How to behave on the roads in different countries

Brisbane, Australia
"Australia has a fairly busy traffic, especially in the morning (though it is nothing compared with the Philippines and Russia). It seems, then everyone tries to cut you or look in your window and yell in the face. I try not to respond to attacks, although sometimes comes out. We have no help to "break" the driver on the road. He is a special service that transports your car or help fix something on the spot. Here and pedestrians are the same. Rules do not know, walk everywhere, and you still find yourself guilty then. But do not you miss it can not: our own peril. In traffic jams, I just listen to music and imagine that I am in the disco, which can dance only your toes.
All rules created here so that people do not make it easier, and more complex: if they are likely to break the rules, and the state will receive revenue. On roads where the maximum speed should be 100 km / h, they put 80. But you disturb them can not: here huge fines and harsh police, so it's better to be diligent driver. After years of driving, I do understand one thing: cheaper to use public transport ».
Donovan Nufabl, gerontologist
Istanbul, Turkey

"The movement in Turkey, especially in Istanbul, recalls the sea and ships maneuvering in it. Therefore appeal to drivers and ship captains-legged same - "captan".
Pedestrians run across the road in droves in the wrong places on the principle of "all ran - and I ran." Tourists need to be careful on the Zebra: they are drawn to beauty. Until now, sometimes I'm the one standing at the traffic light and waiting for green light, while the rest are running between machines.
Horns are not used to prevent and to talk - it's a real language of communication drivers. In Turkey, like horn with or without, but on the street with one lane when the car stops to someone to drop or pick up dozens of cars behind will wait patiently, without zooming.
However, if the traffic is covered by one of the participants unnecessarily - will signal all at once, and even send a curse actively waving through the driver's window ».
Vasilisa Drebushkova, translator, guide
Tel Aviv, Israel

"In Tel Aviv there are no traffic jams in Moscow, but there is a long queue of traffic lights, leaving behind the next intersection. The most common plugs are formed as follows: right on the roadway from two lanes, one of which along the parked cars, truck stops, jumps out of his work, standing behind the flashy motorists "Ragan! Duck! "Which means," Wait a minute! "And begins to unload that lasts an average of three or five minutes.
Mopeds, motorcycles and bicycles, which the city is very much because of dry season roads here lasts about 11 months of the year, go around the truck, but the cars are forced to meekly stand or climb on the opposite lane, forming a plug on both sides. Just (stopping in the middle of the road) themselves are sometimes the taxi drivers about something arguing with outgoing passengers or knocking them a check.
Having a car in Tel Aviv is very difficult because of the parking problems: to find a free place in the city center is almost impossible. We have to bet on pay, which is usually between 100 rubles per hour (after the first and second have less, but still unpleasant). Therefore, most machines are those who live in the inner suburbs, satellite towns, or just on the outskirts. And the residents of downtown choosing two-wheeled transport - I myself dissect a moped and I think that is much easier and cheaper to take a taxi or on the occasion of a car than to keep the car, fill it with gasoline and dorogushchim daily spread of 500 rubles for parking. By the way, be careful: the Israelis are often overlooked include turn signals! Especially if they think that "there is no one behind", although this is not always the case.
If, God forbid, you have an accident, fall from a bicycle or motorcycle, enter one of the most important concepts for the Israelis - on mutual assistance. Past nobody will take place: someone calls for an ambulance, someone he would have first aid, and some moral support ».
Leah Geldman, journalist, editor
Bangkok, Thailand

"It is hardly in the mess of trucks, small cars, buses, motorcycles and elephants walking along the roads of Thailand, it is possible to discern some regularity and especially etiquette. However, some rules still there. For example, if you're going to go right at the junction, turn on emergency gang, so to denote the motion path. If you miss someone when changing lanes or exit the main road - Gudni. Buzz is necessary road and near the temples of the gods. Religion and traffic rules here generally rather tightly intertwined in any traffic jam you can buy for 20 baht a garland of jasmine flowers, which can be hung on the mirror for luck ».
Janis Dzenis, PR-manager of the tourist search engine
Budapest, Hungary

"In Budapest, if you stand more than five minutes at a traffic light, the local is already moaning: cork! During rush hour, you can lose a maximum of 20-25 minutes. Is that the entrances to Budapest somewhere between 7 and 9 am standing on a lot of kilometers, of all the villages go to work on the two-lane road. This can be compared to Rublevo Assumption highway, but without rudeness - despicable flashers and nervous drivers. Everything is absolutely calm. Vengry- most polite nation, what I've seen. They are always ready to give up. Therefore, do not be nervous on the road: at the expense of the general friendliness you are very mobile: you need to be reconstructed, if you do it in advance and carefully, you will miss absolutely always.
The only problem taxi drivers - they drive badly. And in Moscow and Budapest, I try to be polite and calm. Here it turns out without problems. Even pedestrians obtained without nerves. I myself am a pedestrian and the car itself being of a higher order can not feel. With them, I first of all guided by the principle of security. Sometimes, if there is a choice and a pedestrian has not yet set foot on the zebra, it is safer not to slow down: for nothing is impossible to feel the strength of the driver's attention from behind. In all other cases, of course, miss. If the plug is happening, then I start frantically to view a map to understand how agile drive.
I never break the rules in the city and on motorways, country roads but am more creative. Although the penalty had never paid. There is very little the police, probably due to the fact that all decent lead, and in problem areas are cameras ».
Alexey Zelensky, composer
Milan, Italy
"In the morning, in Milan full of cars, and I hate to sit for so long, so I often have to shout on the brakes drivers to overtake them all to break the rules. Although most drivers behave like a noble girl, like me, are not so frequent. There are those who often zooms in traffic, they enrage me most. But because of what I did break the rules, even without a car, I am more loyal to pedestrians: always miss them, even if they should not. In Milan, heavy fines, but too few police, which could detect my tricks. For cameras that control movement, we have our own internal signals to the other driver realized that the rate is lower. If I come across at some violation, then the course is my acting talent, and I quickly let go ».
Ermanno Audzhelli student
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

"Dubai - a city drivers, not pedestrians. Without a car it is difficult. In the city there is no public transport system, to which we are accustomed to, for example, in Moscow. Before the opening of the subway in 2009, there were only buses and taxis. It should be noted that the government of Dubai to actively develop public transport, paving the tramway, monorail trains running, organizing the new bus routes.
The car in Dubai - more than a means of transportation, it is an indicator of status, almost like an expensive bag. If you drive a Jeep Wrangler, then most, only you love to spend time in the desert, driving on the dunes. If you are driving a Ford Mustang, most likely you are young, like speed and impress. If you meet on the road Pink Hammer with rhinestones or covered with shiny purple foil Chevrolet Camaro, then rest assured, there's not blond and brutal Arab handsome, likely born in Dubai.
Particular pleasure gives ownership to local motorists expensive room. Interesting numbers, such as D 7373, will cost as much as a small car. They sold out at a special auction, the money sent to charities. And the shorter the number, the steeper the owner. Room 1 and white Gelandewagen belong to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum, ruler of Dubai, the motorcade of two cars which can be easily found anywhere in the city.
In general, drivers nice to each other. Even if you need to certainly be in the rush hour before the first traffic light and you are breaking all the rules, brazenly climb ahead, you are likely to be allowed, they say, please, drive, "if you're in a hurry even more than I do." In Dubai traffic rules, the police noticed that the car is dangerous reconstructed from a number abreast, cuts and strongly insolent on the road, prescribes a fine of $ 150, not even stopping the cab, but simply recording the number of his car. Fines are very high, it is all the "invigorating": for speeding will be removed from the $ 200 and up. Travel on the side of the road on which have the right to move only the police and ambulance, will cost $ 300. So the SDA enjoyed great respect and attention of motorists. Likhachev on the road is possible, but expensive.
A separate conversation about driving on the extreme left (high-speed) number. If you hurry, or simply decided to ride with the wind on the central city highway Sheikh Zayed Road, with a maximum permitted speed of 100 km / h, then you can be sure that after a few seconds on your tail sits some racer and begin your face nervously winking Beam Assistant. They are usually passed, but if the mood is bad or very much in a hurry, then you can resist. In this case, you are likely to aggressively overtaking on the right ».
Olga Kirichenko, guide
Verona, Missouri

"I live in a small town, but often travel in the metropolis, and stands just across the border, you find yourself in another world. We found although sometimes rude drivers, the vast majority behave decently. In large cities, the situation is quite different: the number of aggressive motorists is growing exponentially, and with it an increasing number of police officers. But personally, I always try to be polite and follow all the rules, particularly since in my life was a child. Then I stopped talking on the phone behind the wheel and began to pay more attention to the cars, traveling around. The radio is always talk about the accident that occurred in the city, and I say, enough of them to become more cautious.
I mentally divide into three types of motorists. Drivers of the old school, who remember the old days when evade the penalty was much easier - they exceed the speed, but a little, just to feel naughty taste of freedom. There are righteous, never calling for the current limit. And there are some crazy drivers who seem to be unaware of the rules, even. But lately these three standard types added another - conservationists. Now even in my small town, every tenth buys a hybrid car. Incidentally, they are not as noisy as electric, though more expensive. But the government is encouraging such purchases: in the end of the year it pays a certain amount if you continue to ride a hybrid car ».
Eypris Thomas housewife
Ghent, Belgium

"Pedestrians and cyclists - the most power being on the road in Belgium: there is no such rule that might violate the first, but just touching the second, you risk going to jail. And there are so many cyclists, so rare to find turretless driver: all go gently, as if waiting for, that is about the angle emerges from another student on the bike. The maximum that I can afford - is accelerating on the motorway at 15-20 km / h more than it is supposed to, but then you have a life careful: police here do not pray. At least I know of no case where someone managed to wriggle out of the penalty.
We can not be rude on the road: it is, so to speak, one of the rules. Although we can not say that polite here solely because of the huge fines distsipliniruyusche everywhere arranged stealth cameras and vigilant police. With this we have long learned to fight: we have special programs on radio and websites dedicated to the locations of both. This information is sent drivers themselves, as though I had never done before. Before we even warned each other about police using a double main beam flash, but control services found out about it and now for such antics can get a considerable fine.
Somehow it happens that many of our internal rules, which never recorded (but known to all drivers), through the years become valid and enshrined in legislation. For example, lightning occurred rule: when two strips become one, the machine must be left as it fasten the right line. We had an internal rule that every machine on the right must give way to the car on the left. And in March of this year, it really put into law and became mandatory for all drivers ».
Source: www.the-village.ru