Cunning tricks negotiations

In this issue, I want to tell you about a few "clever and not entirely ethical negotiation techniques", which is quite rare in everyday life, but common during business negotiations.
Before we look at specific techniques of negotiation and ways to counter them, it is important for you to understand himself manipulative mechanism of all these techniques.
They act because first of all you are interested in this transaction (to make, to accelerate career growth, not to get a scolding from his superiors for mediocre sunken negotiations), so you are ready to make concessions. Manipulator knows it, and actively uses it against you.
And in order to protect themselves from such negotiation tactics, you have to have the inner strength of will and readiness at any moment to terminate the negotiations and give up the deal - if you notice that manipulation beyond the reasonable limits. If such readiness is not, and you are tuned to conclude an agreement at any cost - the manipulator will be easy to control you.
"Nibble pieces»
Imagine that you have agreed to week or month to a potential customer or supplier terms, and then came the moment when both parties have to sign the final version of the contract. You have already prepared in the office of a bottle of champagne to celebrate his return with a large order.
However, your prospective partner is to meet with a sad message for you: his boss refused to sign this version of the treaty, as considered it unfair conditions and demands to reduce the purchase price (or raise the price of selling, or increase the delay in payment, or ...). And the source offers you sign a new contract, already compiled, signed and sealed - the contract, which included claims his boss ignoring your previous agreements.
The calculation here is that you do not want to go again all the circles of harmonization and therefore, you sign on the spot less profitable option for you.
What can you do in this situation? If new conditions are still favorable to you, but the deal is too important to you from her refused, you can lead to manipulation and put his signature. On the other hand, we can try to apply counter manipulation.
The first version of the counter manipulation is that you are invited to share a concession on your part to make the assignment by the contractor: "Well, we are ready to meet the wishes of your boss and to reduce the price by 3%, if you agree to take goods from the warehouse by self." Or, for example, "if you will take not less than 5000 units sold per month».
Another counter manipulation is to say directly: "We have already spent a lot of time for approval, many people were involved in the decision-making process, and we do not want to stop, go back and start all over again. I think you too would prefer to do without it. Let us adhere to the agreement that has already been achieved. Here is a copy of the agreement certified by our side - let's use them ».
Often this tactic works - manipulator sees his reception manipulation did not work, and returns to the initial agreement.
The next technique is that negotiating partner struggled to pull you off balance, painstakingly showing how these negotiations it uninteresting. He was late for half an hour, he was distracted during the talks, he answers the phone for fifteen minutes, making everyone wait for the end of the conversation ... in a word, struggling gives you realize how uninteresting and unimportant he talks to you.
Why do it? To create in your heart the feeling that these negotiations is more important to you than to him, and therefore cause you to make concessions, but the transaction does not tear.
In fact, often the result of negotiations twenty times more important for a companion than you - he just pretends to be successful.
As a complex counter manipulation can be played and neglect on their part, but it almost certainly will look unnatural.
More than a simple counter manipulation tactics will be interrupted conversation, served either under the care of a partner sauce or sauce own employment.
For example, if the person is late for an appointment on time, slightly more than a reasonable delay, you can call him to apologize, to express the hope that the detainee of his case resolved successfully - and to postpone the meeting, even if the person would object.
Or you can just end the meeting, if the person conducts lengthy telephone conversations. Report unwillingness to distract from business partner so important that for them he was forced to interrupt even a business meeting, gathering his papers and begin to negotiate the date and time of next meeting.