HOW TO SEE etheric body:

The etheric body, surrounds each, repeating all bends and details of the physical body.
The etheric body - is an intermediate field of the aura, so to speak. The width of its "tight" structure, as a rule, from 5 mm to 2 cm-3, the more I just have not seen, although it is believed that the figure could be much higher.
The size and density of the etheric body is primarily talking about the physical health of the person, of the stock of its vitality. It should be added that the etheric field is closely adjacent to the physical body, and has a void between the boundaries of two bodies in the area from 1 to 4 mm ... And this distance is constantly changing, depending on the physical exertion and energy stamina.
Anyone can easily see the etheric body, it needs to gain quite a bit of patience and in 2-3 days you will see for yourself.
Extend your hand and open hand at a distance of 30-50 cm. It is better to the inner side of the palm facing you. Spread your fingers. The hand must be uniformly dark background, it can be outside night or black fabric.
Position the light source behind his back so that your body does not cast a shadow on the palm. The intensity of the light varies. Did you personally, to see the etheric body, or need less light. So just experiment.
By placing his hand properly, you must direct your gaze to the space between your fingers, you have to be calm, breathing should be smooth. The first couple of minutes, you should not try to see that either. Just watch this space. Your task is, so to speak, focus on a void between the toes.
Then slide the finger look at the border, and over time, you will notice like gray smoke, bluish or purple tint. And, if you notice a practice area also voids between the physical body and the ethereal, which is nothing. Its size 1-3 mm.
Continue to look to inspect all the borders of your hand, and you will see that the haze repeats all the contours of the body. So - this haze is your etheric body.
Warning, if you use a strong light to look at a fixed hand a few minutes and remove his hand sharply to the side - you will see a glowing handprint on a dark background. So - this is not the etheric body, but only a light mark on your retina.
The etheric body is never still, it is firmly attached to the physical and repeats all its contours and movement. It is clearly visible, blue-gray haze, if at all about trying to describe what it is like petrol fumes. In other words - the subtlety of visibility is somewhat similar.
Once again I say, 3 days of practice is enough to see everything and to verify the existence of the etheric body by doing! Repeat this exercise and the result will not take long!
Try and all you get!