Portrait of the ideal companion: what kind of wife do men want, what kind of husband do women want?
Results 2015. What kind of wife do men want, what kind of husband do women want? Analysis of 300 marriage agency questionnaires.
We decided to publish a portrait of the ideal satellite. We analyzed the queries and questionnaires of more than 300 girls wishing to find a husband and the wishes of more than 50 male clients. Everyone counted, analyzed and drew conclusions. Enjoy it!
The age of girls who are actively looking for a husband.
As can be seen, 62% of girls who are actively looking for a husband, including those who apply to the agency, are between 28 and 34 years old.
Education of girls who are actively looking for a husband.
As you can see from the graph, most girls have higher education.
Presence of previous marriages
The qualities that girls want to see in a future husband.
It should be noted that no one indicates financial well-being in the questionnaire. But probably because the girls initially know that our clients with the financial sector everything is fine. Or they are afraid of getting into the “number of greedy girls” who will be eliminated and will not get into school and the bride list. As for the other qualities, according to the terms of the questionnaire, they can write three qualities that they would like to see. And therefore, every second girl leads the mind, intelligence and education, and the other two are other of these qualities.
The saddest thing is when you see in a bunch of wishes, for example: intelligence, charm and a sense of humor. Or: resourcefulness, sense of humor and leadership. It seems that the girl does not want to get married, and in KVN to find a player. It is a pity when a girl does not put in mandatory qualities kindness, reliability or honesty. The most striking thing is that none of the 300 questionnaires contained the quality of loyalty. In my opinion, loyalty, or rather its absence, is infidelity, a quality that nullifies all his other virtues. It’s like multiplying by zero – you end up with zero. Because if he is intelligent, cheerful, charming and as kind as you like, but if he is unfaithful and unevenly breathes on every beauty, then what is the point in his other qualities? He automatically becomes unreliable, dishonest and life with him is unlikely to be happy.
Girls, please, choosing a partner - do it, remembering that you choose him for life, the one from whom you can safely have children and build a family. If he initially has a rotten idea of life, do not think that he will change, his attitude to you or to life will change. And don’t think that his money, his popularity, or his beauty (sometimes like that) can replace his normal human qualities. It's not!
Look for yourself, first of all, a person with whom you have to live your whole life and give birth to children.
Qualities that girls are not willing to tolerate from their man, under no circumstances.
He leads among the unacceptable qualities in the future spouse for women - lies, anger, and greed. Next, selfishness and irresponsibility, and then other qualities. Again, not a word about infidelity or infidelity, as well as about social status.
Now it's interesting!
Wishes of girls to the age of the future spouse.
Thus, very young girls from 20-23 years old want a husband or peer, or at most, 5 years older.
Next, more interesting. 62% of 24-27 year olds want a husband between the ages of 23 and 28. That is, almost the same age, or even a little younger! 30% of them want a husband older than themselves from 4 to 9 years, and 8% of girls are ready to date a man older than them by 6-10 years.
56% of girls aged 28-30 want a man between the ages of 28 and 30. That is, he can be 2 years younger than her and up to 3 years older. 37% of girls want a man from 34 to 40 years, and 5% from 40-47 years.
24% of girls aged 30-34 years want a man aged 28-33 years, that is, younger than themselves! 68% of girls want a husband between the ages of 34 and 40, that is, from the same age, up to 6 years of difference, and only 6% of girls want a husband from 40 to 47 years.
Older girls from 35 to 40 years old want a husband younger (as much as 6%), the same age (65%), 21% from 40-47 years old, and 8% of women agree to build relationships with men over 47 years old.
When we interview girls in our school and agency, almost every girl complains that men have become infantile, irresponsible and unserious.
It is a well-known fact that boys grow up much later than girls. Girls grow older than boys, and women mature faster than young men. Let's make a comparison. Of course, all people are different and there are exceptions, but the overall picture is this:
Imagine a 10 year old boy and a girl. The girl is thinking about curls, boys and why her breasts do not begin to grow, and boys at this age still play dance.
A girl of 18 and a boy of 18. At this time, a girl can already work after school, and boys often still ask for money from mom and dad for beer and travel tickets.
A girl of 25 and a boy of 25. The girl already often wants a family and children, and the boy at 25 still really wants to walk, have fun with friends and not be responsible for anyone (including his actions).
A man in 30 and a woman in 30. The man felt the taste of money that he learned (or did not learn) to earn, it seems to him that the whole world lies before him, that there are still many opportunities ahead, many young beautiful girls and women (18 years old) who want his company. A sense of responsibility for someone other than yourself is just beginning to wake up. Well, if he's already moved out of mom and dad and lives alone. It is very rare if you already want children or a family. A woman in her 30s, already very much wants a family, children, this is an absolutely formed person with his own ideas about right and wrong, who can already teach (sometimes teach) other people. They are often financially independent and successful in their careers.
Woman and man at 40. I'll be brief. A man in his 40s is allowed into nightclubs and a woman is no longer.
A man in 40 years, the range of choice of a girl from 18 to 40+, a woman in 40 years has a range of choices from 40 to 50+
Then the question arises. If men grow up later, mature later, they have a sense of responsibility for children, family and, in principle, for another person later – why does a woman so want a peer? She wants to adopt him? Teaching, babysitting and teaching him his life? Why? After all, then she in the family will be the most intelligent, the oldest, will solve all problems and worries, think for everyone, and he will remain an unfit infantile creature. If she takes most of the care, why bother?
Isn’t it better to choose a man a little older than your own age? That way, you will always be small, fragile and tender to him. You will be the girl to be taken care of and taken care of. In my opinion, the difference of at least 5-7 years should be between a man and a woman. It's strategic, it's good for marriage.
Who are men looking for?
We come to the second part of the article. Who do men want to marry for themselves? As in the first part, we talk only about what we know – only about our clients. And here we are talking about successful and accomplished men aged 38 to 53 years.
The qualities that men want in a future wife.
Almost every second man wants a woman. No customer has asked for a boy in a skirt all year. No one asked for a feminist, and no one asked to introduce him to a girl who would be a burnt-out careerist spending more time at work than himself. Next in the list of desirable qualities tenderness, broad outlook, loyalty, wisdom and others. It is noteworthy that all men say that they want an intelligent woman, but after asking a clarifying question, what does smart mean, he very often corrects himself and says that smart is not in terms of “I will teach everyone and prove everything”, but still wise in a feminine way.
And also, surprisingly, the man pays almost no special requirement to the education of a woman, replacing it with the word – broad outlook and awareness, and does not play any role in the career of a woman. Lastly, most men are deeply uninterested. They say something like this: it will be good if she does something that gives her pleasure, but all her regalia are not important to me.
Unacceptable qualities for girls for the role of a future wife.
The list of undesirable qualities also speaks for itself, but female greed leads by a wide margin. Probably the first thing a man says when he comes to us is that he is tired of the breed of girls who are called “vacuum cleaners” in everyday life. He says I want a normal girl with normal values, not one who views every other man from the position of “what would grab here.” The same applies to girls who don’t work anywhere. They often say: “Let her earn at least 10 thousand rubles, but she must do something.” And the next undesirable quality is anger and aggression of the girl to others. They say that sometimes when a girl does not control herself and thinks that no one sees her, her face is distorted in such a vicious grimace that it is completely frightening.
What is not yet on the list, but was mentioned by men. Attempts to “cut off” a man from his parents or from the children of previous marriages, stealing from his man’s pocket, and treason are also unacceptable. For the latter, men are so unprepared that they do not even consider what this can be in their reality.
Wishes for the age of future wives.
Everything here is so transparent that even a diagram should not be built. All of our clients have similar age wishes. 24 to 35. This is the age range of the women we work with at our agency. Occasionally, men want a wife younger or older, but if younger - then she should already be without a fool in her head, and if older, then she should not look like "grandmother" (this, forgive me, direct speech).
I cannot say enough about the attitude of a man to the presence of children in a girl. There are customers who are not ready to build a relationship with a girl with children. But there are customers for whom children are not an obstacle. Therefore, I can say with confidence that both a mother and a girl who does not have children can arrange their life. You just have to really want it. When a girl comes to us and says, Find me a husband, I want to remind her that this is not a store that sells dresses.
It should be noted that there are more beautiful, intelligent, educated and beautiful women than smart, mature and responsible men. For one worthy man there are several very worthy girls. It's such a time that boys grow up spoiled by attention, infantile and often irresponsible. Therefore, if you want to marry successfully, you will need to try very hard, because you have to beat several worthy competitors. Not to mention the fact that water does not flow under a reclining stone, and if you do not want it with all your heart, then even the fairy godmother will not be able to “give” you away.
One last thing. All the above tables are just a collection of questionnaires over the past year, and it has nothing to do with love. Because the most common case in the agency is this. A man or a woman comes up with fifty criteria for their future spouse, and then fall in love with the absolute opposite. And despite the complete inconsistency of their original wishes, falling in love, they want to wake up only with this person.
I sincerely wish you to fall in love with a beautiful worthy person and find family happiness. published
Author: Olga Kraynova
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.youtube.com/channel/UCkWpeinrVRI9DWUB9PfkEsA
We decided to publish a portrait of the ideal satellite. We analyzed the queries and questionnaires of more than 300 girls wishing to find a husband and the wishes of more than 50 male clients. Everyone counted, analyzed and drew conclusions. Enjoy it!

The age of girls who are actively looking for a husband.
As can be seen, 62% of girls who are actively looking for a husband, including those who apply to the agency, are between 28 and 34 years old.

Education of girls who are actively looking for a husband.

As you can see from the graph, most girls have higher education.
Presence of previous marriages

The qualities that girls want to see in a future husband.

It should be noted that no one indicates financial well-being in the questionnaire. But probably because the girls initially know that our clients with the financial sector everything is fine. Or they are afraid of getting into the “number of greedy girls” who will be eliminated and will not get into school and the bride list. As for the other qualities, according to the terms of the questionnaire, they can write three qualities that they would like to see. And therefore, every second girl leads the mind, intelligence and education, and the other two are other of these qualities.
The saddest thing is when you see in a bunch of wishes, for example: intelligence, charm and a sense of humor. Or: resourcefulness, sense of humor and leadership. It seems that the girl does not want to get married, and in KVN to find a player. It is a pity when a girl does not put in mandatory qualities kindness, reliability or honesty. The most striking thing is that none of the 300 questionnaires contained the quality of loyalty. In my opinion, loyalty, or rather its absence, is infidelity, a quality that nullifies all his other virtues. It’s like multiplying by zero – you end up with zero. Because if he is intelligent, cheerful, charming and as kind as you like, but if he is unfaithful and unevenly breathes on every beauty, then what is the point in his other qualities? He automatically becomes unreliable, dishonest and life with him is unlikely to be happy.
Girls, please, choosing a partner - do it, remembering that you choose him for life, the one from whom you can safely have children and build a family. If he initially has a rotten idea of life, do not think that he will change, his attitude to you or to life will change. And don’t think that his money, his popularity, or his beauty (sometimes like that) can replace his normal human qualities. It's not!
Look for yourself, first of all, a person with whom you have to live your whole life and give birth to children.
Qualities that girls are not willing to tolerate from their man, under no circumstances.

He leads among the unacceptable qualities in the future spouse for women - lies, anger, and greed. Next, selfishness and irresponsibility, and then other qualities. Again, not a word about infidelity or infidelity, as well as about social status.
Now it's interesting!
Wishes of girls to the age of the future spouse.

Thus, very young girls from 20-23 years old want a husband or peer, or at most, 5 years older.
Next, more interesting. 62% of 24-27 year olds want a husband between the ages of 23 and 28. That is, almost the same age, or even a little younger! 30% of them want a husband older than themselves from 4 to 9 years, and 8% of girls are ready to date a man older than them by 6-10 years.
56% of girls aged 28-30 want a man between the ages of 28 and 30. That is, he can be 2 years younger than her and up to 3 years older. 37% of girls want a man from 34 to 40 years, and 5% from 40-47 years.
24% of girls aged 30-34 years want a man aged 28-33 years, that is, younger than themselves! 68% of girls want a husband between the ages of 34 and 40, that is, from the same age, up to 6 years of difference, and only 6% of girls want a husband from 40 to 47 years.
Older girls from 35 to 40 years old want a husband younger (as much as 6%), the same age (65%), 21% from 40-47 years old, and 8% of women agree to build relationships with men over 47 years old.
When we interview girls in our school and agency, almost every girl complains that men have become infantile, irresponsible and unserious.
It is a well-known fact that boys grow up much later than girls. Girls grow older than boys, and women mature faster than young men. Let's make a comparison. Of course, all people are different and there are exceptions, but the overall picture is this:
Imagine a 10 year old boy and a girl. The girl is thinking about curls, boys and why her breasts do not begin to grow, and boys at this age still play dance.
A girl of 18 and a boy of 18. At this time, a girl can already work after school, and boys often still ask for money from mom and dad for beer and travel tickets.
A girl of 25 and a boy of 25. The girl already often wants a family and children, and the boy at 25 still really wants to walk, have fun with friends and not be responsible for anyone (including his actions).
A man in 30 and a woman in 30. The man felt the taste of money that he learned (or did not learn) to earn, it seems to him that the whole world lies before him, that there are still many opportunities ahead, many young beautiful girls and women (18 years old) who want his company. A sense of responsibility for someone other than yourself is just beginning to wake up. Well, if he's already moved out of mom and dad and lives alone. It is very rare if you already want children or a family. A woman in her 30s, already very much wants a family, children, this is an absolutely formed person with his own ideas about right and wrong, who can already teach (sometimes teach) other people. They are often financially independent and successful in their careers.
Woman and man at 40. I'll be brief. A man in his 40s is allowed into nightclubs and a woman is no longer.
A man in 40 years, the range of choice of a girl from 18 to 40+, a woman in 40 years has a range of choices from 40 to 50+
Then the question arises. If men grow up later, mature later, they have a sense of responsibility for children, family and, in principle, for another person later – why does a woman so want a peer? She wants to adopt him? Teaching, babysitting and teaching him his life? Why? After all, then she in the family will be the most intelligent, the oldest, will solve all problems and worries, think for everyone, and he will remain an unfit infantile creature. If she takes most of the care, why bother?
Isn’t it better to choose a man a little older than your own age? That way, you will always be small, fragile and tender to him. You will be the girl to be taken care of and taken care of. In my opinion, the difference of at least 5-7 years should be between a man and a woman. It's strategic, it's good for marriage.
Who are men looking for?
We come to the second part of the article. Who do men want to marry for themselves? As in the first part, we talk only about what we know – only about our clients. And here we are talking about successful and accomplished men aged 38 to 53 years.
The qualities that men want in a future wife.

Almost every second man wants a woman. No customer has asked for a boy in a skirt all year. No one asked for a feminist, and no one asked to introduce him to a girl who would be a burnt-out careerist spending more time at work than himself. Next in the list of desirable qualities tenderness, broad outlook, loyalty, wisdom and others. It is noteworthy that all men say that they want an intelligent woman, but after asking a clarifying question, what does smart mean, he very often corrects himself and says that smart is not in terms of “I will teach everyone and prove everything”, but still wise in a feminine way.
And also, surprisingly, the man pays almost no special requirement to the education of a woman, replacing it with the word – broad outlook and awareness, and does not play any role in the career of a woman. Lastly, most men are deeply uninterested. They say something like this: it will be good if she does something that gives her pleasure, but all her regalia are not important to me.
Unacceptable qualities for girls for the role of a future wife.

The list of undesirable qualities also speaks for itself, but female greed leads by a wide margin. Probably the first thing a man says when he comes to us is that he is tired of the breed of girls who are called “vacuum cleaners” in everyday life. He says I want a normal girl with normal values, not one who views every other man from the position of “what would grab here.” The same applies to girls who don’t work anywhere. They often say: “Let her earn at least 10 thousand rubles, but she must do something.” And the next undesirable quality is anger and aggression of the girl to others. They say that sometimes when a girl does not control herself and thinks that no one sees her, her face is distorted in such a vicious grimace that it is completely frightening.
What is not yet on the list, but was mentioned by men. Attempts to “cut off” a man from his parents or from the children of previous marriages, stealing from his man’s pocket, and treason are also unacceptable. For the latter, men are so unprepared that they do not even consider what this can be in their reality.
Wishes for the age of future wives.
Everything here is so transparent that even a diagram should not be built. All of our clients have similar age wishes. 24 to 35. This is the age range of the women we work with at our agency. Occasionally, men want a wife younger or older, but if younger - then she should already be without a fool in her head, and if older, then she should not look like "grandmother" (this, forgive me, direct speech).
I cannot say enough about the attitude of a man to the presence of children in a girl. There are customers who are not ready to build a relationship with a girl with children. But there are customers for whom children are not an obstacle. Therefore, I can say with confidence that both a mother and a girl who does not have children can arrange their life. You just have to really want it. When a girl comes to us and says, Find me a husband, I want to remind her that this is not a store that sells dresses.
It should be noted that there are more beautiful, intelligent, educated and beautiful women than smart, mature and responsible men. For one worthy man there are several very worthy girls. It's such a time that boys grow up spoiled by attention, infantile and often irresponsible. Therefore, if you want to marry successfully, you will need to try very hard, because you have to beat several worthy competitors. Not to mention the fact that water does not flow under a reclining stone, and if you do not want it with all your heart, then even the fairy godmother will not be able to “give” you away.
One last thing. All the above tables are just a collection of questionnaires over the past year, and it has nothing to do with love. Because the most common case in the agency is this. A man or a woman comes up with fifty criteria for their future spouse, and then fall in love with the absolute opposite. And despite the complete inconsistency of their original wishes, falling in love, they want to wake up only with this person.
I sincerely wish you to fall in love with a beautiful worthy person and find family happiness. published
Author: Olga Kraynova
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.youtube.com/channel/UCkWpeinrVRI9DWUB9PfkEsA