How to learn to manipulate people
Do you always want to get what you want from life? You can soften the anger of the boss, win the interlocutor to your side and even fall in love with yourself using barely noticeable psychological techniques. Many professional techniques, of course, are widely used by detractors to manipulate other people. But there are techniques used by mere mortals, and get everything from life!
List of 18 tricks How to Manipulate Peopledrafted by the editorial board "Site", confirmed in practice! But be careful: some tricks can be used in communication with you, and who is warned is armed.
Psychological techniques
Psychologists are convinced that to make the process of communication more effective, it is enough to master several on-duty techniques. Most importantly, remember that all the above tricks in themselves are nothing. They work if used at the right time and with a psychologically prepared person.
Admit it honestly, you're using cunning. psychology In everyday life?

List of 18 tricks How to Manipulate Peopledrafted by the editorial board "Site", confirmed in practice! But be careful: some tricks can be used in communication with you, and who is warned is armed.
Psychological techniques
- Remember the simple rule! Never say to a man, “Can you go to the store?” After all, purely theoretically, your companion could cope with the task, but the theory and practice are different concepts. It is better to paraphrase the veiled request in “Please go to the store”, then the man can not turn away.
- Asking a question or asking another person to nod. Ironically, you will probably get a positive response. Just keep your eyes open and don't fall for such a trick.
DepositPhotos - Sometimes it is enough to casually tell the interlocutor that something is beyond his power to make him prove the opposite by all truths and untruths.
- If you have to speak in public, don’t forget to bring a bottle of water. If you suddenly feel that you have forgotten the text, just take a few sips and try to collect your thoughts. Believe me, the public will not notice that the pause occurred because of the forgotten text.
DepositPhotos - If a person stares at you on public transport and makes you uncomfortable, just look at their shoes. Keep watching until he hesitates. Believe me, it can literally drive you crazy!
- If you didn’t get enough sleep, just say out loud, “I slept great.” Oddly enough, if you are 100% sure of your own words, your brain will have to take what you say for granted.
DepositPhotos - If you worry endlessly whether the iron is turned off and the door is closed, we will teach you to forget about this problem forever. Every time you iron, turn off the lights, or, for example, close the door, say some absurd phrase, and every day a new one. For example, today you close the door and say, "Violet giraffe." Next time you think of a closed door, remember that you said a strange phrase, and you will surely calm down.
- If you are generally satisfied with another person’s offer but want more, take a slightly disappointed look. Sometimes this works with an overpriced or low salary.
DepositPhotos - If you want to build a relationship with someone, just ask them for help. Even if you know how to solve the problem, ask. You will see that it will change your attitude for the better.
- To the interlocutor felt uncomfortable and stupid, periodically look at the center of his forehead. Trust me, this trick will drive anyone crazy!
DepositPhotos - If the other person is not saying something, take a short pause and look into his eyes. It is likely that he will be embarrassed, he will continue to speak in more detail and tell the truth if he lies. Thinking that you have long guessed everything, the interlocutor without second thoughts will lay all the cards on the table.
- If a person with a head plunged into any work or, for example, enthusiastically talking on the phone, it is enough to reach out and he, without thinking, will give you what he is holding in his hands at this very moment. By the way, the reception works effectively in the opposite direction: using this trick, you can easily give something to a person, and he will not notice.
DepositPhotos - In the morning, when the hated alarm goes off, do not rush to roll your eyes and sigh desperately. Stand up, put your hands in your fists and shout “Yes!” like you’re a famous footballer who just scored a decisive goal. Do not doubt, such a trick will cheer up better than the strongest coffee, and not only you, but also your soul mate, children, cat and hamster.
- If a person is trying to drag you into a big argument, tell him something nice. An unexpected courtesy will infuriate him, that's for sure.
DepositPhotos - If you are terribly worried when meeting some acquaintances, after a while they will subconsciously start to worry when they meet you.
- If you have a lazy member on your team, never tell them, “Do it.” Tell him, "Start with this." In this case, a stable understanding is created that there is much less work, since you need to start small.
DepositPhotos - For example, replace the phrase “you did not wash the dishes” with “the dishes remained dirty”. So, having claims to a person, but not switching to personalities, you will definitely not offend him.
- It turns out that the best person remembers what happened at the beginning and end of the day. To be sure to remember the employer, schedule interviews either very early or late. This way you will not get lost in the crowd of other applicants.
Psychologists are convinced that to make the process of communication more effective, it is enough to master several on-duty techniques. Most importantly, remember that all the above tricks in themselves are nothing. They work if used at the right time and with a psychologically prepared person.
Admit it honestly, you're using cunning. psychology In everyday life?