Sixty full moon of life Salva Rodriguez
The next full moon overtaken Salva Rodriguez transbaikalian wilderness in late October. Near one of the provincial district centers on the road in front of the Spaniard having two humanoid beings male and blocked the way for him a motorcycle. Their glazed eyes did not blink, and eyes were at one point. "Give us our blood his hundred rubles," - grimly said the older one ....
No, no, it's - not the beginning of the story of the Siberian werewolves, zvereyuschih during the full moon phase. This is - an essay about a man who himself, without any outer intervention has changed their lives.
"When we were students, and then went to university, my friends and I dream a lot. We thought about what will become adults, independent and free, the whole world will see, something will achieve and be sure to do something significant. But the years passed, my friends got married, and they got a lot of other concerns. Dreams were pushed further and further until later. At the meeting, I asked my friends, "Well, that, let's start already !?" - "No, now is not the time to me this year, it is necessary to buy a refrigerator and a car." - "But you have the one and the other." - "Yes, but they are old, my wife wants a new model ...". And then I decided that I will no longer wait for anyone. I will soon be forty years, and nothing has been done yet conceived. I do not want to have all my dreams have remained just a dream. " - With these thoughts began the history of many years of wandering in the world of Salvador con Jose Rodriguez - school physical education teacher from Spain.
Salvador Rodriguez con Jose
December 7, 2005 Salve Rodriguez turned 34 years old. He once again think about my age and made the final decision. Quit his job, and already 24 January 2006 started from the south of Spain virtually unknown on a bike costing three hundred dollars. In the unknown - because of far-reaching plans, he did not build. "Ride a year or two, but we'll see," - thought to myself Salwa. He crossed Gibraltar and two days later continued the route from the coast of Morocco, south Africa.
To go round the perimeter of the entire African continent Rodriguez took more than two years later, he again approached Europe. But instead of returning to his home in April 2008, now 36-year-old Spaniard called home and told his mother: "I think I poputeshestvuyu a year ... maybe two," and out of Egypt turned the wheel of his bike to the east Syria.
This card Salva carries with him and dorisovyvaet along the route
Over the next year Salva clocked another 18 thousand kilometers. He crossed the Arabian Peninsula, passed through the south-western Asia (Iraq and Iran), toured much of Central Asia (Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan). Never changing your vehicle, Salva has passed some of the greatest mountain ranges and reached India. Exactly 12 months, 1 April 2009 traveler reached the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent.
During his stay in India to El Salvador twice flew his girlfriend. Perhaps she hoped that the groom will come home with her. And it might be quite worthy and beautiful ending, but Salva made his way further east.
Having flown the Indian Ocean, he traveled the islands of Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, and then crossed the border with China. Crossing the scenic mountains of eastern Tibet, the Spaniard moved further north and July 4, 2010 entered Beijing. At this point, the speedometer of his bike fixed mileage 83,530 km.
Next was the Mongolian Gobi desert, and behind it - our Rush!
Incredibly rich four years of nomadic life: changing climates, landscapes, languages, religions and cultures. Several dozen countries. Each area where El Salvador visited by his good and unique. He recalls with delight Victoria Falls in South Africa, serpentines of Central Asia, Indonesian temples, Chinese Travertine Hot Springs and Vietnamese karst mountains sticking out of the sea. "The country of smiling people", - says Salva about Thailand .... But most of all Rodriguez fell in love with Mongolia. "The total absence of roads, absolutely wild places untouched by man .... Go either way - everywhere absence of civilization and complete freedom! "- Salvador from all that thrilled.
I wonder what he will talk about our Transbaikalia.
Indonesia. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Indonesia. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Thailand. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Thailand. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Thailand. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Vietnam. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Vietnam. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Cambodia. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Cambodia. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Tibet. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Tibet. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Tibet. Photo S.Rodrigesa
China. Photo S.Rodrigesa
China. Photo S.Rodrigesa
China. Photo S.Rodrigesa
China. Travertine source. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Great Wall of China. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Mongolia. Gobi. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Mongolia. Gobi. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Mongolia. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Mongolia. Photo S.Rodrigesa
Mongolia. Photo S.Rodrigesa
On Saturday, October 16, Paul bike mechanic working in Chita shop "Trialsport" suddenly saw on the streets of our city for major alien biker laden bike. Even if El Salvador went to Chita on foot, it was hard to not pay attention: high lean man with dark skin, black curly hair, expressive eyes and burning small silver ring in both ears. This chance meeting to continue the acquaintance with another employee "Trialsporta" - Nastya and her husband Michael, who Salva and stopped before the end of the week. And on Monday morning, October 18 Spaniard went further east. But, as it turned out, he left our town did not last long.
Two days Salva Rodriguez, traveling from Chita 220 km, has come to the Shilka. If he knew, until then sunk over the years, some residents of the surrounding villages, perhaps, our hero has adjusted to your itinerary. In any case, he would have tried to go round the village side of the islets, near which two obkurennyh Siberian Ghoul steel trim motorcycle biker and demand money.
"For four years I have not once stopped by the local people in different countries and asked for money, showing gestures:" Give to eat. " - Describes Salvador. - But with all these people I receive each time to negotiate, because in their eyes was everything: hunger, poverty, cunning, but there was no aggression. I told them about the following: "I have money, but only for food. If I give them to you, I can not buy anything, and then I'll ask you a meal. Let's stay with her each. " And these beggars and Africa, and India, and elsewhere understood me. But here, you have .... These two eyes there was nothing but aggression. They could not agree on anything. But if I gave them a hundred rubles, they would have taken away all the rest ».
Salva tried to get away from the glassy werewolves, but they would not let him go and finally just rammed and broke the rear wheel of the bicycle.
Construction of the highway "Amur" belatedly. Another year or two ago there was unpaved, but every few minutes then sped columns peregonschiki cars from Vladivostok. Now put a good asphalt and even Putin rode on it, but after "tighten the screws" on the importation of Japanese cars road completely empty, and it is hoped that, you see, asphalt hold extra six months. But was not any hope that you help out someone on the road. Disappear roadside cafe, run wild natives ....
Fortunately drove on the highway "Volga". For even more fortunately, she stopped and sat in it drove people humanoid dragons, Rodriguez offered help and brought it back to Chita to Nastya and Michael.
Now the three of us - the team members Gobike.ru- Sergei Yakunin, Anton Kaurov and I - also came to meet outstanding Spaniard. Bike repaired in El Salvador "Trialsporte" and he stood by the wall in a small apartment, where "live" two more mountain biking - Nastya and Mishin. And, just pay attention to the bike owners are much steeper than the guest.
The simpler design and cheaper parts bike, the easier to find a replacement. This firm belief Salva Rodriguez. In the middle of the Gobi desert have a broken bearing in the carriage, and he was able to find the same among the Mongols. "But if I had expensive model - says Salvador - I had to come back for her already in Beijing." General statistics breakdowns is that necessarily every month something will break: this month - a rod in the other - the trunk, the third - the seat, then something else .... To date, my bike home from Spain stayed details - only the front fork and horns of the steering wheel. All broken, but all can be replaced. " - "And that, too, and the frame was replaced !?" - "Yes, the frame cracked in Angola. I sealed it with metal clamps, and then bought new in Namibia. The salesman asked, "You what?". I said, "The cheapest» ».
Salva at first sight has to itself. He is smiling, open, easy to communicate with pleasure and says he asks questions. Today, the number 18, he was already four days with repeated unplanned visit to Chita. And most of all he is interested in our opinion, whether the accident on the road accident or still should avoid the risk and move traffic through Mogocha to Skovorodino, where on the track camp livelier and safer.
We do not try to embellish reality and speak as is "Trans-Baikal region - this is the edge of civilization ... - you saw." Actually, Salva even before we made a decision, and now just waiting for the new Russian friends will help find a ride. Yes - meets a traveler to the question - he, of course, sorry that thousand and do not want to "hitchhike", because it is four years sachkanul not a single kilometer, but to go and anxiously look around - this is not a vacation.
But in fact, Rodriguez calls his long journey holiday. For him it is - rest and freedom. Freedom and rest from problems that have been invented by the people for themselves. "I do not need a new refrigerator or car .... Do I need a minimum of things to survive. This is happiness, there is no need to think about improving your life! That's after a trip when I see, I come back home, the head of the family and household'll problems. But I have to this time will have all what I wanted in my youth! ". - "And when and where do you plan to finish the route?" - "I do not know, but I promised my mom and my girlfriend that I will not travel long nine years».
Today, El Salvador is already a definite plan. Before the onset of severe cold in a month he expects to get to Vladivostok and move to the land of the rising sun. There he was waiting for a Japanese friend - a unique man caught in the Guinness Book of Records because that traveled around the world as much as 48 years! Salva is going to live on the islands for about six months, to work and write a book about his travels. "By the way, says Salvador - Today the full moon, and it is the 59th full moon in my journey. When I reach Japan, will be the 60th moon. This is a very poetic completion ».
But Japan for El Salvador con Jose Rodriguez - a sprint to the first half of the way. "Nomad, poet, traveler, mountaineer, a dreamer and a Spaniard ... (half Don Quixote, half Little Prince" - as calls himself Salva - is going to drive around on his bicycle all the Earth and end the tour in 2014 (15?) Year.
Now speedometer Salvador froze the number of 88,320 km. We are sure that very soon these figures will be added again. And that one day the November full moon in Chita good news comes from the Japanese islands.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1288948005 [/ mergetime]
P.S. After lunch on October 25, Salva Rodriguez went from Chita to Skovorodino in the cab of the truck. In this he was helped by Chita club "Saboteur».
© Alexander Lesnyansky
No, no, it's - not the beginning of the story of the Siberian werewolves, zvereyuschih during the full moon phase. This is - an essay about a man who himself, without any outer intervention has changed their lives.
"When we were students, and then went to university, my friends and I dream a lot. We thought about what will become adults, independent and free, the whole world will see, something will achieve and be sure to do something significant. But the years passed, my friends got married, and they got a lot of other concerns. Dreams were pushed further and further until later. At the meeting, I asked my friends, "Well, that, let's start already !?" - "No, now is not the time to me this year, it is necessary to buy a refrigerator and a car." - "But you have the one and the other." - "Yes, but they are old, my wife wants a new model ...". And then I decided that I will no longer wait for anyone. I will soon be forty years, and nothing has been done yet conceived. I do not want to have all my dreams have remained just a dream. " - With these thoughts began the history of many years of wandering in the world of Salvador con Jose Rodriguez - school physical education teacher from Spain.
Salvador Rodriguez con Jose

December 7, 2005 Salve Rodriguez turned 34 years old. He once again think about my age and made the final decision. Quit his job, and already 24 January 2006 started from the south of Spain virtually unknown on a bike costing three hundred dollars. In the unknown - because of far-reaching plans, he did not build. "Ride a year or two, but we'll see," - thought to myself Salwa. He crossed Gibraltar and two days later continued the route from the coast of Morocco, south Africa.
To go round the perimeter of the entire African continent Rodriguez took more than two years later, he again approached Europe. But instead of returning to his home in April 2008, now 36-year-old Spaniard called home and told his mother: "I think I poputeshestvuyu a year ... maybe two," and out of Egypt turned the wheel of his bike to the east Syria.
This card Salva carries with him and dorisovyvaet along the route

Over the next year Salva clocked another 18 thousand kilometers. He crossed the Arabian Peninsula, passed through the south-western Asia (Iraq and Iran), toured much of Central Asia (Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan). Never changing your vehicle, Salva has passed some of the greatest mountain ranges and reached India. Exactly 12 months, 1 April 2009 traveler reached the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent.
During his stay in India to El Salvador twice flew his girlfriend. Perhaps she hoped that the groom will come home with her. And it might be quite worthy and beautiful ending, but Salva made his way further east.
Having flown the Indian Ocean, he traveled the islands of Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, and then crossed the border with China. Crossing the scenic mountains of eastern Tibet, the Spaniard moved further north and July 4, 2010 entered Beijing. At this point, the speedometer of his bike fixed mileage 83,530 km.
Next was the Mongolian Gobi desert, and behind it - our Rush!
Incredibly rich four years of nomadic life: changing climates, landscapes, languages, religions and cultures. Several dozen countries. Each area where El Salvador visited by his good and unique. He recalls with delight Victoria Falls in South Africa, serpentines of Central Asia, Indonesian temples, Chinese Travertine Hot Springs and Vietnamese karst mountains sticking out of the sea. "The country of smiling people", - says Salva about Thailand .... But most of all Rodriguez fell in love with Mongolia. "The total absence of roads, absolutely wild places untouched by man .... Go either way - everywhere absence of civilization and complete freedom! "- Salvador from all that thrilled.
I wonder what he will talk about our Transbaikalia.
Indonesia. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Indonesia. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Thailand. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Thailand. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Thailand. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Vietnam. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Vietnam. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Cambodia. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Cambodia. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Tibet. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Tibet. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Tibet. Photo S.Rodrigesa

China. Photo S.Rodrigesa

China. Photo S.Rodrigesa

China. Photo S.Rodrigesa

China. Travertine source. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Great Wall of China. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Mongolia. Gobi. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Mongolia. Gobi. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Mongolia. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Mongolia. Photo S.Rodrigesa

Mongolia. Photo S.Rodrigesa

On Saturday, October 16, Paul bike mechanic working in Chita shop "Trialsport" suddenly saw on the streets of our city for major alien biker laden bike. Even if El Salvador went to Chita on foot, it was hard to not pay attention: high lean man with dark skin, black curly hair, expressive eyes and burning small silver ring in both ears. This chance meeting to continue the acquaintance with another employee "Trialsporta" - Nastya and her husband Michael, who Salva and stopped before the end of the week. And on Monday morning, October 18 Spaniard went further east. But, as it turned out, he left our town did not last long.
Two days Salva Rodriguez, traveling from Chita 220 km, has come to the Shilka. If he knew, until then sunk over the years, some residents of the surrounding villages, perhaps, our hero has adjusted to your itinerary. In any case, he would have tried to go round the village side of the islets, near which two obkurennyh Siberian Ghoul steel trim motorcycle biker and demand money.
"For four years I have not once stopped by the local people in different countries and asked for money, showing gestures:" Give to eat. " - Describes Salvador. - But with all these people I receive each time to negotiate, because in their eyes was everything: hunger, poverty, cunning, but there was no aggression. I told them about the following: "I have money, but only for food. If I give them to you, I can not buy anything, and then I'll ask you a meal. Let's stay with her each. " And these beggars and Africa, and India, and elsewhere understood me. But here, you have .... These two eyes there was nothing but aggression. They could not agree on anything. But if I gave them a hundred rubles, they would have taken away all the rest ».
Salva tried to get away from the glassy werewolves, but they would not let him go and finally just rammed and broke the rear wheel of the bicycle.
Construction of the highway "Amur" belatedly. Another year or two ago there was unpaved, but every few minutes then sped columns peregonschiki cars from Vladivostok. Now put a good asphalt and even Putin rode on it, but after "tighten the screws" on the importation of Japanese cars road completely empty, and it is hoped that, you see, asphalt hold extra six months. But was not any hope that you help out someone on the road. Disappear roadside cafe, run wild natives ....
Fortunately drove on the highway "Volga". For even more fortunately, she stopped and sat in it drove people humanoid dragons, Rodriguez offered help and brought it back to Chita to Nastya and Michael.
Now the three of us - the team members Gobike.ru- Sergei Yakunin, Anton Kaurov and I - also came to meet outstanding Spaniard. Bike repaired in El Salvador "Trialsporte" and he stood by the wall in a small apartment, where "live" two more mountain biking - Nastya and Mishin. And, just pay attention to the bike owners are much steeper than the guest.

The simpler design and cheaper parts bike, the easier to find a replacement. This firm belief Salva Rodriguez. In the middle of the Gobi desert have a broken bearing in the carriage, and he was able to find the same among the Mongols. "But if I had expensive model - says Salvador - I had to come back for her already in Beijing." General statistics breakdowns is that necessarily every month something will break: this month - a rod in the other - the trunk, the third - the seat, then something else .... To date, my bike home from Spain stayed details - only the front fork and horns of the steering wheel. All broken, but all can be replaced. " - "And that, too, and the frame was replaced !?" - "Yes, the frame cracked in Angola. I sealed it with metal clamps, and then bought new in Namibia. The salesman asked, "You what?". I said, "The cheapest» ».
Salva at first sight has to itself. He is smiling, open, easy to communicate with pleasure and says he asks questions. Today, the number 18, he was already four days with repeated unplanned visit to Chita. And most of all he is interested in our opinion, whether the accident on the road accident or still should avoid the risk and move traffic through Mogocha to Skovorodino, where on the track camp livelier and safer.
We do not try to embellish reality and speak as is "Trans-Baikal region - this is the edge of civilization ... - you saw." Actually, Salva even before we made a decision, and now just waiting for the new Russian friends will help find a ride. Yes - meets a traveler to the question - he, of course, sorry that thousand and do not want to "hitchhike", because it is four years sachkanul not a single kilometer, but to go and anxiously look around - this is not a vacation.

But in fact, Rodriguez calls his long journey holiday. For him it is - rest and freedom. Freedom and rest from problems that have been invented by the people for themselves. "I do not need a new refrigerator or car .... Do I need a minimum of things to survive. This is happiness, there is no need to think about improving your life! That's after a trip when I see, I come back home, the head of the family and household'll problems. But I have to this time will have all what I wanted in my youth! ". - "And when and where do you plan to finish the route?" - "I do not know, but I promised my mom and my girlfriend that I will not travel long nine years».
Today, El Salvador is already a definite plan. Before the onset of severe cold in a month he expects to get to Vladivostok and move to the land of the rising sun. There he was waiting for a Japanese friend - a unique man caught in the Guinness Book of Records because that traveled around the world as much as 48 years! Salva is going to live on the islands for about six months, to work and write a book about his travels. "By the way, says Salvador - Today the full moon, and it is the 59th full moon in my journey. When I reach Japan, will be the 60th moon. This is a very poetic completion ».
But Japan for El Salvador con Jose Rodriguez - a sprint to the first half of the way. "Nomad, poet, traveler, mountaineer, a dreamer and a Spaniard ... (half Don Quixote, half Little Prince" - as calls himself Salva - is going to drive around on his bicycle all the Earth and end the tour in 2014 (15?) Year.
Now speedometer Salvador froze the number of 88,320 km. We are sure that very soon these figures will be added again. And that one day the November full moon in Chita good news comes from the Japanese islands.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1288948005 [/ mergetime]
P.S. After lunch on October 25, Salva Rodriguez went from Chita to Skovorodino in the cab of the truck. In this he was helped by Chita club "Saboteur».
© Alexander Lesnyansky
