Felix Baumgartner

October 14 the Austrian extreme sportsman Felix Baumgartner made a long jump from a height of 38 km. To accomplish this risky jump skydiver climbed into the capsule attached to a balloon in the stratosphere at an unprecedented height, putting this world rekord.

After he jumped down, he flew more than four minutes in a free fall and broke the sound barrier, breaking the speed record. At an altitude of 7 km, Felix opened the parachute and landed safely on Zemlyu.

It is said that if Baumgartner failed to stabilize the position of the body during the fall, he could lose consciousness and do not open the parachute. It was also known as the human body responds to overcome his body supersonic speed. To his jump Baumgartner was preparing five let.

1. Baumgartner left the capsule, in which he was sitting in the waiting lift, October 9, 2012 The mission was postponed due to high winds.

2. Baumgartner sits in a capsule stratospheric October 9, 2012 94,412,373
3. Felix Baumgartner at the launch site in New Mexico, October 9, 2012 68,672,097
4. Felix Baumgartner stands on the tarmac after the failed flight of October 9, 2012 26,296,175
5. Baumgartner prepares for historic flight, October 14, 2012 g.

6. Baumgartner leaves the trailer and sent to the capsule to make the ascent into space October 14, 2012 36,178,565
7. Baumgartner sits in his trailer before the flight, October 14, 2012 79,182,367
8. stratospheric capsule, in which Baumgartner ascended into space. New Mexico, October 14, 2012 g.

9. Felix Baumgartner is taken in the capsule to rise into the stratosphere, 14 October 2012

10. Baumgartner image broadcast on a large screen in the mission control center in Roswell, New Mexico, United States, October 14, 2012 48,515,664
11. The capsule for the rise in the stratosphere, Roswell, New Mexico.

12. The capsule, in which Baumgartner has to climb into space, waiting for his pilot, Roswell, October 9, 2012 90,416,892
13. Baumgartner leaves the trailer landing in stratospheric October 9, 2012 25,979,338
14. Baumgartner is preparing to fly 6 October 2012 g.

15. Baumgartner is preparing to fly 6 October 2012 g.

16. Baumgartner examines his capsule, Roswell, October 9, 2012 61,206,250
17. Felix Baumgartner examines his capsule, Roswell, October 9, 2012 g.

18. Felix Baumgartner practicing in the gym, ready to fly, October 7, 2012 g.

19. Baumgartner is ready to fly, sitting in the capsule stratosphere, 6 October 2012 g.

20. Test stratosphere, which Baumgartner will have to go up into space, July 25, 2012 g.

21. Baumgartner is preparing to fly 6 October 2012 g.

22. Felix Baumgartner sits in a stratospheric balloon capsule, October 5, 2012
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=337361