11 books Oct
Seventy seven million seven hundred forty eight thousand four hundred four
That brings October? First frost (and, hence, a foretaste of the coming winter), as well as an entire shelf of books, each of which is worth a read. However, if the delights of the first paragraph, many can still argue, that the second differences should not be. Judge for yourself!
For some it is a painful drug, for others a source of pleasure for the third – forbidden fruit for the fourth – "just stuff"... All this coffee! The study of this popular worldwide beverage, the author has devoted his life. What is caffeine – a unique anti-depressant and an energy drink or a deadly poison? Maybe the impact of coffee on humans is greatly exaggerated? In General, brew yourself a Cup of coffee and start learning all the secrets of this aromatic drink.
If love, the only perfect man! If to marry, for life! If you give birth, it is only in a full family! What other stereotypes are present in every woman's life? The heroine of this book, a friend Anya, Olesya, Nona and Jack, discover that life is much more complex and varied than we think. This means that to live in captivity stereotypes will not work – each character is changing, doing something for the first time. Want to know how they got it? About the novels of Tatiana vedenskaya say they are "better psychoanalysis sessions back to life" and new book – another confirmation.
Diane Chamberlain love women and I think, secretly hate their families. Judge for yourself: mom or wife, forgetting about household chores and dinner, sitting with a book and not responding to external stimuli! And with each new novel Chamberlain takes place to break away from history and not having read, move on to other things is simply impossible! This time in the spotlight Claire HART Mathias, who witnesses the suicide of a female stranger. However, this random event is in Claire a storm of emotions and memories and makes... start looking for the sister, lost thirty years ago. Believe that the ending will be unexpected. However, as is always the case with Diane Chamberlain.
You've probably watched the films of Robert Rodriguez: "From dusk till dawn", "sin City", "spy Kids"... And did you know that your first picture of the 23-year-old filmmaker has made for 14 days, with only 7 thousand dollars? And now, having become truly famous, Rodriguez decided to talk about how hard he had to single-handedly conquer Hollywood. For those who want to follow in the footsteps of the author and become a successful Director, producer or screenwriter, the book has two very useful apps – "Ten minute film school" and the script for "El Mariachi" (the first film Rodriguez). Now if Hollywood and the Oscars, you still do not think, the history of the world-famous Director will be for you an excellent example of how to use their resources and the kind of motivation that will lead to success.
The interior of any home (whether it be apartment, a country house or a large country mansion) is, first and foremost, the "face" of his master. The home is a mirror reflecting the character and lifestyle of its owner. Think about it: what can you say about your house? Maybe you could make a more comfortable or stylish to fit you perfectly? Deborah Needleman for many years writes about interiors for the leading American Newspapers and magazines, so her advice definitely worth listening to! Through this book you will learn about the design: the sofa slipper is different from the sofa tuxedo, how to build a "cocoon" where is the best place to hang pictures... in short, to make your home perfect, just two things: books Deborah Needleman and your desires!
Author: Guillaume Mussato already the tenth book by the French author, and, apparently, fuse creative and unusual stories he has in stock many more. Admit it, you love touching romantic stories? And hardboiled detective stories? Then you are doubly lucky, because in the novel "Tomorrow," both of these genre are closely intertwined. Professor of philosophy of Boston, accidentally meets a charming sommelier from new York. And seemingly, nothing much, he just lives in 2011, and she... in 2010! I bet you will not be able to guess what the outcome of this unusual story that defies time and distance?
Nadia Mitrofanova, everything is fine: in the short term sale, in more distant – a long and happy life together with Dima. But then on the horizon there is a dazzling mulatto Isabel – the seller of the apartment, which literally cast a spell on Dmitri and pulls him into a tangled and very dangerous story. What Isabel wanted to kill? Who broke the aquarium at her work and laid out the dead fish figures synchronized swimming? "Star tandem of Russian detective" once again managed to please the reader, creating a unique "cocktail" of intrigue, mystery, romance and adventure.
This is the name for the Russian reader, but worldwide her novels have already managed to estimate and to fall in love. She writes that the past doesn't disappear forever, and even if we think that events are lost in the mist of past years, they can be woven into a tight knot with the present. Snow storm that covered the small town in 2014, closely associated with the same natural anomaly 1933. But the most mysterious that the story of a woman named Vera ray, who lost in the distant snow to her little son, wonderfully intertwined with the life of journalist Claire Aldridge, who writes an essay about modern natural disaster. How can this be?
If you don't consider yourself a creative person, most likely, you simply do not know! The authors of this book believe that creativity is a quality inherent in each of us. You only need to pull it out and find it to good use. For a start go through some tests and identify your temperament and type of creativity, then get tips on how to create a creative atmosphere at work or at home... And then have Otto Kroger and David Goldstein "license for creativity" and apply it in all spheres of life. And suddenly at heart a new Picasso or Henry Ford?
Each novel Oleg Roy's not like the previous one. What can I say: they do not like all of modern literature! Perhaps, precisely for the originality combined with the entangled stories the public loves these works. The main character of a new book – writer, languishing in a creative search. Trying to find inspiration, he decided on a bold and rather cynical "experiment": it locates the girl, pretending to be esoterica, informs her fictional scary diagnosis. The writer only wants to see how it will behave, "patient", then to transfer observations on the character of the future book. However, what happened next he did not expect...
Culinary tourism in recent times in Vogue. Why not take a trip to Argentina to try the meat patties, empanadas, or in Italy to enjoy fresh Frittata? But if you have no visa (and time and money) on a road trip like that, do not worry! The author of the culinary blog and host of the popular TV show "Whole salt" will help you travel around the world without leaving... from the kitchen! She shares those recipes that checked itself tells you about the products that really held it in his hands. With this book you will understand that Spanish paella, dried cod, in Portuguese or risotto of quinoa is not only delicious, but also interesting for the cooking process!
Source: domashniy.ru/
That brings October? First frost (and, hence, a foretaste of the coming winter), as well as an entire shelf of books, each of which is worth a read. However, if the delights of the first paragraph, many can still argue, that the second differences should not be. Judge for yourself!

For some it is a painful drug, for others a source of pleasure for the third – forbidden fruit for the fourth – "just stuff"... All this coffee! The study of this popular worldwide beverage, the author has devoted his life. What is caffeine – a unique anti-depressant and an energy drink or a deadly poison? Maybe the impact of coffee on humans is greatly exaggerated? In General, brew yourself a Cup of coffee and start learning all the secrets of this aromatic drink.

If love, the only perfect man! If to marry, for life! If you give birth, it is only in a full family! What other stereotypes are present in every woman's life? The heroine of this book, a friend Anya, Olesya, Nona and Jack, discover that life is much more complex and varied than we think. This means that to live in captivity stereotypes will not work – each character is changing, doing something for the first time. Want to know how they got it? About the novels of Tatiana vedenskaya say they are "better psychoanalysis sessions back to life" and new book – another confirmation.

Diane Chamberlain love women and I think, secretly hate their families. Judge for yourself: mom or wife, forgetting about household chores and dinner, sitting with a book and not responding to external stimuli! And with each new novel Chamberlain takes place to break away from history and not having read, move on to other things is simply impossible! This time in the spotlight Claire HART Mathias, who witnesses the suicide of a female stranger. However, this random event is in Claire a storm of emotions and memories and makes... start looking for the sister, lost thirty years ago. Believe that the ending will be unexpected. However, as is always the case with Diane Chamberlain.

You've probably watched the films of Robert Rodriguez: "From dusk till dawn", "sin City", "spy Kids"... And did you know that your first picture of the 23-year-old filmmaker has made for 14 days, with only 7 thousand dollars? And now, having become truly famous, Rodriguez decided to talk about how hard he had to single-handedly conquer Hollywood. For those who want to follow in the footsteps of the author and become a successful Director, producer or screenwriter, the book has two very useful apps – "Ten minute film school" and the script for "El Mariachi" (the first film Rodriguez). Now if Hollywood and the Oscars, you still do not think, the history of the world-famous Director will be for you an excellent example of how to use their resources and the kind of motivation that will lead to success.

The interior of any home (whether it be apartment, a country house or a large country mansion) is, first and foremost, the "face" of his master. The home is a mirror reflecting the character and lifestyle of its owner. Think about it: what can you say about your house? Maybe you could make a more comfortable or stylish to fit you perfectly? Deborah Needleman for many years writes about interiors for the leading American Newspapers and magazines, so her advice definitely worth listening to! Through this book you will learn about the design: the sofa slipper is different from the sofa tuxedo, how to build a "cocoon" where is the best place to hang pictures... in short, to make your home perfect, just two things: books Deborah Needleman and your desires!

Author: Guillaume Mussato already the tenth book by the French author, and, apparently, fuse creative and unusual stories he has in stock many more. Admit it, you love touching romantic stories? And hardboiled detective stories? Then you are doubly lucky, because in the novel "Tomorrow," both of these genre are closely intertwined. Professor of philosophy of Boston, accidentally meets a charming sommelier from new York. And seemingly, nothing much, he just lives in 2011, and she... in 2010! I bet you will not be able to guess what the outcome of this unusual story that defies time and distance?

Nadia Mitrofanova, everything is fine: in the short term sale, in more distant – a long and happy life together with Dima. But then on the horizon there is a dazzling mulatto Isabel – the seller of the apartment, which literally cast a spell on Dmitri and pulls him into a tangled and very dangerous story. What Isabel wanted to kill? Who broke the aquarium at her work and laid out the dead fish figures synchronized swimming? "Star tandem of Russian detective" once again managed to please the reader, creating a unique "cocktail" of intrigue, mystery, romance and adventure.

This is the name for the Russian reader, but worldwide her novels have already managed to estimate and to fall in love. She writes that the past doesn't disappear forever, and even if we think that events are lost in the mist of past years, they can be woven into a tight knot with the present. Snow storm that covered the small town in 2014, closely associated with the same natural anomaly 1933. But the most mysterious that the story of a woman named Vera ray, who lost in the distant snow to her little son, wonderfully intertwined with the life of journalist Claire Aldridge, who writes an essay about modern natural disaster. How can this be?

If you don't consider yourself a creative person, most likely, you simply do not know! The authors of this book believe that creativity is a quality inherent in each of us. You only need to pull it out and find it to good use. For a start go through some tests and identify your temperament and type of creativity, then get tips on how to create a creative atmosphere at work or at home... And then have Otto Kroger and David Goldstein "license for creativity" and apply it in all spheres of life. And suddenly at heart a new Picasso or Henry Ford?

Each novel Oleg Roy's not like the previous one. What can I say: they do not like all of modern literature! Perhaps, precisely for the originality combined with the entangled stories the public loves these works. The main character of a new book – writer, languishing in a creative search. Trying to find inspiration, he decided on a bold and rather cynical "experiment": it locates the girl, pretending to be esoterica, informs her fictional scary diagnosis. The writer only wants to see how it will behave, "patient", then to transfer observations on the character of the future book. However, what happened next he did not expect...

Culinary tourism in recent times in Vogue. Why not take a trip to Argentina to try the meat patties, empanadas, or in Italy to enjoy fresh Frittata? But if you have no visa (and time and money) on a road trip like that, do not worry! The author of the culinary blog and host of the popular TV show "Whole salt" will help you travel around the world without leaving... from the kitchen! She shares those recipes that checked itself tells you about the products that really held it in his hands. With this book you will understand that Spanish paella, dried cod, in Portuguese or risotto of quinoa is not only delicious, but also interesting for the cooking process!
Source: domashniy.ru/