Thailand, traveling by car to the south of the country.
I apologize for the quality of photos, made the usual "Soap" and in a hurry. And even then squeezed in size.
Please do not break. Internet is not very fast here ...
In Thailand travel for the past years .... tsat.
Already faced all shows, visited all the tourist places and not so, learn the Thai language, learned the other, not a tourist Thailand.
In a previous visit to Thailand, we made a test so to speak journey by car to the south of the country and discussed what good it would be more carefully prepare an itinerary and increase the duration of the trip.
So decided. Choose the duration of almost 30 days, the time before the tourist season. The sea is already good, no rain, tourists minimal.
The route is made in the south of Thailand - start in Pattaya - Cha Am Khao Lak (Khao Sok), Krabi, Samui, Cha Am, Bangkok, Pattaya. Pre-selected roads and hotel deals. It was decided that we stop for a few days in each place.
Travel was chosen car, the most suitable for such a trip Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, diesel, automatic (rented for a month).
Red line indicates the route traversed.
In Pattaya, spent a few days rest after the flight, meet with friends, went to the park - see Binturong (most favorite animal) and just all sorts of ungulates and not very.
In Africa I saw giraffes, but from afar. I did not think that they are ... high. For comparison, a number of ostrich (ostrich in my estimation 3 meters in height).
All these beasts roam freely. Those who do not claim someone to devour or be devoured - walking together. Especially meat lovers - in a separate enclosure, behind barbed wire (in the literal sense of the word). Between lions and zebras - a few jumps on open space and here it lunch. But between the moat and barbed wire in several rows. Therefore, the lion and looks longingly at the zebra crossing and hopelessness.
Well, here they are rhinos - about as 2 Daewoo Matiz, with only two horns on the nose, very unimportant eyesight and bad character.
Hippos is the same size as the hood and mouth from the very Daewoo Matiz.
And other funny little animals. They've got their own atmosphere.
And Binturong - a cat-bear. Very innocent and cute little animals, like a plush interior - where to put out there and worth.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412216607 [/ mergetime]
Zatarilis necessary (flashlight, multitool, a knife, and so on trifles), refueled and moved to the eyeballs. By chance again left in the afternoon. Therefore, it was decided to stay in Cha Am (a couple dozen kilometers from Hua Hin). Ordinary town by the sea.
Nothing remarkable, except for good food and awesome massage.
By the way, the roads are very good and wide. Expected to be reached fairly quickly, but occasionally ran for road repairs and started a real cork. In general, the speed of movement on roads of Thailand (limit on highways 120) is high enough.
Road 50% were half-empty or empty, multiband, so calmly walked 160-170 kilometers per hour (besides the machine allows).
Police (such as our traffic police) met 3 times in all, traveling halfway across the country on both sides. Well another military post with a weapon (check suspicious cars for Muslim separatists in the south of the country). And then the police were present at dangerous stretches of road and nobody retarded and did not check.
The greatest danger on the roads are a "redneck". Often travel at a speed two times lower flow while taking the rightmost number (high speed) and are rarely or responding to any external stimuli. It is often vezya in pickups (full body), pineapples, coconuts or other crap. And they love to be reconstructed without turn signals.
Another category - cabs. They are at a speed of 120-130 km per hour overtake and wedged between the machines, the distance between the cars and wedged scorcher no more than a meter - and a half.
The most appropriate drivers - dalnoboev on large trucks. For all time gets only one asshole who dramatically reconstructed with a cart. But it seems, and that fright catch another cab. And so, nothing but good (various assistance in rebuilding and overtaking) and tips (blinking turn signals - "do not twitch - risk", "overtake on the right, I will not be reconstructed," "I rise to protracted" and so on - I do not seen. Definitely "Respect and uvazhuha»
But in general, on the roads much safer than in Russia. Another interesting feature. Shoulders in 99% of the roads - paved. And debris, dirt and other crap on roadsides not. They are clean, as well as the roadbed.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412216827 [/ mergetime]
Ie when overtaking, it is enough just to pull over to the roadside with a stop at the side of the road and the car perfectly diverge.
Total travel time - have not seen a single accident, even petty. Nobody bychit, play quietly enough, and even more so the muzzle anyone nobody beats and ottormazhivatsya to teach. This is all nonsense from the category of fiction. Aggression on the roads - NO. Tupizm there. Foolhardiness is. Evil and aggression - NO.
Moreover, it is enough to get out of emergency gang, be sure to 1-2 cars stopped to help.
Stopped, such as wheel-see, kerf emergency gang. Immediately after one minute car drive up. I waved my hand - it's all right, left. While smoke - the second car to me. In general, there is mutual.
When driving a natural resting.
Another important fact that on the slopes of a lot of gas stations. At each refueling necessarily zhralnya shop (where you can also eat, fill up the phone, etc.), toilet, mini-station service station. Toilet separate song.
Absolutely clean with paper towels, mini-shower for podmyvki different places - for men, women and persons with disabilities. With all sorts of ramps and holders, pens and telephone inside.
And so, the next stop - Khao Lak.
Why Khao Lak.
Well, firstly, we were already there and we really liked.
Second, the next 30 km, is one of the largest national parks of Khao Sok - popular place with backpackers in the south. 99, 9% of backpackers, and just tourists - foreigners (Russian-speaking virtually no or rarely seen).
Nat. The park is a mountain jungle, mountain and not very rivers, elephants, and indeed different animals and roads-streamers. Beautiful place.
Well and accordingly any razvlekuhi - river rafting, jungle trekking, elephant rides, etc. etc. Housing there costs 300 baht (350 rubles) per day and up.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412217039 [/ mergetime]
generally, photo transfer only a small part of the beauty that is actually ...
Local resident arrogant. Wild.
By Nat. the park is serpentine with ups and downs at 45 degrees and turns under 160 degrees. But the road is excellent.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412217150 [/ mergetime]
Anyway, in my opinion, in Thailand, half of the country can declare nat. Park.
Quietly go wild monkeys, elephants, I suspect that other animals .... For example, in a huge nat. Khao Yai park attendant release - with weapons. Otherwise there is a risk of becoming someone's dinner.
Nat. Park - the park is not in our understanding. It has dozens and dozens of kilometers are absolutely wild and unique jungle, mountains, rivers, etc.
Would be one (or teammates) - must be spudded in the jungle trekking for 2-3 days. The benefit of the experience is. It was unforgettable. But, unfortunately, this time did not happen.
And so Khao Lak. The hotel stands slightly apart (about 10 km.) From the small town. We have a heavenly place, the euro almost no tourists, with a completely empty beaches and authentic Thai restaurant.
I look news
Posted in [mergetime] 1412217533 [/ mergetime]
In the restaurant especially Thais come with their families to rest and eat well. Highest price tag we get about 1200 baht (about 1350 rubles). Set of 5-6 dishes, huge portions. According to the principle morning caught - and all day cooking. Well, what - the sea nearby ...... I like that thought for the interest - is in Moscow, for example, would cost about 10 thousand. Rubles. in a much worse quality and performance.
Krabi - Krabi province in general it. Where a lot of Muslims. (Yes, about 30% of Thailand's population - Muslims live mainly in the south).
Fun to see how there are two makashnits (street zhralni Grills) - on one Taika fry pork, near a foot worth tayka- Muslim and fry chicken. Everything is very tolerant. Radical is, but deep in the south. They actually fight (whether for autonomy, whether for complete separation - I do not know for sure).
So Krabi basically "locked up" under the Euro-tourists. A lot of things in English, staff and people in general was involved in the tour. business speaks quite good English, each more or less self-respecting restaurant in the hotel, there is a jazz band, consisting usually of two or three people. Sing and play just drop dead. Live. And the hits and blues songs. (Compared to most of them bleating pop stars in Russia - bleating lamb.) I was surprised and enjoyed every evening live performances. And it is for visitors from 7-10 people.
Krabi - quite clean and pleasant in terms of recreation and service area. With a very beautiful nature, rocks in the ocean beaches. From Krabi we decided to remember the island of Phi Phi, enjoy the beauty of so to speak. A couple of hours on a large 2-deck cruise and we are on the island.
Again, a lot of backpackers. Mostly young. They backpacks knocking on the deck in half awake, behold the ocean, islands, rocks and flying fish, which take off from the ocean by 3-4 meters at the rate of movement. Who is reading, who, buried in a notebook, considering the pictures and someone meditates or just sunning. I am walking along the deck, constantly ran into someone's feet.
Pee Pee disappointed quite beastly beaches. I remember Pee Pee perfectly clean. Rubbish. Paper, bags, etc. He is everywhere. At sea, the coastal strip of 4-6 meters from the shore. Thais assured us - not the season so to speak, tide, etc. Usually clean. But be believed weakly.
not bathe ...
In general, we decided not to swim, take a canoe and decided to look at the surrounding cliffs. The depth in the Gulf of small, 3-5 meters, a lot of marine life, clean water.
Beauty ...
Well, coming back to Krabi, offset disappointing.
We have one passion - the market, and Thai - Talat.
But Talat - this is not the market in the Russian Federation. Talat - this event. Talat - a chat with friends and acquaintances, and just with the traders, it is fun, often different rides (mostly children).
In such markets, sell things, clothes, garbage all. For me particularly interesting things handmade. Leather bags, belts, etc.
High quality and unique work. Be sure there are a huge number of sorts makashnits (zhralni), grills, etc. - All fresh, cheap and prepared right in front of you to order.
How much of what you want - and so much to do (seafood, spices, etc.). Range and variety of food envy steep restaurant. And all this for nothing. After many years of travel - we eat them exclusively. And never even a hint of poisoning was not. Try to eat shawarma Ashot ....
In these markets there are different razvlekuhi, karaoke, etc. And not drunk. Not at all. People come to shop, socialize and relax. Loud (in the sense of really loud or screaming) votes, and even more abuse - not in principle.
There are colorful characters and scenes. Here is an analogue of the Russian - Free dog in food. My first thought -chuchela something. Then one dog wiggled her tail, the second ear. Looked carefully - breathe.
Karaoke - a stage in front of which there are tables (50 pieces) where people sit and listen to the speaker.
Such markets do not arise spontaneously, but are appointed, for some events. Well, like Wat Talat - type church market (monk honorary died or the date of that event), or just the urban market with the designated dates.
To be honest, the principle of occurrence I did not catch, and ask in detail did not. There are exit markets - the cities and villages travels that somewhere between mini-lunopark with music and there is formed market.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412218337 [/ mergetime]
Often, it is one of the few entertainment. Theaters (in our sense) is small, but more often they simply do not, in the movie if only to go, and then ...
In addition, life goes very calm and measured, so any small event discussed many hours or even days. Well, it's about how the Russian village life, multiplied by 3 in terms of regularity and tranquility. Boring)))
Since the plan not to stay in one place, it was decided to go further on Samui.
On reaching the town of Don Sak, stood for loading onto the ferry.
Between the large islands go passenger ferry. The ferry is - the lower deck for cars and other vehicles, the upper for passengers. Ticket for two passengers and a jeep one-way costs about 500 rubles. Journey time 1, 5 hours.
On deck, outdoor area, air-conditioned room, shop, about 12 toilets. And the awesome beauty around. Pure emerald, turquoise ocean, rocks, islands. The sea is so clear that at a depth of view a huge fish and other animals.
On Samui was not able to come to this. After extensive continental roads are very good quality, the island was struck by the narrowness of the roads and crazy riders on bikes (motorcycles), and on the machines.
I watched in horror as a large pickup trucks are leaving at a distance of a few centimeters. And I think - I'll be there in a jeep ride. In general, the first 30 minutes frightening. Then you get used to.
Describe the nature of it makes no sense. You just have to look.
Especially in the season has not managed to rent a house on the beach, with a terrace and access to the beach.
A few days of absolute silence and buzz.
Actually here.
(Brag a bit :)))
Deciding to diversify a little rest - go look around. Looked like doing coconut oil. Immediately it and sell it.
Enjoying views of the ocean, saw the sign - are invited to ride on horseback. And why not ...
Find was not so easy, but it was worth it. Thais somehow penetrated and asked - you know how to skate? - I can, I say.
Saddled his horse and gave me a companion. Ride turned out in the jungle and the beach.
Beach can be called conditionally. Swim there still would not work, so a few kilometers of the coastal strip adapted for horseback riding. The horse fell harmful.
Despite the fact that I met him, he began to behave obscenely. Did not want to go.
Then chewed bits. He broke a bit (on the advice of Thai), I led the horse to life and rode at a gallop and trot and a step of giving a horse a rest. He took off his shirt and got a few pictures - I'm on a horse on a background of sea and palm trees.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412218838 [/ mergetime]
Then the horse ran into the water and began to beat their hooves on the water. Then came ashore and "fall". Kept the horse, broke him again, he thought - enough for today. Home horse was more willing. He was too hot ...
Well, as always - different restaurants, swimming in the sea, massages under the sound of the surf ...
In general Samui made a very good impression. Be sure to come back here.
It is time to gather back. Again ferry to the mainland.
Well, it was possible to cram for a 2-hour ferry and soon already on the mainland. Next stop Cha Am. The road passed relatively easily. Several times were still very napryazhno time when the speed of 120-130 km per hour, fly on an unlit road, where there is a repair (removed asphalt). Pleasant enough. Besides, there were areas of 20-30 km, where the extreme right (fast lane) of good quality, and the left (under bolshegruzov) - zadolblennaya. Too little pleasant. Across shops along the roads with the harvest. For example bananas. Not great, but where is the size of a thumb. Endless yellow clusters. Then shop with llamas-yay. Is it worth every penny ......
Well, that's a favorite hotel. After spending the night, moved to Bangkok, it was a couple of events and tasks.
Bangkok, in fact - a large metropolis with all the city's disease - traffic jams, parking. But with an Asian identity.
The city center can easily be (and is) rayonchik, proving that you feel in the village.
Rooster crows, slowly preparing food, a lot of greens. Just a few hundred meters (for palm trees) goes high-speed highway with several flyovers.
The movement is the same as in any major city. Do taxi drivers in 90% of the cars - broken, scratched bumper. The traffic is very dense.
Yes, and bikers.
Not those that are worn with a roar, and ordinary people, for whom the bike as a means of transportation from point A to point B. In addition, they also go on a bike, talking on the phone or dial sms.
And the people on bikes - a lot. They squeeze between cars, pruned. This is a common situation. Therefore, Thailand is one of the important qualities of driving a car (and even more so the jeep) - smooth driving.
Please do not break. Internet is not very fast here ...
In Thailand travel for the past years .... tsat.
Already faced all shows, visited all the tourist places and not so, learn the Thai language, learned the other, not a tourist Thailand.
In a previous visit to Thailand, we made a test so to speak journey by car to the south of the country and discussed what good it would be more carefully prepare an itinerary and increase the duration of the trip.

So decided. Choose the duration of almost 30 days, the time before the tourist season. The sea is already good, no rain, tourists minimal.
The route is made in the south of Thailand - start in Pattaya - Cha Am Khao Lak (Khao Sok), Krabi, Samui, Cha Am, Bangkok, Pattaya. Pre-selected roads and hotel deals. It was decided that we stop for a few days in each place.
Travel was chosen car, the most suitable for such a trip Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, diesel, automatic (rented for a month).
Red line indicates the route traversed.

In Pattaya, spent a few days rest after the flight, meet with friends, went to the park - see Binturong (most favorite animal) and just all sorts of ungulates and not very.
In Africa I saw giraffes, but from afar. I did not think that they are ... high. For comparison, a number of ostrich (ostrich in my estimation 3 meters in height).

All these beasts roam freely. Those who do not claim someone to devour or be devoured - walking together. Especially meat lovers - in a separate enclosure, behind barbed wire (in the literal sense of the word). Between lions and zebras - a few jumps on open space and here it lunch. But between the moat and barbed wire in several rows. Therefore, the lion and looks longingly at the zebra crossing and hopelessness.


Well, here they are rhinos - about as 2 Daewoo Matiz, with only two horns on the nose, very unimportant eyesight and bad character.

Hippos is the same size as the hood and mouth from the very Daewoo Matiz.

And other funny little animals. They've got their own atmosphere.



And Binturong - a cat-bear. Very innocent and cute little animals, like a plush interior - where to put out there and worth.

Posted in [mergetime] 1412216607 [/ mergetime]
Zatarilis necessary (flashlight, multitool, a knife, and so on trifles), refueled and moved to the eyeballs. By chance again left in the afternoon. Therefore, it was decided to stay in Cha Am (a couple dozen kilometers from Hua Hin). Ordinary town by the sea.
Nothing remarkable, except for good food and awesome massage.

By the way, the roads are very good and wide. Expected to be reached fairly quickly, but occasionally ran for road repairs and started a real cork. In general, the speed of movement on roads of Thailand (limit on highways 120) is high enough.

Road 50% were half-empty or empty, multiband, so calmly walked 160-170 kilometers per hour (besides the machine allows).
Police (such as our traffic police) met 3 times in all, traveling halfway across the country on both sides. Well another military post with a weapon (check suspicious cars for Muslim separatists in the south of the country). And then the police were present at dangerous stretches of road and nobody retarded and did not check.

The greatest danger on the roads are a "redneck". Often travel at a speed two times lower flow while taking the rightmost number (high speed) and are rarely or responding to any external stimuli. It is often vezya in pickups (full body), pineapples, coconuts or other crap. And they love to be reconstructed without turn signals.
Another category - cabs. They are at a speed of 120-130 km per hour overtake and wedged between the machines, the distance between the cars and wedged scorcher no more than a meter - and a half.
The most appropriate drivers - dalnoboev on large trucks. For all time gets only one asshole who dramatically reconstructed with a cart. But it seems, and that fright catch another cab. And so, nothing but good (various assistance in rebuilding and overtaking) and tips (blinking turn signals - "do not twitch - risk", "overtake on the right, I will not be reconstructed," "I rise to protracted" and so on - I do not seen. Definitely "Respect and uvazhuha»
But in general, on the roads much safer than in Russia. Another interesting feature. Shoulders in 99% of the roads - paved. And debris, dirt and other crap on roadsides not. They are clean, as well as the roadbed.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412216827 [/ mergetime]
Ie when overtaking, it is enough just to pull over to the roadside with a stop at the side of the road and the car perfectly diverge.
Total travel time - have not seen a single accident, even petty. Nobody bychit, play quietly enough, and even more so the muzzle anyone nobody beats and ottormazhivatsya to teach. This is all nonsense from the category of fiction. Aggression on the roads - NO. Tupizm there. Foolhardiness is. Evil and aggression - NO.
Moreover, it is enough to get out of emergency gang, be sure to 1-2 cars stopped to help.
Stopped, such as wheel-see, kerf emergency gang. Immediately after one minute car drive up. I waved my hand - it's all right, left. While smoke - the second car to me. In general, there is mutual.
When driving a natural resting.
Another important fact that on the slopes of a lot of gas stations. At each refueling necessarily zhralnya shop (where you can also eat, fill up the phone, etc.), toilet, mini-station service station. Toilet separate song.
Absolutely clean with paper towels, mini-shower for podmyvki different places - for men, women and persons with disabilities. With all sorts of ramps and holders, pens and telephone inside.

And so, the next stop - Khao Lak.

Why Khao Lak.
Well, firstly, we were already there and we really liked.
Second, the next 30 km, is one of the largest national parks of Khao Sok - popular place with backpackers in the south. 99, 9% of backpackers, and just tourists - foreigners (Russian-speaking virtually no or rarely seen).
Nat. The park is a mountain jungle, mountain and not very rivers, elephants, and indeed different animals and roads-streamers. Beautiful place.
Well and accordingly any razvlekuhi - river rafting, jungle trekking, elephant rides, etc. etc. Housing there costs 300 baht (350 rubles) per day and up.

Posted in [mergetime] 1412217039 [/ mergetime]
generally, photo transfer only a small part of the beauty that is actually ...

Local resident arrogant. Wild.

By Nat. the park is serpentine with ups and downs at 45 degrees and turns under 160 degrees. But the road is excellent.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412217150 [/ mergetime]
Anyway, in my opinion, in Thailand, half of the country can declare nat. Park.
Quietly go wild monkeys, elephants, I suspect that other animals .... For example, in a huge nat. Khao Yai park attendant release - with weapons. Otherwise there is a risk of becoming someone's dinner.
Nat. Park - the park is not in our understanding. It has dozens and dozens of kilometers are absolutely wild and unique jungle, mountains, rivers, etc.
Would be one (or teammates) - must be spudded in the jungle trekking for 2-3 days. The benefit of the experience is. It was unforgettable. But, unfortunately, this time did not happen.

And so Khao Lak. The hotel stands slightly apart (about 10 km.) From the small town. We have a heavenly place, the euro almost no tourists, with a completely empty beaches and authentic Thai restaurant.



I look news
Posted in [mergetime] 1412217533 [/ mergetime]
In the restaurant especially Thais come with their families to rest and eat well. Highest price tag we get about 1200 baht (about 1350 rubles). Set of 5-6 dishes, huge portions. According to the principle morning caught - and all day cooking. Well, what - the sea nearby ...... I like that thought for the interest - is in Moscow, for example, would cost about 10 thousand. Rubles. in a much worse quality and performance.

Krabi - Krabi province in general it. Where a lot of Muslims. (Yes, about 30% of Thailand's population - Muslims live mainly in the south).

Fun to see how there are two makashnits (street zhralni Grills) - on one Taika fry pork, near a foot worth tayka- Muslim and fry chicken. Everything is very tolerant. Radical is, but deep in the south. They actually fight (whether for autonomy, whether for complete separation - I do not know for sure).
So Krabi basically "locked up" under the Euro-tourists. A lot of things in English, staff and people in general was involved in the tour. business speaks quite good English, each more or less self-respecting restaurant in the hotel, there is a jazz band, consisting usually of two or three people. Sing and play just drop dead. Live. And the hits and blues songs. (Compared to most of them bleating pop stars in Russia - bleating lamb.) I was surprised and enjoyed every evening live performances. And it is for visitors from 7-10 people.

Krabi - quite clean and pleasant in terms of recreation and service area. With a very beautiful nature, rocks in the ocean beaches. From Krabi we decided to remember the island of Phi Phi, enjoy the beauty of so to speak. A couple of hours on a large 2-deck cruise and we are on the island.
Again, a lot of backpackers. Mostly young. They backpacks knocking on the deck in half awake, behold the ocean, islands, rocks and flying fish, which take off from the ocean by 3-4 meters at the rate of movement. Who is reading, who, buried in a notebook, considering the pictures and someone meditates or just sunning. I am walking along the deck, constantly ran into someone's feet.
Pee Pee disappointed quite beastly beaches. I remember Pee Pee perfectly clean. Rubbish. Paper, bags, etc. He is everywhere. At sea, the coastal strip of 4-6 meters from the shore. Thais assured us - not the season so to speak, tide, etc. Usually clean. But be believed weakly.

not bathe ...
In general, we decided not to swim, take a canoe and decided to look at the surrounding cliffs. The depth in the Gulf of small, 3-5 meters, a lot of marine life, clean water.

Beauty ...

Well, coming back to Krabi, offset disappointing.
We have one passion - the market, and Thai - Talat.
But Talat - this is not the market in the Russian Federation. Talat - this event. Talat - a chat with friends and acquaintances, and just with the traders, it is fun, often different rides (mostly children).


In such markets, sell things, clothes, garbage all. For me particularly interesting things handmade. Leather bags, belts, etc.
High quality and unique work. Be sure there are a huge number of sorts makashnits (zhralni), grills, etc. - All fresh, cheap and prepared right in front of you to order.
How much of what you want - and so much to do (seafood, spices, etc.). Range and variety of food envy steep restaurant. And all this for nothing. After many years of travel - we eat them exclusively. And never even a hint of poisoning was not. Try to eat shawarma Ashot ....



In these markets there are different razvlekuhi, karaoke, etc. And not drunk. Not at all. People come to shop, socialize and relax. Loud (in the sense of really loud or screaming) votes, and even more abuse - not in principle.
There are colorful characters and scenes. Here is an analogue of the Russian - Free dog in food. My first thought -chuchela something. Then one dog wiggled her tail, the second ear. Looked carefully - breathe.

Karaoke - a stage in front of which there are tables (50 pieces) where people sit and listen to the speaker.
Such markets do not arise spontaneously, but are appointed, for some events. Well, like Wat Talat - type church market (monk honorary died or the date of that event), or just the urban market with the designated dates.
To be honest, the principle of occurrence I did not catch, and ask in detail did not. There are exit markets - the cities and villages travels that somewhere between mini-lunopark with music and there is formed market.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412218337 [/ mergetime]
Often, it is one of the few entertainment. Theaters (in our sense) is small, but more often they simply do not, in the movie if only to go, and then ...
In addition, life goes very calm and measured, so any small event discussed many hours or even days. Well, it's about how the Russian village life, multiplied by 3 in terms of regularity and tranquility. Boring)))

Since the plan not to stay in one place, it was decided to go further on Samui.
On reaching the town of Don Sak, stood for loading onto the ferry.
Between the large islands go passenger ferry. The ferry is - the lower deck for cars and other vehicles, the upper for passengers. Ticket for two passengers and a jeep one-way costs about 500 rubles. Journey time 1, 5 hours.

On deck, outdoor area, air-conditioned room, shop, about 12 toilets. And the awesome beauty around. Pure emerald, turquoise ocean, rocks, islands. The sea is so clear that at a depth of view a huge fish and other animals.


On Samui was not able to come to this. After extensive continental roads are very good quality, the island was struck by the narrowness of the roads and crazy riders on bikes (motorcycles), and on the machines.
I watched in horror as a large pickup trucks are leaving at a distance of a few centimeters. And I think - I'll be there in a jeep ride. In general, the first 30 minutes frightening. Then you get used to.
Describe the nature of it makes no sense. You just have to look.




Especially in the season has not managed to rent a house on the beach, with a terrace and access to the beach.
A few days of absolute silence and buzz.
Actually here.
(Brag a bit :)))



Deciding to diversify a little rest - go look around. Looked like doing coconut oil. Immediately it and sell it.
Enjoying views of the ocean, saw the sign - are invited to ride on horseback. And why not ...
Find was not so easy, but it was worth it. Thais somehow penetrated and asked - you know how to skate? - I can, I say.
Saddled his horse and gave me a companion. Ride turned out in the jungle and the beach.
Beach can be called conditionally. Swim there still would not work, so a few kilometers of the coastal strip adapted for horseback riding. The horse fell harmful.
Despite the fact that I met him, he began to behave obscenely. Did not want to go.
Then chewed bits. He broke a bit (on the advice of Thai), I led the horse to life and rode at a gallop and trot and a step of giving a horse a rest. He took off his shirt and got a few pictures - I'm on a horse on a background of sea and palm trees.
Posted in [mergetime] 1412218838 [/ mergetime]
Then the horse ran into the water and began to beat their hooves on the water. Then came ashore and "fall". Kept the horse, broke him again, he thought - enough for today. Home horse was more willing. He was too hot ...
Well, as always - different restaurants, swimming in the sea, massages under the sound of the surf ...
In general Samui made a very good impression. Be sure to come back here.

It is time to gather back. Again ferry to the mainland.

Well, it was possible to cram for a 2-hour ferry and soon already on the mainland. Next stop Cha Am. The road passed relatively easily. Several times were still very napryazhno time when the speed of 120-130 km per hour, fly on an unlit road, where there is a repair (removed asphalt). Pleasant enough. Besides, there were areas of 20-30 km, where the extreme right (fast lane) of good quality, and the left (under bolshegruzov) - zadolblennaya. Too little pleasant. Across shops along the roads with the harvest. For example bananas. Not great, but where is the size of a thumb. Endless yellow clusters. Then shop with llamas-yay. Is it worth every penny ......
Well, that's a favorite hotel. After spending the night, moved to Bangkok, it was a couple of events and tasks.
Bangkok, in fact - a large metropolis with all the city's disease - traffic jams, parking. But with an Asian identity.
The city center can easily be (and is) rayonchik, proving that you feel in the village.
Rooster crows, slowly preparing food, a lot of greens. Just a few hundred meters (for palm trees) goes high-speed highway with several flyovers.
The movement is the same as in any major city. Do taxi drivers in 90% of the cars - broken, scratched bumper. The traffic is very dense.
Yes, and bikers.
Not those that are worn with a roar, and ordinary people, for whom the bike as a means of transportation from point A to point B. In addition, they also go on a bike, talking on the phone or dial sms.
And the people on bikes - a lot. They squeeze between cars, pruned. This is a common situation. Therefore, Thailand is one of the important qualities of driving a car (and even more so the jeep) - smooth driving.