
Clairaudience - the ability to take in information the inner ear. You hear the names, dates, specific phrases, and even music and songs. If the process of collecting sounds is subjective (ie audible coming out of your mind), you recognize the sounds of the words uttered by his own voice. Therefore, it is sometimes a little difficult to determine, it is thought, or what you hear. However, practicing, you will learn to distinguish between audible and thoughts.
It is also important to note that some people are capable of objective perception of sounds - that is the sound of them coming from outside. Has it ever happened that you have heard, if someone calls you by name, but is not subjected to a number of anyone who could do it? It could be the spirit of a loved one or anyone who is thinking about you. If you feel that you really happened is, I try to call this person and tell him: "Hello!" Most likely, he will answer that at this moment his thoughts were of you.
Another good example clairaudient - you hear a song, swirling in my head. Stop for a moment and determine what kind of melody. Listen to the words, because very often they contain encouragement or advice to you or a loved one who needs support.
Through sessions on the phone, I use clairaudience ability to tune into the energy of the people of their voice, which serves as a powerful medium for the transmission of intuitive information. So, the next time you talk to someone on the phone, close your eyes and listen to the voice on the other end. Let the words and intonations fully enter into your space to intuition prevailed over the reactions of the mind. Pay attention to the colors, images, and even emotions that are not relevant to the conversation. Listen not just the ears ... listen to intuition.
This is possible thanks to the receptors of the throat (throat chakra), clairaudient and may enhance the ability of the internal hearing, focusing on this area.
Signs clairaudience
You always think about yourself, not out loud?
Can you determine when someone is not telling the truth?
You are attracted to noisy places?
Do you include music as a background to any of your classes?
Do you hear other people's thoughts?
Clairaudience - a quiet voice, which we often hear; voice that many of us have listened to enough, and later regret it.
The first step in the development of the capacity for clairaudience - learn to distinguish psychic information from your everyday thoughts and mental chatter. To achieve this, you need to constantly improve clairaudience. It will take some time, and the information obtained by the internal voice will begin to pour a stream and create a more honed sense of clarity. As a rule, all the information received should be directed to the highest good, and have a positive attitude. If you get negative information, then it affects your mind. In this case you, before proceeding, should undertake a deliberate analysis to understand what emotional or psychological problems need to pay attention.
People who are just starting to work with my psychic abilities, I give one very important piece of advice: if you believe you have received some kind of psychic information, stop and ask yourself whether this information comes from you, or it comes to you? This will help you to maintain a strong balance in its domestic development and preserve subjectivity.
Gradually, you will learn how to gain access to the internal hearing, which will allow you to achieve success in many areas.
How to start the practice of clairaudience?
At the beginning of practice on the development of clairaudience thoroughly clean ears. To do this, buy at the pharmacy, the so-called "candles for cleaning ears," is a unique invention completely cleans the ears of excess sulfur, and automatically improves your hearing. Also, take it a rule to do exercise ezheutrennee Development Supersluha.
Close hands over his ears so that the ear had to center on palm and fingers would be pointing upwards.
Dramatically click on the ears with his hands, and then sharply release them and so 30 times.
This will help you to quickly approach, the ability of clairaudience.
Exercises for development of clairaudience
Exercise is done in the dark with my eyes closed.
Sit or lie down comfortably, without a pillow to your back is flat.
Plug your ears earplugs (you can buy them at any nearest pharmacy) and listen closely to internal sounds.
Initially, you will be able to grasp a subtle hum "mmmmmmm" then, continuing to focus on this rumble, you consistently hear: drums, buzzing bees, thunder, sounds of different musical instruments, and at the end of the flute.
It is different, space sounds and sounds of the chakras, your energy centers. Gradually, tracking more and more subtle sounds, you learn to hear sounds and sounds of space inside your chakras.
Repeat the exercise for 15 minutes every day, preferably at bedtime.
Exercises hearing the distant sounds
This practice is best to commit or just before bedtime or just after waking up.
Lie in bed, without a pillow, on his back, arms extended along the body.
Relax all the muscles of the body. It must be done gradually, in stages.
At first, mentally go through all the muscles from head to feet, and turn relaxes them, then repeat the process of relaxing each muscle three times.
Keep a complete immobility of the body.
Soon you will feel complete relaxation state, that is, cease to feel your body, or suddenly feel like you are somewhere fails, as it happens at the moment of falling asleep.
At this point, there comes a light trance state and your subconscious mind is revealed for the perception of more subtle sound vibrations.
Start listening to external sounds: the noise outside, people talking on the street, the sound of a passing car.
Watch closely for the sound of receding into the distance, as if accompanying them with his mind.
The effect of the practice
So, listening to a particular sound, you will gradually begin to dismantle more quiet and subtle sounds. Switch on them and begin to closely monitor everyone, even the quietest sound that falls within your field of perception. And so gradually, day after day, you will learn to hear very quiet sounds. For example, the conversation in the house next door or the sound of a crying baby in the next street.
Another exercise for the development of supersluha
The next exercise is that you turn on the radio or tape recorder and begin to gradually diminish the volume trying to distinguish and catch all sound vibrations coming from the unit. Gradually you would bring their skills to the point that will clearly hear what he is talking about when radio is muted.
Exercise clock
This exercise is similar to the previous one, but carried out the clock. Listen for a ticking clock or wristwatch, first by bringing them directly to the ear, it is gradually becoming more and more remote from the watch itself. Centimeter by centimeter ... Trying not to miss the sound ... After a while you learn to hear the ticking of the clock in the next room or apartment.
Period practice
All of these exercises you need to do every day until you have the ability of clairaudience or super hearing.
If you are convinced that your strength lies in clairaudience, then try to perform the following exercises yet.
Exercise 1: Opening of the inner ear
At this time, I suggest you find a nice place outside the home, such as in a park or on the beach - where people come in all ages. Arrange on a comfortable bench under a tree or in some other place where you feel comfortable. Then close your eyes, take a slow breath, then exhale and relax. So ... just relax.
I want to see you at this time did not watch, but rather listened to everything that you can hear physically. Try to focus on the distant sound. Make sure that you hear the traffic noise, the sound of an airplane, the voices of people conversing. Try to hear the sounds coming from afar. Then slowly move your awareness closer to what surrounds you. Do you hear the children play? How to talk to people? Try to determine the age of the voices of these people - they are young or old? Do you feel the presence of the birds? Capture all the sounds at the same time - and the distant and close.
And now listen to the silence between sounds. This is a special place where you can catch the hidden currents of intuitive information.
With this exercise you train the physical hearing to receive information from different levels and distances. I use the word hearing, when in fact it was more a question of hearing - thanks to him we have the necessary experience. Between hearing and listening, there is a big difference, so try to understand it. Then you can really hone this ability of his soul - clairaudience - and take a closer look with a soft voice, sounding inside. Listen carefully, because often the soul speaks to you in a whisper.
Exercise 2: The inner ear
Sit or lie down in a comfortable, relaxed posture. Begin to breathe deeply, allowing difficult day retreat. Close your eyes and relax. Now imagine that in your throat shines a beautiful sky-blue light. Imagine how its glow slowly fills the throat center. This is where you get access to clairaudience.
Here, take a few moments to ask a question the answer to which you would like, or ask for advice, but it continues to focus on the throat and on the sky-blue light. Do not stop, if at first you will not hear anything. Eventually you will get as a response word or phrase. Does the answer relevant to ask a question? If you do not understand, ask yourself: What does this mean for me? Information can flow stream, or perhaps your inner conductor prefers response received at the beginning. Trust that get, because later you still have to go back to the only correct answer.
The next time, going to any meeting, take a few minutes out, to focus on the throat, and ask: What do I need to know before this meeting? Before you may have words of advice, a song or even any symbol. Your angels and internal mentors and waiting to help you, all you need to do - is to ask and to listen to their message. Write down everything that you get in the diary and date, because at this time the information may not be for you to make sense, but then have to place. Do not forget to ask yourself whether the information comes from you, or it comes to you?