How much earns Amazon Web Services

Internet service Amazon Web Services has become a good profit generator for the company Amazon. Over the past year income AWS rose by almost half (49%), and over the past 12 months Division received more than $ 5 billion in revenue. Service, once launched for internal use, is now the fastest growing division of Amazon.
CEO Jeff Bezos first раскрыл amount of revenue Amazon Web Services yesterday at a conference for investors. He called the figures for the 12 months ending March 2015. If the business growth to continue at the same pace, the calendar year AWS can finish with $ 7 billion.
By some analysts forecast, the total turnover of Amazon for the year amounted $ 102 billion, so it turns out that the company AWS brings about 7% of the total income.
AWS cloud hosting to more than a million people (1, 4 million servers in 28 "zones of availability"). Some there just backup data, and others contain more complex applications. In general, when experts classify AWS as a business, to speak of "infrastructure as a service» (infrastructure-as-a-service).
Revenues AWS is already possible to compare with the cloud service IBM, which last year brought $ 7, $ 7 billion, but this amount includes the sale of cloud software applications (software-as-a-service), than Amazon does. If we consider only the division of IBM Softlayer, then it accounts for only $ 3, 8 billion.
AWS bypassed and other competitors - Microsoft, whose cloud business at the end of this year should generate a $6, 3 billion . Again, this amount includes software applications and Office 365 and Dynamics. It is not known what proportion of coming clean on the part of the infrastructure.
The cloud Google Cloud exact amount also can not be called. In the financial documentation it is necessary to "Other", which includes all non-advertising revenues. This article comes to $ 7 billion in annual revenue.
It should be noted that AWS is a lucrative business. The profitability of operations is almost 17%. This is good news for investors, especially since Amazon in the IV quarter. brought profit for the first time over the past few quarters.
On оценке research firm Gartner, in 2014 the capacity of Amazon cloud service is about five times the capacity of hosting 14 closest competitors combined. The cost of equipment AWS (specified in the company's assets) in excess of $ 6 billion, more than a third of total assets Amazon.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249470/
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