FAQ on obtaining the right to arms
Strictly speaking, such a right is already allotted to each of us - it is the nature dadeno. But due to certain reasons in the Russian legal weapon at the store you do not just sell - it will have to hurry up a little bit. Also, if you have mental problems, and you are a member on the account of drug addiction, the following text you can not read. And if you are in a "warm" relations with law enforcement - that you should not even try.
As for the rest, if you are a law-abiding respectable adult citizen, the right to obtain weapons will not make much effort for you - well, that's how to get the right driver, sometimes very similar. As in any case, the main thing just to want - for example, in my case it all happened spontaneously and impulsively. But the question itself, I came very seriously and studied aspects of the procedure for obtaining a good faith use (and that you have to). The result - the process went smoothly and calmly, and in a relatively short period of time, I became the proud owner of the rifle. In all of this does not matter whether you serve in the army, what is your sex and what your image.
Well, quite Preludes, now, I think, and you can proceed to the main point.
So, you have firmly decided to join the number of gun owners. You must have a clear concept for what purpose you will use it and what kind of weapons you're going to buy. Now I have a little bit pozanudstvovat: according to the Federal Weapons Act (hereinafter ZOO), depending on the purpose of its use relevant actors, as well as on the main parameters and characteristics, it is divided into:
1) civil;
2) office;
3) fighting manual small and cold.
You, as a citizen, will be taking ourselves accordingly, civilian weapons, which is divided into:
1) self-defense weapon:
Fire smooth-long arms, including ammunition traumatic;
tubeless fire weapons domestically produced ammunition traumatic, gas and light-sound action;
gas weapon: gas pistols and revolvers, including ammunition for them, mechanical sprays, aerosol and other devices equipped with teargas or irritating substances;
electric shock devices and spark gaps of domestic production;
2) sporting weapons:
firearms with a rifled barrel;
Fire smooth;
cold bladed;
pneumatic with muzzle energy of more than 3 J;
3) The hunting weapon:
firearms with a rifled barrel;
Fire smooth, including the length of the threaded portion is not more than 140 mm;
fire combined (rifled and smooth-bore), including with replaceable and supplementary rifled barrel;
pneumatic with muzzle energy of not more than 25 J;
cold bladed;
4) signaling weapon;
5) edged bladed weapon designed to be worn with a Cossack uniform, as well as with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the attributes specified by the Government of the Russian Federation.
You do not expect to buy a machine or a machine gun, as under the law in the Russian Federation Civil weapons must exclude the possibility of firing bursts and can not have a magazine capacity (drum) over 10 rounds; also prohibits the trafficking of firearms long-barreled weapons, having a length of the trunk or the length of the barrel to the receiver at least 500 mm and the overall length of the weapon less than 800 mm, and having a structure that allows you to make it the length of less than 800 mm and not lose the opportunity to be fired. < br /> Spetspatrony (armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive or tracer action) to your trunk, you can not use too; shotgun shells for gas pistols and revolvers are also prohibited.
More can not be used silencers. Absolutely.
Night vision sights (except sights for hunting) is not comme il faut.
A long-barreled rifled you get the right to buy only after five years of ownership gladkostvol - unless, of course, during this period you will not stocks.
Well, it is like the basic notions that I wanted you to hear the original, so you know how much in the pound is dashing. By the way, the list of civilian weapons, as you may have noticed, there are no guns. Yes, short-rifled firearms, we have not allowed (rezinostrela does not count - what's this firearm). The paradox of the law - which may be more powerful guns and pistols, - it is impossible. Why is that? Well, this is a topic worthy of a separate article and affecting the foundations of the universe, along with the features of sexual zakonotvoriteley ... Here we will not consider.
We strongly advise you to buy a little book called "The federal law on weapons" to know what you, as a gun owner to know, in principle, obliged. Well, I will not bore you more, and move on to transfer the necessary documents that you need to gather before you go in razreshilovku.
Before you go to your licensing and permitting department (LRO), you need to prepare - to pick up some documents and to make some preparations.
1. Medical certificate form 046-1. Go for it as you can in his clinic at his residence or in a private clinic (which provides such services, and are entitled to it). And in the latter it can be done much faster (which is logical).
Ophthalmologist and therapist you can go to the clinic itself, but for the seals of the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist you will need to go to the corresponding honey. Institutions of the place of residence (except those four doctors, one place you do not need - or chest X-rays or a gynecologist). Thus for LRO you will only help herself 046-1 with seals and signatures - no additional reference to demand from you they have no right. The very reference pay, pay in the clinic and in the People's Commissar and Durkee (for each print separately). In total, it may take a half-two thousand rubles (depending on the price).
Looks reference as follows:
2. If you are going to buy a smoothbore long-barrel weapon (gun, simply), then you have permission to a trunk can be of two types: for storage or for storage and carrying. In the first case, you can only keep a gun at home (and used for self-defense) or to transport it somewhere (in the shooting at the shooting range or there). In the second case, you are to everything listed can walk with their arms for hunting. For the second option you as a hunter will need to obtain a hunting license (a weapon of self-defense does not need it). Get it, you can at any ohotobschestve in your city (in some - take your pick). * You will need to provide them with two 3x4 photos and pay the registration fees. In addition, you may be required to pass an examination - the so-called ohotminimum containing a safety and rules of hunting. In any case, buy a book with the same name or find it on the Internet, and then read on a mandatory basis. This is especially true safety when handling guns, the basic tenets of which can be briefly expressed as follows:
1. I will always handle weapons, both charged.
2. I never will send weapons to where I do not want to shoot.
3. Before the shoot, I always check that the front of the target and for her.
4. I will never touch a finger of the trigger until the weapon is not directed at the target.
* From the first July 2011 are going to introduce a new ohotbilet single sample. As there would be - I do not know, and very few people know, maybe ... If I find out, then I will inform you in this topic.
3. The next step - buying a safe for weapons. Gun with ammunition stored in the safe and should only in the safe. You can buy it in the gun shop, and do it yourself (or order) - are no state standards it is required only thing that it prevents access to weapons by unauthorized persons (that is any person, other than you). Just see that he just went to the trunk of your future.
No safe is necessary. Pets do not need to know where you keep the keys from him - for this you can deny a license (when checking the safety of a weapon). So be sure to instruct their home - in your absence if you pay a visit to the checkout, then the trunk and show them no one can (at a safe let's see but no more).
You may be required to have your safe was bolted to the floor or wall. This requirement is illegal - it never is regulated, so that's up to you - if you want you can and tie, making a gesture of good will. On the other hand - if you would climb to the thieves to steal a safe bolted to them will be more difficult. So there are some pluses ...
Personally, just in case I screwed.
No grills on the windows, no alarms and stuff they require from you can not - it's illegal demands.
4. make a photocopy of your passport (the page with photo and registration), a photocopy of the hunts. ticket (if made - the page with the photo and the page "ticket is valid on") and you go to be photographed - LRO need two 3x4 photos, but just in case, do a little more. When you go to take the documents - do not forget to bring along the original passports ohotbiletom.
5. Now it is possible to pay a visit to the LRO for his place of residence (please note that they have their adoptive days). To collect a package of documents you will need to attach proof of payment of the license fee - it is necessary to pay mere pennies, but the details can get in the LRO.
6. If you want to get right to self-defense weapon, something to do with the submission of documents you have to take the test - to pass a test on the knowledge of TB, the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offences. When applying for a sports hunting you pass these tests are not required - you already have ohotbilet, upon receipt of which you have passed this test. If you require - the requirement is illegal.
You are not required to undergo fingerprinting, bear the characteristic of employment or the like delusional guidance LROshnikov - it is illegal.
The audit established:
knowledge of sections 2 and 5 of Article 17, Articles 22 and 24 of the Federal Law "On Weapons", Articles 37 - 39, 222 and 224 of the Criminal Code, Articles 159, 172 and 173 of the RSFSR Code of Administrative Offences, and the right circulation of civil and service weapons and ammunition, and instructions on the organization of the bodies of internal affairs for the control of arms trafficking in terms of ensuring safety and security of storage of weapons of self-defense;
knowledge of the rules of safe firearms defense (Annex 53 to the Manual) and actions related to the provision of pre-hospital medical care to victims of the use of firearms and gas weapons.
There is a list of exam tickets.
7. you can send to your precinct to bring him the so-called "report". It is also unlawful demand - such cases should be dealt with already, they, not you, it is their duty and take your collected documents they should be required.
On the other hand, you can and go: could well be that in this gesture of good will you reduce the waiting period for a license, and instead relying months you will have to wait, for example, two or three weeks (I've been waiting three). However, it makes sense if you do not spend more time trying to catch him on the spot. Find out in advance surgery hours ... Again, you may not hurt to make contact with your district who can check the conditions of storage of your weapon. And can not check, just to hammer on it - he had other cases of throat and gun owners (legal) to his station, he certainly does not think his problem.
If you have decided to still go for yourself - do it just in case the photo on the phone for your safe and lock check - could well be that this will be enough for the district, because of the idea in the report he shall indicate that the safe deposit box is available, and therefore, the conditions of access to unauthorized individuals are met. And maybe to go to your house - as it will.
"Accelerator" add to taste ...
8. Everything, all the documents are collected, all cooked. From you legally nothing else is required. Wrote a statement in razreshilovke (paper will) and rent along with a package of documents. Take the documents you must (unless of course they all gathered correctly and help no contraindications). If you do not want to - ask for a written refusal to complain to higher authorities. You do not bother you their opinion whether you can give a weapon or not - if there is a serious reason, he shall indicate in writing its refusal.
And be sure to ask at the time the documents pass-notification (optional) - a document that proves that your documents have been accepted for consideration. Extradite him they too are required. The ticket must contain the number, the date of reception of documents and the name, title of the host. In any case, make a photocopy. Otherwise, if you will not take, then you may detain an infinite amount of time, or even safely poherit all the papers - something no evidence that they have received them. If there are otmazyvatsya that no forms - let them write on plain paper and set printing.
9. By law, your application should be considered no more than a month (in practice, if you worked well, maybe less). We strongly advise you to spend some time waiting to use - if you have not chosen a specific trunk, then examine this question, and choosing, try to learn about it as much as possible. Sites on the subject of the armory is now missing, so do not be lazy. Oh, and be sure to repeat the eve of safety.
For sports and hunting weapons: exactly one month (or less), you go to the LRO. If your life is not tainted by serious misconduct and police checks revealed no legitimate reason for the refusal, you have to issue a license for the purchase of one unit you specify the type of weapons. Not obolschyaytes, it has not itself permit, but the most difficult thing you have is over. The license is a form, divided into three parts, and is popularly referred to as "brilliant green" (color). The license itself is valid for six months, that is, within six months, you can shop and choose their own weapon. If the validity period expires, the LRO come in and rent the old form - in return you get a new one.
In case if you take a self-defense weapon, the license allows you to buy at the same time and is a permit to keep and bear arms in the amount of up to five units - they fit when buying a license itself, which has to do with the back of the appropriate number of rows.
If the "green fodder" you do not give, then ask them a written refusal stating the reason.
10. You go to the store and buy yourself the trunk. When buying, of course, gives his "brilliant green».
For sports and hunting weapons: they fill in all the fields of green fodder (check the correctness of filling) and then leave a stub itself, second, they will have to send by mail to the LRO, and the third is given to you. With this spine confirming that you bought arms from the legal, you go home, where it hides it in the safe. As an option - the second root, to be sent by mail, they can give you - it then also suffer as a LRO.
For self-defense weapon: simply fill.
Now for two weeks (or ten working days), you are obliged to register their weapons. Goes with the remaining roots (roots) in the LRO and rent it. Do I have to carry you to the trunk - check with LROshnikov: as I understand, all differently - somewhere you want to bring, and somewhere in there (I went without carabiner).
11. Two weeks later, again come to the LRO and takes its resolution (possibly as before - how to say). All you now a full-fledged owner of the weapons with which you are to be congratulated. Do not forget that when wearing or carrying permit must be with you. The very weapons must be worn / transported covertly - if self-defense barrel, then in a holster when the gun - in the case. Thus it is impossible that the cartridge was in the chamber.
Posted in [mergetime] 1305399607 [/ mergetime]
We give permission for five years - after this period will have to come and extend the permit (again to get help, to pay all fees and pass the test). Come a month before the deadline (it was three, but it was canceled).
During those same five years, you can come and get new license to buy weapons - it needs only a photo and a new application.
The cartridges and gunpowder sold only with permission - and only of the caliber of your weapons.
The maximum number of units for each weapon type - up to five pieces *.
As for the rest, if you are a law-abiding respectable adult citizen, the right to obtain weapons will not make much effort for you - well, that's how to get the right driver, sometimes very similar. As in any case, the main thing just to want - for example, in my case it all happened spontaneously and impulsively. But the question itself, I came very seriously and studied aspects of the procedure for obtaining a good faith use (and that you have to). The result - the process went smoothly and calmly, and in a relatively short period of time, I became the proud owner of the rifle. In all of this does not matter whether you serve in the army, what is your sex and what your image.
Well, quite Preludes, now, I think, and you can proceed to the main point.

So, you have firmly decided to join the number of gun owners. You must have a clear concept for what purpose you will use it and what kind of weapons you're going to buy. Now I have a little bit pozanudstvovat: according to the Federal Weapons Act (hereinafter ZOO), depending on the purpose of its use relevant actors, as well as on the main parameters and characteristics, it is divided into:
1) civil;
2) office;
3) fighting manual small and cold.
You, as a citizen, will be taking ourselves accordingly, civilian weapons, which is divided into:
1) self-defense weapon:
Fire smooth-long arms, including ammunition traumatic;
tubeless fire weapons domestically produced ammunition traumatic, gas and light-sound action;
gas weapon: gas pistols and revolvers, including ammunition for them, mechanical sprays, aerosol and other devices equipped with teargas or irritating substances;
electric shock devices and spark gaps of domestic production;
2) sporting weapons:
firearms with a rifled barrel;
Fire smooth;
cold bladed;
pneumatic with muzzle energy of more than 3 J;
3) The hunting weapon:
firearms with a rifled barrel;
Fire smooth, including the length of the threaded portion is not more than 140 mm;
fire combined (rifled and smooth-bore), including with replaceable and supplementary rifled barrel;
pneumatic with muzzle energy of not more than 25 J;
cold bladed;
4) signaling weapon;
5) edged bladed weapon designed to be worn with a Cossack uniform, as well as with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the attributes specified by the Government of the Russian Federation.
You do not expect to buy a machine or a machine gun, as under the law in the Russian Federation Civil weapons must exclude the possibility of firing bursts and can not have a magazine capacity (drum) over 10 rounds; also prohibits the trafficking of firearms long-barreled weapons, having a length of the trunk or the length of the barrel to the receiver at least 500 mm and the overall length of the weapon less than 800 mm, and having a structure that allows you to make it the length of less than 800 mm and not lose the opportunity to be fired. < br /> Spetspatrony (armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive or tracer action) to your trunk, you can not use too; shotgun shells for gas pistols and revolvers are also prohibited.
More can not be used silencers. Absolutely.
Night vision sights (except sights for hunting) is not comme il faut.
A long-barreled rifled you get the right to buy only after five years of ownership gladkostvol - unless, of course, during this period you will not stocks.
Well, it is like the basic notions that I wanted you to hear the original, so you know how much in the pound is dashing. By the way, the list of civilian weapons, as you may have noticed, there are no guns. Yes, short-rifled firearms, we have not allowed (rezinostrela does not count - what's this firearm). The paradox of the law - which may be more powerful guns and pistols, - it is impossible. Why is that? Well, this is a topic worthy of a separate article and affecting the foundations of the universe, along with the features of sexual zakonotvoriteley ... Here we will not consider.
We strongly advise you to buy a little book called "The federal law on weapons" to know what you, as a gun owner to know, in principle, obliged. Well, I will not bore you more, and move on to transfer the necessary documents that you need to gather before you go in razreshilovku.
Before you go to your licensing and permitting department (LRO), you need to prepare - to pick up some documents and to make some preparations.
1. Medical certificate form 046-1. Go for it as you can in his clinic at his residence or in a private clinic (which provides such services, and are entitled to it). And in the latter it can be done much faster (which is logical).
Ophthalmologist and therapist you can go to the clinic itself, but for the seals of the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist you will need to go to the corresponding honey. Institutions of the place of residence (except those four doctors, one place you do not need - or chest X-rays or a gynecologist). Thus for LRO you will only help herself 046-1 with seals and signatures - no additional reference to demand from you they have no right. The very reference pay, pay in the clinic and in the People's Commissar and Durkee (for each print separately). In total, it may take a half-two thousand rubles (depending on the price).
Looks reference as follows:

2. If you are going to buy a smoothbore long-barrel weapon (gun, simply), then you have permission to a trunk can be of two types: for storage or for storage and carrying. In the first case, you can only keep a gun at home (and used for self-defense) or to transport it somewhere (in the shooting at the shooting range or there). In the second case, you are to everything listed can walk with their arms for hunting. For the second option you as a hunter will need to obtain a hunting license (a weapon of self-defense does not need it). Get it, you can at any ohotobschestve in your city (in some - take your pick). * You will need to provide them with two 3x4 photos and pay the registration fees. In addition, you may be required to pass an examination - the so-called ohotminimum containing a safety and rules of hunting. In any case, buy a book with the same name or find it on the Internet, and then read on a mandatory basis. This is especially true safety when handling guns, the basic tenets of which can be briefly expressed as follows:
1. I will always handle weapons, both charged.
2. I never will send weapons to where I do not want to shoot.
3. Before the shoot, I always check that the front of the target and for her.
4. I will never touch a finger of the trigger until the weapon is not directed at the target.
* From the first July 2011 are going to introduce a new ohotbilet single sample. As there would be - I do not know, and very few people know, maybe ... If I find out, then I will inform you in this topic.

3. The next step - buying a safe for weapons. Gun with ammunition stored in the safe and should only in the safe. You can buy it in the gun shop, and do it yourself (or order) - are no state standards it is required only thing that it prevents access to weapons by unauthorized persons (that is any person, other than you). Just see that he just went to the trunk of your future.
No safe is necessary. Pets do not need to know where you keep the keys from him - for this you can deny a license (when checking the safety of a weapon). So be sure to instruct their home - in your absence if you pay a visit to the checkout, then the trunk and show them no one can (at a safe let's see but no more).
You may be required to have your safe was bolted to the floor or wall. This requirement is illegal - it never is regulated, so that's up to you - if you want you can and tie, making a gesture of good will. On the other hand - if you would climb to the thieves to steal a safe bolted to them will be more difficult. So there are some pluses ...
Personally, just in case I screwed.
No grills on the windows, no alarms and stuff they require from you can not - it's illegal demands.

4. make a photocopy of your passport (the page with photo and registration), a photocopy of the hunts. ticket (if made - the page with the photo and the page "ticket is valid on") and you go to be photographed - LRO need two 3x4 photos, but just in case, do a little more. When you go to take the documents - do not forget to bring along the original passports ohotbiletom.
5. Now it is possible to pay a visit to the LRO for his place of residence (please note that they have their adoptive days). To collect a package of documents you will need to attach proof of payment of the license fee - it is necessary to pay mere pennies, but the details can get in the LRO.
6. If you want to get right to self-defense weapon, something to do with the submission of documents you have to take the test - to pass a test on the knowledge of TB, the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offences. When applying for a sports hunting you pass these tests are not required - you already have ohotbilet, upon receipt of which you have passed this test. If you require - the requirement is illegal.
You are not required to undergo fingerprinting, bear the characteristic of employment or the like delusional guidance LROshnikov - it is illegal.
The audit established:
knowledge of sections 2 and 5 of Article 17, Articles 22 and 24 of the Federal Law "On Weapons", Articles 37 - 39, 222 and 224 of the Criminal Code, Articles 159, 172 and 173 of the RSFSR Code of Administrative Offences, and the right circulation of civil and service weapons and ammunition, and instructions on the organization of the bodies of internal affairs for the control of arms trafficking in terms of ensuring safety and security of storage of weapons of self-defense;
knowledge of the rules of safe firearms defense (Annex 53 to the Manual) and actions related to the provision of pre-hospital medical care to victims of the use of firearms and gas weapons.
There is a list of exam tickets.
7. you can send to your precinct to bring him the so-called "report". It is also unlawful demand - such cases should be dealt with already, they, not you, it is their duty and take your collected documents they should be required.
On the other hand, you can and go: could well be that in this gesture of good will you reduce the waiting period for a license, and instead relying months you will have to wait, for example, two or three weeks (I've been waiting three). However, it makes sense if you do not spend more time trying to catch him on the spot. Find out in advance surgery hours ... Again, you may not hurt to make contact with your district who can check the conditions of storage of your weapon. And can not check, just to hammer on it - he had other cases of throat and gun owners (legal) to his station, he certainly does not think his problem.
If you have decided to still go for yourself - do it just in case the photo on the phone for your safe and lock check - could well be that this will be enough for the district, because of the idea in the report he shall indicate that the safe deposit box is available, and therefore, the conditions of access to unauthorized individuals are met. And maybe to go to your house - as it will.
"Accelerator" add to taste ...
8. Everything, all the documents are collected, all cooked. From you legally nothing else is required. Wrote a statement in razreshilovke (paper will) and rent along with a package of documents. Take the documents you must (unless of course they all gathered correctly and help no contraindications). If you do not want to - ask for a written refusal to complain to higher authorities. You do not bother you their opinion whether you can give a weapon or not - if there is a serious reason, he shall indicate in writing its refusal.
And be sure to ask at the time the documents pass-notification (optional) - a document that proves that your documents have been accepted for consideration. Extradite him they too are required. The ticket must contain the number, the date of reception of documents and the name, title of the host. In any case, make a photocopy. Otherwise, if you will not take, then you may detain an infinite amount of time, or even safely poherit all the papers - something no evidence that they have received them. If there are otmazyvatsya that no forms - let them write on plain paper and set printing.

9. By law, your application should be considered no more than a month (in practice, if you worked well, maybe less). We strongly advise you to spend some time waiting to use - if you have not chosen a specific trunk, then examine this question, and choosing, try to learn about it as much as possible. Sites on the subject of the armory is now missing, so do not be lazy. Oh, and be sure to repeat the eve of safety.
For sports and hunting weapons: exactly one month (or less), you go to the LRO. If your life is not tainted by serious misconduct and police checks revealed no legitimate reason for the refusal, you have to issue a license for the purchase of one unit you specify the type of weapons. Not obolschyaytes, it has not itself permit, but the most difficult thing you have is over. The license is a form, divided into three parts, and is popularly referred to as "brilliant green" (color). The license itself is valid for six months, that is, within six months, you can shop and choose their own weapon. If the validity period expires, the LRO come in and rent the old form - in return you get a new one.

In case if you take a self-defense weapon, the license allows you to buy at the same time and is a permit to keep and bear arms in the amount of up to five units - they fit when buying a license itself, which has to do with the back of the appropriate number of rows.
If the "green fodder" you do not give, then ask them a written refusal stating the reason.

10. You go to the store and buy yourself the trunk. When buying, of course, gives his "brilliant green».
For sports and hunting weapons: they fill in all the fields of green fodder (check the correctness of filling) and then leave a stub itself, second, they will have to send by mail to the LRO, and the third is given to you. With this spine confirming that you bought arms from the legal, you go home, where it hides it in the safe. As an option - the second root, to be sent by mail, they can give you - it then also suffer as a LRO.
For self-defense weapon: simply fill.
Now for two weeks (or ten working days), you are obliged to register their weapons. Goes with the remaining roots (roots) in the LRO and rent it. Do I have to carry you to the trunk - check with LROshnikov: as I understand, all differently - somewhere you want to bring, and somewhere in there (I went without carabiner).

11. Two weeks later, again come to the LRO and takes its resolution (possibly as before - how to say). All you now a full-fledged owner of the weapons with which you are to be congratulated. Do not forget that when wearing or carrying permit must be with you. The very weapons must be worn / transported covertly - if self-defense barrel, then in a holster when the gun - in the case. Thus it is impossible that the cartridge was in the chamber.
Posted in [mergetime] 1305399607 [/ mergetime]
We give permission for five years - after this period will have to come and extend the permit (again to get help, to pay all fees and pass the test). Come a month before the deadline (it was three, but it was canceled).
During those same five years, you can come and get new license to buy weapons - it needs only a photo and a new application.
The cartridges and gunpowder sold only with permission - and only of the caliber of your weapons.
The maximum number of units for each weapon type - up to five pieces *.