Through thorns - to the stars

Through difficulties need to go through to become a space tourist? Today, in offices, institutions, and even in the factories is working a whole generation of people that wanted to fly into space. All successful young people who open a business, inventing new and creative solutions or working on drawings and diagrams, - increased by Lem books, Asimov, Harrison, films and television series about space. All of us have absorbed their mother's milk, that soon will be on Mars apple blossom, and the moon will present amusement park. As a child, when we looked at the stars, we dreamed that we adults will fly to neighboring planets on vacation and someone lucky enough to be a real space Columbus. Alas, not yet developed. We spend money on iPhones, take a mortgage, buy a car and drive the girls in sushi bars, and it seems no longer dream of space. Meanwhile, the first space tourist has gone into orbit April 28, 2001! Dennis Tito flew around the Earth 28 times and spent a week aboard the ISS. Returning from orbit, he said: "It is the greatest adventure of my life. I went to heaven and soared like an angel looking down on the Earth. I knew it would be a risky adventure, and prepare for the worst. However, six days I felt euphoric! »
Thanks to «Space Adventure», space travel became available not only astronauts, but almost ordinary mortals. They organized for 8 successful launches since 2001. The standard travel program includes medical examinations, training and preparation of tourist to fly, and the actual implementation of the flight duration of up to 10 days, of which at least 6 will hold the traveler to the ISS. Also, delivery of goods required to carry out the scientific program. But spacewalk is seen as an additional service and well worth the extra $ 15 million.

With the help of «Space Adventure» in space have visited but Dennis Tito, his colleague from South Africa - Mark Shuttleworth, followed by businessman Gregory Olsen, but it's not just at first he was not allowed to fly for medical reasons, but later while yet allowed to make a trip. On 18 September 2006, went into space and the first kosmoturistka - American Anousheh Ansari, almost a year later, in April 2007, another tourist to conquer space - Charles Simonyi but, unlike the previous tourists, he flew with a scientific purpose: for commissioned by the European Space Agency, he had to investigate the effect of weightlessness on blood, as well as on its own research program, only this time on the effects of radiation. By the way, two years later Simoni went again. Sixth kosmoturist - millionaire Richard Garriott, son of former astronaut Owen Garriott, and also with a view to carry out a series of experiments, one of which was the growing protein crystals. Eighth tourist Guy Laliberte flew in 2009. But the ninth space tourist was supposed to be an English singer Sarah Brightman Sar, but just in May of this year, she gave up the flight, citing family reasons.

But what about those of us who are not international circus magnate or adventure lovers with money? Will space tourism ever a reality for us? Richard Branson, head of the company «Virgin Galactic», says a confident "Yes!". Since last year, the company is testing a new type of Branson spaceship called «SpaceShipTwo» in order to make flying in space is not so expensive, and therefore more accessible. Each flight can accommodate six passengers and will last two and a half hours a suborbital space (110 kilometers above the Earth). Once there, passengers will be able to float freely in weightlessness and enjoy the fact that the CEO «Virgin Galactic» George Whitesides calls "transformative experience." Continents, oceans and clouds will float from the bottom, and overhead is boundless space. However, in a hurry with the purchase of a ticket for the first flight, we do not advise you. In the fall of 2014, performing 55th test flight, the ship crashed due to an error of one of the pilots. But, «Virgin Galactic» do not despair, and declared their readiness this year to start new tests.

If you're determined to spend the weekend in the orbit of the Earth, you need to familiarize yourself with the mandatory requirements for space tourists.
The space is not allowed following categories of citizens:
1. Criminals. Citizens who have criminal records, ordered the road to space. To bypass this limitation is practically impossible, because the information about each astronaut, including tourists, verified by Interpol.
2. Drug addicts and alcoholics also fly into space can not. In general, any confirmation of dependence, puts an end to the dream of space.
3. Subscription of not leaving the country applies even to space tourists. Thus, citizens are related to state secrets or debtors based bailiffs to go into space will not.
What should be a real astronaut?
Each astronaut is obliged to own conversational English, as communication on the ISS or suborbital ship, a private firm is going on there. There are demands not only to health but also to the height and weight of the candidate:
Height: not less than 150 cm, 190 cm above
The maximum length of the foot: 29, 5 cm
Maximum shoulder width: 52 cm
Weight: not less than 50 and not more than 90 kg
After completing medical. Commission asked to hand over the future Tourist following standards:
Sprint: 60 m of 8, 5 seconds
Shuttle run: 10 x 10 in 26 seconds
Running 1 km in 3 minutes 35 seconds
At the bar - 14 times
On the uneven bars - 20 times
Swimming: 800 m in 19 min 00 sec
After putting all the regulations space tourist to begin special training, which includes such exotic things as "survival in the forest," workout aerotrube pool and diving, as well as simulators simulating an overload when starting and re-entry.
Why space tourists?
Any reasonable person understands that aerospace - is unexpected child of the Cold War. Space does not carry commercial benefit, which means that modern power makes no sense to develop a space program. At this stage, and to find the money somehow develop this expensive heart and right direction of science can only help patrons or space tourists. More recently, a flight into space was worth $ 20 million! Now - much cheaper by 100 thousand. 200 thousand. Euro. This is due primarily to the competition in the market for space tourism - already registered a number of private companies and government programs in the US and Russia, and secondly, the increasing demand for this service. A shuttle or rocket eats the same amount of fuel for a tourist or four. The development of multi-seat commercial

Space bus. Kosmobus company Virgin Galactic has already been tested in space. The first flight is expected in the fall on it in 2015. The price of a ticket was 250 thousand. Dollars. Tickets purchased for more than 700 people from around the world. It should be noted that the original price was much lower - 90 thousand. Dollars, but due to the huge demand for the service, the price increase had to somehow stem the flow of visitors.
Space Hotel
At present, in the assembly shop is the first module of the space hotel. The world's first commercial space station will be commissioned in the third quarter of 2016. By the way, it's domestic development. When the project began, the declared price of a five-day accommodation there was as much as 4 million. Dollars, now - only 100 000 euros. If the trend continues, it is possible that space tourism will become available even for the middle class.

The space in a balloon
It turns out that in the near space, you can not just go with the help of the spaceship. The American company «World View», promises to establish send space tourists into the stratosphere using a special balloon, and has already successfully conducted tests in February of this year. During the first year the company plans to carry out 50-hour flight. As a bonus, passengers will have access to the Internet and cocktails. These devices are designed for six passengers and two crew members, and the lifting height will be about 37 km. The price of one place is not announced.
If you choose to fly into space one day, feel free to contact Hottabych , he not only respond to all your questions, but also help to contact the leading space tour agencies as quickly as possible, and will help to prepare all the documents. And in general, please contact us with any questions, we can all!
Source: geektimes.ru/company/hottaby4/blog/252300/
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