Amazon will pay authors of books for the number of pages in their books reads buyer

Scene from the series Californication i> sup>

Amazon e-books for authors who publish their texts through the Kindle Store, the experiment intends to изменить the system of payment for work. Now, the author is literally earnings depend on the number of pages in the book to read it the buyer. Depending on this, and will pay royalties. As they say in the very Amazon, the company has met the writers themselves, who asked & quot; ... to agree a fee for the book, with its volume & quot ;.

Amazon has changed the "Terms of Use» Kindle Store and called innovation «Kindle Unlimited Pages Read», which will earn from 1 July this year. Technically counting process implemented in such a way: special software on chitalke Kindle will track the fact of opening the page, as well as the time that the user spent on it. If it turns out that the time until the page has been opened, roughly equivalent to the time it takes to read it, the page author, "they include" as read.

For example, is this calculation: if the book is a volume of a hundred pages will be loaded and read a hundred times completely, its author will earn $ 1,000. At the same time, if the 200-page work is also loaded with a hundred times, but his throw to read in half, then the author will receive the same income of $ 1,000, as well as the author of more modest size. It is likely that in such a way from the bookstore hoping to weed out graphomaniacs while avoiding the notorious pay for the number of characters in the text. On the duration of the experiment so far nothing is known.

Earlier this year, Russian-speaking writers have created a special website and petition on it with the requirement to include a book in Russian in store Kindle Store ( officially authorized books in German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese). Previously, such attempts have repeatedly been made, but placed the book were blocked Authority store
