The sounds that kill
Weapon sound is an integral part of the new principles of warfare, the essence of which is the desire to minimize human and material losses, not to destroy the enemy, but to control him, to deprive him of his ability to fight and, above all, to break his will to resist. In this context, this weapon can be regarded as the quintessence of new principles of warfare.
Interest in sound, or as it is called acoustic or sonar, weapons today greater than ever. According to experts, the possible consequences of its use against people are in a very wide range extending from the occurrence of discomfort, temporary hearing loss and even death. Sound can affect the human psyche, to generate fear, invisible barriers, throw into a panic the whole unit. Sound weapons may be intended for different uses, the dispersal of the crowds (demonstrations), organization of panic, the protection of objects, rescue the hostages, stop the movement of people and vehicles.
The whole world around us is a collection of waves. Ranges everything from elementary particles to galaxies. The human ear perceives a very narrow range of vibrations, but this does not mean that the sounds beyond our hearing does not affect our body is affected by the extent of changing the structures of the tissues of the body at the molecular level.
Previously it was thought that the sound would be neutral effects on humans. A well-known example, when present the first steam propulsion, where there was quite a good noise maker machine white became smaller. Those present asked him to leave everything as is, the noise gets much, especially the background and the monotony.
For a long time, the noise is generally considered a required companion development of technology and success of technology. Few anticipated that this phenomenon will become a threat to the functioning of living organisms, the more that person is to some extent inherent in auditory adaptation, which, incidentally, does not protect against hearing loss and other pathological processes in the body.
The sounds that surround us, with all its external simplicity and generality are not so harmless. In the press it was reported that in one of the houses on the South-West of Moscow, changed the lift. Then the majority of tenants began to experience regular headaches, sleep disturbance. It turned out that the working mechanism is the source of adverse range of infrasound, and the Elevator shaft, like a giant tube, it even strengthens. A similar effect is well known to volcanologists. The noise spewing lava also generates infrasound, causing uncontrollable fear and desire to hide.
In 1929, in London the Lyric played historical drama. The authors sought to instill in the viewer a particular emotion. Their problems they shared with the famous physicist Robert wood. He suggested the use of acoustic effect. Not audible to the human ear, the low frequency sound wave emitted by the giant organ pipe, called the premiere a monstrous outcry. Shook the glass, the chandelier rang, shook the whole building... the Audience was terrified. I started to panic. The performance was disrupted.
What is a sound?
The sound is called regular and periodic oscillations and noise — a set of sounds of varying strength and height, randomly varying in time and cause unpleasant subjective feelings. Characteristics of sound waves: frequency, length, intensity and sound pressure. Physical nature of noise is mechanical vibrations of the particles of the medium (gas, liquid, solid), which result from the influence of any exciting force. Speaking about the dangers of noise, primarily refers to the effects of three characteristics: the intensity, duration and frequency. All quantities are measurable, and the measurement results are used to determine the severity of the impact and evaluation of effective protective measures.
The human ear can withstand a sound pressure in the range of 0.00002 (threshold of hearing) to 200 PA (pain threshold) or sound volume from 10-12-10-5 W/m2 and frequency 16-20, 000 Hz. Illness and age greatly influence the sensitivity.
The noise levels of 60-70 dB improves the performance of mental activity, and more than 80 dB reduces focus and productivity.
It is known that certain sound frequencies cause people to have feelings of fear and panic, others to stop the heart. In the frequency range of 7-13 Hz natural sounds "wave of fear" emitted by typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, inducing all living things to leave the pockets of natural disasters. With this infrasound can drive a person to suicide. Sound with a frequency between 7 and 8 Hertz are generally extremely dangerous. Theoretically, such, powerful enough, the sound may break all the internal organs.
Seven Hertz is also the average frequency of alpha brain rhythms. Can such infrasound can trigger epileptic seizures, is believed by some researchers, is not clear. The experiments give contradictory results.
The natural frequency of the human body is approximately 8-15 Hz. When the body start to interact with the infrasound, the vibrations of the body are in resonance, and the amplitude of microstorage increases tenfold. To understand what was happening to him, man can not, infrasound is not audible, but he had a feeling of horror and danger. If enough powerful effects in the body begin to rupture internal organs, capillaries and blood vessels.
Scientists investigated, the effect on the astronaut the roar of rocket engines, and found that the low audio frequencies from 0 to 100 Hz, with the power of sound to 155 dB, produce oscillations of the walls of the chest, churning breath, headache and cough. When the sound becomes even stronger, the astronauts went into riot to fly into space didn't want. And then — death.
Association research and applications (SARA), Huntington beach (California) brought the study of sound. It was found that the level of infrasound at 110-130 dB has a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea and pain. The high levels of anxiety, and frustration are achieved through minute exposures already at levels 90 to 120 dB at low frequencies (from 5 Hz to 200 Hz), strong physical trauma and damage to tissues at the level of 140-150 dB. Instant injury, the same injury from the effects of shock waves occur when the sound pressure of about 170 dB. For comparison, we can say that the maximum level of sound when fired from a rifle is around 159 dB, and the cannon — 188 dB. At low frequencies of the excited resonances of the internal organs can cause bleeding and cramping, and in the range of medium frequencies (about 0.5—2.5 kHz) resonances in the air cavities of the body will cause nervous stimulation, tissue damage and overheating of the internal organs.
At high and ultrasonic frequencies (5 to 30 kHz) can be created by overheating of the internal organs up to dangerously high temperatures, tissue burns, and dehydration.
Now among scientists there is a dispute, a danger so much the infrasound or not. From the information above we can say that, Yes, he's very dangerous. Moreover, if on its basis the development of new types of weapons (and quite successfully), and above them there is no control.
At the time Robert Koch predicted: "someday, humanity will be forced to deal with the noise as strongly as it deals with cholera and plague". Scientists around the world solve the problem of noise control, as it is a source of infrasound. Conducted various activities to address both the infrasound and noise. For example, in shipbuilding: the price of the vehicle is defined as 70-80% for its construction and 20-30% of the work on soundproofing.
Historical aspects
Sound waves and their use for military purposes has long attracted the attention of specialists. The first examples of the use of firearms on the properties of sound have deep historical roots. The Bible tells of the destruction of the walls of Jericho by sound. In the Egyptian sources, there is a message that using sound Egyptians could enter the stones (and other materials) in a state of levitation (floating above ground), and if necessary to destroy these stones. Mention of the use of sound in the fighting with the troops of Alexander the great found in Ancient India, where this weapon was called Sammohana. Sammohana forced the troops in a panic to flee. Used whistling arrows of the warriors of Genghis Khan, spreading fear in the attacked the enemy ranks.
The first real attempts to create infrasound weapons have been taken by the Germans during the Second World war. In 1940 they developed the operation to toss the British many special copies of gramophone records of popular artists, but with the addition of infra-sound. The plan was to cause the audience confusion, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders. German strategists have lost sight of that no players of those years would these frequencies be reproduced. So plate the British are listened to without any panic. At the same time there are examples of dropping columns of refugees steel barrels with holes. Falling these simple fixtures was making a terrible whistling and howling, pumping the situation in the columns, and so frightened of people.
The situation connected with sound weapons, changed significantly after the end of the cold war when a broad front was deployed in a number of countries (particularly in the US, UK, Japan) research on the creation of "non-lethal weapons". Various modifications of this weapon were considered as a very effective means to neutralize the large masses of people, especially in those cases when it is necessary to avoid causing them deadly losses or serious injuries.
The war in Iraq was a milestone in the development of modern weapons. Precision weapons, including a sonic weapon finally went to a place in the Arsenal of the U.S. army, which he predicted analysts in the early 90s: if, during the operation "desert Storm" the use of precision weapons in the bombing was 10%, while operations in Afghanistan — about 60%, during the war in Iraq, its share, according to preliminary estimates, increased to 90%. The Iraq war demonstrated that the U.S. army has evolved into a complex technological system, whose effectiveness is based on the skillful use of various types of weapons. Against Iraq was used by almost all major types of non-lethal weapons, including acoustic devices.
For the war in Iraq, characterized by the fact that with the emergence in the waters of the Persian Gulf by the American cruiser "Bulkup" in the ranks of the Iraqi army started happening strange things. Hardened by years of fierce war with Iran guards of Saddam Hussein has reached out to animal fear. First, they give up dozens, then thousands. It was the first in the history of mankind psychotronic war. Won the United States when President George. Bush, who in his role as chief of the CIA personally oversaw the Department engaged in psi research.
Sources of sound radiation
Considering the promising sources of strong sound radiation, experts suggest the use of loudspeakers connected to amplifiers on the basis of generators or powerful batteries. To obtain high sound pressure in open air would require a fairly large number of speakers. The mobile acoustic source (SMAI) constructed at the National center for physical acoustics the University of Mississippi to control the environment of the field research laboratory of the US Army. Preliminary estimates suggest that the linear size of this radiator with the additional equipment are of the order of one meter or more, and the mass dimensions — measured in hundreds kg. This means that all these sound sources will either be fixed or be based on helicopters, armored vehicles or trucks.
In this regard, is developing a non-lethal acoustic weapons for installation on the helicopter with adjustable frequency ranging from 100 Hz to 10 kHz with a range up to 2 km is planned to extend the range to 10 km. this helicopter will be fitted siren-powered internal combustion engine with the infrasonic power of many kilowatts, and an acoustic beam weapon based on thermoacoustic resonator with a frequency of from 20 to 340 Hz, are primarily designed to prevent unauthorized access of unauthorized persons to the stocks of weapons of mass destruction.
Well-known examples of acoustic weapons, infrasound radiating, with the purpose of voice transmission over a considerable distance. When planning on using one of the properties of infrasound — transmission directional beam. The beam is weakly scattered in the atmosphere, and, before dark, to overcome a considerable distance. Thus, although infrasound is perceived by the human ear, but they can't hear. The device is using infrasound is capable of transmitting voice orders, which themselves arise in the brain and makes people act in a certain way. For the eyes (suspended) this device was called the "voice of God".
An employee of the British mission of the Jane's Information Center Mike McBride says that with the help of special modulators of the voice of any person can be done similar to the original voice of the leader. Further recites the appropriate text, on tape and broadcast, including radio and television.
The use of weapons
Of interest is the joint application during the fighting of various types while non-lethal weapons, which ultimately allows you to achieve a high psychological impact.
Warrants serious consideration a hybrid optical and acoustic weapons. Due to the small scattering power of the laser can be used the so-called "effect of 25th frame" known as a visual zombie. The combination of the laser with the 25th key frame containing the desired information with the "voice of God", carrying the "good news of subordination" has on the psyche of the people a very strong effect. The skillful combination of these weapons with chemical substances narcotic action type LSD can lead to high overall performance non-lethal effects. Against this symbiosis of the complex influence on the enemy or rebellious people will no longer be necessary to use conventional weapons, can cause mass death losses.
It is well known that the explosion of a charge capacity of 1 kg of TNT there is pain in the ears at a distance of 200 m, and a lethal outcome occurs within a few meters, which corresponds to damaging factors of conventional weapons. The effect of creating a "chain" of explosions of small power, the frequency of which correspond to the infra-sound enables you to use is the impact on manpower. The magnitude of the acoustic power can reach the megawatts, and the sound level near a source of 180 dB. A sound level in excess of 185 dB causing the rupture of eardrums. The stronger the shock wave (about 200 dB) leads to rupture of the lungs, and at the level of about 210 dB comes death.
It should be noted that the damaging effects of acoustic weapons in a tangible scale was carried out by Britain in the course of riot control in Northern Ireland. There with similar goals tested sources of infrasound based on the nonlinear superposition of two ultrasound beams.
The weaknesses of acoustic weapons and protection
Acoustic weapons, there are problems of dosage and susceptibility of that individual. Exposed to sound with the same intensity, some people may lose their hearing, while others undergo only a temporary shift of the hearing threshold.
Almost all experts agree that due to the relatively high vulnerability of the auditory apparatus it is first necessary to ensure its protection. To protect the tympanic membrane of the ear can be used headphones or simple rubber "bung" that covers the entrance to the sound channel, is able to reduce the sound level for 15 to 45 dB at frequencies of about 500 Hz and above. At lower frequencies (below 250 Hz) headphones are less effective. For protection from exposure to pulsed sound at 160 dB and above expedient is a combination of headphone and the sound-absorbing helmet that will be quite effective in the range of 0.8 to 7 kHz, thereby reducing the sound pressure by 30-50 dB. A stronger weakening of the sound exterior protection is not ensured.
More challenging is to protect the body. It is possible to provide by creating sealed chambers or shells which should be sufficiently rigid to not vibrate and to transmit vibrations to the inside. Of great interest the use of personal protective equipment on the basis of filled with air (gas) inflatable vessels embedded in personal protective equipment. These personal protective equipment from the external party can apply a protective shield or coating that will enhance the protective properties, not only from the acoustic impact, but also from other types of weapons of mass destruction, including the development based on new physical principles.
To create a protection can also be used porous sound-absorbing materials. However, it is necessary to consider that at low frequencies the absorption mechanism loses its effectiveness in the case where the thickness of the protective layer becomes thinner than a quarter length of a sound wave (for 250 Hz is 0.34 m). High protective effect, in principle, possible with the use of personal protective equipment with built-in inflatable containers that are filled with air (gas).
The first countries to officially adopt a sonic weapon and develop a highly effective means of individual and collective protection against it — will have a real superiority in weapons. Probably, in this case, even the possession of nuclear weapons will cease to be the main factor of independence.
Temple chime confronts epidemic diseases
Sound can bring a lot of troubles. But the skillful use of even more it can be to get good.
In Russia it has long been known that a temple chime is able to withstand outbreaks of epidemic diseases, which in the case of diseases in the Orthodox churches were constantly ringing the bells. Thus, it appears that not only notified the district about the terrible trouble and in this way have limited contact with patients and the spread of disease (quarantine measures), but also struggled with bacteria and germs.
The most interesting thing is, in the opinion of the materialists, the absurd assertion is confirmed by scientific experiments. Created by bell inaudible to the ear the vibrations of the ultrasonic range in excess of 25 kHz and can affect infectious agents and enhance the immune system. Average spectrum arising from the bells of sounds (100 Hz — 20 kHz) increases capillary blood circulation and lymphatic flow, and low (40-100 Hz) calms the psyche. Bactericidal properties of the ultrasound range is 20 kHz (the"Microbiology", Pyatkin, K. D.— Moscow, 1971), which is currently used for the sterilization of food products, manufacture of vaccines and disinfection of objects. The ultrasound of low and medium intensity causes the tissues of positive biological effects, stimulating physiological processes than is generally conducive to recovery.
Naturally, these objective parameters and, therefore, act not only on believers, but to all equally. So in and around the churches there is a extremely healthy microclimate that can heal not only wounds, flu and colds, but also more serious illness.
It is well known that the sounds of the forest better than any drug to lower patients blood pressure. Great effects and music. Experts have found that the gastrointestinal tract has a resonant frequency of the note "FA". Note "do" was able to cure psoriasis, and the combination of notes "C," "salt" and "to" extremely useful for cancer patients.
Non-lethal weapons LRAD
American soldiers in Iraq got a new non-lethal weapons LRAD, sending a deafening noise in a directed beam — 150 dB at frequencies 2100-3100 Hz. Such devices, States began to use on military ships since 2000 to prevent the small boats approaching at a dangerous distance. Now the developer of the LRAD, "American technology Corporation", awarded army contract to supply mobile systems for the marine corps. LRAD has not yet officially adopted in Iraq will pass her test. The system will be used as a deterrent, since soldiers often have to deal with angry crowds of people. Experts believe that although the system relates to non-lethal weapons, prolonged exposure to sound gun can be extremely dangerous to human health.
Sonic weapon saved the passengers of a cruise ship
The crew of the cruise liner Seabourn Spirit gave a fitting rebuff to the sea pirates, using them against sonic weapons, while capturing a gang of a ship off the coast of Somalia. Fortunately, the ship was equipped with the system LRAD — Long Range Acoustic Device (Acoustic device long range). The weapon is classified as non-lethal and affects the nervous system of a person special, intolerable to the ear sound. Under the action of the directed sound wave, the pirates were forced to retreat. Seabourn Spirit was 100 miles off Somalia when pirates began firing at the vehicle from grenade launchers and automatic weapons, and then trying to get on Board, injuring one of the crew members. The captain gave the command to use LRAD against attackers, and to break away, changed course and increased the speed of the ship.
Non-lethal sonic weapon LRAD was developed at the initiative of the Pentagon after the terrorist attack on the vehicle of the U.S. air force "Cole" in Yemen in 2000. The combat model sonic weapon weighs about 45 pounds, has a hemispherical shape and produces a narrow piercing high frequency sound, which the developers compared to the sound of a fire siren, only much louder. If fire alarm is capable of 80-90 dB, the LRAD maximum volume is 150 dB.
A new superweapon — a baby crying
The Pentagon is developing a new type of weapon, where as a destructive factor is used sound. American sonic weapon will be used to "repel" the enemy troops. One of the worst sounds for a human baby crying. Sonic weapon will have a directional effect, with special "hypersonic sound system" includes the play "baby crying" only when two ultrasonic signal to reach the victim. The owner of the sound guns frightening screams (playable, by the way, backwards) will not hear. The volume will be 140 decibels, which is comparable with the roar of jet airliner taking off right over your head. It is assumed that after the sound attack, the enemy soldiers in fear will flee from the battlefield.
Against the Israeli demonstrators applied a sonic weapon
A unique development of Israeli scientists is a speaker system emitting painful sound waves. Official representatives of the Israel defense forces confirmed the use of new tactics to disperse demonstrations in the area of the Palestinian village of bil'in (Ramallah — Jew). According to sources in the press service, sound waves of certain frequency is able to break up any aggressive mob. The technology was developed by Israeli scientists for about four years, but in a real situation were used for the first time. Report any additional details in the IDF refused.
The Associated Press photographer reported that a strange vehicle of the IDF arrived at the scene of a demonstration against the construction of the security fence is almost to its end, when the demonstration was almost escalated into an open conflict. Staying at a distance of 500 meters from the crowd, the car fired on her a few sound waves, each lasting about a minute. Despite the fact that the sound was not loud, the demonstrators had to close his ears with his hands. After some time, the demonstrators who tried to stop the construction of the barrier, were forced to disperse.
The ethnic dimension of sound weapons
Torsion, microlepton and other newly discovered particles have enormous permeability. The generators of such particles are created, for example, in Zelenograd the laboratory. From the user of one of these devices: "the Device is configured on individual wave characteristics of a person. Obviously, it is possible to configure the options of an entire ethnic group. At that to solve racial problems do not need concentration camps. Everything happens completely unnoticed. The object either dies out or loses its national features"...
Vladimir Golovko
Source: /users/1077
Interest in sound, or as it is called acoustic or sonar, weapons today greater than ever. According to experts, the possible consequences of its use against people are in a very wide range extending from the occurrence of discomfort, temporary hearing loss and even death. Sound can affect the human psyche, to generate fear, invisible barriers, throw into a panic the whole unit. Sound weapons may be intended for different uses, the dispersal of the crowds (demonstrations), organization of panic, the protection of objects, rescue the hostages, stop the movement of people and vehicles.

The whole world around us is a collection of waves. Ranges everything from elementary particles to galaxies. The human ear perceives a very narrow range of vibrations, but this does not mean that the sounds beyond our hearing does not affect our body is affected by the extent of changing the structures of the tissues of the body at the molecular level.
Previously it was thought that the sound would be neutral effects on humans. A well-known example, when present the first steam propulsion, where there was quite a good noise maker machine white became smaller. Those present asked him to leave everything as is, the noise gets much, especially the background and the monotony.
For a long time, the noise is generally considered a required companion development of technology and success of technology. Few anticipated that this phenomenon will become a threat to the functioning of living organisms, the more that person is to some extent inherent in auditory adaptation, which, incidentally, does not protect against hearing loss and other pathological processes in the body.
The sounds that surround us, with all its external simplicity and generality are not so harmless. In the press it was reported that in one of the houses on the South-West of Moscow, changed the lift. Then the majority of tenants began to experience regular headaches, sleep disturbance. It turned out that the working mechanism is the source of adverse range of infrasound, and the Elevator shaft, like a giant tube, it even strengthens. A similar effect is well known to volcanologists. The noise spewing lava also generates infrasound, causing uncontrollable fear and desire to hide.
In 1929, in London the Lyric played historical drama. The authors sought to instill in the viewer a particular emotion. Their problems they shared with the famous physicist Robert wood. He suggested the use of acoustic effect. Not audible to the human ear, the low frequency sound wave emitted by the giant organ pipe, called the premiere a monstrous outcry. Shook the glass, the chandelier rang, shook the whole building... the Audience was terrified. I started to panic. The performance was disrupted.
What is a sound?
The sound is called regular and periodic oscillations and noise — a set of sounds of varying strength and height, randomly varying in time and cause unpleasant subjective feelings. Characteristics of sound waves: frequency, length, intensity and sound pressure. Physical nature of noise is mechanical vibrations of the particles of the medium (gas, liquid, solid), which result from the influence of any exciting force. Speaking about the dangers of noise, primarily refers to the effects of three characteristics: the intensity, duration and frequency. All quantities are measurable, and the measurement results are used to determine the severity of the impact and evaluation of effective protective measures.
The human ear can withstand a sound pressure in the range of 0.00002 (threshold of hearing) to 200 PA (pain threshold) or sound volume from 10-12-10-5 W/m2 and frequency 16-20, 000 Hz. Illness and age greatly influence the sensitivity.
The noise levels of 60-70 dB improves the performance of mental activity, and more than 80 dB reduces focus and productivity.
It is known that certain sound frequencies cause people to have feelings of fear and panic, others to stop the heart. In the frequency range of 7-13 Hz natural sounds "wave of fear" emitted by typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, inducing all living things to leave the pockets of natural disasters. With this infrasound can drive a person to suicide. Sound with a frequency between 7 and 8 Hertz are generally extremely dangerous. Theoretically, such, powerful enough, the sound may break all the internal organs.
Seven Hertz is also the average frequency of alpha brain rhythms. Can such infrasound can trigger epileptic seizures, is believed by some researchers, is not clear. The experiments give contradictory results.
The natural frequency of the human body is approximately 8-15 Hz. When the body start to interact with the infrasound, the vibrations of the body are in resonance, and the amplitude of microstorage increases tenfold. To understand what was happening to him, man can not, infrasound is not audible, but he had a feeling of horror and danger. If enough powerful effects in the body begin to rupture internal organs, capillaries and blood vessels.
Scientists investigated, the effect on the astronaut the roar of rocket engines, and found that the low audio frequencies from 0 to 100 Hz, with the power of sound to 155 dB, produce oscillations of the walls of the chest, churning breath, headache and cough. When the sound becomes even stronger, the astronauts went into riot to fly into space didn't want. And then — death.
Association research and applications (SARA), Huntington beach (California) brought the study of sound. It was found that the level of infrasound at 110-130 dB has a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea and pain. The high levels of anxiety, and frustration are achieved through minute exposures already at levels 90 to 120 dB at low frequencies (from 5 Hz to 200 Hz), strong physical trauma and damage to tissues at the level of 140-150 dB. Instant injury, the same injury from the effects of shock waves occur when the sound pressure of about 170 dB. For comparison, we can say that the maximum level of sound when fired from a rifle is around 159 dB, and the cannon — 188 dB. At low frequencies of the excited resonances of the internal organs can cause bleeding and cramping, and in the range of medium frequencies (about 0.5—2.5 kHz) resonances in the air cavities of the body will cause nervous stimulation, tissue damage and overheating of the internal organs.
At high and ultrasonic frequencies (5 to 30 kHz) can be created by overheating of the internal organs up to dangerously high temperatures, tissue burns, and dehydration.
Now among scientists there is a dispute, a danger so much the infrasound or not. From the information above we can say that, Yes, he's very dangerous. Moreover, if on its basis the development of new types of weapons (and quite successfully), and above them there is no control.
At the time Robert Koch predicted: "someday, humanity will be forced to deal with the noise as strongly as it deals with cholera and plague". Scientists around the world solve the problem of noise control, as it is a source of infrasound. Conducted various activities to address both the infrasound and noise. For example, in shipbuilding: the price of the vehicle is defined as 70-80% for its construction and 20-30% of the work on soundproofing.
Historical aspects
Sound waves and their use for military purposes has long attracted the attention of specialists. The first examples of the use of firearms on the properties of sound have deep historical roots. The Bible tells of the destruction of the walls of Jericho by sound. In the Egyptian sources, there is a message that using sound Egyptians could enter the stones (and other materials) in a state of levitation (floating above ground), and if necessary to destroy these stones. Mention of the use of sound in the fighting with the troops of Alexander the great found in Ancient India, where this weapon was called Sammohana. Sammohana forced the troops in a panic to flee. Used whistling arrows of the warriors of Genghis Khan, spreading fear in the attacked the enemy ranks.
The first real attempts to create infrasound weapons have been taken by the Germans during the Second World war. In 1940 they developed the operation to toss the British many special copies of gramophone records of popular artists, but with the addition of infra-sound. The plan was to cause the audience confusion, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders. German strategists have lost sight of that no players of those years would these frequencies be reproduced. So plate the British are listened to without any panic. At the same time there are examples of dropping columns of refugees steel barrels with holes. Falling these simple fixtures was making a terrible whistling and howling, pumping the situation in the columns, and so frightened of people.
The situation connected with sound weapons, changed significantly after the end of the cold war when a broad front was deployed in a number of countries (particularly in the US, UK, Japan) research on the creation of "non-lethal weapons". Various modifications of this weapon were considered as a very effective means to neutralize the large masses of people, especially in those cases when it is necessary to avoid causing them deadly losses or serious injuries.
The war in Iraq was a milestone in the development of modern weapons. Precision weapons, including a sonic weapon finally went to a place in the Arsenal of the U.S. army, which he predicted analysts in the early 90s: if, during the operation "desert Storm" the use of precision weapons in the bombing was 10%, while operations in Afghanistan — about 60%, during the war in Iraq, its share, according to preliminary estimates, increased to 90%. The Iraq war demonstrated that the U.S. army has evolved into a complex technological system, whose effectiveness is based on the skillful use of various types of weapons. Against Iraq was used by almost all major types of non-lethal weapons, including acoustic devices.
For the war in Iraq, characterized by the fact that with the emergence in the waters of the Persian Gulf by the American cruiser "Bulkup" in the ranks of the Iraqi army started happening strange things. Hardened by years of fierce war with Iran guards of Saddam Hussein has reached out to animal fear. First, they give up dozens, then thousands. It was the first in the history of mankind psychotronic war. Won the United States when President George. Bush, who in his role as chief of the CIA personally oversaw the Department engaged in psi research.
Sources of sound radiation
Considering the promising sources of strong sound radiation, experts suggest the use of loudspeakers connected to amplifiers on the basis of generators or powerful batteries. To obtain high sound pressure in open air would require a fairly large number of speakers. The mobile acoustic source (SMAI) constructed at the National center for physical acoustics the University of Mississippi to control the environment of the field research laboratory of the US Army. Preliminary estimates suggest that the linear size of this radiator with the additional equipment are of the order of one meter or more, and the mass dimensions — measured in hundreds kg. This means that all these sound sources will either be fixed or be based on helicopters, armored vehicles or trucks.
In this regard, is developing a non-lethal acoustic weapons for installation on the helicopter with adjustable frequency ranging from 100 Hz to 10 kHz with a range up to 2 km is planned to extend the range to 10 km. this helicopter will be fitted siren-powered internal combustion engine with the infrasonic power of many kilowatts, and an acoustic beam weapon based on thermoacoustic resonator with a frequency of from 20 to 340 Hz, are primarily designed to prevent unauthorized access of unauthorized persons to the stocks of weapons of mass destruction.
Well-known examples of acoustic weapons, infrasound radiating, with the purpose of voice transmission over a considerable distance. When planning on using one of the properties of infrasound — transmission directional beam. The beam is weakly scattered in the atmosphere, and, before dark, to overcome a considerable distance. Thus, although infrasound is perceived by the human ear, but they can't hear. The device is using infrasound is capable of transmitting voice orders, which themselves arise in the brain and makes people act in a certain way. For the eyes (suspended) this device was called the "voice of God".
An employee of the British mission of the Jane's Information Center Mike McBride says that with the help of special modulators of the voice of any person can be done similar to the original voice of the leader. Further recites the appropriate text, on tape and broadcast, including radio and television.
The use of weapons
Of interest is the joint application during the fighting of various types while non-lethal weapons, which ultimately allows you to achieve a high psychological impact.
Warrants serious consideration a hybrid optical and acoustic weapons. Due to the small scattering power of the laser can be used the so-called "effect of 25th frame" known as a visual zombie. The combination of the laser with the 25th key frame containing the desired information with the "voice of God", carrying the "good news of subordination" has on the psyche of the people a very strong effect. The skillful combination of these weapons with chemical substances narcotic action type LSD can lead to high overall performance non-lethal effects. Against this symbiosis of the complex influence on the enemy or rebellious people will no longer be necessary to use conventional weapons, can cause mass death losses.
It is well known that the explosion of a charge capacity of 1 kg of TNT there is pain in the ears at a distance of 200 m, and a lethal outcome occurs within a few meters, which corresponds to damaging factors of conventional weapons. The effect of creating a "chain" of explosions of small power, the frequency of which correspond to the infra-sound enables you to use is the impact on manpower. The magnitude of the acoustic power can reach the megawatts, and the sound level near a source of 180 dB. A sound level in excess of 185 dB causing the rupture of eardrums. The stronger the shock wave (about 200 dB) leads to rupture of the lungs, and at the level of about 210 dB comes death.
It should be noted that the damaging effects of acoustic weapons in a tangible scale was carried out by Britain in the course of riot control in Northern Ireland. There with similar goals tested sources of infrasound based on the nonlinear superposition of two ultrasound beams.
The weaknesses of acoustic weapons and protection
Acoustic weapons, there are problems of dosage and susceptibility of that individual. Exposed to sound with the same intensity, some people may lose their hearing, while others undergo only a temporary shift of the hearing threshold.
Almost all experts agree that due to the relatively high vulnerability of the auditory apparatus it is first necessary to ensure its protection. To protect the tympanic membrane of the ear can be used headphones or simple rubber "bung" that covers the entrance to the sound channel, is able to reduce the sound level for 15 to 45 dB at frequencies of about 500 Hz and above. At lower frequencies (below 250 Hz) headphones are less effective. For protection from exposure to pulsed sound at 160 dB and above expedient is a combination of headphone and the sound-absorbing helmet that will be quite effective in the range of 0.8 to 7 kHz, thereby reducing the sound pressure by 30-50 dB. A stronger weakening of the sound exterior protection is not ensured.
More challenging is to protect the body. It is possible to provide by creating sealed chambers or shells which should be sufficiently rigid to not vibrate and to transmit vibrations to the inside. Of great interest the use of personal protective equipment on the basis of filled with air (gas) inflatable vessels embedded in personal protective equipment. These personal protective equipment from the external party can apply a protective shield or coating that will enhance the protective properties, not only from the acoustic impact, but also from other types of weapons of mass destruction, including the development based on new physical principles.
To create a protection can also be used porous sound-absorbing materials. However, it is necessary to consider that at low frequencies the absorption mechanism loses its effectiveness in the case where the thickness of the protective layer becomes thinner than a quarter length of a sound wave (for 250 Hz is 0.34 m). High protective effect, in principle, possible with the use of personal protective equipment with built-in inflatable containers that are filled with air (gas).
The first countries to officially adopt a sonic weapon and develop a highly effective means of individual and collective protection against it — will have a real superiority in weapons. Probably, in this case, even the possession of nuclear weapons will cease to be the main factor of independence.
Temple chime confronts epidemic diseases
Sound can bring a lot of troubles. But the skillful use of even more it can be to get good.
In Russia it has long been known that a temple chime is able to withstand outbreaks of epidemic diseases, which in the case of diseases in the Orthodox churches were constantly ringing the bells. Thus, it appears that not only notified the district about the terrible trouble and in this way have limited contact with patients and the spread of disease (quarantine measures), but also struggled with bacteria and germs.
The most interesting thing is, in the opinion of the materialists, the absurd assertion is confirmed by scientific experiments. Created by bell inaudible to the ear the vibrations of the ultrasonic range in excess of 25 kHz and can affect infectious agents and enhance the immune system. Average spectrum arising from the bells of sounds (100 Hz — 20 kHz) increases capillary blood circulation and lymphatic flow, and low (40-100 Hz) calms the psyche. Bactericidal properties of the ultrasound range is 20 kHz (the"Microbiology", Pyatkin, K. D.— Moscow, 1971), which is currently used for the sterilization of food products, manufacture of vaccines and disinfection of objects. The ultrasound of low and medium intensity causes the tissues of positive biological effects, stimulating physiological processes than is generally conducive to recovery.
Naturally, these objective parameters and, therefore, act not only on believers, but to all equally. So in and around the churches there is a extremely healthy microclimate that can heal not only wounds, flu and colds, but also more serious illness.
It is well known that the sounds of the forest better than any drug to lower patients blood pressure. Great effects and music. Experts have found that the gastrointestinal tract has a resonant frequency of the note "FA". Note "do" was able to cure psoriasis, and the combination of notes "C," "salt" and "to" extremely useful for cancer patients.
Non-lethal weapons LRAD
American soldiers in Iraq got a new non-lethal weapons LRAD, sending a deafening noise in a directed beam — 150 dB at frequencies 2100-3100 Hz. Such devices, States began to use on military ships since 2000 to prevent the small boats approaching at a dangerous distance. Now the developer of the LRAD, "American technology Corporation", awarded army contract to supply mobile systems for the marine corps. LRAD has not yet officially adopted in Iraq will pass her test. The system will be used as a deterrent, since soldiers often have to deal with angry crowds of people. Experts believe that although the system relates to non-lethal weapons, prolonged exposure to sound gun can be extremely dangerous to human health.
Sonic weapon saved the passengers of a cruise ship
The crew of the cruise liner Seabourn Spirit gave a fitting rebuff to the sea pirates, using them against sonic weapons, while capturing a gang of a ship off the coast of Somalia. Fortunately, the ship was equipped with the system LRAD — Long Range Acoustic Device (Acoustic device long range). The weapon is classified as non-lethal and affects the nervous system of a person special, intolerable to the ear sound. Under the action of the directed sound wave, the pirates were forced to retreat. Seabourn Spirit was 100 miles off Somalia when pirates began firing at the vehicle from grenade launchers and automatic weapons, and then trying to get on Board, injuring one of the crew members. The captain gave the command to use LRAD against attackers, and to break away, changed course and increased the speed of the ship.
Non-lethal sonic weapon LRAD was developed at the initiative of the Pentagon after the terrorist attack on the vehicle of the U.S. air force "Cole" in Yemen in 2000. The combat model sonic weapon weighs about 45 pounds, has a hemispherical shape and produces a narrow piercing high frequency sound, which the developers compared to the sound of a fire siren, only much louder. If fire alarm is capable of 80-90 dB, the LRAD maximum volume is 150 dB.
A new superweapon — a baby crying
The Pentagon is developing a new type of weapon, where as a destructive factor is used sound. American sonic weapon will be used to "repel" the enemy troops. One of the worst sounds for a human baby crying. Sonic weapon will have a directional effect, with special "hypersonic sound system" includes the play "baby crying" only when two ultrasonic signal to reach the victim. The owner of the sound guns frightening screams (playable, by the way, backwards) will not hear. The volume will be 140 decibels, which is comparable with the roar of jet airliner taking off right over your head. It is assumed that after the sound attack, the enemy soldiers in fear will flee from the battlefield.
Against the Israeli demonstrators applied a sonic weapon
A unique development of Israeli scientists is a speaker system emitting painful sound waves. Official representatives of the Israel defense forces confirmed the use of new tactics to disperse demonstrations in the area of the Palestinian village of bil'in (Ramallah — Jew). According to sources in the press service, sound waves of certain frequency is able to break up any aggressive mob. The technology was developed by Israeli scientists for about four years, but in a real situation were used for the first time. Report any additional details in the IDF refused.
The Associated Press photographer reported that a strange vehicle of the IDF arrived at the scene of a demonstration against the construction of the security fence is almost to its end, when the demonstration was almost escalated into an open conflict. Staying at a distance of 500 meters from the crowd, the car fired on her a few sound waves, each lasting about a minute. Despite the fact that the sound was not loud, the demonstrators had to close his ears with his hands. After some time, the demonstrators who tried to stop the construction of the barrier, were forced to disperse.
The ethnic dimension of sound weapons
Torsion, microlepton and other newly discovered particles have enormous permeability. The generators of such particles are created, for example, in Zelenograd the laboratory. From the user of one of these devices: "the Device is configured on individual wave characteristics of a person. Obviously, it is possible to configure the options of an entire ethnic group. At that to solve racial problems do not need concentration camps. Everything happens completely unnoticed. The object either dies out or loses its national features"...
Vladimir Golovko
Source: /users/1077
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