K-535 and a little Polish.
New Russian ship. Maybe one gulp sweep Poland.
After several years of testing the service in the Russian fleet includes the K-535 Yuri Dolgoruky - the first submarine of the Borey-type, also called K-535 project. submarine of this class should replace the old submarines of Russia's navy.
"Yury Dolgoruky" - this is the first nuclear-powered submarine built in Russia after the Soviet collapse. It is adapted to carry the newest ballistic missile R-30 Bulava, and should become a key element of Russia's nuclear deterrent.
Construction of the cruiser began in 1996, but due to budget cuts, changes to the project and problems with a new type of ballistic missile submarine was launched only in 2008 (although it was originally planned for 2002). Since its tests were carried out.
The comments below
Original WP.PL
Translation Ursa Manor
Luk 1407
- Russia and China join forces World War breaks out, China is already considering a plan of this war, and destroyed the city in the West? It will be a nuclear conflict, the European Union (Great Babylon in the Apocalypse of St. John) would fall to be subordinated to the two states, the sky will be a great miracle, Sign of the Cross - and every person in the world will show their sins, as they can see God, Benedict XVI would be compelled to leave his place sit cheater, a false prophet, currently already preparing a conspiracy in the Vatican, there is a group of very influential people, under the leadership of the Antichrist, which intends to enter the New World Order, it seeks to create a world government, they organized it the financial crisis, as well as cause a conflict in the Middle East in order to seize control of these states, the sign of the Beast will be the chips, without which you can not get the money to make purchases, but in reality they will serve the control of us, we must guard against it ("And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor ... it will not be able to buy or sell except those who have the name of the beast, or the number of his name. " Apocalypse 13:16, 17), look for the warning that Jesus Christ received from seer of Ireland, Mary Divine Mercy.
- @ Luk1407
Why is Poland, not Germany or another country.
Krzysztof 63
- You may scoff at Russia, no one forces you to love it, but it would be nice to think about, not whether your submission is slightly outdated and based, it seems, in the falsified image of Russia as "our" media ... According to official figures, at the moment in Russia more than 300 thousand Germans, more than 200 million Americans and nearly 250 thousand British ... They are there to earn much more than in their home countries, which Poles believe Eddoradom and feel good there, in spite of much harsher climatic conditions. Maybe, in this regard, you should think, in fact, is whether today's Russia, which it shows our media ???
- @ Krzysztof63
As far as I know, in Russia it is necessary to have a visa, just to the United States.
- The Polish Army, buy bows and catapults, only after such an attack it will act, if you find someone to serve.
- @ Kris
Not so bad bows and catapults in urban combat, they can be murderous in the right hands.
- And our Corvette still being built.
Not only the Corvette, but all hidebound Tuskolandiya.
- Russian, Silesia is counting on you!
I hope that in fact Silesia expects samoё yourself just need to drink beer a little smaller and not as in the old days, 20 bottles after work because I never will achieve nothing. Yeah, well, fight for autonomy, and then be able to express themselves, because while that inhale its nitrogen.
Ostprussen too.
Baran - beast positive, but they breathe their own nitrogen. Jokes do not understand the stump.
- What do you mean moskalskaya submarine today, in the era of military satellites ??? A pile of scrap metal and nothing else !!! A small rocket moskalskuyu turn this into one big kennel underwater dump !!!
When it is under water, all these systems can not detect anything.
It not only floats but also rises to the surface. And then defenseless.
Several of them already resting on the seabed.
Year may not emerge, if need be.
- For the money that Poland spent on petroleum jelly, to expose the West's ass, she certainly would have bought two such pieces J
- @ Rolaczek
Knock yourself on the head with a bad PiSovskoy ...
- They went to Poland, up and down for a week without a single shot.
- Russia's new cruiser can carry Poland - and before the demolition of the tender will be announced, as it is fashionable now?
U 67
- Sink as "Kursk", you'll see.
- I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg, so I had a quirk of such exotic expedition to survive - I thought so, chock-full of cliches about Moskal, I thought I'd be handing out gum to children, and the fact that older beer in the bank and just explain that it is not necessary to open a can opener, and my jaw fell away, near Warsaw 9,000,000th Moscow - a provincial backwater. As for military technology, then, whether we like it or not, yet Muscovites - military power they have at their disposal not only "Kalashnikovs" Muscovites now - the only country in the world that has the technology of manned space flight after NASA has operated shuttles now the United States enjoys the Russian service to bring into space satellites, and China once sent into space in a Chinese propaganda purposes, yet their technology - a prototype.
Moskalskie space rockets fly without problems, with no failures and accidents in contrast to European Ariane, US and Chinese space rockets. And another thing, many Poles are buying new cars every year? About 600 thousand, and Muscovites (population 140 million), Muscovites buy 3 million new cars and who's poor, the streets of Moscow goes more new "Bentley" and "Royce", than in London.
You're right, of course, only this moskalskaya army, to put it mildly, drunken and collapsed, and an atom is dangerous!
Shit-tu-tu, there is terrible poverty, poverty is not the same as in Poland, because they have nothing, so that even the power of orders to comply with the order, this same regime.
140 million minus 9 million in Moscow = 131 million, take 25 million more to other cities, total - 106 million poor people, imagine yourself in the herd, the question - why do they drink vodka? Most of the lack of prospects, if today Russian freely released from the country, while others were not afraid to take them, then Russia would remain Chinese.
59 latek
After prayers for rain even drizzle present, ignorance of the Polish attack.
PO-PIS-owa hucpa
Alas, you wrote the truth. Of course, Russia is ruled by the people of the former KGB, but they care about their moskalskom farm. Our thieves moskalskih differ from those that steal for customers from Germany (band number 1) or polzuUSrailya (Mafia number two). But their positions in the government and constant access to the trough. All paid goyim. As for the notorious thieves BOPP (Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity - the largest charity organization in Poland - approx. Perevi.).
Młody Wykrzt (PO)
- Well, PiSёry, scary? Tusk just finger shevelnёt and Putin will launch missiles, hello!
- @ Młody Wykrzt
My face and it brings garlic, how much you ate it, that stinks for the whole of Poland.
- A journalist who wrote the lyrics and title, he is Russian, or maybe moskalsky spy?
- What, sir Macierewicz, sabelki enough for Russia?
59 latek
And how to pay for the writing of such nonsense?
Do not worry, you miserable man! Antek - an outstanding expert on explosives (especially on TNT) and cunning. He knows how to smuggle on board a few dozen, and if it is necessary, and dozens of tons of TNT in the sausage and pasta for shoes. If he wanted to, this pimped would have on the seabed. Before any moskalskie cunning Poles and even American ships are not able to defend themselves. Who knows, maybe this stuff floating in a few years will find some hole at Lipno or at the buying of scrap metal in the vicinity Semyatich.
- The following message I sent today to the Nationwide Council for Radio and Television:
"I demand the termination on TVP 1 blatant propaganda of Putin's Russia. For several months in each edition of the evening news there is some story about Russia. Any stupid excuse is good to dedicate a few minutes intimidation Polish viewers Putin's Russia. The editorial board is lowered to the most primitive methods, as occurred on 10 January 2013, when the shock the audience views Russian soldiery in tanks, aircraft and ships. Downright arises suspicion that TVP1 conducts targeted actions, which aim to cause riots and panic ».
I also informed the TPO that from this day cease to pay radio-subscription. Moreover, I am beginning to voluntarily pay taxes to the benefit of the Fund Lux Veritatis (Fund father Rydzyk - approx. Trans.) In the amount of double radio and subscription.
MłodyWykrzt (PO)
I threw the TV 5 years ago, but in the Lux Veritatis sending what saved on the subscription. It's worth it - really! All the best!
Rrzyjaciel Rosjan
Other states, as you write, Britain, France, they know how to negotiate with Russia a great and mutually respect each other, what we, Poles, are not enough. We have all the time leaping like lice on the eggs, humiliating, mocking, accusing Russian, though they made a terrorist attack against the Tu-154! Whoever is survived! Great Russia, so keep!
- @ Rrzyjaciel Rosjan
Yes, Russophile, go back and live there if you someone soon would never cut off. Russia has recently bought a great success! One, but with a capital !!! Bus SOLARIS (Polish production - approx. Trans.) !!! For more rubles is not enough, because everything is spent on pi ... Oruk submarine.
- @ Rrzyjaciel Rosjan
The Germans are dying out, the Turks live in Germany. Russian unable to stop the colonization of Siberia, China. By the way, bring down the plane with Putin and his team - it would be a great idea to begin with the onset of Beijing's Siberia. After the aircraft was shot down to the struggle for power in Russia would last several years. It would be enough time to the Chinese army several times came to the Urals. And do not try to intimidate us with nuclear bombs, because if such weapons will be used, then the Chinese will be a few hundred million, and Russian - a handful. You, probably, remember that Mao had long wanted to use these weapons ...
- @ Rrzyjaciel Rosjan
Other Russian (as translated nickname Rrzyjaciel Rosjan - approx. Trans.), I have a question for you, you want to present in the snout of a Pole?
- Beautiful car. Congratulations on a great nation. Keep it up!
PS Magnificent rocket - warhead even more gorgeous!
Poland Congratulations to sanctuary in Licheń.
I wonder whether everything and will reach you wherever needs?
- @ Mors
It is not known whether, and will not return if not dolbanёt sovetnavodchika on the head.
- History has already shown that it is not important arsenal. The Poles have something, what can only dream of the Land of Soviets. Clashes throughout history have shown that the less a Pole, but won. And these empires crumbled into dust. GP intimidating to have his knees buckled.
Nonsense. Hitler's generals were themselves surprised by the losses after the September campaign, which is almost half the cars of all kinds. Historians say that if one of the three conditions which I continue to call, it was implemented, not to mention two or all at the same time, Hitler would lose the September campaign.
First, the mobilization of the Army has just begun, and if Reich attacked, at least, a week later, he would have met many millions Poland.
The second factor that contributed to the defeat of Poland was exceptionally warm and dry September. Poor infrastructure in conjunction with the mud caused by the September the typical rainfall, effectively killing the plan to blitzkrieg. Tanks and armored vehicles, which, of course, led to the victory of the Reich, the simplest way would be bogged down in the mud.
The third condition to which the government counted the most was not the observance of military treaties France, which was to be ready to strike at a time divisions after three days of the war on the western borders of Germany, and stood on the borders of these only 10% of the army of the Reich. Poland has been a great chance to drop this while supposedly "invincible army tank" (see. Even antitank rifle Ur). Unfortunately, we are in this, rather than different geographical political situation, and nothing can be done about it.
I advise you to read the book, and then comment.
- @ Asdf
Let me say that, first of all, had the value of the German air force in the successful blitzkrieg, as far as I know, aviation, we had almost no !!!
Phantasmagoria. With the same success Muscovites could bring down an airplane with the Chinese authorities. Even in conventional weapons, Russia has the advantage of fire. If use nuclear, from China would remain a radioactive desert. Russia has 10,000 warheads, China - 300, Russia 1500 delivery vehicles in China - 64 Russian rocket from Siberia are 10 times shorter route to China Center, rather than vice versa. I am on the site of the Chinese would not count that they will hundreds of millions more, tens of millions of irradiated cripples.
- @ Asdf
The loss of the Germans were serious, but it is not necessary to exaggerate, in September, we had no chance to win yourself. In only one battle at Kursk the Germans lost more people than in all of the September campaign, not to mention the technique.
- @ Asdf
Yeah, it's best to rely on a miracle, and to help those who are stronger. Typically Polish chatter. And as an alarm - just to God, to the church to give the coin, and then argue - what would have happened if yes if.
The problem is that China does not want to admit how much he had dangerous weapons, while Russia has always maintained such that had no relationship to the truth. It is assumed that the number of both sides is identical in both the US and Iran. Here is more dangerous and threatening North Korea.
Yes? Then why the November Uprising, and the January Warsaw ended in defeat? A battle on the Vistula - it was a miracle, because the Bolsheviks led the Whites saw the Mother of God, and therefore whether uё ... and not because the Poles gave them rebuff.
- Again fire on board will?
- Well, sir Kaczynski? Sabelki on moskalskoy submarine? And then in the hole?
- What are you all about submarines? We have enough and Kaliningrad.
- It is good that the Kursk had finished with what came, at least nothing will erase from the surface
- Why is Poland, not England or France. In zhurnalistishki only one kind of image erased brain, if it had, of course, was.
- And that's exactly why Poland can erase ?! What the chёrtom such allusions? And right in the title! But the media is not being manipulated! And God forbid, no one subservient! And, of course, did not receive for their work no material rewards! Oh My God! As this is happening in our Poland ?! We still have time to be afraid! And I'm not afraid! And wherever possible, the protests on the streets! And I advise everyone - wake up, if you're still awake, Poles !!!
- I certify that the Dolgoruky stands for Project 941 Akula (Russian name), in the West called the Typhoon. The fact that the West is called Shark, Muscovites called "Pike", and it is quite a different project.
- Behind Typhon, but not sharks! Shark - a successor Alzen, podlodzhka with a titanium hull, designed for very deep diving.
Shark in Russian, Polish Rekin, code of NATO - Typhoon
Clearly, Typhon, but not shark.
Lew .erwin
- Of course, in the background of the Yury Dolgoruky submarine project worth 941 Shark and maybe it's TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy».
- Oh, this Poland. Russia, Korea, China, Austria, all we have is distilled!
- @ Rsyndrom
From corner to corner.
- Akuła - means a shark!
- Prince - or Yuri Dolgoruky, a long-armed Jerzy. But not Jerzy Dolgoruky.
- Who writes these articles. Behind - a Typhoon-class submarine, the largest submarine in the world, carrying ballistic missiles. Shark - a submarine fighter, it is much less.
- @ Riotr
Russian Project 941 Akula !!! A code of NATO TYPHOON (Typhoon)!
- @ Riotr
Typhoon - a shark under Russian classification. What NATO calls the Shark, it's pike and pike-M-B in Russian. The caption is correct.
After several years of testing the service in the Russian fleet includes the K-535 Yuri Dolgoruky - the first submarine of the Borey-type, also called K-535 project. submarine of this class should replace the old submarines of Russia's navy.
"Yury Dolgoruky" - this is the first nuclear-powered submarine built in Russia after the Soviet collapse. It is adapted to carry the newest ballistic missile R-30 Bulava, and should become a key element of Russia's nuclear deterrent.
Construction of the cruiser began in 1996, but due to budget cuts, changes to the project and problems with a new type of ballistic missile submarine was launched only in 2008 (although it was originally planned for 2002). Since its tests were carried out.
The comments below
Original WP.PL

Translation Ursa Manor
Luk 1407
- Russia and China join forces World War breaks out, China is already considering a plan of this war, and destroyed the city in the West? It will be a nuclear conflict, the European Union (Great Babylon in the Apocalypse of St. John) would fall to be subordinated to the two states, the sky will be a great miracle, Sign of the Cross - and every person in the world will show their sins, as they can see God, Benedict XVI would be compelled to leave his place sit cheater, a false prophet, currently already preparing a conspiracy in the Vatican, there is a group of very influential people, under the leadership of the Antichrist, which intends to enter the New World Order, it seeks to create a world government, they organized it the financial crisis, as well as cause a conflict in the Middle East in order to seize control of these states, the sign of the Beast will be the chips, without which you can not get the money to make purchases, but in reality they will serve the control of us, we must guard against it ("And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor ... it will not be able to buy or sell except those who have the name of the beast, or the number of his name. " Apocalypse 13:16, 17), look for the warning that Jesus Christ received from seer of Ireland, Mary Divine Mercy.
- @ Luk1407
Why is Poland, not Germany or another country.
Krzysztof 63
- You may scoff at Russia, no one forces you to love it, but it would be nice to think about, not whether your submission is slightly outdated and based, it seems, in the falsified image of Russia as "our" media ... According to official figures, at the moment in Russia more than 300 thousand Germans, more than 200 million Americans and nearly 250 thousand British ... They are there to earn much more than in their home countries, which Poles believe Eddoradom and feel good there, in spite of much harsher climatic conditions. Maybe, in this regard, you should think, in fact, is whether today's Russia, which it shows our media ???
- @ Krzysztof63
As far as I know, in Russia it is necessary to have a visa, just to the United States.
- The Polish Army, buy bows and catapults, only after such an attack it will act, if you find someone to serve.
- @ Kris
Not so bad bows and catapults in urban combat, they can be murderous in the right hands.
- And our Corvette still being built.
Not only the Corvette, but all hidebound Tuskolandiya.
- Russian, Silesia is counting on you!
I hope that in fact Silesia expects samoё yourself just need to drink beer a little smaller and not as in the old days, 20 bottles after work because I never will achieve nothing. Yeah, well, fight for autonomy, and then be able to express themselves, because while that inhale its nitrogen.
Ostprussen too.
Baran - beast positive, but they breathe their own nitrogen. Jokes do not understand the stump.
- What do you mean moskalskaya submarine today, in the era of military satellites ??? A pile of scrap metal and nothing else !!! A small rocket moskalskuyu turn this into one big kennel underwater dump !!!
When it is under water, all these systems can not detect anything.
It not only floats but also rises to the surface. And then defenseless.
Several of them already resting on the seabed.
Year may not emerge, if need be.
- For the money that Poland spent on petroleum jelly, to expose the West's ass, she certainly would have bought two such pieces J
- @ Rolaczek
Knock yourself on the head with a bad PiSovskoy ...
- They went to Poland, up and down for a week without a single shot.
- Russia's new cruiser can carry Poland - and before the demolition of the tender will be announced, as it is fashionable now?
U 67
- Sink as "Kursk", you'll see.
- I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg, so I had a quirk of such exotic expedition to survive - I thought so, chock-full of cliches about Moskal, I thought I'd be handing out gum to children, and the fact that older beer in the bank and just explain that it is not necessary to open a can opener, and my jaw fell away, near Warsaw 9,000,000th Moscow - a provincial backwater. As for military technology, then, whether we like it or not, yet Muscovites - military power they have at their disposal not only "Kalashnikovs" Muscovites now - the only country in the world that has the technology of manned space flight after NASA has operated shuttles now the United States enjoys the Russian service to bring into space satellites, and China once sent into space in a Chinese propaganda purposes, yet their technology - a prototype.
Moskalskie space rockets fly without problems, with no failures and accidents in contrast to European Ariane, US and Chinese space rockets. And another thing, many Poles are buying new cars every year? About 600 thousand, and Muscovites (population 140 million), Muscovites buy 3 million new cars and who's poor, the streets of Moscow goes more new "Bentley" and "Royce", than in London.
You're right, of course, only this moskalskaya army, to put it mildly, drunken and collapsed, and an atom is dangerous!
Shit-tu-tu, there is terrible poverty, poverty is not the same as in Poland, because they have nothing, so that even the power of orders to comply with the order, this same regime.
140 million minus 9 million in Moscow = 131 million, take 25 million more to other cities, total - 106 million poor people, imagine yourself in the herd, the question - why do they drink vodka? Most of the lack of prospects, if today Russian freely released from the country, while others were not afraid to take them, then Russia would remain Chinese.
59 latek
After prayers for rain even drizzle present, ignorance of the Polish attack.
PO-PIS-owa hucpa
Alas, you wrote the truth. Of course, Russia is ruled by the people of the former KGB, but they care about their moskalskom farm. Our thieves moskalskih differ from those that steal for customers from Germany (band number 1) or polzuUSrailya (Mafia number two). But their positions in the government and constant access to the trough. All paid goyim. As for the notorious thieves BOPP (Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity - the largest charity organization in Poland - approx. Perevi.).
Młody Wykrzt (PO)
- Well, PiSёry, scary? Tusk just finger shevelnёt and Putin will launch missiles, hello!
- @ Młody Wykrzt
My face and it brings garlic, how much you ate it, that stinks for the whole of Poland.
- A journalist who wrote the lyrics and title, he is Russian, or maybe moskalsky spy?
- What, sir Macierewicz, sabelki enough for Russia?
59 latek
And how to pay for the writing of such nonsense?
Do not worry, you miserable man! Antek - an outstanding expert on explosives (especially on TNT) and cunning. He knows how to smuggle on board a few dozen, and if it is necessary, and dozens of tons of TNT in the sausage and pasta for shoes. If he wanted to, this pimped would have on the seabed. Before any moskalskie cunning Poles and even American ships are not able to defend themselves. Who knows, maybe this stuff floating in a few years will find some hole at Lipno or at the buying of scrap metal in the vicinity Semyatich.
- The following message I sent today to the Nationwide Council for Radio and Television:
"I demand the termination on TVP 1 blatant propaganda of Putin's Russia. For several months in each edition of the evening news there is some story about Russia. Any stupid excuse is good to dedicate a few minutes intimidation Polish viewers Putin's Russia. The editorial board is lowered to the most primitive methods, as occurred on 10 January 2013, when the shock the audience views Russian soldiery in tanks, aircraft and ships. Downright arises suspicion that TVP1 conducts targeted actions, which aim to cause riots and panic ».
I also informed the TPO that from this day cease to pay radio-subscription. Moreover, I am beginning to voluntarily pay taxes to the benefit of the Fund Lux Veritatis (Fund father Rydzyk - approx. Trans.) In the amount of double radio and subscription.
MłodyWykrzt (PO)
I threw the TV 5 years ago, but in the Lux Veritatis sending what saved on the subscription. It's worth it - really! All the best!
Rrzyjaciel Rosjan
Other states, as you write, Britain, France, they know how to negotiate with Russia a great and mutually respect each other, what we, Poles, are not enough. We have all the time leaping like lice on the eggs, humiliating, mocking, accusing Russian, though they made a terrorist attack against the Tu-154! Whoever is survived! Great Russia, so keep!
- @ Rrzyjaciel Rosjan
Yes, Russophile, go back and live there if you someone soon would never cut off. Russia has recently bought a great success! One, but with a capital !!! Bus SOLARIS (Polish production - approx. Trans.) !!! For more rubles is not enough, because everything is spent on pi ... Oruk submarine.
- @ Rrzyjaciel Rosjan
The Germans are dying out, the Turks live in Germany. Russian unable to stop the colonization of Siberia, China. By the way, bring down the plane with Putin and his team - it would be a great idea to begin with the onset of Beijing's Siberia. After the aircraft was shot down to the struggle for power in Russia would last several years. It would be enough time to the Chinese army several times came to the Urals. And do not try to intimidate us with nuclear bombs, because if such weapons will be used, then the Chinese will be a few hundred million, and Russian - a handful. You, probably, remember that Mao had long wanted to use these weapons ...
- @ Rrzyjaciel Rosjan
Other Russian (as translated nickname Rrzyjaciel Rosjan - approx. Trans.), I have a question for you, you want to present in the snout of a Pole?
- Beautiful car. Congratulations on a great nation. Keep it up!
PS Magnificent rocket - warhead even more gorgeous!
Poland Congratulations to sanctuary in Licheń.
I wonder whether everything and will reach you wherever needs?
- @ Mors
It is not known whether, and will not return if not dolbanёt sovetnavodchika on the head.
- History has already shown that it is not important arsenal. The Poles have something, what can only dream of the Land of Soviets. Clashes throughout history have shown that the less a Pole, but won. And these empires crumbled into dust. GP intimidating to have his knees buckled.
Nonsense. Hitler's generals were themselves surprised by the losses after the September campaign, which is almost half the cars of all kinds. Historians say that if one of the three conditions which I continue to call, it was implemented, not to mention two or all at the same time, Hitler would lose the September campaign.
First, the mobilization of the Army has just begun, and if Reich attacked, at least, a week later, he would have met many millions Poland.
The second factor that contributed to the defeat of Poland was exceptionally warm and dry September. Poor infrastructure in conjunction with the mud caused by the September the typical rainfall, effectively killing the plan to blitzkrieg. Tanks and armored vehicles, which, of course, led to the victory of the Reich, the simplest way would be bogged down in the mud.
The third condition to which the government counted the most was not the observance of military treaties France, which was to be ready to strike at a time divisions after three days of the war on the western borders of Germany, and stood on the borders of these only 10% of the army of the Reich. Poland has been a great chance to drop this while supposedly "invincible army tank" (see. Even antitank rifle Ur). Unfortunately, we are in this, rather than different geographical political situation, and nothing can be done about it.
I advise you to read the book, and then comment.
- @ Asdf
Let me say that, first of all, had the value of the German air force in the successful blitzkrieg, as far as I know, aviation, we had almost no !!!
Phantasmagoria. With the same success Muscovites could bring down an airplane with the Chinese authorities. Even in conventional weapons, Russia has the advantage of fire. If use nuclear, from China would remain a radioactive desert. Russia has 10,000 warheads, China - 300, Russia 1500 delivery vehicles in China - 64 Russian rocket from Siberia are 10 times shorter route to China Center, rather than vice versa. I am on the site of the Chinese would not count that they will hundreds of millions more, tens of millions of irradiated cripples.
- @ Asdf
The loss of the Germans were serious, but it is not necessary to exaggerate, in September, we had no chance to win yourself. In only one battle at Kursk the Germans lost more people than in all of the September campaign, not to mention the technique.
- @ Asdf
Yeah, it's best to rely on a miracle, and to help those who are stronger. Typically Polish chatter. And as an alarm - just to God, to the church to give the coin, and then argue - what would have happened if yes if.
The problem is that China does not want to admit how much he had dangerous weapons, while Russia has always maintained such that had no relationship to the truth. It is assumed that the number of both sides is identical in both the US and Iran. Here is more dangerous and threatening North Korea.
Yes? Then why the November Uprising, and the January Warsaw ended in defeat? A battle on the Vistula - it was a miracle, because the Bolsheviks led the Whites saw the Mother of God, and therefore whether uё ... and not because the Poles gave them rebuff.
- Again fire on board will?
- Well, sir Kaczynski? Sabelki on moskalskoy submarine? And then in the hole?
- What are you all about submarines? We have enough and Kaliningrad.
- It is good that the Kursk had finished with what came, at least nothing will erase from the surface
- Why is Poland, not England or France. In zhurnalistishki only one kind of image erased brain, if it had, of course, was.

- And that's exactly why Poland can erase ?! What the chёrtom such allusions? And right in the title! But the media is not being manipulated! And God forbid, no one subservient! And, of course, did not receive for their work no material rewards! Oh My God! As this is happening in our Poland ?! We still have time to be afraid! And I'm not afraid! And wherever possible, the protests on the streets! And I advise everyone - wake up, if you're still awake, Poles !!!
- I certify that the Dolgoruky stands for Project 941 Akula (Russian name), in the West called the Typhoon. The fact that the West is called Shark, Muscovites called "Pike", and it is quite a different project.
- Behind Typhon, but not sharks! Shark - a successor Alzen, podlodzhka with a titanium hull, designed for very deep diving.
Shark in Russian, Polish Rekin, code of NATO - Typhoon
Clearly, Typhon, but not shark.
Lew .erwin
- Of course, in the background of the Yury Dolgoruky submarine project worth 941 Shark and maybe it's TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy».
- Oh, this Poland. Russia, Korea, China, Austria, all we have is distilled!
- @ Rsyndrom
From corner to corner.
- Akuła - means a shark!
- Prince - or Yuri Dolgoruky, a long-armed Jerzy. But not Jerzy Dolgoruky.
- Who writes these articles. Behind - a Typhoon-class submarine, the largest submarine in the world, carrying ballistic missiles. Shark - a submarine fighter, it is much less.
- @ Riotr
Russian Project 941 Akula !!! A code of NATO TYPHOON (Typhoon)!
- @ Riotr
Typhoon - a shark under Russian classification. What NATO calls the Shark, it's pike and pike-M-B in Russian. The caption is correct.