Diseases and their causes

All human disease caused by the problem of bad character traits, wrong attitude towards life and adverse conditions associated with it. In other words, every disease starts at the level of mind (which manifests itself in the form of a particular character trait or condition), and then, as it develops, it is reflected in the physical body accordingly. This is because the body and mind have a close relationship, and everything that happens in the mind, the psyche, necessarily reflected in the level of the body.
If a person's character deteriorates badly enough, the body can not withstand such a negative load, so begin to develop the disease.
Looking through the list of diseases and their causes, below, we can see the similarity of bad character traits and diseases that it causes, and then everything becomes clear.
This list is just the cause, and then the consequences, that is, the disease to which it leads.
• Greed - causes bulimia, acute processes in the body, cancer
• Antagonism - causes inflammation, migraine headaches, diabetes
• Apathy - leads to loss of appetite, atrophic gastritis, amenorrhea, lowering blood pressure and diabetes
• Aggressiveness - contributes to high blood pressure, causes warts and peptic ulcer disease
• Bad taste - is the cause of eating disorders, can cause bulimia
• Hopelessness - causing diseases such as pneumonia, alcoholism, and also leads to decreased immunity
• unscrupulousness - is the cause of chronic infections and chronic diseases
• Recklessness - causing injuries, accidents, and lead to epilepsy
• squeamish - the cause of illnesses such as rheumatism, warts, sore throats
• disinterest - amenorrhea, poor memory, hypotension
• aimlessly - acne, amenorrhea, decreased immunity and lowering blood pressure
• Unbelief - is the cause of low blood pressure and organ dysfunction
• Anxiety - causes heart disease, sleep disorders and skin diseases
• Hypersensitivity - leads to allergies, migraines and skin diseases
• Anger - a cause of hepatitis, insomnia, bulimia, gastritis with high acidity and sharp body processes
• Roughness - causing viral infections, hemorrhoids, cholecystitis, erosive gastritis, bronchitis, and overactive thyroid gland
• Depression - can lead to pneumonia and tuberculosis
• Greed - leads to obesity, insomnia, cholecystitis, chronic diseases, hepatitis, acne
• Cruelty - a cause of asthma, bronchitis, cancer, disease, epilepsy, fungal diseases, impotence, gastritis, amenorrhea, anemia is also a cause of various injuries
• Envy - is an autoimmune disease, insomnia, heart disease, cancer and various mental illnesses
• Closed - it leads to diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands, schizophrenia, high blood pressure
• vindictive - is the cause of diseases of the throat and larynx, acidity and insomnia
• taste perversion - is the cause of cancer, female infertility and diseases of the digestive system
• Impulsivity - causes acute processes in the body, it is possible stroke
• Categorical - leads to arrhythmias, male infertility, asthma and hypertension
• Conflict - improves thyroid function, injury and acute processes in the body
• Criticism - causing diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis and arthritis
• Dishonesty - leads to decreased immunity, alcoholism, fungal diseases and hepatitis
• Laziness - is the cause of loss of appetite, anemia, lowers blood pressure, causes gastritis with low acidity, acne, female infertility, hernia, haemorrhoids and constipation
• Tension - raises blood pressure is a cause of asthma, constipation, glomerulonephritis, hemorrhoids, manic depressive psychosis, stroke, constipation, urethritis
• Assertiveness - causes asthma, arthritis, sinusitis, increased acidity, bronchitis, hernia, peptic ulcer disease, glomerulonephritis, male infertility, constipation, impotence
• negativism - this is the cause of autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, hepatitis
• indiscipline - leads to organ dysfunction, digestive disorders and viral infections
• Hatred - causes warts, sore throats, oncology, infectious diseases, epilepsy, ischemic heart disease
• Incontinence - the cause of gastritis with high acidity, male infertility and a variety of chronic diseases
• Nesmirennost (lack of humility) - leads to increased blood pressure and viral infections
• nesobrannosti - causes a decrease in immunity, lowering the pressure, sinusitis
• Dissatisfaction - a bad dream, urethritis, bulimia
• Self-doubt - this is the reason hypotension, diseases of the throat and larynx, and anemia
• Inability to relax - leading to polyarthritis, asthma, heart disease and varicose veins
• Unscrupulous - causes a decrease in immunity, hemorrhoids, skin diseases
• Inflexibility - one of the causes of hepatitis, asthma, and bone fractures
• Variability - can cause female infertility or sharp processes in the body
• Slovenliness - leads to acne, hemorrhoids, anemia, fungal diseases
• Resentment - is the cause of diabetes, arthritis, adnexitises, sleeplessness, cystitis, chronic diseases and ischemic
• fenced off - it causes kidney disease, warts, hypertension
• Aversion - leading to pancreatitis, fungal diseases, angina, diabetes, warts
• Desperation - the cause of diseases such as pneumonia, migraines, spinal diseases, arthritis, neuritis, erosive gastritis, coronary heart disease
• Increased sensitivity - can cause allergies, skin diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease, female infertility, asthma
• Depression - leads to decreased immunity, hypotension, ovarian dysfunction
• Overloading - often causes insomnia, bronchitis, hepatitis, spinal diseases, male infertility, viral infections, stroke, pneumonia, hernia
• Fatigue - hernia, viral infections, tuberculosis, pneumonia, decreased immunity, diabetes
• Pessimism - is the cause of sciatica, anemia, low blood pressure, hypothyroidism, acne, tuberculosis, chronic diseases
• dismissive - of poisoning and injuries
• picky - can cause a person to hepatitis, colitis, cholecystitis
• Depravity - causes decreased immunity, skin diseases, infertility, oncology
• Irritability - leads to diseases of the nervous system, gastritis, bronchitis, and many chronic diseases
• Disappointment - can cause autoimmune infections, arthritis, alcoholism, amenorrhea, chronic diseases
• Vulnerability - can cause adnexitises, gastritis, increased activity of the thyroid gland, miscarriages
• Distraction - hypotension, sinusitis, various diseases of the spine
• Stiffness - leads to a decrease in memory, polyarthritis, diseases of the spine, glomerulonephritis
• Grief - causing pancreatitis, cystitis, polyarthritis, coronary heart disease
• The tendency to violence - is the cause of autoimmune infections, injuries and cancer
• Stealth - high blood pressure, schizophrenia, glomerulonephritis
• Fear - is the cause of diseases such as cystitis, anorexia, bulimia, migraine, insomnia, asthma, hepatitis, skin diseases; Fear can also cause miscarriage
• Fussiness - causes constipation, viral infections, overactive thyroid gland, and various acute processes in the body,
• Stubbornness - can lead to sinusitis, asthma, epilepsy, male infertility, ulcers
• callousness - may cause cholecystitis, constipation, ulcers, bronchitis, dysfunctions of female genital mutilation
• Excessive straightforwardness - causes fatigue, asthma, bronchitis, urethritis, impotence, gastritis
• Scrupulousness - skin diseases, rheumatism, angina
• Cold - leads to hypotension, hypothyroidism, bradycardia, amenorrhea
• Selfishness - causes acidity, hemorrhoids, sore throat
• Emotional (excessive) - can cause dysfunction of sexual organs, cause increased activity of the thyroid gland, or impotence in men.
Thus, we see that the disease has psychological causes. To cure the disease without medicine, you need to get rid of the bad traits (frame of mind or the state), which is the cause of the disease.
Now the main thing: the psychological causes of disease, in turn, also have one major, the root cause is not eliminated that man is doomed not only sick, but reborn in the physical world again and again, continuing to hurt and suffer. And the main reason to make us be born again and again in this world - forgetting his true nature. The Vedas say about the higher purpose and destiny of man - to know their true spiritual nature, to be able to return to the spiritual world, where there is no sickness, no suffering, no death, no birth. Only eternity, knowledge and bliss. This is a worthy goal, although "not a cheap thing," says Dr. Torsunov, keeping in mind that you have to how to work on yourself before this goal is achieved.