Non-verbal etiquette: unknown rules
The modern CEO must be able to make a good impression on business partners. Know the rules of non-verbal etiquette, especially in a business environment, it is not less important than to develop professional quality.
Value is everything: clothes, mannerisms, gestures, habits. In addition, this kind of knowledge, in particular "body language", allows You to not only control themselves but also, observing the behavior of a partner, recognize his thoughts and intentions.
Non-verbal etiquette in business communication
GreetingEvery meeting begins with a greeting and it should be perfect, because it shows respect. Always stand up when greeting, even if You're a woman. Man, getting up, have to button the jacket on one button. It is customary to greet women first, then men; the elders, then young; people in a higher position, and then the rest. The one who walks into a room, always greeting currently in its people first, regardless the position.
In non-verbal handshake etiquetteHandshake usually demonstrate particular location to the interlocutor, although increasingly in the business field it is recommended to use the handshake in any case. Non-verbal rules of etiquette say that the first holds out his hand the one who is best in position; when communicating with a woman is always initiated it. Handshake should not last more than three seconds, to be too strong or sluggish. Shaking his hand, like to look people in the eye.
This ritual can tell us about the nature of man. For example, if Your handshake the man responsible with two hands or the second hand pats You on the shoulder, he demonstrates the power. If shaking hands with You, the person talking with a third party, he is showing You indifference. A limp handshake says about insecure man, wet hands – that the interviewee is nervous (see also: the Unspoken rules of non-verbal etiquette).
PostureEtiquette non-verbal communication with business partners and subordinates implies that You must back up words with action. The person does not have to guess that You are not confident or are unsure of the decision (even if it is). It is necessary to select the desired position that is open, without crossing hands or feet. The view should give confidence to, and contact with the eye contact will make the communication more trustworthy.
I always confuse a situation when at a business meeting a man too stately sitting in the chair, lays his hands behind his head, leans back. We can assume that people just relaxed and took a comfortable position, but from the outside it looks indecent. As a rule, at such meetings I instinctively take the closed posture, and a constructive conversation may not be possible. So watch out for them. Know this: watching You and evaluate Your inner state. For example, if You lift the shoulders, drop the head, then it indicates that You are tense, closed, experiencing fear of failure or fear. But the tilt of the body in the direction of a person means Your interest.
PostureFavorable impression correct posture, it describes Your character and attitude. The back should be straightened, head held high (but not overdo it, or You can show superiority over the interlocutor). The proud posture usually attributed to kings, the bosses of large corporations, other noble or wealthy personages. Good posture should look easy and natural, but not allowed here. If You're constantly slouching, You will be treated with suspicion, believing that You are dealing without interest, and what You say or what you do, makes You enthusiastic.
Gestures ofFriendliness can be demonstrated in several ways. If You keep your hands on the table palms up (palms should be relaxed), it means for the hearer sincerity, openness. Easy tilt head to one side shows that You are listening to the interlocutor.
If You are not sure what kind of impression on the interlocutor produces Your proposal, pay attention to such gestures:
You should understand their habits and get rid of the unwanted communication. At business meetings are often faced with the fact that the interlocutor during talking, squelching, drinking tea and jammed his candy. If the person is CEO, this behavior looks strange. It is forgivable except for a lowly servant, Dorval to free coffee or tea. Valid in the negotiations to ask for a glass of water. If You are expecting a companion, You should offer a Cup of coffee or tea, but can drink only if the person You have not joined.
Some people have the habit during intercourse as close as possible to the source. Non-verbal etiquette warns that it is unacceptable. You need to keep your distance – keep at arm's length. A love in the course of the conversation something to fiddle with or to draw on paper figures. It speaks of insecurity, the decline in attention to the topic of the conversation, and just annoying companion.
SmokingIf You smoke during the interview, then, exhaling smoke up, You demonstrate to your partner that are positive and down to show that You somewhat suspect of the source.
It is important that smokers do not interfere with others, so pay attention to relevant ads and obey the prohibitions. In public places, including office space, you can't smoke in any way. In Russia at the negotiations served the ashtrays and the sides often and much smoke, but it is considered a sign of bad taste. Even if time and place allow Smoking, you should ask permission. If You smoke in society, it is customary to first give a light nearby; it can only do a man and just standing (transfer matches or a lighter, the rules of etiquette is not allowed).
ItBusiness it involves the compactness of the narrative, precision of concepts, literacy. The confidence in his voice will make Your words worth. Unnecessarily you should not raise your voice. It is considered that, if You want to be more persuasive, you need to speak slowly and in a low tone. But keep the naturalness.
Unspoken rules of non-verbal etiquette
The business community has its own conventions. These include the need to be committed to certain expensive brands of clothes, watches and other accessories, car and recreational places. Modern Director-General of the need to engage in different sports like tennis, horse riding or sailing. It is considered good practice to be a member of some private club. All these conventions enable managers to strengthen the status and generate a special environment for communication that is needed to strengthen the business (it helps to establish new relationships and maintain existing ones).
In the world of business continues to welcome more strict business style. This is especially true of European countries. Colors men's business suit – usually black, grey, blue and brown. To the latter colour, however, not all are unique. For example, in Germany it is quite common, but in England is rare, even there is a saying "No brown in town" (Brown in town doesn't carry (eng.)). Black color suit is considered more formal, designed for special occasions.
If the occasion is formal, wear a white shirt Pets light blue; in less formal situations, a white or any light colors. The tie should be of silk, without the screaming figure. The color of the tie to the white shirt can be almost anything, except too bright, if the shirt color, the tie color should be the color. For women the rules in the selection of clothing is not so strict, but they require a more careful treatment of colour and decoration. Be careful with depth of cut blouse and a skirt.
It is worth remembering a simple rule: carry no more than five accessories at once. The most common accessories include jewelry, belt, sunglasses, scarves, pens, purse, mobile phone bag, cufflinks. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of these items both for men and for women, as they will give Your status. Always ensure that the accessories are expensive.
Also important nuances: for example, the smell of perfume should be understood by others at arm's length; the heels of shoes must be neat (nastuplenie).
Non-verbal etiquette and presentwhatever we think about non-verbal etiquette, respect for self and others is always emphasized observance of these complicated rules that govern Your behavior and appearance. And even if time changes, and with it the conventions and rules of business etiquette, fashion will always be elegance, good manners and beautiful Russian language.published
Author: Liliya Maltseva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gd.ru/articles/3931-neverbalnyy-etiket
Value is everything: clothes, mannerisms, gestures, habits. In addition, this kind of knowledge, in particular "body language", allows You to not only control themselves but also, observing the behavior of a partner, recognize his thoughts and intentions.

Non-verbal etiquette in business communication
GreetingEvery meeting begins with a greeting and it should be perfect, because it shows respect. Always stand up when greeting, even if You're a woman. Man, getting up, have to button the jacket on one button. It is customary to greet women first, then men; the elders, then young; people in a higher position, and then the rest. The one who walks into a room, always greeting currently in its people first, regardless the position.
In non-verbal handshake etiquetteHandshake usually demonstrate particular location to the interlocutor, although increasingly in the business field it is recommended to use the handshake in any case. Non-verbal rules of etiquette say that the first holds out his hand the one who is best in position; when communicating with a woman is always initiated it. Handshake should not last more than three seconds, to be too strong or sluggish. Shaking his hand, like to look people in the eye.
This ritual can tell us about the nature of man. For example, if Your handshake the man responsible with two hands or the second hand pats You on the shoulder, he demonstrates the power. If shaking hands with You, the person talking with a third party, he is showing You indifference. A limp handshake says about insecure man, wet hands – that the interviewee is nervous (see also: the Unspoken rules of non-verbal etiquette).
PostureEtiquette non-verbal communication with business partners and subordinates implies that You must back up words with action. The person does not have to guess that You are not confident or are unsure of the decision (even if it is). It is necessary to select the desired position that is open, without crossing hands or feet. The view should give confidence to, and contact with the eye contact will make the communication more trustworthy.
I always confuse a situation when at a business meeting a man too stately sitting in the chair, lays his hands behind his head, leans back. We can assume that people just relaxed and took a comfortable position, but from the outside it looks indecent. As a rule, at such meetings I instinctively take the closed posture, and a constructive conversation may not be possible. So watch out for them. Know this: watching You and evaluate Your inner state. For example, if You lift the shoulders, drop the head, then it indicates that You are tense, closed, experiencing fear of failure or fear. But the tilt of the body in the direction of a person means Your interest.
PostureFavorable impression correct posture, it describes Your character and attitude. The back should be straightened, head held high (but not overdo it, or You can show superiority over the interlocutor). The proud posture usually attributed to kings, the bosses of large corporations, other noble or wealthy personages. Good posture should look easy and natural, but not allowed here. If You're constantly slouching, You will be treated with suspicion, believing that You are dealing without interest, and what You say or what you do, makes You enthusiastic.
Gestures ofFriendliness can be demonstrated in several ways. If You keep your hands on the table palms up (palms should be relaxed), it means for the hearer sincerity, openness. Easy tilt head to one side shows that You are listening to the interlocutor.
If You are not sure what kind of impression on the interlocutor produces Your proposal, pay attention to such gestures:
- rubbing the ear lobe or neck suggests that the interlocutor is bored with the conversation, he disagrees with You and wants to speak;
- if the person suddenly during a conversation begins to collect the papers on the table, this indicates that the conversation is over;
- if the legs or the whole body of the interlocutor turned to the door – he wants to leave;
- hands crossed on his chest, saying that people were closed or stood on the defensive;
- if people began to walk around the room or to scratch his chin, then he makes a decision;
- if the man clasped his hands in front of face, and he disappointed in You.
You should understand their habits and get rid of the unwanted communication. At business meetings are often faced with the fact that the interlocutor during talking, squelching, drinking tea and jammed his candy. If the person is CEO, this behavior looks strange. It is forgivable except for a lowly servant, Dorval to free coffee or tea. Valid in the negotiations to ask for a glass of water. If You are expecting a companion, You should offer a Cup of coffee or tea, but can drink only if the person You have not joined.
Some people have the habit during intercourse as close as possible to the source. Non-verbal etiquette warns that it is unacceptable. You need to keep your distance – keep at arm's length. A love in the course of the conversation something to fiddle with or to draw on paper figures. It speaks of insecurity, the decline in attention to the topic of the conversation, and just annoying companion.
SmokingIf You smoke during the interview, then, exhaling smoke up, You demonstrate to your partner that are positive and down to show that You somewhat suspect of the source.
It is important that smokers do not interfere with others, so pay attention to relevant ads and obey the prohibitions. In public places, including office space, you can't smoke in any way. In Russia at the negotiations served the ashtrays and the sides often and much smoke, but it is considered a sign of bad taste. Even if time and place allow Smoking, you should ask permission. If You smoke in society, it is customary to first give a light nearby; it can only do a man and just standing (transfer matches or a lighter, the rules of etiquette is not allowed).
ItBusiness it involves the compactness of the narrative, precision of concepts, literacy. The confidence in his voice will make Your words worth. Unnecessarily you should not raise your voice. It is considered that, if You want to be more persuasive, you need to speak slowly and in a low tone. But keep the naturalness.
Unspoken rules of non-verbal etiquette
The business community has its own conventions. These include the need to be committed to certain expensive brands of clothes, watches and other accessories, car and recreational places. Modern Director-General of the need to engage in different sports like tennis, horse riding or sailing. It is considered good practice to be a member of some private club. All these conventions enable managers to strengthen the status and generate a special environment for communication that is needed to strengthen the business (it helps to establish new relationships and maintain existing ones).
In the world of business continues to welcome more strict business style. This is especially true of European countries. Colors men's business suit – usually black, grey, blue and brown. To the latter colour, however, not all are unique. For example, in Germany it is quite common, but in England is rare, even there is a saying "No brown in town" (Brown in town doesn't carry (eng.)). Black color suit is considered more formal, designed for special occasions.
If the occasion is formal, wear a white shirt Pets light blue; in less formal situations, a white or any light colors. The tie should be of silk, without the screaming figure. The color of the tie to the white shirt can be almost anything, except too bright, if the shirt color, the tie color should be the color. For women the rules in the selection of clothing is not so strict, but they require a more careful treatment of colour and decoration. Be careful with depth of cut blouse and a skirt.
It is worth remembering a simple rule: carry no more than five accessories at once. The most common accessories include jewelry, belt, sunglasses, scarves, pens, purse, mobile phone bag, cufflinks. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of these items both for men and for women, as they will give Your status. Always ensure that the accessories are expensive.
Also important nuances: for example, the smell of perfume should be understood by others at arm's length; the heels of shoes must be neat (nastuplenie).
Non-verbal etiquette and presentwhatever we think about non-verbal etiquette, respect for self and others is always emphasized observance of these complicated rules that govern Your behavior and appearance. And even if time changes, and with it the conventions and rules of business etiquette, fashion will always be elegance, good manners and beautiful Russian language.published
Author: Liliya Maltseva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gd.ru/articles/3931-neverbalnyy-etiket