27 QUOTES Friedrich Nietzsche, which will help to take another look PEACE
Best quotes from one of the greatest and most controversial thinkers in the history of mankind
"Anyone who knows how to breathe the air of my writings know that this air heights, healthy air. You have to be created for it, otherwise you risk catching a cold. Ice near the monstrous loneliness - but peacefully rest all things in the light of day! It is easy to breathe! »
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
In recent years, the image of Friedrich Nietzsche once again becomes important for the majority of thinking people, however, still missing a fair understanding of the impact that it has had, has and will have on the development of world civilization. Unrecognized by his contemporaries, Nietzsche, and after the death of long time was an official or unofficial ban in many countries and the longest in the country. Many of his name is still associated with the ideology of fascism, Satanism or other radical teachings.
On the other hand, it is very "advanced" public considers his work an expression of ineradicable romanticism, full of contradictions and utopian ideals, or the ravings of a madman, monotonous referring to the penultimate line in his biography.
The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, like good wine, which is to take small portions in order to understand the wisdom inherent in them.
So, here are the philosophical thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, a little help to take another look at the world:
Life principles
Death is close enough that you can not be afraid of life.
If you have decided to act - to close the doors of doubt.
What does not kill me, makes me stronger.
Lots to talk about himself - also a way to hide yourself.
And if you do not have any more stairs, you must learn to climb on his own head: how else would you like to go higher?
He who fights with monsters should beware that it does not itself become a monster. And if you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
God has died: now we want the superman to live.
The greatest events - are not our noisiest but our most quiet hours.
About love
The freer and more individual, the exacting becomes his love.
What is being done for the sake of love, going beyond the scope of good and evil.
There are two ways to save you from suffering: a quick death and lasting love.
It does not terminated through mutual love misery of unrequited love, but a lot of love.
The woman
Woman - God's second mistake.
You go to a woman - take a whip.
Two things a real man wants: danger and play. And because he's looking for a woman as the most dangerous toy.
Happiness is called man I want. Happiness woman called: he wants.
"Love your neighbor" - which means first and foremost: "Leave your neighbor alone!" - And just this piece of virtue associated with the greatest difficulties.
Each church - a stone on the grave of the God-man: she certainly wants it to be not risen again.
Even God has his hell - it is the love of his people.
Who wants to justify the existence, that one must also be able to be an advocate of God the devil.
The word "Christianity" is based on a misunderstanding; in essence, it was a Christian, and he died on the cross ...
About morality
There is a degree inveterate falsehood, which is called "a clear conscience».
What is good? Anything that increases the feeling of power, the will to power, the power of man. What's wrong? Everything that comes from weakness.
What falls, then you need to push more.
With a man there is the same as that of a tree. The more he seeks up to the light, the deeper the roots dig in the earth, down into the darkness and depth - to evil.
The man - a rope stretched between the animal and the superman - a rope over an abyss. In man, valuable that he bridge and not a goal.
Ashamed of his immorality - this is the first rung of the ladder, on top of which you will be ashamed of his morality.

"Anyone who knows how to breathe the air of my writings know that this air heights, healthy air. You have to be created for it, otherwise you risk catching a cold. Ice near the monstrous loneliness - but peacefully rest all things in the light of day! It is easy to breathe! »
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
In recent years, the image of Friedrich Nietzsche once again becomes important for the majority of thinking people, however, still missing a fair understanding of the impact that it has had, has and will have on the development of world civilization. Unrecognized by his contemporaries, Nietzsche, and after the death of long time was an official or unofficial ban in many countries and the longest in the country. Many of his name is still associated with the ideology of fascism, Satanism or other radical teachings.
On the other hand, it is very "advanced" public considers his work an expression of ineradicable romanticism, full of contradictions and utopian ideals, or the ravings of a madman, monotonous referring to the penultimate line in his biography.
The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, like good wine, which is to take small portions in order to understand the wisdom inherent in them.
So, here are the philosophical thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, a little help to take another look at the world:
Life principles
Death is close enough that you can not be afraid of life.
If you have decided to act - to close the doors of doubt.
What does not kill me, makes me stronger.
Lots to talk about himself - also a way to hide yourself.
And if you do not have any more stairs, you must learn to climb on his own head: how else would you like to go higher?
He who fights with monsters should beware that it does not itself become a monster. And if you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
God has died: now we want the superman to live.
The greatest events - are not our noisiest but our most quiet hours.
About love
The freer and more individual, the exacting becomes his love.
What is being done for the sake of love, going beyond the scope of good and evil.
There are two ways to save you from suffering: a quick death and lasting love.
It does not terminated through mutual love misery of unrequited love, but a lot of love.
The woman
Woman - God's second mistake.
You go to a woman - take a whip.
Two things a real man wants: danger and play. And because he's looking for a woman as the most dangerous toy.
Happiness is called man I want. Happiness woman called: he wants.
"Love your neighbor" - which means first and foremost: "Leave your neighbor alone!" - And just this piece of virtue associated with the greatest difficulties.
Each church - a stone on the grave of the God-man: she certainly wants it to be not risen again.
Even God has his hell - it is the love of his people.
Who wants to justify the existence, that one must also be able to be an advocate of God the devil.
The word "Christianity" is based on a misunderstanding; in essence, it was a Christian, and he died on the cross ...
About morality
There is a degree inveterate falsehood, which is called "a clear conscience».
What is good? Anything that increases the feeling of power, the will to power, the power of man. What's wrong? Everything that comes from weakness.
What falls, then you need to push more.
With a man there is the same as that of a tree. The more he seeks up to the light, the deeper the roots dig in the earth, down into the darkness and depth - to evil.
The man - a rope stretched between the animal and the superman - a rope over an abyss. In man, valuable that he bridge and not a goal.
Ashamed of his immorality - this is the first rung of the ladder, on top of which you will be ashamed of his morality.
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