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How do DVRs in Russia: a report from the factory in the Vladimir region AdvoCam

We are repeatedly told registrant domestic brands AdvoCam. Not everyone knows that this brand belongs to the Russian company "Videomaks", has 17 years experience in the market of professional CCTV and group company METTEM, manufacturer of household water purification filters barrier. "Videomaks" owns its own production in Alexandria (Vladimir region.). There being as development registrars AdvoCam, and final quality control - a full ODEM-circuit in action. That is when most brands of DVRs limited to the purchase of finished devices in China with minimal localization and installing "nameplate», AdvoCam trusts Asian partners only contract assembly.

Development, as already mentioned, is conducted exclusively in Russia. The same scheme employs many world's largest electronics manufacturers - Apple, Sony and others. "Brains - our hands on the assembly - the Chinese." But Russia's use of such a scheme is very rare, and DVRs on the market except AdvoCam similar seems generally nobody does.

Sounds "beautiful", but how things really are? We accepted the invitation to personally visit the production and make sure that "Russian registrars AdvoCam» - this is not fiction.

in the path h4> Two hours on the road, taking into account traffic jams - and here we have factory building. Truck fleet of cars suggests that local workers prefer the domestic auto industry. However, due to the small size of the city, some prefer extremely eco-friendly transportation.

In one of the cars we saw just two registrar AdvoCam - apparently someone personally tested the manufactured products.

On patriotically decorated in the colors of the tricolor stock stored products customers. The fact that the plant on a contract basis produces video and other products for different companies - allow power is not confined to the testing of household video recorders AdvoCam. It was here, in Aleksandrov, the full cycle of production of many professional recorders used in the urban public transport, car security services, etc. Performed at the factory assembling, painting, production of housing parts, soldering circuit boards - complete production cycle of professional CCTV systems.

First we were introduced to the center of research and development. It is thanks to the work of this department AdvoCam writes on their DVR boxes "conceived in Russia. Made in China. " On many tables - "working mess" of all kinds of components and test equipment. One of the staff at us and measure the operating parameters of the prototype, constantly referring to the engineering diagram of the video of the American company Ambarella.

Given the global trend of public interest in 3D-printers, we could not help but pay attention to stand on one of the tables Flashforge Creator. This printer attracts even look - lightweight body is made of wood. Have this equipment significantly helps developers, allowing them to quickly and at relatively low cost literally print those or other test parts of bodies. For example, when we Flashforge Creator for about twenty minutes unsealed part of the bracket. For comparison, the printer itself is worth about 45 000 rubles, while preparing a mold for mass production of single parts can cost 100-200 thousand.

At the same time we saw the shaker on which products are checked for resistance to the strongest shaking. This test is important for Russia, where the quality of the road surface (where the coating is present at all) is often poor.

In the same room we were shown the equipment for testing of finished registrars AdvoCam for resistance to different temperature regimes. In a special chamber of the sample was held for nearly three hours at a temperature of -35 degrees Celsius. The Chinese did not even dream of such cold weather, which in Russia are each winter (in the northern regions - and in spring and autumn). Also the frost on the case, no effects of hypothermia for advokamov was not - the device without problems involved and started shooting. So in Russia for the performance models AdvoCam can not be afraid. It is frost and the problems associated with continuous operation at temperatures below zero - the main cause of problems automotive portable electronics in China. On the "non-frost resistant" most budget models DVRs Chinese production often complain in a review that included refuse at a low temperature, then cut down at the right time, then all of the constant temperature differential plastic lens cracked. With AdvoCam this does not happen - all models tested in practice before starting mass production in China. And in the lens, use only glass optics, which does not deform at temperature drops and always produces a clear image.

As already mentioned above, if we have a "cooler" visited three registrar. One of them - the flagship AdvoCam-FD8 Profi-GPS RED, in which the survey is conducted at the maximum for today (for household portable models) resolution Super Full HD, LDWS system to warn of leaving the current band and even awareness of radar speed control system ( including "Arrow-ST"). It is the flagship model of the brand. Housing with distinctive red accents can be seen in the pictures below. It is noteworthy that until last 2013 control system of the current lane (LDWS) met only as an inline function in auto premium. AdvoCam - and one of the first manufacturers of portable electronics, who suggested this feature in the usual DVR with a price tag of just 7,000 rubles (~ $ 200). Details about the model we mentioned (and even dismantled it) here .

Interesting fact: according to the market.yandex.ru/ , this model AdvoCam is today the most "desirable" for users of this very popular service choice of goods in RuNet.

Perhaps also mention AdvoCam-FD8 SE, which is the functional copies «Red», but has a wider viewing angle diagonally (170 degrees versus 120) and curious body oval. But it cost 400 rubles (~ $ 10) more expensive.

But back to production. Without calibration tables cameras - anywhere, adjust focus, color and other optical parameters are made with a professional approach.

On the way to the shops there is a "back-up" area. As we have explained, the space is used to the full in times of particularly high load and large orders. At the same time, our tour guide said that "small" orders that do not require additional space - lots of video surveillance systems with 10 thousand pieces. Worth considering the performance and load of workers at the plant in order.

In one of the main assembly plants are hard at work, as is typical, absolutely all staff on the assembly line - women. They are engaged in a monotone, but requires great concentration of painstaking work, the male part of the team we met mostly with machines and development department.

This department is located on the second floor and on the ground - not less spacious and "immersed in the work" shop.

Earlier, we noted that in China can only be ordered assembly of devices. However feelers machines several thousand pieces going exactly in Aleksandrov. Thus, developers are most fully monitor and evaluate new registrars to launch a large-scale production. This "break-in" allows before launching mass production identify and eliminate "childhood diseases" of new models, various minor flaws devices and circuits for their assembly. As a consequence - reducing scrap rates at high-volume contract manufacturing in China.

Registrar AdvoCam-FD7 Profi-GPS in the assembly process.

Beside being assembled professional recorders - pay attention to the large and impressive sensitivity matrix (by the standards of "household" registrars) metal "holders" - mount lens for a bunch of boards and at the location of the matrix. In automotive recorders AdvoCam These holders are also made of metal, in order to avoid distortions of the lens during heating board during shooting. At the same time the trouble due to the temperature difference, which is especially important in Russia, where there are severe frosts in winter and scorching sun in summer. It is not hard to guess that cheap Chinese registrars to save this component, and about any metal, not talking. Above we have already mentioned that the high temperature difference causes useless plastic optics cheap registrars and hence the devices themselves.

In case of minor marriage have the opportunity to immediately correct it. In particular, we saw desoldering tools and withdrawal of matrices, if unevenly installed. Such work requires surgical precision, it is necessary to heat and pull together all the legs of the matrix. If this is done carelessly, the module will be removed from the injury, it will be almost impossible to use in the future - the matrix is ​​established not only as skewed. There are times when being prepared chambers turns out that the on-board matrix does not fit to the selected body, there is also not do without desoldering. Then the matrix trimmed legs to the desired size, then the module is soldered back.

To work better disputes leadership had no objection to the musical accompaniment, the employee would not mind listening to the radio on a cassette recorder rarity.

The mood of the staff is great, which is not surprising - the window a sunny day.

And even characteristic entourage provincial industrial zone does not affect the sincere smiles of women who clearly bit embarrassing presence of journalists.

And here is one of the stages of preparation of professional CCTV systems - Video Series IAC-09, the company Byterg, just group companies METTEM - wires ready for shrinking.

On the table next to see the instrument of the Japanese company CT-Brand, one of the leading manufacturers of equipment for radiomontazhnyh works. Note that the anti-vandal camera companies Byterg model IAC-09 installed in ordinary city buses. For example, they are equipped with 15,000 buses and trolleybuses in Moscow.

The final stage - the product is put on the registration number, checking and packing products.

In the same room facing familiar with the different cameras. For example, this model is designed for outdoor surveillance. Possesses strong proof frame at the same time controls were not completely hide inside. On the upper side mounted wheels focus adjustment in the range of 2, 8-12 mm, which allows more flexibility to customize the camera depending on the characteristics of the territory of the shooting. This option is available in the cells is not always, for example, in the aforementioned IAC-09, from the manufacturer Byterg, focus exhibited in advance and can not be changed during operation.

Immediately find "trace of China", the box straight from China. In this case before us - Hardware Shenzhen Sonice Electronics CO., A major supplier of automotive safety systems and displays.

One only has to look back - and we clearly we see how serious positions in the market of professional video company has "Byterg": among customers many large government and industry customers.

In a separate room acquainted with the American in the truest sense of the word, the printing press WINON PAD PRINTER. Apparently, this model Winon WN 123A, machine for pad printing technology. Simply put, it is here "glue nameplates' - an operation that restricts the contribution of almost all Russian brands in developing their content. As we can see, AdvoCam in no way does not belong to such "innovators».

Given the large volume of works on manufacturing of metal parts formed significant remnants of chips. Waste-free production in action - all "recycled" neatly gathered in the yard, and shall be recycled.

"Originator" of this volume shavings - dozens of machines of varying difficulty. By the way, modern machinery equipment factory cost is not cheap. For example, one just above Winon WN 123A is estimated at nearly $ 7500, then on the photo you can see a complex machine with automatic feeder Prutkov HAAS Servo Bar 300 - the total value of units used in the plant about $ 70 000.

At the plant, not only directly produced items, but also to their "powder coating". Below - a photo of the process, as well as a comparison of the two elements of "before" and "after." And - yes, the pictures you see another type of plant production - doorphone systems with which we are confronted daily in the doorways of their houses.

As noted by our tour guide, if faced with the task of casting parts own organization and with its decision of questions would not arise. However casting - something very costly in terms of production process, because management does not see the point of expanding the current specialization of the plant. So cast parts intercoms on the side, and in this production only body are metalworking and paint them in a color that matches a particular client's wishes.

After painting the product must burn, using special ovens. For each paint must withstand a certain temperature (the average of 40 to 200 degrees Celsius) and the duration of the "sintering" (minimum - 20 minutes).

Our excursion took place with the direct participation of the General Director of LLC "Videomaks" (brand owner company AdvoCam) Dmitry V. Savenkov, which we would like to particularly thank for organizing tours and travel information about modern technology create DVRs.

In hands holds two Savenkov registrar of the relevant line AdvoCam. We have already mentioned above flagship AdvoCam-FD8 Profi-GPS RED (left), next to him the most budget AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS. The device costs 4600 rubles / ~ $ 130 or 3 600 rubles / ~ $ 100 in the case of versions not equipped with GPS and G-sensor. At the same time the quality of shooting "the most budget AdvoCam» almost as good as more expensive models of the brand. Savings expressed in the absence of IR illumination, complete memory cards, as well as a cheaper processor Novatek 96650. Last costs about 20-25% cheaper counterparts from untwisted and popular American Ambarella, but associate with them for the quality of the video. AdvoCam-FD Black-GPS was one of the participants carried out at us the test for resistance to low temperatures and coped with the "freezing" at a temperature of minus 35 degrees Celsius.

As we managed to confirm, AdvoCam really does a great job to ensure the highest quality of its products. These devices are really developing in Russia, and here ready to party products tested and control. Thus, the registrar on the packaging AdvoCam «conceived in Russia" is 100% true. Moreover, there also could be to add "In Russia, check quality and conformity to Russian conditions».

P.S. To honor AdvoCam, brand cares more about the legal literacy of motorists. After all, most of the drivers are weak, what should I do with the movie at a real accident. AdvoCam collaborates with Victor Travin known TV and radio, and president of the College of the legal protection of car owners.

Included with each registrar brand attached booklet that Travin concisely and clearly explains the procedure for giving legal status of the video. Moreover, AdvoCam «Do not be greedy": detailed version laid out brochures for public inspection on the website of the brand (http://www.advocam.ru/videoregastrator-solominka.html).

For information h4> Patriotic development, production and quality control - all this is certainly interesting and extremely rare in the Russian market brands of DVRs. However, if the fruit brings so resource-intensive and costly way? Maybe it is easier and more profitable to follow the strategy of most competitors and ready to choose the model of the directories Chinese noname-factories?
As an answer to this question, we have provided ample evidence of the chosen AdvoCam schemes of work.


Source: habrahabr.ru/company/smartgadget/blog/229489/