How to cure fungus on the legs with essential oil
The fungus, or onychomycosis, is insidious because it appears imperceptibly. Sometimes carriers of the disease neglect timely treatment and start a fungus: women paint over nail defects with varnish, and men simply change socks more often, suffering itching and peeling.
The principle of “self will pass” does not work in the case of a fungus, because it is very tenacious. If someone in the family is sick with fungus, then the probability of infection of other relatives is 35-75%. The spores of the fungus remain on towels, carpets, shoes and on all objects with which the patient came into contact. In this article, we will talk about diseases of the nails on the toes. The fungus on the hands is also found, but less often, since this area does not always have favorable conditions for its reproduction.
Our body and the space around is constantly populated by microorganisms, various yeasts and fungi. Normally, our immunity can resist them. But once fungi feel a cozy environment for them, they quickly begin to multiply. In most cases, the fungus appears as a result of visiting baths, saunas, showers in the gym, long wearing artificial nails and applying gel polish, staying in closed shoes in which the foot does not breathe.
Internal disorders, such as excessive craving for sweet, dairy, grains and nuts, can also make the body more susceptible to the fungus. At the first suspicion, it is necessary to take measures so that this does not lead to further dangerous health consequences.
Nail onychomycosis can be caused by bacteria dermatophytes, shingles, Candida Albicans yeast and parasitic fungi Scopulariopsis brevicaulis. Among the various means of treatment of fungus, the most effective were essential oils of cinnamon, tea tree, cloves and oregano (scarlet).
DepositPhotos Cinnamon Essential Oil Against Nail Fungus A proven remedy against fungal nail infections is cinnamon essential oil. As you know, cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels - a source of nutrition for bacteria. Cinnamon destroys even antibiotic-resistant mushrooms and helps the nail recover quickly. For a reliable result, you need to take cinnamon inside every day as a tea or decoction, seasoning to dishes, and also apply cinnamon essential oil to the affected nails.
Application of cinnamon essential oil
Alternative method: Drop a few drops of cinnamon essential oil into a basin of hot water and sea salt. Keep your legs in it for 20 minutes. Do it. foot-bath 2 times a week - this method is suitable as an additional measure to the main complex of treatment of onychomycosis.
Tea tree essential oil against nail fungus No essential oil can compare with tea tree oil with such a huge number of useful properties. It has about 40 unique healing qualities that kill viruses and bacteria. Tea tree essential oil is a harmless remedy for humans and destructive for nail fungus. Regular application can completely get rid of the disease. You can find oil in any pharmacy at a fairly low price.
Application of tea tree essential oil
Alternative methodMix apple cider vinegar with hot water in a ratio of 1: 4, hold your feet for 30 minutes. Cut the softened nails and lubricate the sick area with tea tree oil. Show me. home treatment using tea tree essential oil 2 times a week until the disease completely disappears.
Oregano essential oil against nail fungus The herb oregano, or oregano, has antifungal properties and is very effective in combating an unpleasant ailment. Oregano is called a natural antibiotic due to the bactericidal substance carvacrol in the composition, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms. The essential oil of the plant is so powerful that it can even irritate the skin a little. Therefore, it is worth diluting it with olive oil or jojoba oil.
Application of oregano essential oil
Alternative methodOregano essential oil can be taken in capsules as a dietary supplement. It is better to find out the necessary dosage from your doctor.
DepositPhotos Essential oil of cloves against nail fungus of Carnation has an amazing healing potential. The essential oil of the plant has analgesic, antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Clove oil - terrible dream of fungal infection. After the first application, itching, burning, inflammation and peeling disappear. Healing oil is valued in folk medicine for its high ability to heal wounds.
Application of clove essential oil
The editorial board of Alternative Medicine should be used only as an auxiliary therapy to the main treatment. Subject to all medical prescriptions, you can use folk remedies described in this article.
You do not need to go far for the fungus: dangerous spores can safely live and multiply in your bathroom or washing machine.
Remember that the fungus lives where it is humid and warm. Before going on vacation, it would be nice to know the rules, observing which you will not catch the infection. I hope you will never be bothered by the question of how to treat nail fungus. And if you still have to face a problem, our advice will be useful for you.
Photo by depositphotos preview.
The principle of “self will pass” does not work in the case of a fungus, because it is very tenacious. If someone in the family is sick with fungus, then the probability of infection of other relatives is 35-75%. The spores of the fungus remain on towels, carpets, shoes and on all objects with which the patient came into contact. In this article, we will talk about diseases of the nails on the toes. The fungus on the hands is also found, but less often, since this area does not always have favorable conditions for its reproduction.
Our body and the space around is constantly populated by microorganisms, various yeasts and fungi. Normally, our immunity can resist them. But once fungi feel a cozy environment for them, they quickly begin to multiply. In most cases, the fungus appears as a result of visiting baths, saunas, showers in the gym, long wearing artificial nails and applying gel polish, staying in closed shoes in which the foot does not breathe.
Internal disorders, such as excessive craving for sweet, dairy, grains and nuts, can also make the body more susceptible to the fungus. At the first suspicion, it is necessary to take measures so that this does not lead to further dangerous health consequences.
Nail onychomycosis can be caused by bacteria dermatophytes, shingles, Candida Albicans yeast and parasitic fungi Scopulariopsis brevicaulis. Among the various means of treatment of fungus, the most effective were essential oils of cinnamon, tea tree, cloves and oregano (scarlet).
DepositPhotos Cinnamon Essential Oil Against Nail Fungus A proven remedy against fungal nail infections is cinnamon essential oil. As you know, cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels - a source of nutrition for bacteria. Cinnamon destroys even antibiotic-resistant mushrooms and helps the nail recover quickly. For a reliable result, you need to take cinnamon inside every day as a tea or decoction, seasoning to dishes, and also apply cinnamon essential oil to the affected nails.
Application of cinnamon essential oil
- Cut the damaged nails as short as possible with scissors or make a therapeutic pedicure.
- Soak the nail in a bath and rub the oil into it with a cotton swab. Keep in mind that cinnamon oil can burn if the skin is damaged. In this case, it is better to dilute it with vegetable oil.
- Repeat the procedure twice a day for two months.
Alternative method: Drop a few drops of cinnamon essential oil into a basin of hot water and sea salt. Keep your legs in it for 20 minutes. Do it. foot-bath 2 times a week - this method is suitable as an additional measure to the main complex of treatment of onychomycosis.
Tea tree essential oil against nail fungus No essential oil can compare with tea tree oil with such a huge number of useful properties. It has about 40 unique healing qualities that kill viruses and bacteria. Tea tree essential oil is a harmless remedy for humans and destructive for nail fungus. Regular application can completely get rid of the disease. You can find oil in any pharmacy at a fairly low price.
Application of tea tree essential oil
- Apply a few drops of tea tree essential oil on a small piece of napkin.
- Wash your feet with soap and dry thoroughly. Make sure your nails are cut as short as possible. Apply a napkin with oil to the affected nail and fasten with a patch.
- Do this compress daily after waking up and in the evening before bedtime.
Alternative methodMix apple cider vinegar with hot water in a ratio of 1: 4, hold your feet for 30 minutes. Cut the softened nails and lubricate the sick area with tea tree oil. Show me. home treatment using tea tree essential oil 2 times a week until the disease completely disappears.
Oregano essential oil against nail fungus The herb oregano, or oregano, has antifungal properties and is very effective in combating an unpleasant ailment. Oregano is called a natural antibiotic due to the bactericidal substance carvacrol in the composition, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms. The essential oil of the plant is so powerful that it can even irritate the skin a little. Therefore, it is worth diluting it with olive oil or jojoba oil.
Application of oregano essential oil
- Mix 3 drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of olive.
- Apply the remedy to the affected nail and try not to come into contact with shoes, socks and carpets, as the oil can stain everything.
- Treat your nails with oregano oil for 2-3 weeks. This is enough time to get rid of the fungus. If there is no improvement, consult a doctor for a more effective method of treatment.
Alternative methodOregano essential oil can be taken in capsules as a dietary supplement. It is better to find out the necessary dosage from your doctor.
DepositPhotos Essential oil of cloves against nail fungus of Carnation has an amazing healing potential. The essential oil of the plant has analgesic, antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Clove oil - terrible dream of fungal infection. After the first application, itching, burning, inflammation and peeling disappear. Healing oil is valued in folk medicine for its high ability to heal wounds.
Application of clove essential oil
- In 1 tsp. olive or cosmetic oil add 5 drops of clove oil.
- Moisten the mixture with a cotton swab, fix on the sore nail at night. In the morning, the compress should be replaced with a new one.
- The course of procedures lasts until complete recovery.
The editorial board of Alternative Medicine should be used only as an auxiliary therapy to the main treatment. Subject to all medical prescriptions, you can use folk remedies described in this article.
You do not need to go far for the fungus: dangerous spores can safely live and multiply in your bathroom or washing machine.
Remember that the fungus lives where it is humid and warm. Before going on vacation, it would be nice to know the rules, observing which you will not catch the infection. I hope you will never be bothered by the question of how to treat nail fungus. And if you still have to face a problem, our advice will be useful for you.
Photo by depositphotos preview.