Spetsnaz GRU in training
Classes are conducted by an instructor GRU Sergei Badyuk.
Employee GRU Sergey Badyuk born July 3, 1970 in Shargorod district of Vinnytsia region of Ukraine. In 1988-1990 gg. serving in the 8 th separate brigade of special purpose GRU. After the service, he entered the Higher School of the KGB continued to serve in the Russian FSB.
Master of Martial Arts of Russia, winner of the 8th dan karate Kyokushinkai budokaykan 5 given IKO, master of sports of the USSR on kettlebell sport and fighting. He conducts workshops on fighting at the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.
The special forces recruits come with a note: "Pass to the Airborne." This physical condition is slightly above average (growth does not matter), and (preferably) at least the first digit of the military-applied sports: running, parachuting, shooting or fighting. And since the main task of the GRU - is intelligence, reconnaissance and core muscles - the head, it is welcome if it has circulated in the school, college or institute. In addition, the commando should have five key qualities.
Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces is the history since 1918. We are dealing with all kinds of intelligence in the interest of the armed forces - intelligence, aerospace, electronic. The size and budget are secret.
Spetsnaz GRU was created in 1950, the task units - reconnaissance deep behind enemy lines, counter-espionage, sabotage, destruction of terrorists. GRU special forces played a huge role in the Afghan war and operations in the Chechen Republic. At this point - the most closed and, possibly, the very battle-worthy unit of the Armed Forces.
We have intelligence the right to select any part of the soldier. When we recruit a soldier in the special forces, be sure to ask boychine question - what he needs in the special forces? If you want to become a Hero of Russia - to send such a mother. No, he certainly becomes the hero, but posthumously. And buried with a whole group. Crazy need only when pressed to the wall. Then, with a cry of "Hurrah!" I took the gun and ran to die. The victory - is when you quietly completed the task and come back alive.
Once in the Special Forces soldiers from the first day are starting to drive in the head (the words, hands, feet), the main commandment: you coolest. This is an important psychological preparation. And you believe it. If not - be sent to serve in the infantry. You shoot all day, running like a horse, you are constantly beaten. Bute is not in the sense of bullying and lawlessness that was going on in the army. No "Bring-Bring" no. You just move around the barracks, both in enemy territory. Either clout may weigh or undermine the bed - to put a banner or a noose around his neck to estimate. Such we joke. This is normal. It makes you think, listen, watch, be in a state of alert. Touching strangers or in principle bright things wean quickly: here lies on a table keychain with the keys, and under it an improvised explosive device, grabbed the keys - you can stay without a hand. After six months of life is not something you have eyes on the back of his head grow, you even sleep so sensitive that one look at you wake up. I still wake up.
Bread paratrooper - is his feet. Because from the moment a group of intelligence spotted, according to statistics, 6 hours later it will catch up with and destroy. Exhalation? It remains to cover the entire group. I know a case where in a combat situation the guy said he could no longer run. He left almost all the ammo and ran on. Here and become heroes. You do not have to be a master of martial arts, but you have to run as a race mare.
The first month in the special forces soldier sleeps 4 hours - can not be less than under the statute. The rest of the 20 hours he injected. At 6 am the rise. Calmly give rise, wash, do stretching. Do not believe the movies, there is no rush in the spirit of "put himself in order, until a match is burning." Then - wearing backpacks and ran. Idly, importantly, do not switch to a sports pitch. Lazy - does not mean easy. Commander constantly giving introductory quests. That we have an ambush, the shooting, so always run ragged rhythm: a tumbling climb of walking goose step. After jogging - physical training, tactical and special training, unarmed combat. And so every day.
Endurance and resistance psyche of a fighter who has deigned to serve in the special forces of the GRU, check "at the races." Racing look like. A group of soldiers driven into the forest for 7-8 days without provisions. Commanders that change every 12 hours, the soldiers chase through the woods and do not let them sleep at all. Before losing consciousness, vomiting, and other pleasures. Who could not resist - goes "over the fence", ie combatant troops. So a lot of people dropping out. Races are held every six months, it's something like the exam.
When, during the exit to the forest group of recruits from the bushes start to shoot blanks, panic starts among the men. It is curable. The best cure for panic - the lessons of fighting. Soldier dressed in defense, set against an order of magnitude stronger and more experienced fighter - and beaten. So it formed fighting spirit and determination to follow through. Do not confuse this with the hazing, soldiers always give the opportunity to fight back. Even so: the soldiers, who did not resist - goes "over the fence". The peculiarity of the special forces in the melee that any match is reduced to one - to destroy the enemy. We have not operation to apprehend dangerous criminals, we have war. Hence the motto of the commando: "With his bare hands fighting just idiots." The first thing soldiers are taught to use the means at hand: automatic, knife, sticks, stones, pieces of bottles, pieces of glass, tightly rolled newspaper. Now we sit with you in a cafe and talk. I have before me two deadly weapons - my beer mug and your tea kettle. I first scald your face with tea, then blow on the temple'll knock your head it tea. With mug even easier: break it on the table and cut the edge of a broken neck. We have one task - to inflict mortal wounds, and this is just the head and neck.
And then, when mastered all the essentials, a very compact set of trains striking technique.
In addition to the special forces in close combat there are a series of "exercises audacity." We have a part, for example, used the exercise with the rat. In washstand large rat ran and closed with her bare fighter. The objective of such visits - to smother the rat. When the rat has nowhere to go, she begins to attack. And this is a real tin. In short, if you can beat it with his bare hands, I have no man do not you afraid.
The main thing in a soldier - aggression. Commando Sergeant fears are stronger than the enemy. And the enemy is running with a clear desire to devour him. During the lessons of fighting without blood can not do. Sergeants soldier deliberately inflict injury. A soldier has to get used to the blood, so to speak, satanet. You're probably used to deal with a gym for energetic music? For the best fighter soundtrack - a three-story mat of his commander. In such a state of severe pressure exacerbated feelings so that all embedded in a soldier for six months remain with him for life. This is not 15 years in the light mode to go to training and then become a world champion. Marine immersed in a state of war and give to feel a real threat to life - and this is its advantage. Here is the answer to the question, what the hell, to calm the three drunken paratroopers, causing a company of riot police. The secret psychological readiness to kill a man.
Here, of course, there is an important social problem. Objectively, what is not in our country, so it's rehabilitation centers after the army. His task we perform, prepare a fighter, he served, but when he returned home, can not adapt to civilian life.
In spetsnaz paranoia about hygiene. Because intelligence is constantly point deployment, the soldiers are obliged to keep themselves clean in all conditions. Any fighter arrived at the location, the first thing is to wash and change clothes in the form of a net. Whatever shit you may crawl, whether it is good for the task to tidy himself up. I do not remember any of our fighters ever suffered. Apparently, this is also because of the psychological mood. There was a story when I was still a young soldier on the driving output grenade accidentally slashed his head. Me, wounded, all in mud, dragging two hours swamp. They went to the river, washed his head bandaged - and all you no contagion. Contrary to logic, not sick soldiers - once!
The bulk of the time warrior commando is outside places of permanent deployment. Accordingly, all the physical training is based on that used in the training means available. Personal training - development of endurance and power saving properties as long as possible. And you, if you do not guess himself, endurance is useful, for example, once you have the mountains or bike ride.
So, exercise daily, the course is not designed as usual for six or eight weeks. Work will have to be at least a year. You will be surprised, but I went into the army - weighed 86 kilograms (my height is 190 cm), and three months later the scales showed 103 kg! And all this in the framework of the program, which is now before you. And yes, the diet from one commando - eat more.
Preparing the fighter rests on four pillars:
1. Jog and climb
10 km everyday. On Sundays, we sometimes arrange "sports holiday" - to run 40 km. But, while you're not in the army, on Sunday can relax. Remember, a soldier runs over 10 km is less than an hour in full gear (an extra 50 kg). Running should be alternated with crawling. They are well working on smaller groups of muscles and ligaments. There are three ways: on their bellies, backs, and passing the minefield (fighter lay down arms probed irregularities pulled ahead again probed the irregularities. If something suspicious on the surface - moves towards).
2. Circuit Training
In the Ryazan Airborne School at spetskafedre physical training proved that the highest level of strength endurance circuit training it provides. The principle has been borrowed from the Soviet school of boxing and Sambo. Circuit Training develops endurance, explosive force, "dry" and brings anger to the authorities. The number of repetitions in any exercises - until Sergeant bored.
The standard is a 40-minute workout. After the said 10-kilometer jogging rest 5 minutes, then do 5-6 laps, in which exercises are performed one after the other without rest. Rest between rounds - 5 minutes. Standard circle commando looks:
Pushups on the fingers (20 repetitions)
Jump (10 repetitions)
Push-ups with their fists (30 repetitions)
Jump (10 repetitions)
Pushups on the fingers (5 repetitions)
Jump (10 repetitions)
Push-ups with their fists (30 repetitions)
At the end of each round of the rock press in advance. You can also include the training of throwing stones (see. Photo).
3. Constant load
The principle of military one - the constant daily load. That is the day you have to do certain (ever-growing) number of push-ups with their fists, a certain number of times to download the press, wide grip tightened, etc. You can not do this for one workout - type in the amount per day. This is a constant combat readiness. In addition, during the day execute the isometric exercises with the belt system Alexander Sasse (see. Photo).
4. Dogfight
RukiBokovoy left and right side of boxing equipment. Straight punches very hard to learn to hit hard, I am for all his service men who are well beaten line, almost did not see. Such an attack requires the highest level of training. We believe that it is necessary to quickly and well prepared fighter. Since there are no restrictions under the side impact, you can bring a bunch of variations and options. It beats it from any angle and position. Moreover, it is advisable to inflict a blow to the throat. In the melee beat elbows. Knockout punching power train with a sledgehammer exercises (see. Pictured)
NogiVsya machinery kicks in spetsnaz reduced to one - a strong blow to the groin. Here you do not have an athletic field.
GolovaGolovu include (and the brain at the time of turn off) in the melee. Beat the top of the frontal part of the very nose. When you capture the back beat in the nose occiput.
That stall for this exercise the power and grip. He piled up by the force of the enemy hands - hit on the head like a soccer ball, or step on the throat.
Employee GRU Sergey Badyuk born July 3, 1970 in Shargorod district of Vinnytsia region of Ukraine. In 1988-1990 gg. serving in the 8 th separate brigade of special purpose GRU. After the service, he entered the Higher School of the KGB continued to serve in the Russian FSB.
Master of Martial Arts of Russia, winner of the 8th dan karate Kyokushinkai budokaykan 5 given IKO, master of sports of the USSR on kettlebell sport and fighting. He conducts workshops on fighting in the FSB Academy Rossii
Before stepping on the soldier, the officer himself should push-ups five times more nego
When the rat has nowhere to go, it attacks. pribesh her bare hands - is no man you are not afraid.
Train special naznacheniya
In a state of severe pressure exacerbated feelings so that all embedded in a soldier for six months remain with him for the rest of zhizn.
carrying wounded
Sam dies, and save your comrade - the basic principle in the army. An indispensable element of training - two soldiers drag "the wounded." I was lucky in the army, I was the most difficult, so I took out all the time.
The sergeant commanded: "Badyukov wounded! Go! "- And so every den.
Jumping up from a sitting position with cotton. Very good it strengthens the calf and ankle. It caviar give endurance while running and are responsible for the force of impact - it begins with them every stroke motion.
Marine ever seen calves - they must be like konya.
Throwing stones well coached jerk for a strong cast. Find a pair of heavy stones and join them at the site, where you will train every day. After each round of training makes a few shots, then refrain stones in his outstretched hands several sekund.
In the army, there is no time to do technical mastery fighter. The main thing - to make it stronger, use something that is always at hand, a belt, for example. Take the army belt and try to tear it up: right, left, behind the gap. Maximum delay of 6-7 seconds by 3 approach to each hand. It is important not to hold your breath, or overloaded heart. Exercises provide enormous strength gain. Obey them after the circular trenirovki.
Hands left side and right side of boxing equipment. Straight punches very hard to learn to hit hard, I am for all his service men who are well beaten line, almost did not see. Such an attack requires the highest level of training. We believe that it is necessary to quickly and well prepared fighter. Since there are no restrictions under the side impact, you can bring a bunch of variations and options. It beats it from any angle and position. Moreover, it is advisable to inflict a blow to the throat. In the melee beat elbows. Knockout punching power train with exercises kuvaldoy
Legs All machinery kicks in spetsnaz reduced to one - a strong blow to the groin. Here you do not sportploschadka
Head head turn (and the brain at the time of turn off) in the melee. Beat the top of the frontal part of the very nose. When you capture the back beat in the nose occiput.
That stall for this exercise the power and grip. He piled up by the force of the enemy hands - hit on the head like a soccer ball, or tread on gorlo.
Strikes a sledgehammer - it's about the riot. It is a sledgehammer, and we train the power of knockout punch. Sledgehammer is better to take with a welded handle that does not fly with the cutting. Work is conducted in supine or dug tire. The three basic exercises: hit the top, left, right. Sledgehammer includes working all the muscles that are involved in any type of stroke (lateral, uppercut, above) and any type of throw. In each exercise for 3 sets and 10 povtorov.
Employee GRU Sergey Badyuk born July 3, 1970 in Shargorod district of Vinnytsia region of Ukraine. In 1988-1990 gg. serving in the 8 th separate brigade of special purpose GRU. After the service, he entered the Higher School of the KGB continued to serve in the Russian FSB.
Master of Martial Arts of Russia, winner of the 8th dan karate Kyokushinkai budokaykan 5 given IKO, master of sports of the USSR on kettlebell sport and fighting. He conducts workshops on fighting at the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

The special forces recruits come with a note: "Pass to the Airborne." This physical condition is slightly above average (growth does not matter), and (preferably) at least the first digit of the military-applied sports: running, parachuting, shooting or fighting. And since the main task of the GRU - is intelligence, reconnaissance and core muscles - the head, it is welcome if it has circulated in the school, college or institute. In addition, the commando should have five key qualities.
Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces is the history since 1918. We are dealing with all kinds of intelligence in the interest of the armed forces - intelligence, aerospace, electronic. The size and budget are secret.
Spetsnaz GRU was created in 1950, the task units - reconnaissance deep behind enemy lines, counter-espionage, sabotage, destruction of terrorists. GRU special forces played a huge role in the Afghan war and operations in the Chechen Republic. At this point - the most closed and, possibly, the very battle-worthy unit of the Armed Forces.
We have intelligence the right to select any part of the soldier. When we recruit a soldier in the special forces, be sure to ask boychine question - what he needs in the special forces? If you want to become a Hero of Russia - to send such a mother. No, he certainly becomes the hero, but posthumously. And buried with a whole group. Crazy need only when pressed to the wall. Then, with a cry of "Hurrah!" I took the gun and ran to die. The victory - is when you quietly completed the task and come back alive.
Once in the Special Forces soldiers from the first day are starting to drive in the head (the words, hands, feet), the main commandment: you coolest. This is an important psychological preparation. And you believe it. If not - be sent to serve in the infantry. You shoot all day, running like a horse, you are constantly beaten. Bute is not in the sense of bullying and lawlessness that was going on in the army. No "Bring-Bring" no. You just move around the barracks, both in enemy territory. Either clout may weigh or undermine the bed - to put a banner or a noose around his neck to estimate. Such we joke. This is normal. It makes you think, listen, watch, be in a state of alert. Touching strangers or in principle bright things wean quickly: here lies on a table keychain with the keys, and under it an improvised explosive device, grabbed the keys - you can stay without a hand. After six months of life is not something you have eyes on the back of his head grow, you even sleep so sensitive that one look at you wake up. I still wake up.
Bread paratrooper - is his feet. Because from the moment a group of intelligence spotted, according to statistics, 6 hours later it will catch up with and destroy. Exhalation? It remains to cover the entire group. I know a case where in a combat situation the guy said he could no longer run. He left almost all the ammo and ran on. Here and become heroes. You do not have to be a master of martial arts, but you have to run as a race mare.
The first month in the special forces soldier sleeps 4 hours - can not be less than under the statute. The rest of the 20 hours he injected. At 6 am the rise. Calmly give rise, wash, do stretching. Do not believe the movies, there is no rush in the spirit of "put himself in order, until a match is burning." Then - wearing backpacks and ran. Idly, importantly, do not switch to a sports pitch. Lazy - does not mean easy. Commander constantly giving introductory quests. That we have an ambush, the shooting, so always run ragged rhythm: a tumbling climb of walking goose step. After jogging - physical training, tactical and special training, unarmed combat. And so every day.
Endurance and resistance psyche of a fighter who has deigned to serve in the special forces of the GRU, check "at the races." Racing look like. A group of soldiers driven into the forest for 7-8 days without provisions. Commanders that change every 12 hours, the soldiers chase through the woods and do not let them sleep at all. Before losing consciousness, vomiting, and other pleasures. Who could not resist - goes "over the fence", ie combatant troops. So a lot of people dropping out. Races are held every six months, it's something like the exam.
When, during the exit to the forest group of recruits from the bushes start to shoot blanks, panic starts among the men. It is curable. The best cure for panic - the lessons of fighting. Soldier dressed in defense, set against an order of magnitude stronger and more experienced fighter - and beaten. So it formed fighting spirit and determination to follow through. Do not confuse this with the hazing, soldiers always give the opportunity to fight back. Even so: the soldiers, who did not resist - goes "over the fence". The peculiarity of the special forces in the melee that any match is reduced to one - to destroy the enemy. We have not operation to apprehend dangerous criminals, we have war. Hence the motto of the commando: "With his bare hands fighting just idiots." The first thing soldiers are taught to use the means at hand: automatic, knife, sticks, stones, pieces of bottles, pieces of glass, tightly rolled newspaper. Now we sit with you in a cafe and talk. I have before me two deadly weapons - my beer mug and your tea kettle. I first scald your face with tea, then blow on the temple'll knock your head it tea. With mug even easier: break it on the table and cut the edge of a broken neck. We have one task - to inflict mortal wounds, and this is just the head and neck.
And then, when mastered all the essentials, a very compact set of trains striking technique.
In addition to the special forces in close combat there are a series of "exercises audacity." We have a part, for example, used the exercise with the rat. In washstand large rat ran and closed with her bare fighter. The objective of such visits - to smother the rat. When the rat has nowhere to go, she begins to attack. And this is a real tin. In short, if you can beat it with his bare hands, I have no man do not you afraid.
The main thing in a soldier - aggression. Commando Sergeant fears are stronger than the enemy. And the enemy is running with a clear desire to devour him. During the lessons of fighting without blood can not do. Sergeants soldier deliberately inflict injury. A soldier has to get used to the blood, so to speak, satanet. You're probably used to deal with a gym for energetic music? For the best fighter soundtrack - a three-story mat of his commander. In such a state of severe pressure exacerbated feelings so that all embedded in a soldier for six months remain with him for life. This is not 15 years in the light mode to go to training and then become a world champion. Marine immersed in a state of war and give to feel a real threat to life - and this is its advantage. Here is the answer to the question, what the hell, to calm the three drunken paratroopers, causing a company of riot police. The secret psychological readiness to kill a man.
Here, of course, there is an important social problem. Objectively, what is not in our country, so it's rehabilitation centers after the army. His task we perform, prepare a fighter, he served, but when he returned home, can not adapt to civilian life.
In spetsnaz paranoia about hygiene. Because intelligence is constantly point deployment, the soldiers are obliged to keep themselves clean in all conditions. Any fighter arrived at the location, the first thing is to wash and change clothes in the form of a net. Whatever shit you may crawl, whether it is good for the task to tidy himself up. I do not remember any of our fighters ever suffered. Apparently, this is also because of the psychological mood. There was a story when I was still a young soldier on the driving output grenade accidentally slashed his head. Me, wounded, all in mud, dragging two hours swamp. They went to the river, washed his head bandaged - and all you no contagion. Contrary to logic, not sick soldiers - once!
The bulk of the time warrior commando is outside places of permanent deployment. Accordingly, all the physical training is based on that used in the training means available. Personal training - development of endurance and power saving properties as long as possible. And you, if you do not guess himself, endurance is useful, for example, once you have the mountains or bike ride.
So, exercise daily, the course is not designed as usual for six or eight weeks. Work will have to be at least a year. You will be surprised, but I went into the army - weighed 86 kilograms (my height is 190 cm), and three months later the scales showed 103 kg! And all this in the framework of the program, which is now before you. And yes, the diet from one commando - eat more.
Preparing the fighter rests on four pillars:
1. Jog and climb
10 km everyday. On Sundays, we sometimes arrange "sports holiday" - to run 40 km. But, while you're not in the army, on Sunday can relax. Remember, a soldier runs over 10 km is less than an hour in full gear (an extra 50 kg). Running should be alternated with crawling. They are well working on smaller groups of muscles and ligaments. There are three ways: on their bellies, backs, and passing the minefield (fighter lay down arms probed irregularities pulled ahead again probed the irregularities. If something suspicious on the surface - moves towards).
2. Circuit Training
In the Ryazan Airborne School at spetskafedre physical training proved that the highest level of strength endurance circuit training it provides. The principle has been borrowed from the Soviet school of boxing and Sambo. Circuit Training develops endurance, explosive force, "dry" and brings anger to the authorities. The number of repetitions in any exercises - until Sergeant bored.
The standard is a 40-minute workout. After the said 10-kilometer jogging rest 5 minutes, then do 5-6 laps, in which exercises are performed one after the other without rest. Rest between rounds - 5 minutes. Standard circle commando looks:
Pushups on the fingers (20 repetitions)
Jump (10 repetitions)
Push-ups with their fists (30 repetitions)
Jump (10 repetitions)
Pushups on the fingers (5 repetitions)
Jump (10 repetitions)
Push-ups with their fists (30 repetitions)
At the end of each round of the rock press in advance. You can also include the training of throwing stones (see. Photo).
3. Constant load
The principle of military one - the constant daily load. That is the day you have to do certain (ever-growing) number of push-ups with their fists, a certain number of times to download the press, wide grip tightened, etc. You can not do this for one workout - type in the amount per day. This is a constant combat readiness. In addition, during the day execute the isometric exercises with the belt system Alexander Sasse (see. Photo).
4. Dogfight
RukiBokovoy left and right side of boxing equipment. Straight punches very hard to learn to hit hard, I am for all his service men who are well beaten line, almost did not see. Such an attack requires the highest level of training. We believe that it is necessary to quickly and well prepared fighter. Since there are no restrictions under the side impact, you can bring a bunch of variations and options. It beats it from any angle and position. Moreover, it is advisable to inflict a blow to the throat. In the melee beat elbows. Knockout punching power train with a sledgehammer exercises (see. Pictured)
NogiVsya machinery kicks in spetsnaz reduced to one - a strong blow to the groin. Here you do not have an athletic field.
GolovaGolovu include (and the brain at the time of turn off) in the melee. Beat the top of the frontal part of the very nose. When you capture the back beat in the nose occiput.
That stall for this exercise the power and grip. He piled up by the force of the enemy hands - hit on the head like a soccer ball, or step on the throat.
Employee GRU Sergey Badyuk born July 3, 1970 in Shargorod district of Vinnytsia region of Ukraine. In 1988-1990 gg. serving in the 8 th separate brigade of special purpose GRU. After the service, he entered the Higher School of the KGB continued to serve in the Russian FSB.
Master of Martial Arts of Russia, winner of the 8th dan karate Kyokushinkai budokaykan 5 given IKO, master of sports of the USSR on kettlebell sport and fighting. He conducts workshops on fighting in the FSB Academy Rossii

Before stepping on the soldier, the officer himself should push-ups five times more nego

When the rat has nowhere to go, it attacks. pribesh her bare hands - is no man you are not afraid.

Train special naznacheniya

In a state of severe pressure exacerbated feelings so that all embedded in a soldier for six months remain with him for the rest of zhizn.

carrying wounded
Sam dies, and save your comrade - the basic principle in the army. An indispensable element of training - two soldiers drag "the wounded." I was lucky in the army, I was the most difficult, so I took out all the time.
The sergeant commanded: "Badyukov wounded! Go! "- And so every den.

Jumping up from a sitting position with cotton. Very good it strengthens the calf and ankle. It caviar give endurance while running and are responsible for the force of impact - it begins with them every stroke motion.
Marine ever seen calves - they must be like konya.

Throwing stones well coached jerk for a strong cast. Find a pair of heavy stones and join them at the site, where you will train every day. After each round of training makes a few shots, then refrain stones in his outstretched hands several sekund.

In the army, there is no time to do technical mastery fighter. The main thing - to make it stronger, use something that is always at hand, a belt, for example. Take the army belt and try to tear it up: right, left, behind the gap. Maximum delay of 6-7 seconds by 3 approach to each hand. It is important not to hold your breath, or overloaded heart. Exercises provide enormous strength gain. Obey them after the circular trenirovki.

Hands left side and right side of boxing equipment. Straight punches very hard to learn to hit hard, I am for all his service men who are well beaten line, almost did not see. Such an attack requires the highest level of training. We believe that it is necessary to quickly and well prepared fighter. Since there are no restrictions under the side impact, you can bring a bunch of variations and options. It beats it from any angle and position. Moreover, it is advisable to inflict a blow to the throat. In the melee beat elbows. Knockout punching power train with exercises kuvaldoy

Legs All machinery kicks in spetsnaz reduced to one - a strong blow to the groin. Here you do not sportploschadka

Head head turn (and the brain at the time of turn off) in the melee. Beat the top of the frontal part of the very nose. When you capture the back beat in the nose occiput.
That stall for this exercise the power and grip. He piled up by the force of the enemy hands - hit on the head like a soccer ball, or tread on gorlo.

Strikes a sledgehammer - it's about the riot. It is a sledgehammer, and we train the power of knockout punch. Sledgehammer is better to take with a welded handle that does not fly with the cutting. Work is conducted in supine or dug tire. The three basic exercises: hit the top, left, right. Sledgehammer includes working all the muscles that are involved in any type of stroke (lateral, uppercut, above) and any type of throw. In each exercise for 3 sets and 10 povtorov.