years, polished hands and clothing. The heat and cold gun tends to "slip" out of hand. But this minor nuisance is eliminated putting on the handle piece of bicycle inner tube or lining, such as the company «Uncle Mike's».
Gun rather big, but with the proper skill and experience can be worn discreetly, like all pistols. I usually wear it in the holster podbryuchnoy own making, without any fasteners, for its fast retrieval and a pistol with a twisted strap or in a suitable size bag over his shoulder.
Fuse never use, even if there is a cartridge in the chamber, one is not perturbed absence fuse on most revolvers, self-cocking gun and charged the same security as a loaded revolver. When you work in an urban environment in a converted pistol wear loin holster, and buttoned - holster design allows you to hold the gun even in the inverted position. Spare wear shops on the left thigh in a makeshift haversack. One store is always open valve for fast retrieval.

Yarygin Pistol PYA
Miracle national armory of thought. Although, no doubt, the long-awaited type of army pistol. Powerful, moderately ergonomic, with capacious store. But ... I doubt that in Soviet times, it would have taken to arms. The gun was a "crude". Angular, with protruding parts as if felled with an ax. Workmanship - appropriate. When shooting ten new sporting gun cartridges issued by for target practice, there were two guns clamps sleeves, one flash in the pan, and then re-pinned - shot. When loaded magazine sharp edges sponges cut fingers and not to die from the periodic bloodletting, we have to take over the file. By increasing the capacity to store one bullet hole should move to control the number of rounds (in the Ministry of Interior adopted by 18-round gun). Sami holes are located on the right side, and to visually determine the number of rounds of ammunition, it is necessary to store the handle to pull out completely or be left-handed. Move the hole on the left wall of the store or on the back, probably it was not possible.
Latch shop is not protected, accidentally pressed when wearing - not a rarity. At best, you can lose the store, and at worst - to stay in the face of danger with an empty cartridge chamber, because if you accidentally press the button magazine catch it moves down the line chambering and slips past the gate of the cartridge. A store - such as in the handle is pressed against the latch. The shop itself should make the type of store APS, with large windows, or by type of store PSM to facilitate equipment cartridges. Slide stop lever is located near the fuse, and when you click on one of the levers of pin falls and another that requires additional effort. Some relatively new guns, the bolt spontaneously breaks down with the slide stop. The back of the shutter - downright openwork design. Probably specially made for the collection of different waste. (In contrast to the PM and APS).

9-mm automatic pistols APS
Notch in front of the gate - probably a fad and nothing more. With this incision fingers stumble on the sharp edges of the front of the frame. Maybe it is used to check the cartridge in the chamber, as do foreign pistols? But this is a pointer presence cartridge in the chamber.
Bilateral safety lever. Good decision. But with only right-sided standard holster, this decision remains unclaimed. The same can be said about saving the gun with the hammer cocked. It is an extra feature. If you remove the gun from the holster, cock at the same time does not pose any problems. All the more so in the DA mode PYA soft and hard on the accuracy of the first shot is not affected.

9-mm automatic pistol PYA
Here's what not to take away from the mailbox, so it's smooth descent and a quick return to the line of sight after the shot. For rapid-fire, he is better suited. The similarity trigger PCOS and PSM obviously and noticeably did not even professional. Why not make the fuse is the same as on the PSM design and place it on the gate, the simultaneous removal of a fuse and the hammer cocked. And to close with the back of the gate from possible blockage by foreign objects. The projection on the front of the trigger guard to the index finger. Maybe he improves accuracy - much difference I noticed. The gun throws as well as normal-grip. And with such a wide bracket for proper grip is not necessary to have an index finger, and the tentacle. Sights had to do was streamlined in order to avoid getting caught in the clothes or operational holster.
The pistol has included only one spare magazine. Regular cartridges with bullet Pst differ from those during target practice sports 9x19 Luger ammunition, the level of acoustic impact on the arrow, the greater the impact force and a strong flash when fired. As a result, the shooter knows about these features only when using a gun in combat. When using cartridges with bullet Pst indoors observed dangerous ricochets that can be corrected by replacing half worn on ammunition cartridges with bullets with lead cores. In general, these cases with this gun. Complete analogy with domestic and foreign cars. Similar, but something in our not ...

Self-loading Pistol PSS Special
That's about it, you can say with full confidence phrase that abuse in our country - "is unique." Compact pistol, quite flat for concealed carry. Accurate, unpretentious, always ready to go - no need to attach a silencer.

It is used as a second or third weapon. Rarely, but if it is necessary - it is ready for your service. Pistol - not uncommon in those who it is put. With ammunition problems also arise.

Knife NRS-2 glasses PN14K gun MSS cartridges SP4 and 7N36

The gun TKB-0216
Thoroughly degraded version of revolvers Smith & Wesson. His only advantage is smooth and soft descent. Given its large size, it would be possible to use more powerful ammunition, such as SP10, SP11.

9-mm pistol TKB-0216 (OC-01 Cobalt
Poorly fitting cheeks handle. Often spontaneously unscrewed the drum axle.

Submachine gun PP-93
The compact submachine gun with high fire capabilities. With some experience you can "planting" the entire store into the target. Fairly good accuracy and firing automatic fire with one hand. In a modification of APB is complete BSS and powerful laser tseleeukazatel LP93. Unfortunately, the barrel can be fastened at the same time, or CBE, or LCC. Fixing is effected by means of the latch and has a large backlash. Shoulder stress that more masterpiece. Due to the low returns from the embryo fore-end is still possible to deal with, but because of poor fixation of the shoulder all the way into the firing position bullets do not always go in the desired direction. And over time, this node becomes loose even more.

9-mm submachine gun APB (modification of PP-93) defined BSS (top) or LCC (bottom)
Button latch shop is very good. No complaints, but not so on the handle of a platoon, situated in a very interesting place. To quickly cock the shutter, it is necessary to train for a long time, since it is necessary not just pull the handle, and even before that and drown and do not forget to go back on the PC. Otherwise, during a shot is possible to obtain returns along with the shutter lever on the fingers. Translator-fuse is located on the "right" side, but not always the flat shape allows you to quickly rearrange the modes of fire, especially in the winter, gloves.

9 mm submachine gun SR-2M "Heather»
A powerful submachine gun, precise, with more ammunition. Purchased for the Interior Ministry does not have the staffing patterns collimator sight - one of the main attributes of this weapon. Instead of standard cover has cover from AKS-74U and shopping bag AK-74. Apparently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not have the money or the responsible officials do not feel the need to purchase a weapon out of the box.

9-mm submachine gun SR-2M with a 30-round magazine. Nearby lies a 20-round magazine

Submachine gun SR-2M - a safety and handle reloading is located on the right side
When the first communication is surprising ill-conceived layout of the controls. The fuse is located on the right side, but if you place it on the left hand, thumb, one could quickly lead weapons on alert and quickly translate into a safe state. And all this - with one hand. Translator fire mode on the other hand - often used only once, and quick access to it is optional. For quick reloading should move the bolt handle to the other side or make double-sided. When folded, the butt, in some specimens, right thrust overlaps folded handle charging a couple of millimeters, and the handle has to pick out from under the butt.
If you receive a "Veresk" to the division all those who took their hands, pay attention to the shoulder rest too long. When shooting in a flak jacket is very noticeable, especially when holding the front handle.
Speaking of the handle. The thing is, of course, necessary. When using latch handle, sooner or later he will nip the skin on the index finger. The handle itself is located close to the muzzle, which is under intensive shooting heats and comfort does not add to his hand. It would be set at the bottom of the muzzle plastic overlay. Would not prevent muzzle compensating holes. If you hold the front handle weapons sharp edges of the lower part of the forearm slam into the brush. Tolerant, but it is unpleasant. More recently, during the operation, I tried to quietly hand in these cartridge in the chamber. That is accompanied by a hand bolt carrier and avoid hitting the moving parts in the forward position.
Once again. And you?
Classification of the people with whom it is impossible to watch TV series
The ability of a well-hidden in the grass