Genuine Love and genuine Friendship do not require not expect and do not ask
Forty six million two hundred fifty four thousand four hundred eighty five
Genuine Love and genuine Friendship do not require, not planning, not asking, not buying and not selling.
True Love and true Friendship come not as a mere hobby or another purchase in our collection of valuable things, and as the highest state of the Soul is born when it is fully ready for this. Like any Dream, Love or Friendship comes true immediately, but after many battles, failed attempts, suffering, overcoming selfish, possessive reasons. It only comes to that person who never stops dreaming about her as the highest principle of life as of the urgent needs of the soul, even when he is completely alone and when you look at the people around him think that for the knowledge of the great Love has no chance.
Wise said that true Love and true Friendship deserve a selfless life that they must be endured and come to us as a blessing of Fate, like an expression of gratitude for the fact that, despite everything, we still have not lost hope and faith in the existence of these highest and noblest qualities of the soul, regardless of how they have treated us or others feel.
Any attempt to artificially induce love, to force a genuine relationship, impose themselves, to demand love, to plan and to adjust a situation to implement sooner or later end in failure. This thin and fragile "bird of happiness" is feeling threatened and not wanting to become a slave to any formal situations, selfish and stereotypical views, departs from prepared for her Golden cage, then to avoid all the baits with which we will in vain attempt to get her back.
Wise said that true Love and true Friendship come to people faithful noble who prefer solitude to change their Dream, their high standards and ideas about these great and beautiful qualities of the soul. They come to those who does not agree to compromise and not sold, creating a relationship for the sake of material wealth, sexual pleasure, in order that at least someone was around, and other well-known reasons. When we get married or marry anyone because they are afraid to grow old, not be able to start a family or just stay alone until the end of life, when we take on a company of companions, buddies, totally alien to our notions about the friendship and generosity of people, we look like a talented actor or Director, which is mired in the creation of commercials, because I couldn't wait for his real chance. The money, though large, is weak and not very comforting compensation for the fact that he killed his God-given talent.
Even if we consider the real fact that life is not always and not for everyone and that for many true Love or Friendship are part of does already seem a distant dream, is not a reason to give up, because any relationship can always be done better, although it sometimes takes a lot of time and a lot of patience.
A waste of time to attempt to evaluate the relationship carefully and closely analyzing what separates us. The main still is another question we must find an answer, if you want to improve or save our relationship: "What unites us?" Wise rightly said that our relationship with other people will last the same as would exist what unites us. If we are bound home, house, money, attractiveness, sexual attraction, or any other short-term things that are here today and gone tomorrow, with the first problems in this area will be jeopardized and our relationship. Relationships people have nothing in common, like a Potemkin village, where outwardly everything seems fine but behind the beautiful facade — some problems and emptiness. Often such formal relationships is worse than loneliness.
People unite together experienced difficulties and moments of crisis. If overcoming obstacles, finding solutions all parties equally strive and fight for something that is better, it not only strengthens any relationship, but also creates new, deeper, surprising the state of mind that opens new horizons and guide the developments in a completely different direction.
You need to learn how to do the first step without losing himself and his inner dignity. For a relationship takes two, and our every step should cause the resonance, the response of the other person, followed by his reaction, his reciprocal steps toward us. If, after our continuous efforts, this does not happen, however, leads to one conclusion: either there are missteps, or our relationships are built on shaky ground, for it is held only on one person and one person trying to carry everything, and that's absurd and artificial.
For the success of any relationship needs both sides tried to overcome the sense of possessiveness and selfishness. Very often we don't see the individuality, the uniqueness of the people we love, and continue to consider them as a reflection of our own beliefs, requirements, conceptions about what they should be. We should not try to educate and convert people in his image and likeness. Love requires feeling the air and freedom of the soul. People sharing it, do not dissolve in each other and not lose their individuality; they are like two pillars supporting the roof of a temple.
Love requires a full commitment and selflessness, the realization that we don't need anything except the opportunity to love. To put yourself in the forefront, in the spotlight, making everyone dance around us, our problems and interests, constantly demand proof of love, to do good and to love only that we were told the same — it kills all true Love and true Friendship.
Main should not be a question of "what's best for me?" and the question "what's best for another?". Wanting the best for another person — so try to understand what is required of him. Loving person and a loving friend is like a mirror it sees and reflects everything; but if he wants to keep this status, it should not support negative, destructive manifestations of the one whom he loves or considers a friend. Instead of indulging them, it must respond as if the voice of conscience, if you do not wish to become a witness and accomplice in the process of ocherchivanija and roughening of the person. He needs to find a loved one that is a really lovely, which sometimes he himself does not see. Words to persuade useless. It is best to convince and inspire manages the power of our own example. A loving person is a great blessing. It is like a light in the darkness for those who having the honor to love them — enough to know that he is that his image can be worn in the heart, no matter what!
Actually, it should still manage to feel truly alone! And even if we do not find a person to make his image in your heart — will always remain the sky, stars, amazing, eternal, undying Dreams that will warm any lone wolf, with all my heart loving them and tending to them.
Author: Elena Sikirich
source: newacropolis.ru
Source: /users/1077
Genuine Love and genuine Friendship do not require, not planning, not asking, not buying and not selling.
True Love and true Friendship come not as a mere hobby or another purchase in our collection of valuable things, and as the highest state of the Soul is born when it is fully ready for this. Like any Dream, Love or Friendship comes true immediately, but after many battles, failed attempts, suffering, overcoming selfish, possessive reasons. It only comes to that person who never stops dreaming about her as the highest principle of life as of the urgent needs of the soul, even when he is completely alone and when you look at the people around him think that for the knowledge of the great Love has no chance.
Wise said that true Love and true Friendship deserve a selfless life that they must be endured and come to us as a blessing of Fate, like an expression of gratitude for the fact that, despite everything, we still have not lost hope and faith in the existence of these highest and noblest qualities of the soul, regardless of how they have treated us or others feel.
Any attempt to artificially induce love, to force a genuine relationship, impose themselves, to demand love, to plan and to adjust a situation to implement sooner or later end in failure. This thin and fragile "bird of happiness" is feeling threatened and not wanting to become a slave to any formal situations, selfish and stereotypical views, departs from prepared for her Golden cage, then to avoid all the baits with which we will in vain attempt to get her back.
Wise said that true Love and true Friendship come to people faithful noble who prefer solitude to change their Dream, their high standards and ideas about these great and beautiful qualities of the soul. They come to those who does not agree to compromise and not sold, creating a relationship for the sake of material wealth, sexual pleasure, in order that at least someone was around, and other well-known reasons. When we get married or marry anyone because they are afraid to grow old, not be able to start a family or just stay alone until the end of life, when we take on a company of companions, buddies, totally alien to our notions about the friendship and generosity of people, we look like a talented actor or Director, which is mired in the creation of commercials, because I couldn't wait for his real chance. The money, though large, is weak and not very comforting compensation for the fact that he killed his God-given talent.
Even if we consider the real fact that life is not always and not for everyone and that for many true Love or Friendship are part of does already seem a distant dream, is not a reason to give up, because any relationship can always be done better, although it sometimes takes a lot of time and a lot of patience.
A waste of time to attempt to evaluate the relationship carefully and closely analyzing what separates us. The main still is another question we must find an answer, if you want to improve or save our relationship: "What unites us?" Wise rightly said that our relationship with other people will last the same as would exist what unites us. If we are bound home, house, money, attractiveness, sexual attraction, or any other short-term things that are here today and gone tomorrow, with the first problems in this area will be jeopardized and our relationship. Relationships people have nothing in common, like a Potemkin village, where outwardly everything seems fine but behind the beautiful facade — some problems and emptiness. Often such formal relationships is worse than loneliness.
People unite together experienced difficulties and moments of crisis. If overcoming obstacles, finding solutions all parties equally strive and fight for something that is better, it not only strengthens any relationship, but also creates new, deeper, surprising the state of mind that opens new horizons and guide the developments in a completely different direction.
You need to learn how to do the first step without losing himself and his inner dignity. For a relationship takes two, and our every step should cause the resonance, the response of the other person, followed by his reaction, his reciprocal steps toward us. If, after our continuous efforts, this does not happen, however, leads to one conclusion: either there are missteps, or our relationships are built on shaky ground, for it is held only on one person and one person trying to carry everything, and that's absurd and artificial.
For the success of any relationship needs both sides tried to overcome the sense of possessiveness and selfishness. Very often we don't see the individuality, the uniqueness of the people we love, and continue to consider them as a reflection of our own beliefs, requirements, conceptions about what they should be. We should not try to educate and convert people in his image and likeness. Love requires feeling the air and freedom of the soul. People sharing it, do not dissolve in each other and not lose their individuality; they are like two pillars supporting the roof of a temple.
Love requires a full commitment and selflessness, the realization that we don't need anything except the opportunity to love. To put yourself in the forefront, in the spotlight, making everyone dance around us, our problems and interests, constantly demand proof of love, to do good and to love only that we were told the same — it kills all true Love and true Friendship.
Main should not be a question of "what's best for me?" and the question "what's best for another?". Wanting the best for another person — so try to understand what is required of him. Loving person and a loving friend is like a mirror it sees and reflects everything; but if he wants to keep this status, it should not support negative, destructive manifestations of the one whom he loves or considers a friend. Instead of indulging them, it must respond as if the voice of conscience, if you do not wish to become a witness and accomplice in the process of ocherchivanija and roughening of the person. He needs to find a loved one that is a really lovely, which sometimes he himself does not see. Words to persuade useless. It is best to convince and inspire manages the power of our own example. A loving person is a great blessing. It is like a light in the darkness for those who having the honor to love them — enough to know that he is that his image can be worn in the heart, no matter what!
Actually, it should still manage to feel truly alone! And even if we do not find a person to make his image in your heart — will always remain the sky, stars, amazing, eternal, undying Dreams that will warm any lone wolf, with all my heart loving them and tending to them.
Author: Elena Sikirich
source: newacropolis.ru
Source: /users/1077