Black cumin — "the cure for all diseases except death"
Seeds annual herb Nigella Sativa since time immemorial prized for its healing properties. It is called by different names: Roman coriander, black sesame, black cumin, onion seed. Most often the plant referred to as "black seed," which exactly describes its appearance.
The earliest record of the cultivation and use caraway found in ancient Egypt. The approximate age of black seed oil, found in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, is 3300 years old. In Arab culture black cumin is widely known as "habbatul barakah", which means "seed of blessing".According to the Holy books of the Muslims of the Islamic prophet Muhammad called it "the cure for all diseases except death."
The many health properties of black cumin found full confirmation in the modern biomedical literature. Starting in 1964, was published 458 peer-reviewed studies containing references to cumin.
Today known and studied the following types of pharmacological action of black seed:
analgesic (pain relief)
antidiabetic (gluconeogenesis inhibitor)
hepatoprotective (liver protection)
regulator of sensitivity to insulin
the interferon inducer of
antagonist of leukotriene
renoprotective (protects kidneys)
inhibitor, alpha tumor necrosis factor
This list is only part of a much larger number of useful properties of black cumin. However, although its ability to positively influence a diverse array of biological processes is impressive, this "universality" is not uncommon for plants used in folk medicine.
Known over 1600 natural compounds with a wide range of positive health effects.There are also tens of thousands of other substances of medicinal value which nowadays is supported by hundreds of thousands of scientific papers.
Take, for example, turmeric. Studies recognise its therapeutic effect on more than 600 diseases, highlighting more than 160 different potentially beneficial pharmacological actions. We need to realize how numerous is the amount of work that studies the medicinal value of natural substances such as turmeric or black cumin. We are talking about tens and hundreds of thousands of articles.
The effect of black seed was studied for a number of very specific diseases. Here are the most interesting results:
Diabetes type II diabetes: two grams of black seed a day reduce glucose, reduce insulin resistance, increased content of beta cells and also reduce the level of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in humans.
Infection of Helicobacter Pylori (a bacterium infecting the stomach and the duodenum): cumin seeds possess clinically useful antibacterial effect comparable to the traditional triple eradication therapy.
Epilepsy: cumin seeds are widely known as anticonvulsant. In 2007, a study was conducted of pediatric patients with epilepsy and refractory to conventional drug therapy. It was shown that the aqueous extract of cumin significantly reduces seizure activity.
High blood pressure: the daily use of 100 and 200 mg of black cumin extract twice a day for 2 months reduces blood pressure in patients with initial stage of hypertension.
Asthma: in the study of bronchial asthma in animals timokhino, one of the main active components of black cumin, has surpassed the drug fluticasone. Another study, this time on sick people, showed that water extracts of black seed have a significant antiasteniceski effect on the affected respiratory tract.
Acute tonsillopharyngitis: inflammation of the tonsils or pharynx (sore throat), mostly, is of viral origin. Capsules cumin (in combination with another plant — francusa) has significantly eased the pain in the throat and reduced the need for pain medicine in patients.
The defeat of chemical weapons: a study of patients affected by chemical weapons, were selective, with a control group that was given placebo. It was shown that aqueous extracts of black cumin seed reduced respiratory symptoms, chest wheezing, improved pulmonary function and reduced the need for drug treatment funds.
Colon cancer: studies at the cellular level showed that the extract of seeds of caraway seeds favorably synthesized substance "5-fluoracil" in the fight against the spread of colon cancer, the degree of security of cumin is much higher. Animal studies have confirmed the significant inhibitory effect of black seed oil on colon cancer in rats, without observable side effects.
Staphylococcus aureus: unlike traditional drugs, black cumin exhibits antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus.
Addiction/treatment addiction to opiates: a study of 35 patients with opioid dependence showed the effectiveness of therapy on the basis of black cumin in long-term care.
In connection with the gifts of nature, such black cumin, comes to mind the biblical adage that "faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains".In the end, is the seed contains in itself the hope for the continuation of the species, his breed? A saturated state of the seed, where life condenseries in his miniature holographic copies, promising the formation of future worlds within itself, is the essence of a vast and immortal power of life.
If we are aware of the true nature of the seed, how much life (past, present and future) is contained in it, is then no longer seem far-fetched to its ability to destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria, healing the body from chemical weapons poisoning, stimulate the regeneration of dying insulin-producing beta cells in diabetics — and this is only part of the experimentally-confirmed features of black cumin seed.
To move mountains of inertia and lies that are associated with conventional views on the disease, is a task which will cope better seeds than chemicals. Huge difference between a seed and a patented synthetic chemical (e.g., pharmaceuticals) that the first created by Nature (God) and the second is a man driven by lust for profit and a vague understanding of the nature of the body.
Undoubtedly, time has come for food, seeds, herbs, plants, sunlight, air, clean water and, of course, love, – to occupy a Central place in medicine. Because medicine is the art and science of facilitating self-healing of the human body. Otherwise, traditional Medicare system will collapse under the growing weight of its own corruption, incompetence, iatrogenic suffering (and subsequent financial liability), the cause of which is.
If it manages to reform itself on the basis of not patented and not patentable natural compounds with actual healing properties, our future will be brighter. If these attempts fail, people have to regain control of their health into their own hands.While black cumin and other health foods will play a key role in the process of gaining new powers and opportunities of self-improvement.
source: mixednews.ru
Source: /users/1077

The earliest record of the cultivation and use caraway found in ancient Egypt. The approximate age of black seed oil, found in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, is 3300 years old. In Arab culture black cumin is widely known as "habbatul barakah", which means "seed of blessing".According to the Holy books of the Muslims of the Islamic prophet Muhammad called it "the cure for all diseases except death."
The many health properties of black cumin found full confirmation in the modern biomedical literature. Starting in 1964, was published 458 peer-reviewed studies containing references to cumin.
Today known and studied the following types of pharmacological action of black seed:
analgesic (pain relief)
antidiabetic (gluconeogenesis inhibitor)
hepatoprotective (liver protection)
regulator of sensitivity to insulin
the interferon inducer of
antagonist of leukotriene
renoprotective (protects kidneys)
inhibitor, alpha tumor necrosis factor
This list is only part of a much larger number of useful properties of black cumin. However, although its ability to positively influence a diverse array of biological processes is impressive, this "universality" is not uncommon for plants used in folk medicine.
Known over 1600 natural compounds with a wide range of positive health effects.There are also tens of thousands of other substances of medicinal value which nowadays is supported by hundreds of thousands of scientific papers.
Take, for example, turmeric. Studies recognise its therapeutic effect on more than 600 diseases, highlighting more than 160 different potentially beneficial pharmacological actions. We need to realize how numerous is the amount of work that studies the medicinal value of natural substances such as turmeric or black cumin. We are talking about tens and hundreds of thousands of articles.
The effect of black seed was studied for a number of very specific diseases. Here are the most interesting results:
Diabetes type II diabetes: two grams of black seed a day reduce glucose, reduce insulin resistance, increased content of beta cells and also reduce the level of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in humans.
Infection of Helicobacter Pylori (a bacterium infecting the stomach and the duodenum): cumin seeds possess clinically useful antibacterial effect comparable to the traditional triple eradication therapy.
Epilepsy: cumin seeds are widely known as anticonvulsant. In 2007, a study was conducted of pediatric patients with epilepsy and refractory to conventional drug therapy. It was shown that the aqueous extract of cumin significantly reduces seizure activity.
High blood pressure: the daily use of 100 and 200 mg of black cumin extract twice a day for 2 months reduces blood pressure in patients with initial stage of hypertension.
Asthma: in the study of bronchial asthma in animals timokhino, one of the main active components of black cumin, has surpassed the drug fluticasone. Another study, this time on sick people, showed that water extracts of black seed have a significant antiasteniceski effect on the affected respiratory tract.
Acute tonsillopharyngitis: inflammation of the tonsils or pharynx (sore throat), mostly, is of viral origin. Capsules cumin (in combination with another plant — francusa) has significantly eased the pain in the throat and reduced the need for pain medicine in patients.
The defeat of chemical weapons: a study of patients affected by chemical weapons, were selective, with a control group that was given placebo. It was shown that aqueous extracts of black cumin seed reduced respiratory symptoms, chest wheezing, improved pulmonary function and reduced the need for drug treatment funds.
Colon cancer: studies at the cellular level showed that the extract of seeds of caraway seeds favorably synthesized substance "5-fluoracil" in the fight against the spread of colon cancer, the degree of security of cumin is much higher. Animal studies have confirmed the significant inhibitory effect of black seed oil on colon cancer in rats, without observable side effects.
Staphylococcus aureus: unlike traditional drugs, black cumin exhibits antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus.
Addiction/treatment addiction to opiates: a study of 35 patients with opioid dependence showed the effectiveness of therapy on the basis of black cumin in long-term care.
In connection with the gifts of nature, such black cumin, comes to mind the biblical adage that "faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains".In the end, is the seed contains in itself the hope for the continuation of the species, his breed? A saturated state of the seed, where life condenseries in his miniature holographic copies, promising the formation of future worlds within itself, is the essence of a vast and immortal power of life.
If we are aware of the true nature of the seed, how much life (past, present and future) is contained in it, is then no longer seem far-fetched to its ability to destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria, healing the body from chemical weapons poisoning, stimulate the regeneration of dying insulin-producing beta cells in diabetics — and this is only part of the experimentally-confirmed features of black cumin seed.
To move mountains of inertia and lies that are associated with conventional views on the disease, is a task which will cope better seeds than chemicals. Huge difference between a seed and a patented synthetic chemical (e.g., pharmaceuticals) that the first created by Nature (God) and the second is a man driven by lust for profit and a vague understanding of the nature of the body.
Undoubtedly, time has come for food, seeds, herbs, plants, sunlight, air, clean water and, of course, love, – to occupy a Central place in medicine. Because medicine is the art and science of facilitating self-healing of the human body. Otherwise, traditional Medicare system will collapse under the growing weight of its own corruption, incompetence, iatrogenic suffering (and subsequent financial liability), the cause of which is.
If it manages to reform itself on the basis of not patented and not patentable natural compounds with actual healing properties, our future will be brighter. If these attempts fail, people have to regain control of their health into their own hands.While black cumin and other health foods will play a key role in the process of gaining new powers and opportunities of self-improvement.
source: mixednews.ru
Source: /users/1077
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A good shot: the photo was taken at the right time and the right place