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Be sure to include this oil in your diet!

The composition, use and properties of black seed oil

Black cumin oil is recovered from raw seeds of the plant bearing the same name, by cold pressing, which retains the properties of the final product. The seeds of the plant from which the product, grows primarily in Siberia, in European Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Cumin oil contains a huge amount of essential and valuable components, including polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-9)essential in the treatment and prevention of many serious diseases. Much of it is beta-carotene, calcium, iron, copper and other macro and microelements, vitamins, especially A, E and D, amino acids, flavonoids, phytosterols, tannins, essential oils, also contains saponins and enzymes.


Despite the active use of this product in the treatment of various diseases, black cumin oil is not classified as medicines. The finished product has a high tonic effect, with regular use helps to improve brain activity. Cumin oil is also known for its positive effects on the nervous and digestive systems, in the latter case it stimulates the processes of digestion, increases appetite, makes breathing more fresh (due to the influence on fermentation processes in the stomach), and in General improves the functioning of digestive system.

The oil has an intense diuretic effect, has a stimulating effect, speeding up the process of detoxification, toxins and other unnecessary substances from the body. A great expectorant remedies are extremely valuable and find their wide application in the treatment of colds.

The black cumin oil contains a complex of essential omega acids, positively affecting the condition of the skin, it also helps to improve the activity of the cardiovascular system, lead to normal hormones, normalize lipid metabolism, and also to show the oil high anti-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidant properties of black cumin have a positive impact on the functioning of the muscular system, increasing stamina, as well as on the reproductive system. Due to the presence in the composition of plant hormones and many other not less useful components, caraway oil regular application is able to increase libido and potency, as well as treating female and male infertility. Also, the tool neutralizes the effects of free radicals and accelerates their excretion from the body.

Black seed oil also exhibits a good wound healing ability, stimulates the regeneration processes in the damaged skin and mucous membranes and also affects the production of proper collagen by the body and helps to normalize the level of glucose in the blood. Due to the presence of phytosterols, it exhibits excellent bactericidal, choleretic and immune-boosting properties, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. Systematic use of black seed oil can be an excellent prevention of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

Is an excellent prevention of cancer, particularly blood cancer.

Especially the beneficial effect of cumin oil has on the skin. Due to antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiallergic properties, the oil treats acne, skin lesions fungal nature, eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, warts, herpes, shingles and various dermatoses.

In addition to the therapeutic qualities ofblack cumin oil has good cosmetic properties. It makes hair stronger, preventing hair loss, stimulates growth, helps to restore the original or natural color. The skin care oil of caraway shows softening, cleansing, toning, firming, nourishing and smoothing properties.

The use of black seed oil in the treatment

On the therapeutic action of black seed oil was known in the days of the famous physician Hippocrates and Discored. Avicenna argued that it increases vitality of the person providing the assistance against fatigue and overwork.

Recommended for use inside for the purpose of prevention and as a tonic and restorative means (enhance immunity). Its benefits have been scientifically proven, and many people have already realized it. The use of black seed oil topically effective for cosmetic purposes, as well as in the treatment of bronchitis and problems with the urinary system.

It is recommended for use during diarrhoea and other malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract to alleviate the conditions of bronchial asthma, blocked nose, treatment of influenza, SARS and other diseases associated with the flu.

Black cumin oil has the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, when consumed regularly helps to increase their elasticity, reduces the risk of developing blood clots, formation of atherosclerotic plaques, interrupts the spasms of blood vessels, prevents the occurrence of inflammation in the cardiovascular system.

Usually administered to prevent and in addition to the General treatment of varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, vascular dystonia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases inflammatory nature.

It is also recommended to include black cumin oil to foods to improve the function and improve the gastrointestinal tract in General, including to improve the motility of the stomach, normalizes acidity of gastric juice, increase appetite. Prescribe it also as anthelmintic, cholagogue, to prevent the development of peptic ulcer and various inflammatory processes, as effective means for the treatment and prevention of enterocolitis, biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, helminthiasis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, dysbiosis, colitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, enteritis, cirrhosis, etc.

The seed oil of black cumin is especially recommended for diabetics, people suffering from obesity, young mums, breastfeeding (lactation enhances, heals cracked nipples). Excellent results it gives in the treatment of respiratory diseases, exerting antipyretic, expectorant and bronchodilator effect.

Also the black cumin oil is recommended as an excellent remedy for the treatment of male and female infertility, increase libido and potency, prevention of inflammatory processes and the development of tumors in the organs of the male and female genitalia. It is prescribed for drinking in the presence of erectile dysfunction in prostatitis, BPH, male infertility, hormonal imbalance in women, disturbed menstrual cycle, mastitis.

Also it is often administered as prophylaxis and additions to the General treatment of diseases of the organs of the urinary system (urolithiasis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, etc.), as a means to improve memory and nervous system, as well as performance-enhancing (mental and physical).

Prevents the development of cancer, strengthens immunity, improves bone marrow function, making its product the number one diet of patients with leukemia (blood cancer).

Frequently recommended to treat hemorrhoids and skin diseases (acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, warts, herpes, zoster, etc.).

Treatment with black cumin oil, recipes

For cancer treatment it is recommended daily basis to lubricate the external destruction of the black seed oil.

From prostatitis: rotational movements daily apply oil cumin black on the lower back and scrotum till it is completely absorbed. It is also necessary to take the following structure inside: a tablespoon of black seed oil mix with a teaspoon of liquid honey, add a teaspoon of chamomile flowers and 100 ml of warm water. Mix everything in a few minutes, let stand and strain. Taken three times a day, each time prepare a new mixture.

From hemorrhoids: 30 g of black cumin seeds fry on a frying pan, you need to achieve the look of burnt seeds. Warm the seeds to grind into a powder using mortar and add 15 ml of black seed oil. The proceeds applied to the anus twice daily after defecation (required before greasing to undertake hygienic procedure). In the same vein, make the cumin oil inside mixed with olive oil (1:1) twice a day for ten days.

From psoriasis: lubricate the affected skin area clean cumin oil, can be combined with sesame in the ratio 1:5. Note that this treatment is not for everyone is effective. Therefore, if within a week of treatment by this means the number of lesions is not reduced, but rather increased, treatment should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

For the treatment of asthma, cough, pneumonia: you can take a teaspoon of black seed oil twice a day to massage the chest and back with a clean tool or in combination with olive oil in the ratio of 1:5, and it is possible to spend inhalations (per liter of water take 1 tbsp oil).

Diarrhea: a glass of yogurt take a tablespoon of black seed oil, combine and make the volume received in two doses, morning and evening. The procedure is repeated for three days.

Headache: massage the area in pain cumin oil.

Vertigo: add to a Cup of tea a teaspoon of black seed oil and drink.

For the treatment and alleviation of disorders in the ear diseases: to introduce a drop of black seed oil in a sore ear, this will eliminate pain and will additionally have a cleansing effect.

To improve memory will help this composition: a glass of peppermint infusion, to which add a teaspoon of liquid honey and seven or eight drops of oil of black cumin. Make the part hot on an empty stomach in the morning.

For the treatment of acne vulgaris: 25 drops of black seed oil three times a day.

To raise blood pressure will hot tea or chamomile tea in combination with black cumin oil (a Cup is enough to five drops).

Lowering the level of blood cholesterol helps this recipe: a glass of hot mint infusion, to which add a teaspoon of honey and seven or eight drops of oil of black cumin. To drink on an empty stomach once a day, it is necessary to remove from the diet meals with beef fat.

For treatment of prostatitis, sexual weakness recommended to do light massage the lower back with the use of black seed oil, lightly massaging his groin. At the same time to drink this drink: 100 ml of warm water add a teaspoon of liquid honey and the same of black seed oil and chamomile. To eat once a day, preferably during the lunch meal, half an hour before him.

The use of black seed oil in cosmetics

The black cumin oil contains a lot of useful components that affect the health and beauty of our skin and hair. This tool is ideal for owners of oily and problem skin, prone to acne and enlarged pores. The tool perfectly cleanses and tightens pores, reduce sebum production, preventing development of inflammation and acne.

Used regularly in skin care, has excellent nourishing, softening, toning, protective effect, gradually improves the skin structure, smoothes the surface, eliminating signs of peeling, restoring the hydro-lipid balance. The tool is able to smooth out wrinkles and to smooth skin texture, improve its firmness and elasticity, smooth out scars and stretch marks (particularly after childbirth), making it less noticeable.

Massage with caraway oil problem areas of the body smoothes the "orange peel", has a decongestant effect, restores blood flow and lymph flow in the subcutaneous fat layer, preventing the development of the notorious cellulite.

Oil of cumin is effective in the treatment of external manifestations of fungal infections, allergies, skin diseases.

Usually black cumin oil for skin care face do not apply undiluted (with the exception of the area of nasolabial folds, facial wrinkles, inflammation, rough and flaky skin), combine it with olive or grape seed oil in equal proportions. But in pure form it is added to the finished cosmetic and cleansers, homemade face masks and hair.

In aromatherapy, black cumin oil has also found its application as a base or carrier oil to dilute essential components.

The method of use of black seed oil in.

As a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy cumin oil is recommended to be taken in the following dosages:

  • children (six years) – ½ tsp a day, adding a warm drink after a meal (20-30 minutes);

  • adults – 1 tsp. twice a day 20 minutes after meals with warm water.

Course duration — 3-4 months. Next, you need to do a two-month break and repeat the course.

For hypertensive patients it is recommended this method: mix oil, cumin, lemon juice and liquid honey, taken for 100 ml mix well and store in the fridge. Take 1 tbsp twice a day.

Contraindications to the use of black seed oil.

  • Children's age (from six years).

  • Individual intolerance to the product.

  • Any pregnancy.

  • Patients who underwent early surgical intervention to transplant internal organs.

  • The presence of Allergy.

Black cumin oil for weight loss

For those who want to lose weight, there are two option of taking the oil. According to the first, make it should be used twice a day for 1 teaspoon 15 minutes before a meal, wherein the oil should be added to a warm drink and mix with a spoon of honey.

In the second embodiment, the process of weight loss with black seed oil should occur on a particular two-month scheme.

In the first month of the diet must exclude carbohydrates (sweet and starchy food, sweets), and the reception of black seed oil should be thus:

  • 1 week – 1 tsp in a glass of water before the morning meal;
  • 2 week – 1 tsp in a glass of water twice a day, morning and evening;
  • 3 week – 2 tsp in 2 cups of water before Breakfast;
  • 4 week – 1 tsp in a glass of water before the morning meal.
In the second month of the reception of black seed oil from my diet to exclude fats, and the oil itself make in its pure form, without adding water.

  • 1 week – 1 tbsp. before Breakfast;
  • 2 week – 2 tablespoons before Breakfast;
  • 3 week – 2 tsp half an hour before meals three times a day;
  • 4 week – 1 tsp 2 times a day.
Quality of black seed oil affects its effectiveness. When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of sediment, flakes in oil, black cumin, white streaks near the neck of the bottle. They shouldn't be.published


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Source: www.prosto-mariya.ru/maslo-chernogo-tmina-poleznye-svojstva-primenenie-protivopokazaniya_946.html