Most coveted 2014: girls, events, things
What and whom want people around the world in the past year? The most awaited events, the most desirable men and women, gadgets, which have become truly iconic - all that from which it was difficult to refuse in the past 2014th ... The cash filmyGodovoy rental is not over yet - many high-profile premieres scheduled for New Year's Eve time. But we can already identify the leader at the box office - it's "Transformers. The era of destruction »(Transformers: Age of Extinction), directed by Michael Beya.

But in Russia the four most viewed and domestic entered the picture - "Wii" Oleg Stepchenko. Good advertising campaign and references to the classics made their delo.

Most coveted zhenschinyPopulyarny men's magazine Askmen.com has compiled a list of the 99 most desirable women in the world. The first place it occupied actress Emily Clark, known mainly for the TV series "Game of Thrones» .

Was listed and Russian beauty - supermodel Irina Shayk (Shayhlislamova). It became known not only for his career, but also because of a romantic relationship with the super popular footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.
The most wanted man
On the men's rating also regularly and all sorts of "tops". One presented their British magazine Heat. The leaders - American actor Zac Efron ("High School Musical", "Neighbors. On the warpath," etc.).

In the Russian version of the most coveted - a showman and TV presenter Ivan Urgant. Humor plus charisma - that's the best way to Russian women serdtsu.

Well, the older Russian woman more to your taste, of course, "macho" Stas Mihaylov.

Guess who won first place among politicians can one try. Of course, Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation and in combination "of the most polite people» .

The most coveted prokuror

Acting Attorney peninsula of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya has long been popular on the Internet as "the most nyashny" Hero of the Russian news. In Japan, about her drew comics and cartoons. And in Russia, according to the publication MAXIM, Poklonskaya occupies 37th place in the ranking of the hundred most coveted zhenschin.Samaya popular muzykaAlbom popular Western singer Taylor Swift "1989" became the best-selling in 2014. Around the world, was purchased more than 1, 2 million copies (the license, of course), and this is just the first week! The speed record sales surpassed all published in the last 12 years albomy.

MobilnikiReytingov best selling mobile phones and smartphones are many - every self-respecting publication there is a "TOP". Popular catalog "of Yandex.Market" makes the top five on the number added to the shopping list of devices. The list can be updated every hour, but the main leaders consistently hold their positions for a long time. In the category of smartphones once again found himself on top of the pedestal smartphone Apple.

Most coveted recorders "of Yandex.Market" and chose the most popular among users of car recorders. In the first place - the Russian manufacturer device AdvoCam. In addition, registrars Russian brand took two more positions in the "top».
Screenshot of the list at the time of writing material:

The next block - advertising. However, falls into the general theme of the material and the support of the domestic producers. So, continue reading, please, to the end. Promise not to bore you too! :) Just three registrar AdvoCam entered the Top 5 most desirable. Why it fair? Firstly, the registrars of the brand developed in Russia in our own factory in Alexandrov, Vladimir region (report from there). Most other types of "Russian" devices - a banal renamed recorders Chinese basement or cellar frankly production. So even with a decent wrap. The company "Videomaks", which owns the brand AdvoCam, nearly 20 years engaged in the production of professional video surveillance systems in the country. Suffice it to say that the camera produced by "Videomaks" are a significant part of the buses and trolleybuses in many cities of our country. Hence - the unique great experience that will be useful in the development and normal household registratorov.

All AdvoCam pass the test for "survival" in Russian conditions. On the shoulder if the new models violent shaking on rough roads and fierce Siberian winter - all tested in the laboratory on a vibrating table and in the freezer. Few (even expensive!) Foreign registrars can boast such vynoslivostyu.

From this base AdvoCam recorders have become popular not only among Russian Internet users. So, at the end of sales for the brand in 2013 entered the six most sold in Russia. And this despite the fact that the model number of Russian brand there are no ultra cheap devices which bribing only low price (all other brands top-ranking sales are up more than half of the range).
Leader user rating to "of Yandex.Market» - AdvoCam-FD8 Profi-GPS Red - will cost almost 6 thousand. It boasts a maximum resolution of video today - Super Full HD 1296p. This one and a half times sharper than standard Full HD.

Plus a set of useful options: record route and warning of approaching a speed camera with the help of GPS-module. A LDWS system ensures that the driver has not left the oncoming or by the wayside. If you gape, distracted and the car slowly begins to cross the solid, the registrar gives a loud signal.

Have AdvoCam and more affordable models. For example, also included in the rating of "desired» AdvoCam-FD Black. Its price - around 3, 5 thousand rubles, and the video quality and workmanship at the level of the more expensive models. All because of the lack of additional functions such as infrared light or GPS. The result is a low-cost, high-quality recorder without all the "extra» .

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