The road was built in Khakassia on the latest technologies (25 pics + 1 video)
In Khakassia, three months ago it was put into operation a new road. Its length is 4 km and is built on the latest technologies such as (Category 4, dust-free cloth). It requires a hard surface, lights, road signs, rainwater and so on. The construction of roads has been spent 46 million 455 thousand. Rub. And now let's look at the road after 2 months.
As you can see from the photos, the road surface looks smooth at first, but if podkopnut rubble, already at a depth of 5-10 cm - the usual clay and sand, that is, the base side of the road there. But after kilometer gravel ends and the road is simply compacted dirt. In this way fast 30 km / h is simply not going. On both sides of the road - a deep ditch. Half of the road signs that were just stuck in the embankment beside the road, already lying in the roadside ditches, the second half, too, and glanced about to fall. Lanterns along the road and all were found - or rather, the pillars are, but they do not have lights on. Here's a road, here are the latest technology ...
May 10, 2011 the head of the Federal Road Agency Anatoly Chabunin signed an order approving the list of facilities renovation and construction of roads (under the federal program "Development of Transport System of Russia"), which includes funding for four kilometers (3, 82, to be exact) of the road section between the villages of Red Key -Small Monok Beysky region of Khakassia. The amount of funding (based on sales) - 46 million 455 thousand. Rub. That is, one kilometer 11,613,000 750 rubles. The road was supposed to meet the requirements of category 4 (hard coating, installation of lighting lanterns, road signs, rumble strips in hazardous areas, rainwater and even litter bins). Road solemnly handed over in the second half of December 2011. After 3 months, my colleagues and I went and looked. Judge for yourself. This is the beginning of the reconstructed (the newest technology that eliminates dust on the roadway) road to aal Small Monok from the village of Red Key. Travel pointers lying in a roadside ditch.
Signs just stuck in an embankment beside the road. Two months after the grand opening, they simply dropped. The very fabric looks flat.
But it looks like. A little break in the rubble and make sure that there is no reason to have a new road there. 5-10 centimeters deep and encounter the mixture of clay and sand. Digging in another location - the result is the same. In another - it is useless. Old road almost leveled and spiked with gravel. Everything!
Judging by the statements of the officials, the roadway (as mentioned above) reconstructed according to modern technology on the basis of the concrete that eliminates dust on the roadway. We go further. In a kilometer from the rubble mound abruptly ends. We leave on a truly modern way. Hard-packed dirt, impregnated meltwater.
Hoping to find a new road close again begin to undermine. In vain. Under the mud all the same mixture of clay and sand.
Where ended rubble, began the most dangerous sections of the reconstructed road. Sharp turns and deep roadside ditch. As stated by the authorities, the new road is equipped with the latest "road shock-damping system." Simply put, it is conventional steel bumpers to the curb. And best of them here at all it was not. We have to move at a speed not exceeding 30 kilometers per hour. The car (almost two tons) and tries to break into a skid on the newest leaf from a mixture of mud and clay. In some areas, we note new steel bumpers. Their role, however, is purely decorative. As well as road signs, poles supporting the structure hastily dug in the mound.
In the case of the demolition of the car from the road construction from falling into a deep ditch not protect. On the other hand, carries a major threat emitted from road transport. Hastily twisted steel cross members held barely prikopat columns in a collision with a car scatter like giant splinters and simply rob the driver's and passenger's last chance to survive. Slowly making their way to aalu Small Monok. 800 meters to the village on the reconstructed road reappears rubble. The ride gets a little safer. We stop in front of the entrance to the village. Near notice hill, mangled heavy construction equipment.
We examine and try to understand what it took to destroy nature. It turns out, saving even rubble. Rock-hill pour scratched from what would later be called "gutters" signs at the entrance and the "strengthening of the dam" creek "Small Monok." For dumping waste, the site for signs and dams, it would take a maximum of 10 vehicles of rubble. Maximum! Take the maximum possible in Khakassia price of one gravel truck delivery - 2000 rubles. Total, 20 thousand rubles. In order to steal even the penny, smashed the hill and caused irreparable damage to nature. Again, trying to find the most solid fabric. Maybe, at the entrance to bother putting aal? Alas. Under a thin layer of gravel all the same clay and sand. We examine what is known as "drains". Some sort of on the sidelines there. But where should go waste water is not clear.
But so mangled hills with stones, reinforced dam the creek "Small Monok».
Some signs have already fallen. Other long standing.
Along the way, we have found no lanterns lighting poles. Several poles only at the entrance to aal. But they stand for, apparently, did not last long. Poles, as well as signs with the strikers simply dug into the soil.
Concrete "stepchild" can not reliably hold the wooden pillars under the influence of wind and rain. Most lampposts already rickety, their samodemontazh only a matter of time.
Of course, no lighting lanterns on poles there. Not to mention the ballot boxes debris. The only thing that made it more or less tolerable - a wooden bridge at the entrance to the village. However, as he will stand, the issue is also controversial. Wood did not bother to cover the protective material. Saved even finish. The wooden base of the bridge in the creek, and the construction will inevitably rot simply collapse into the same stream.
Slowly we drive to the village, on the main street. The reconstructed using the latest dust-free fabric technology, there are already completely broken and is a mixture of mud, clay, sand and gravel.
To get home, the residents have to jump over the main street of the cell.
Everywhere strewn road signs.
There are two women payphone. We ask: how a new road? - Asked to build. But not the same! - Surprised aal resident Valentina.
Villagers can not grasp the meaning of such care Khakass government. The road was built - the bus stop going to the Red key. Residents aal have to get up at half past four in the morning and stomp through the woods to the nearby village to get on the bus to Bei. They promised to make the lighting - three hung a lantern on the main street. One does not work, two burning day and night. Where switches, the villagers do not know. One good thing, the school bus to the Red key until canceled. From the mud and darkness on the main street knocked groomed old house. Fence and window frames carefully painted, bricks stacked beds, the area is thoroughly cleaned.
Nearby stands a well-kept monument to those killed in World War II.
- What kind of house - I ask the Valentina. This is our primary school - says the woman. Teachers at his own expense paint, restoring order, caring for the monument. It was removed from the Red key, there is a new set, and teachers themselves transported him and installed near the school. Here it is, the essence of present-day Russia. Rogues get to power fills his pockets, robbing their own people. A rural teachers through their penny salary support rickety school building. Take care to preserve the memory of those who died in the war against fascism. Despite the poverty, protect their students for good, eternal and holy. For know, save the knowledge and memory for the children apart from them, no one. And what power each other's praises sung at the opening ceremony of the "new road". - Currently, 56 settlements Khakassia virtually cut off from civilization. For those of a year ago can be attributed Small Monok. But last year, this issue has been exhausted - thanks to the government of Khakassia built a new road Monok Small - Red Key - broadcast Beysky head Yuri Kurlaev area. And the Minister of Transport and Roads of Khakassia Yuri Yegorov promised to conduct "road reconstruction work and in other areas." And it looks like there is no escape from Yegorov. And another interesting observation. Judging from the surveys on the opening day of the "new road", the officials pose for the camera as far as possible from the very road. A snow cover and conceal the very fabric, and the strengthening of the dam, for example. Suddenly noticed!
By the way, the project, construction dust-free roadway 4 category should look like
Source: rukhakasia.livejournal.com
As you can see from the photos, the road surface looks smooth at first, but if podkopnut rubble, already at a depth of 5-10 cm - the usual clay and sand, that is, the base side of the road there. But after kilometer gravel ends and the road is simply compacted dirt. In this way fast 30 km / h is simply not going. On both sides of the road - a deep ditch. Half of the road signs that were just stuck in the embankment beside the road, already lying in the roadside ditches, the second half, too, and glanced about to fall. Lanterns along the road and all were found - or rather, the pillars are, but they do not have lights on. Here's a road, here are the latest technology ...
May 10, 2011 the head of the Federal Road Agency Anatoly Chabunin signed an order approving the list of facilities renovation and construction of roads (under the federal program "Development of Transport System of Russia"), which includes funding for four kilometers (3, 82, to be exact) of the road section between the villages of Red Key -Small Monok Beysky region of Khakassia. The amount of funding (based on sales) - 46 million 455 thousand. Rub. That is, one kilometer 11,613,000 750 rubles. The road was supposed to meet the requirements of category 4 (hard coating, installation of lighting lanterns, road signs, rumble strips in hazardous areas, rainwater and even litter bins). Road solemnly handed over in the second half of December 2011. After 3 months, my colleagues and I went and looked. Judge for yourself. This is the beginning of the reconstructed (the newest technology that eliminates dust on the roadway) road to aal Small Monok from the village of Red Key. Travel pointers lying in a roadside ditch.
Signs just stuck in an embankment beside the road. Two months after the grand opening, they simply dropped. The very fabric looks flat.
But it looks like. A little break in the rubble and make sure that there is no reason to have a new road there. 5-10 centimeters deep and encounter the mixture of clay and sand. Digging in another location - the result is the same. In another - it is useless. Old road almost leveled and spiked with gravel. Everything!
Judging by the statements of the officials, the roadway (as mentioned above) reconstructed according to modern technology on the basis of the concrete that eliminates dust on the roadway. We go further. In a kilometer from the rubble mound abruptly ends. We leave on a truly modern way. Hard-packed dirt, impregnated meltwater.
Hoping to find a new road close again begin to undermine. In vain. Under the mud all the same mixture of clay and sand.
Where ended rubble, began the most dangerous sections of the reconstructed road. Sharp turns and deep roadside ditch. As stated by the authorities, the new road is equipped with the latest "road shock-damping system." Simply put, it is conventional steel bumpers to the curb. And best of them here at all it was not. We have to move at a speed not exceeding 30 kilometers per hour. The car (almost two tons) and tries to break into a skid on the newest leaf from a mixture of mud and clay. In some areas, we note new steel bumpers. Their role, however, is purely decorative. As well as road signs, poles supporting the structure hastily dug in the mound.
In the case of the demolition of the car from the road construction from falling into a deep ditch not protect. On the other hand, carries a major threat emitted from road transport. Hastily twisted steel cross members held barely prikopat columns in a collision with a car scatter like giant splinters and simply rob the driver's and passenger's last chance to survive. Slowly making their way to aalu Small Monok. 800 meters to the village on the reconstructed road reappears rubble. The ride gets a little safer. We stop in front of the entrance to the village. Near notice hill, mangled heavy construction equipment.
We examine and try to understand what it took to destroy nature. It turns out, saving even rubble. Rock-hill pour scratched from what would later be called "gutters" signs at the entrance and the "strengthening of the dam" creek "Small Monok." For dumping waste, the site for signs and dams, it would take a maximum of 10 vehicles of rubble. Maximum! Take the maximum possible in Khakassia price of one gravel truck delivery - 2000 rubles. Total, 20 thousand rubles. In order to steal even the penny, smashed the hill and caused irreparable damage to nature. Again, trying to find the most solid fabric. Maybe, at the entrance to bother putting aal? Alas. Under a thin layer of gravel all the same clay and sand. We examine what is known as "drains". Some sort of on the sidelines there. But where should go waste water is not clear.
But so mangled hills with stones, reinforced dam the creek "Small Monok».
Some signs have already fallen. Other long standing.
Along the way, we have found no lanterns lighting poles. Several poles only at the entrance to aal. But they stand for, apparently, did not last long. Poles, as well as signs with the strikers simply dug into the soil.
Concrete "stepchild" can not reliably hold the wooden pillars under the influence of wind and rain. Most lampposts already rickety, their samodemontazh only a matter of time.
Of course, no lighting lanterns on poles there. Not to mention the ballot boxes debris. The only thing that made it more or less tolerable - a wooden bridge at the entrance to the village. However, as he will stand, the issue is also controversial. Wood did not bother to cover the protective material. Saved even finish. The wooden base of the bridge in the creek, and the construction will inevitably rot simply collapse into the same stream.
Slowly we drive to the village, on the main street. The reconstructed using the latest dust-free fabric technology, there are already completely broken and is a mixture of mud, clay, sand and gravel.
To get home, the residents have to jump over the main street of the cell.
Everywhere strewn road signs.
There are two women payphone. We ask: how a new road? - Asked to build. But not the same! - Surprised aal resident Valentina.
Villagers can not grasp the meaning of such care Khakass government. The road was built - the bus stop going to the Red key. Residents aal have to get up at half past four in the morning and stomp through the woods to the nearby village to get on the bus to Bei. They promised to make the lighting - three hung a lantern on the main street. One does not work, two burning day and night. Where switches, the villagers do not know. One good thing, the school bus to the Red key until canceled. From the mud and darkness on the main street knocked groomed old house. Fence and window frames carefully painted, bricks stacked beds, the area is thoroughly cleaned.
Nearby stands a well-kept monument to those killed in World War II.
- What kind of house - I ask the Valentina. This is our primary school - says the woman. Teachers at his own expense paint, restoring order, caring for the monument. It was removed from the Red key, there is a new set, and teachers themselves transported him and installed near the school. Here it is, the essence of present-day Russia. Rogues get to power fills his pockets, robbing their own people. A rural teachers through their penny salary support rickety school building. Take care to preserve the memory of those who died in the war against fascism. Despite the poverty, protect their students for good, eternal and holy. For know, save the knowledge and memory for the children apart from them, no one. And what power each other's praises sung at the opening ceremony of the "new road". - Currently, 56 settlements Khakassia virtually cut off from civilization. For those of a year ago can be attributed Small Monok. But last year, this issue has been exhausted - thanks to the government of Khakassia built a new road Monok Small - Red Key - broadcast Beysky head Yuri Kurlaev area. And the Minister of Transport and Roads of Khakassia Yuri Yegorov promised to conduct "road reconstruction work and in other areas." And it looks like there is no escape from Yegorov. And another interesting observation. Judging from the surveys on the opening day of the "new road", the officials pose for the camera as far as possible from the very road. A snow cover and conceal the very fabric, and the strengthening of the dam, for example. Suddenly noticed!
By the way, the project, construction dust-free roadway 4 category should look like
Source: rukhakasia.livejournal.com