55 golden rules of business etiquette

knowledge of the rules of business cooperation can do a very good service: if the impression made on partners and customers, favorable, then the company's business will go uphill, as with its representatives nice deal .
Today Website share tips psychologist Ellen Baer.
How to greet h3>
Entering the room, greet the first. If the office of the person to whom you come, there are other people, limit the overall bow and greeting. Then shake hands with those who invited you. Greeting someone is not limited to formal, "Hello." Call interlocutor named. At acquaintance when you represent yourself or you introduce yourself, do not rush to lend a hand. Anyone who you are, is to do it first. At the official meeting of kissing ladies hand is not accepted. If you are sitting, if possible, stand up when greeting. < /How to shake hands h3>
If you approached a group of people and shook hands with one person, you need to shake hands and the rest. Do not adopted shake hands across the threshold, the table or over the head of a man sitting between you. Do not shake hands with the other party, holding the other in his pocket. The first always gives her hand the head. A handshake with both hands is not welcome as it is intended to develop the closer relationship with the people.How to get acquainted h3>
If around you strangers, do not be shy: boldly introduce yourself for yourself, do not wait until you introduce. When meeting at a business meeting (conference , reception) do not just talk about your achievements - just indicate what you are doing and why got a meeting or event. The person to whom you are presenting unfamiliar person mentioned first. He whom you represent - the second. When you are someone, focus on how to remember his name, and during the conversation often call him by his name. Forgetting as the name of the interlocutor, try to alleviate the situation correctly asked: "Excuse me, I have recently become a little forgetful, could you recall his name?»What should be the business card h3>
Card must be maintained in strict laconic style. Those who frequently work with foreign partners, is to print business cards in the language of the partners - in Asian countries is particularly welcome. If any of your information has changed, you need to order new business cards: in any case, restore the data on the old business cards, a card with blots and amendments - a sign of bad taste. < / Good practice for the business person is the presence of cards in two languages - Russian and English. If you have not found the man on the spot, but want to witness him respect, bend the upper right corner from the left your business card.How can I end the meeting h3>
Leaving strangers, not necessarily personally say goodbye to everyone. If you leave the crowded reception before the rest of the guests say goodbye only with the hosts of the meeting. Otherwise, your departure may serve for participants party signal to the fact that all the time to go home. If the conversation lasts too long, ask the other party to meet new people, introduce them to each other, apologize and took his leave. Li > Farewell should be short - for example, handshakes, both at the meeting. Finish the conversation politely, using universal phrases, for example: "It was nice to see you». < If you need to leave the meeting early, wait for a pause in the conversation, stand up and say goodbye, expressing hope for a new meeting.Body Language h3>
When talking to people, do not straddle, hump and keep your hands in your pockets. Pose "fig leaf" (palms are closed so that the hands form an inverted «V») indicates shyness and self-doubt. If you do fidgeting, swaying from side to side, or touching your face or hair, then enforce their own tension and distract others . Excessive gestures during a conversation is not welcome. Gestures should be kept - the interlocutors may confuse overexpression. The distance between you and another person should be at least at arm's length. Do not sit, his legs crossed, especially in the chair . If it is deep, you can stretch your legs a bit.How to negotiate h3>
We invite partners to the negotiations should not be less than two weeks, so that they can prepare. Place negotiation offers the inviting party, but the invitation has the right to accept or reject it. When the participants are many and they are unfamiliar, on the table, you can place the cards with the names. The parties are located opposite each other in the order related posts. After greeting the participants should be introduced to each other. You also need to designate their role and powers of the negotiations. If the negotiations are being conducted with foreign delegations are kindly asked to agree on the language of negotiation and to provide the technical means for translators. If during a conversation is being recorded, you should inform the guests. li > The optimal duration of the meeting - two hours. If the negotiations drag on, required a half-hour coffee break.The reception of business partners h3>
welcomes guests at the airport must be appropriate for the head of delegation the rank. It usually comes accompanied by two or three people. If a guest arrives with his wife, then the receiving head is desirable to come to the first meeting accompanied by his wife. The first is the head of the host country. Then he is the spouse, then employees (in descending order of positions). Think carefully about how to seat guests on the car to everything went without a hitch. If the chief host of the party arrives for the driving a personal car, a place of honor for guests - next to him. Seeing the guests to the hotel, rasstantes with them on the street and in the lobby.Mobile Etiquette h3>
Call on the mobile phone on business matters should be during working hours on weekdays, it is considered to be the time period from 09:00 to 21:00. Always disconnect the phone during the meeting of the joint lunch. If you call someone and turned on the answering machine, do not throw the phone. Introduce yourself and ask them to call you back when it's convenient. If your call is not answered, call back no earlier than two hours. It is impolite to wait more than six beeps - it is better to put up after fifth ring. ends the conversation those who began it. If the connection is interrupted, it calls back to the one who called. Fold Up is considered impolite. We need to ask and answer call (or a promise to call back) after a specific period of time. Do not give mobile phone numbers without the consent of their owners.Based on the book of Helen Behr "Good manners and business etiquette: Illustrated Guide»
Photos in the preview: Red Granite Pictures
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