How to choose a DVR 2015: the largest online FAQ for general consumer
From time to time publishes reviews Geektimes car DVR. Articles about specific models - it is certainly good, but how to still find a registrar "like" here really has never been told.
My name is Alexander Shub, over the past five years I constantly testing loggers, writing materials about them for a variety of publications. And, most importantly, in close contact with the engineers a few Russian brands, producing and selling automotive "black boxes." Recently, I had written (forgive my immodesty) the most-largest in RuNet FAQ by choosing registrars. In which I have tried to highlight the more or less popular questions prospective buyers, resulting in the selection process videorega. And at the same time I set out his view of the fact that, in my opinion, incorrectly described in similar articles.
This is advertising? h2>
So there you go ... h2>
What is different from a cheap registrar expensive? h2>
How to find out which brand produces high-quality recorders, and what - is unreliable imported Chinese crafts? h2>
What is the difference in build quality between cheap and expensive registrars? h2>
What is the difference between the lenses of glass and plastic? h2>
Why do some registrars lens holder made of plastic, while others - from the metal? h2>
What is the size of the matrix (CMOS-sensor)? As the size of the matrix affect the video quality? H2>
My name is Alexander Shub, over the past five years I constantly testing loggers, writing materials about them for a variety of publications. And, most importantly, in close contact with the engineers a few Russian brands, producing and selling automotive "black boxes." Recently, I had written (forgive my immodesty) the most-largest in RuNet FAQ by choosing registrars. In which I have tried to highlight the more or less popular questions prospective buyers, resulting in the selection process videorega. And at the same time I set out his view of the fact that, in my opinion, incorrectly described in similar articles.
This is advertising? h2>
The original material was published on the website Mobile-review.com as advertising and sponsored articles made Russia brand registrars AdvoCam. Which, by the way, the first half of 2015 came to Russia in the top five leaders in terms of sales avtoregistratora. According AdvoCam, art was more than interesting and informative, and therefore it was decided to submit it to the court, and more technically savvy audience Geektimes.
Of course, none of us likes to advertise. That's why me and AdvoCam originally was chosen compromise - every aspect of the selection of the DVR I give in two versions. The first - the section "General Council" where I talk without any regard to the peg and models Sponsor - here the information is valid for models of any manufacturer. The second version - "Private board" where possible, I show an overview on specific models, the sponsor of the material - AdvoCam. You can read the first part of the answer, and completely ignore the second, getting useful information in isolation, without advertising and impose devices AdvoCam. In any case, it is absolutely insure you against charges in my address that the material is completely advertising and anything useful to offer the reader can not.
It is important to note that by today's standards AdvoCam devices are included in the average price category - from 5 500 to 11 000 rubles. No "frank Dushman ', which, in principle, I would not recommend to anyone under any conditions, but also devastate the buyer does not intend AdvoCam. More expensive models from other brands on the proposed functionality principally from the models AdvoCam no different. The difference manifests itself in a higher quality build somewhere in the more expensive materials and components, such as certain additional fichah magnetic attachment blendofiltra and / or the original form factor. For example, the pads on the rear-view mirror, etc.
Note that in 2014 Habrahabr published report production AdvoCam in Alexandria where, regardless of the price all models of the brand is preparing to harsh Russian frosts (in the temperature chamber at -35 ° C) and rough roads (such as vibration).
mode of advertising is included. Total recorders AdvoCam possess basic functionality (no frills!), offer high quality video and good performance reliability. And all this - at an affordable price. mode is off advertising.
Immediately, I note that we all know about the wonderful site Aliexpress and prices recorders there. However, as a major plus in the form of price and cons like lack of proper guarantees and it is impossible to verify the purchase of the device also has long voiced.
I'm very important feedback and active communication with the readers of my materials. Because of the nearly 200 comments in the original article on Mobile-Review-third of the responses I was in my own comments. Alas, constructive comments were literally unit of any practical advice for improving and supplementing the FAQ I get so and failed. Therefore, I sincerely welcome your publication contains detailed criticisms and suggestions about what it lacks. Write your comments in the comments.
I would be extremely grateful for the criticism of the material, your opinions and recommendations. If you want to get advice from me or talk in private - feel free to write to schub.alexandr@yandex.ru.
So there you go ... h2>
I understand that article get huge, you just may not have the patience to read the material thoroughly. So just in case I "summed" everything what is said in an article in the following table. So you quickly can find answers to all questions.
* Hereinafter, all prices are the average of the corresponding tab of Yandex.Market. Prices can vary downward from the officially recommended online advocam.ru . Em>
What is different from a cheap registrar expensive? h2>
General advice:
More details on this issue will gradually be seen below, it is also briefly list the highlights:
- The maximum savings component and assembly level. High-quality assembly, competent quality control of devices, decent components - all this makes the price today NORMAL registrar not less than 5000 rubles. If you see a vehicle with a smaller price tag, it is fraught with consequences referred to in the following paragraph.
- High risk of breakage, low reliability of the device. For example, are not tested on a shaker registrar is likely sooner or later something will fall off while riding on Russian roads.
- A special case of the bad parts - with a probability of 99% in the low-cost model will be installed plastic lens mount. Such holder because the temperature difference (in the form of extreme heat, cold - a typical climate of the country) can be deformed and to bring down over time the focus of the lens. That will lead to a sharp decrease in sharpness.
- More rarely, but still encountered by the phenomenon in cheap cameras - interpolation. The camera is set ultradeshёvye components that are physically unable to shoot video with a resolution of Full HD 1080p. In this case, shooting in HD 720p soft stretch up to 1080p. The box model flaunts treasured inscription Full HD, but in fact the user sees suspicious "soap" picture.
Private Board:
The most affordable model AdvoCam-FD Black is 5750 rubles - the brand will never chased a low price tag to the detriment of the quality of the components and materials of the cameras. The devices AdvoCam in principle, no interpolation video. The lenses are lenses made entirely of glass with anti-reflective coating. And the devices themselves day and night testing in temperature chambers and on a vibrating table. Because of this almost completely excludes hit store shelves problematic instances.
What had to be sacrificed for the sake of a low price? There is no LED illumination, which is also absent in many high-end recorders. Often, people mistakenly believe that such lighting is needed to improve the quality of night shooting. In fact, the effect is the opposite - formed heavy glare from the windshield. And the light beam "hits" a maximum of 2-3 m and is clearly not particularly effective complements the car's headlights. Illumination should be used only when the machine is motionless. For example, for lighting approached the car in the dark, a man or an inspector. In 2015, for the recorders with high quality video filming the presence of illumination - this is probably a vestige of the past, of little use to the user, but increase the cost of the final device additional functions. The current level of component video path allows the camera without any lighting, even in almost complete darkness to get a pretty clear picture.
Returning to AdvoCam FD Black. Included memory card is not offered - usually gives AdvoCam their models microSD up to 8 GB. Finally, instead of the "hyped" processor Ambarella (USA) - an analog of the company NovaTek (Taiwan). It should be 30% cheaper, and the image quality is not inferior to the American counterpart. Next to saving the developers did not go - or would have to sacrifice the quality of housing (take flimsy plastic recycled), set the lens with plastic lenses, refuse meticulous quality control of the finished product. In general, to offer typical "nedoregistrator" to the target audience from the category of "regik want for a couple of thousand rubles».
How to find out which brand produces high-quality recorders, and what - is unreliable imported Chinese crafts? h2>
General advice:
First of all, pay attention to the history of the brand, the available information on it. If distinct chronology of the company is not given, avoided any specifics about their own development - there is clearly something fishy.
The status of the so-called "umbrella brand" (which sells various categories of consumer electronics ranging from smartphones and registrars to photo frames and MP3-players) - a priori branded reseller importing Chinese goods. Support range of a few dozen types of different techniques - a clear sign that no one direction does not apply in the present professional, attentive approach. Companies would be like to carry and unload from China in the Russian retail chains. The main thing - the amount and possible lower price. Finish registrars - begin smart watches. Run out of smart watches, buy in China and bring under its own brand tablet ...
Catalogue typical "umbrella" brand. Everything from photo frames to the radio.
If the brand is focused only on the issue of Registrars, the importer will reveal the banal next. Take a good look at the range. If during the year the brand produces a maximum of 5-6 models (or current lineup includes both no more than 2-3 constructively different devices) - so it really takes the time to develop them, bring "to mind", a detailed run-and post-sales support. In contrast, the recruitment of its registrars annually dozen other models indicate that the creators of these devices do not live in Russia, and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. A brand slaps its logo on any more or less suitable for the characteristics of the model is not particularly going into it, and what components and how it is collected. The main thing - to quickly bring and unload at retail for the lowest possible price. The lower the price, the more sales. Trade is not at the expense of quality and elaboration of the model, and at the expense of getting on the shelf and excessive low price tag.
In fairness it should be mentioned that even some brands, dealers might accidentally "bump" on the good quality of Chinese-made model. But the chance to get to such a model in the range of similar brands in times less prevalent than in the range of simple and cheap consumer goods.
Private Board:
For example, experts AdvoCam have nearly 20 years of experience in professional video surveillance systems. The brand owner - the company "Videomaks" known and a major player in the domestic market for the production of professional video surveillance systems. That is, the company initially occupy only optical-electronic systems. The theme of the video recording. And I never reached for the other segments of portable electronics.
The site lists all AdvoCam ever produced models. But the current list contains a total of four devices: AdvoCam-FD8 Gold, AdvoCam-FD8 Profi RED, AdvoCam-FD8 Black and AdvoCam-FD Black. Three of them (the first three in the list) in fact - is the same model with a slightly different configuration and functionality. The development of each new machine engineers AdvoCam takes up to one year. In addition, a test batch of devices going in Aleksandrov Vladimir region in the production of "Videomaks" (owner AdvoCam). It was only after the removal of all identified defects and problems are given a "green light" for collectors in Chinese factories.
What is the difference in build quality between cheap and expensive registrars? h2>
General advice:
The approach to the level of build quality is whether the manufacturer or tends to provide the most reliable operation of the device, or "scores" and offers a cheap device with poor performance. The second option is much cheaper and allows you to release attractive in terms of price registrar. Take, for housing - in the public registrar used brittle plastic or even recycled, recyclable plastic - so banal cheaper. Drop this camera - and all down the drain, certainly thorough crack on the case. Unfortunately, indiscriminate registrar to find out his "inner essence" is impossible. So the first thing we recommend that you use the tips on the previous question, and trust only in charge of brand manufacturers.
Private Board:
A good example is considered in the article «Workshop: I compared the" same "recorders» . This material model AdvoCam and budget-twin disassembled and compared. The difference in the same assembly is visible to the naked eye. No wonder experts AdvoCam collect feelers its registrars in-house in the town of Alexandrov, Vladimir Region. So the engineers before the start of mass production under contract in China, eliminate all the "pitfalls" of assembly, circuit design and overall operation of cameras.
What is the difference between the lenses of glass and plastic? h2>
General advice:
Definitely better to buy recorders with glass lens (with AR coating) in the lens. It is no accident because it is such a lens installed in professional equipment for photo and video. Glass although heavier and more expensive, but better than plastic in its functional characteristics. Glass transmits light better and, therefore, registrars with glass optics will shoot higher quality video in low light. Plastic lens elements - the lot of cheap "Soap", budget smartphones and tablets. In general, devices where the camera needs a "for show". In addition, low-quality plastic lens can turn yellow with time and frequent changes in temperature over time and at all crack. Therefore, the priority given to better models which firstly have glass optics, and secondly, special passed test of resistance to changes or low temperatures.
How to determine which of the lenses? If the items are made of optical glass, as a rule, the manufacturer clearly indicates that information - the description of the model on its website or in the manual. Simply put, it makes no sense to withhold the brand so attractive to the consumer characteristics of the lens. But if you have any instructions to the device or on the internet could not find refinement of glass or plastic, but the price tag on the receptionist suspiciously low (up to 3-4 thousand rubles) _- 99% we are talking about the second option. And remember: even a single manufacturer openly pointed to the presence of lenses made of plastic.
Private Board:
Registrars AdvoCam - only with lenses of high quality glass with antireflective coating. Devices brand easily withstand even 35-degree frosts - the lens almost misted over time and are not cracked, and the camera itself does not cease to work.
This characteristic "lay" all the camera AdvoCam at the design stage models. Trial instances recorders under development in high-temperature checked by cameras, such as testing for several days at the same temperature - -35 degrees Celsius.
Why do some registrars lens holder made of plastic, while others - from the metal? h2>
General advice:
"Holders" - for the attachment ligaments of the lens and the board at the location of a matrix. The budget Chinese registrars save on materials, because the holders are made from cheaper plastic. In good registrars lens holders (or as they are called in the professional slang "Holders") only made of metal. Avoiding distortions of the lens (when going Rasfokus, video becomes a "soap") by heating the board during shooting. At the same time it eliminated the problem of deformation due to the temperature difference, which is especially important in Russia - moving from a warm apartment in the cold car can be fatal to plastic.
Private Board:
The car recorders AdvoCam holders, holders of lenses made of only metal.
What is the size of the matrix (CMOS-sensor)? As the size of the matrix affect the video quality? H2>
General advice:
In general, for an understanding of good matrix or not, simplistically should pay attention to the following characteristics - the physical size of the matrix. etc.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/advocam/blog/265592/
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