Five Mistakes In Workout.
Today I want to share with you the key mistakes and misconceptions about abdominal exercise:
1. The belief that the enhanced training of the abdominals and oblique muscles burns fat in the abdomen and waist
And that's why fans of "quick wins" and "Spring Express - fitness" like crazy pounce on simulators for twists, turns and lifts the body, barely having time to go to the room: what, hungry, baby, fitness, over the winter somehow. Eaten and drunk beer buns require decisive action!
Fact: no one exercise in the world will not make your body burn fat is coached in the area. Any exercise only creates some energy, causing your body to burn extra calories.
The harder the exercise, the more energy consumption. From this point of view, one approach bodyweight squats will be much more effective "to clean up" the stomach than two or three approaches to the press! (with proper nutrition!)
2. Implementation of a heap of different exercises to be "down press", "press the top" and the "first cube on the right in the second row from the top».
Fact: the press is not anatomically divided into top and bottom. Do any exercise with sufficient intensity, we somehow employ the full press entirely.
Yes, the body rises in a little more charged with "upper cubes", and leg raises - "lower", and yet, the press always works as a whole, therefore, in the performance of 5-7 different exercises in one workout just does not make sense.
3. The belief that the press requires some special treatment in training. For this reason, many believe that to perform less than 30 reps - just useless.
Fact: in fact, no matter the number of repetitions, and the residence time under load. In order to make the "cubes" convex ideal mode of 15-25 reps to failure or excessive burning. Normally, this corresponds to 30-50 seconds of continuous load.
Confidence in the need for many tens and hundreds of repetitions at the press still largely based on the belief in the "fat burning properties" such training. But we have already found out in paragraph 1, that it - not so.
4. Raising the legs absolutely straight because "so hard" and climbs straight body on an incline bench (very often see this error!).
Fact: The most complete reduction of abdominal muscles takes place in conditions of maximum rounding back! In all variants of lying or twisting the housing boom you have to imagine that, as it were, wrapped in a roll from the neck and ending with the loin.
In all variants of the legs should be slightly included (bend) your knees and try to lift the "legs" and pelvis. This will reduce the burden on the hip flexors and quadriceps, and the maximum load is the abdominal muscles.
5. Strong press = flat stomach.
Fact: no matter how strong was the press if over it a thick layer of chocolate fat, flat stomach will not!
Moreover, even with a low content of fat and inflated the press abdomen can fall out ahead (this can often be seen in competitive bodybuilder: vyvalennoe belly, and on it - cubes! Looks very unusual ... :))
The fact that the retraction of the abdomen is responsible for completely different muscle: the so-called transverse abdominal muscle, not the press! Therefore, the effect of reducing the sunken belly and waist must first train her. Well suited for this exercise "vacuum" (drawing the abdomen in different positions on a breath).
I hope my advice will be useful to you and save you time and effort, allowing to achieve a beautiful belly faster.