A selection of films about wish fulfillment
My friend bought a lot of self-development training during the quarantine. It is important to pay attention to the rules as wishI want them to be fulfilled. Well, I found a method more budgetary, and more enjoyable and effective. I watch movies about wish fulfillment, then choose the right model of behavior and apply it in practice.
It's a fairy tale! And it works better than expensive training. I’ve been in these movies and live them from start to finish!
Movies about wish fulfillment Today editorial "Site" I have prepared for you, dear reader, a selection of films about magician. We watch with our husband and children, and then we talk at the family council!
"Wish Marathon" A new Russian film based on the well-known in social networks marathon of wishes. The film is funny and cheerful, giving a good mood and in an easy form figuring out whether we aspire to or desire. He also says that the fulfillment of all our desires is in our hands.
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You need to see the good in everything, otherwise you can go crazy! For example, quarantine is a chance to spend time at home with family watching a good movie. “Wish Marathon” is a great, kind, funny film, giving a good mood and in an easy form hinting at whether we aspire to what we want and that all our desires are in our hands! I think millions of people dreamed of being able to spend more time with their families, stay at home. Did the universe hear you? As they say, be careful with your wishes. And what's the reason to watch another movie "Blinded by Desire"? #marathongelanimovie #quarantine #simdoma
A post shared by Ekaterina (@e.bastrakova) on Apr 3, 2020 at 5:57am PDT
Highway 60. Many people do not do what they would like. And this is often not about money. We live in a world of possibilities. Every day we have a chance to make life brighter, better, more interesting. However, not everyone decides to change.
But still, the feeling that we are doing wrong to ourselves prevents our thoughts from remaining calm. In order to make the desired changes, you need to follow a path similar to Route 60. The film is unusual, with deep meaning!
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Route 60 (Interstate 60) 2001 Genre: fiction, melodrama, drama Production: Canada, USA Film duration: 1:56 Age restrictions: 16+ Many people do not do what they would like. And this is often not about money. We live in a world of possibilities. Every day we have a chance to make life brighter, better, more interesting. However, not everyone decides to change: someone does not want to upset their parents, wife, boss, someone is just afraid and floats with the flow. But still, the feeling that we are doing wrong to ourselves prevents our thoughts from remaining calm. And in order to make a change, you need to walk a path similar to Route 60. Are you happy with your work and what you do every day? #Trassa60 #Interstate60 #movie #movie review #movie #stayhome #stayhome #stayHome #35mm #35mm
A post shared by 35mm (@35movies) on Apr 20, 2020 at 8:50pm PDT
"Blinded by desires" Satisfaction of desires by the devil in exchange for a soul is a real classic of this kind of film. This time the tempter takes the form of a licentious beauty. A loser programmer is the best target for recruitment.
The object of sale is, of course, an immortal soul. The price is 7 wishes! But, fulfilling any desire of a corrupt soul, the devil does not allow you to enjoy the result. In an instant, the life of a programmer turns into a real hell.
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Wish-Blinded Genre: Fantasy, Comedy Year: 2000 Rating: 7.3 This time the Devil takes the guise of a licentious beauty. A loser programmer is the best target for recruitment. The object of sale is an immortal soul. The price is 7 wishes. But fulfilling any desire of a corrupt soul, the devil does not let you enjoy the result. In an instant, the life of a programmer turns into a real hell. #movies #movie #movie #movie #movie #movie #movie #movie #movie night #movie shower #movie weekend #what to watch #series #cartoons #news #blinded by wishes
A post shared by Best Movies (@luchshiefilmy1) on Dec 4, 2019 at 8:44pm PST
"Bruce Almighty." Well, this is a comedy masterpiece with Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston in the lead roles. If you haven't, I highly recommend it. I’m looking forward to seeing it for the third or fourth time!
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Did you forget about him? We'll remind! Laugh with the whole family at your favorite comedy starring Jim Carrey. Watch online now #BruceAlmighty link in profile. #kinokeksik #films2020 #films2019 #films2018
A post shared by Movies, film premieres (@kinokeksik.online) on Apr 18, 2020 at 1:26am PDT
"30 crazy wishes" This is a comedy, a drama, and an adventure in one bottle! Calvin is a suspicious hypochondriac who sorts baggage at the airport, along the way inventing non-existent diseases. Skye is a girl who sees only the good in life. Or rather, in the short period of her life.
During this time, she wants to fulfill her craziest desires. Together they will rediscover the world and themselves from very unexpected sides!
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30 crazy wishes Then Came You 2018 drama, comedy, adventures of the USA Calvin is a suspicious hypochondriac, sorting luggage at the airport, simultaneously inventing non-existent diseases. Skye is a girl who sees only the good in life. Or rather, in the short period of her life. During this time, she wants to fulfill her craziest desires. Together they will rediscover this world and themselves from very unexpected sides. #ld_films #films #30 crazy wishes #ld_films_t
A post shared by Movies, TV series, cartoons (@luch_films) on Apr 5, 2020 at 8:30am PDT
Fantasy Island. A group of people win the contest and find themselves on a mysterious fantasy island, where a certain Mr. Roark realizes all the dreams of his guests. Soon they will learn why they need to be careful in their desires. The film is fresh, 2020 release.
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Fantasy Island (2020)? is definitely not a horror, as some sources say. And is a black fantasy with a not terrible and scant plot. Plot? 5 people arrive on the island to get their fantasies in Java. This island is managed by a certain Mr. Roark, who discovered the island and monetized its capabilities in the form of realizing the fantasies of his customers. Everyone has their own fantasies. A couple of stepbrothers Bradley and Brax want to get a cool party with chicks and pumped men, as one of the brothers faggots. The young man Randal really wants to participate in the war, as he promised his mother not to become a soldier because of his lost father, but became a cop, an ordinary postman, but he couldn’t wait to tickle his nerves with explosions and shots. Elena wants to remember the day when she refused her lover 5 years ago and say yes! Ariel, a young chick in childhood offended by her peer and being humiliated, had mental disorders in connection with which she was forced to visit a psychiatrist. There are many complexes. But now she's pretty much nothing of herself and wants to be on the other side of the barricades after experiencing what it's like to humiliate the one who humiliated her. And so their fantasies begin any minute, but strangely they are being watched out of the woods by some Robinson, and black water is dripping everywhere, initially mistaken for ink. As well as a mysterious ghostly figure flashing for a split second before the eyes of some participants. All this is clearly not good! ... Thoughts? To be honest, I am disappointed with this film. He turned out to be completely stupid and weak. Yes, streaming, that is quite passable, but stupid. With no logic at all. The island's own rules are being violated. And it was especially annoying when Mr. Roarke said you had to wait for the logical ending. How do you know where the logical ending is? When will everyone die? ... And perhaps the most important thing I don’t like about movies is when the characters are shown to the audience as if they were good. They behave correctly, even when they are alone, and then they say that they behaved on purpose. For who? For the viewer? That's stupid!
A post shared by Films | REVIEWS | SPOILERS (@greylok86) on Apr 24, 2020 at 2:47am PDT
13 to 30. Children so desperately want to be adults, not knowing that years will pass and they just as passionately want the opposite. But because miracles still happen in our world, some people don’t have to wait long to see it. Today Jenny is only 13 and she really wants to be big. Apparently, her desire gets to the right address, because in the morning she wakes up. A 30-year-old beauty!
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From 13 to 30: 13 Going on 30, 2004 Gary Winnick in the roles of Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo, Judy Greer and others? Films about rapidly growing up children are not original at all, and all are made on the same principle - the child wants to grow up, gets what he wants, sees a bunch of shoals and with a sigh of relief, returns back to his age. The goal of the creators of this film is to make this journey through time as interesting as possible. Our heroine initially desperately wants to be cool and like the most popular girls of the school. This is hampered by the reputation of the crazed and plump friend-nerd does not contribute to obtaining the desired status. So she easily abandons friendship, hurts Matt and makes a wish to grow up faster. It turns out that being an adult is not so easy. Especially when you are in the thick of the consequences of your own despicable behavior. Sometimes adults would not look at their behavior through the eyes of a child, maybe even who they were. When dreams were bright, friendship was honest and opinion was direct and independent. When Jena sees that in the future her friend-snakes, boyfriend is a stupid playboy, Matt has not communicated with her for a long time, and she is a bitch and a traitor, she realizes how far she has gone in wanting to meet the expectations of others and completely lost herself. Her task now will be to correct the shackles of the past, to find herself and not be afraid to be her. To treat people sincerely, to be honest and responsible, as well as to try not to commit stupid acts and value friends. You don’t always get a chance to fix what she got. The result was a kind comedy melodrama about the fact that everything has its time and be yourself – the best you can be. As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself, everyone else is already busy.” Have a good time! #JG?? #elevenland #up-to-date hashtag #goodsheekino #film #what you see #interestingfilm #from13v30 #what to watch
A post shared by @___elevenland___ on Feb 26, 2020 at 5:01am PST
"Liar, liar." Good old comedy with Jim Carrey. The film tells about the successful lawyer Flatcher Reed, who, by virtue of his profession, also professionally lies to everyone, including his young son. On his birthday, the boy, once again deceived by his father, makes only one secret wish: that his father always tells the truth. And here we go!
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What could be better than a good old comedy with Jim Carrey? The feature film “Liar, Liar” is a sample of a good family comedy of the 90s. The film tells about the successful lawyer Flatcher Reed, who by virtue of his profession professionally lies to everyone, including his young son. On his birthday, once again deceived by his father, the boy makes only one secret wish: that his father always tells the truth. And here we go. Flatcher no longer wants to lie to anyone. This is what makes a bunch of comical situations where Jim Carrey is as irresistible as ever. This is the case when we were young, and Hollywood comedies could make the audience laugh without using vulgar jokes. Those for whom Jim Carrey was the most beloved comedy actor of childhood will cry from the surging feelings of nostalgia. In this film, the great comedian uses all his signature techniques. This is the inimitable facial expressions of the actor, and hilarious, memorable scenes, most of which, I am sure, are improvised by Jim himself and an excellent acting game, when the artist equally well gives out both grotesque comedy and touching drama. Something the film ideologically echoes another good comedy Carrie "Always say yes." And there and there the characters of the comedian overcome themselves through force and eventually become completely different people who, in addition to themselves, begin to notice those who are close to them, who love them. I think you already know that I liked the film and would recommend it. It is. Great movie. Another proof that before Hollywood tried a little better and movies came out with a soul, no matter how lofty it sounds. Everybody watch! Recharge yourself with positive and positive emotions during this difficult time. My grade: 5/5
A post shared by Nikolai (@blablafilm) on Mar 31, 2020 at 8:52am PDT
"Old Man Hottabych." Remembering films about desires, it is impossible not to mention the old children’s film “Old Man Hottabych”. This story will remind you of your childhood. I am sure your children will enjoy watching this movie.
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Older Hottabych (Nikolai Volkov) and Volka Kostylkov (Alyosha Litvinov) at the palace, a shot from the Soviet feature color film-fairy tale "Older Hottabych" (1957), Leningrad Film Studio "Lenfilm" #Older Hottabych #KaraikolaiWolves #Lazar #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves
A post shared by Hedgehog in the Fog (@hedgehog2017) on Apr 11, 2020 at 1:32am PDT
Click. With a remote for life Very good, kind and funny movie! A workaholic architect gets into the hands of a remote control with which you can scroll life situations forward or backward. But technology is technology - it always has a surprise in store.
Having accumulated its own memory, the remote itself begins to control the speed of rewinding and the choice of the moment of life. Only now the hero realizes how wrong he used time.
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Click movie. With a remote for life" 2006. Genre: comedy, fantasy, drama, melodrama. “Click: with a remote for life” is a well-worked comedy with a serious message. Mike Newman (Adam Sandler) is a very determined man. He has a wonderful family: beautiful wife Donna (Kate Beckinsale) and wonderful children. He spends little time with them. In pursuit of a promotion, he works day and night, and family affairs, worries, festive conversations are very distracting for him. And then one day in the hands of a workaholic architect is a remote, with which you can control the film of your own life. Mike is delighted: now he can easily jump over unwanted moments. However, soon he begins to think that the miracle technique began to fail. For explanations, he turns to a strange man named Morty (Christopher Walken), and he clearly explains to the hapless guy that everything in the world has a price, and the super-remote just takes its own. Mike is desperate to get things back on track... My impression of the film: The movie is a miracle! Anyone who has seen it has noticed a similarity to their own lives. Sometimes you want to rewind unwanted events in life. This opportunity was provided by the hero of the film Click. But sooner or later you have to pay for everything. Adam Sandler is my favorite comedy actor зн️зн️зн️ #movies #comedy #fantasy #filmnanight #adamsendler #clickspoollife #kirovatka
A post shared by jusiFruit (@jusifruit_home_ideas) on May 16, 2019 at 4:00am PDT
I also offer to get acquainted with a selection of documentaries that fascinate from the first minutes of viewing. And interesting, and informative, and there is a chance to fascinate your child with science!
These films about wish fulfillment are a real guide to action that helps master art. dream. But it works in a positive way only if it is our true desires, and not imposed by society.
I sincerely wish you that your brightest dreams and desires are realized as soon as possible for the benefit of you and others!
It's a fairy tale! And it works better than expensive training. I’ve been in these movies and live them from start to finish!

Movies about wish fulfillment Today editorial "Site" I have prepared for you, dear reader, a selection of films about magician. We watch with our husband and children, and then we talk at the family council!
"Wish Marathon" A new Russian film based on the well-known in social networks marathon of wishes. The film is funny and cheerful, giving a good mood and in an easy form figuring out whether we aspire to or desire. He also says that the fulfillment of all our desires is in our hands.
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You need to see the good in everything, otherwise you can go crazy! For example, quarantine is a chance to spend time at home with family watching a good movie. “Wish Marathon” is a great, kind, funny film, giving a good mood and in an easy form hinting at whether we aspire to what we want and that all our desires are in our hands! I think millions of people dreamed of being able to spend more time with their families, stay at home. Did the universe hear you? As they say, be careful with your wishes. And what's the reason to watch another movie "Blinded by Desire"? #marathongelanimovie #quarantine #simdoma
A post shared by Ekaterina (@e.bastrakova) on Apr 3, 2020 at 5:57am PDT
Highway 60. Many people do not do what they would like. And this is often not about money. We live in a world of possibilities. Every day we have a chance to make life brighter, better, more interesting. However, not everyone decides to change.
But still, the feeling that we are doing wrong to ourselves prevents our thoughts from remaining calm. In order to make the desired changes, you need to follow a path similar to Route 60. The film is unusual, with deep meaning!
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Route 60 (Interstate 60) 2001 Genre: fiction, melodrama, drama Production: Canada, USA Film duration: 1:56 Age restrictions: 16+ Many people do not do what they would like. And this is often not about money. We live in a world of possibilities. Every day we have a chance to make life brighter, better, more interesting. However, not everyone decides to change: someone does not want to upset their parents, wife, boss, someone is just afraid and floats with the flow. But still, the feeling that we are doing wrong to ourselves prevents our thoughts from remaining calm. And in order to make a change, you need to walk a path similar to Route 60. Are you happy with your work and what you do every day? #Trassa60 #Interstate60 #movie #movie review #movie #stayhome #stayhome #stayHome #35mm #35mm
A post shared by 35mm (@35movies) on Apr 20, 2020 at 8:50pm PDT
"Blinded by desires" Satisfaction of desires by the devil in exchange for a soul is a real classic of this kind of film. This time the tempter takes the form of a licentious beauty. A loser programmer is the best target for recruitment.
The object of sale is, of course, an immortal soul. The price is 7 wishes! But, fulfilling any desire of a corrupt soul, the devil does not allow you to enjoy the result. In an instant, the life of a programmer turns into a real hell.
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Wish-Blinded Genre: Fantasy, Comedy Year: 2000 Rating: 7.3 This time the Devil takes the guise of a licentious beauty. A loser programmer is the best target for recruitment. The object of sale is an immortal soul. The price is 7 wishes. But fulfilling any desire of a corrupt soul, the devil does not let you enjoy the result. In an instant, the life of a programmer turns into a real hell. #movies #movie #movie #movie #movie #movie #movie #movie #movie night #movie shower #movie weekend #what to watch #series #cartoons #news #blinded by wishes
A post shared by Best Movies (@luchshiefilmy1) on Dec 4, 2019 at 8:44pm PST
"Bruce Almighty." Well, this is a comedy masterpiece with Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston in the lead roles. If you haven't, I highly recommend it. I’m looking forward to seeing it for the third or fourth time!
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Did you forget about him? We'll remind! Laugh with the whole family at your favorite comedy starring Jim Carrey. Watch online now #BruceAlmighty link in profile. #kinokeksik #films2020 #films2019 #films2018
A post shared by Movies, film premieres (@kinokeksik.online) on Apr 18, 2020 at 1:26am PDT
"30 crazy wishes" This is a comedy, a drama, and an adventure in one bottle! Calvin is a suspicious hypochondriac who sorts baggage at the airport, along the way inventing non-existent diseases. Skye is a girl who sees only the good in life. Or rather, in the short period of her life.
During this time, she wants to fulfill her craziest desires. Together they will rediscover the world and themselves from very unexpected sides!
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30 crazy wishes Then Came You 2018 drama, comedy, adventures of the USA Calvin is a suspicious hypochondriac, sorting luggage at the airport, simultaneously inventing non-existent diseases. Skye is a girl who sees only the good in life. Or rather, in the short period of her life. During this time, she wants to fulfill her craziest desires. Together they will rediscover this world and themselves from very unexpected sides. #ld_films #films #30 crazy wishes #ld_films_t
A post shared by Movies, TV series, cartoons (@luch_films) on Apr 5, 2020 at 8:30am PDT
Fantasy Island. A group of people win the contest and find themselves on a mysterious fantasy island, where a certain Mr. Roark realizes all the dreams of his guests. Soon they will learn why they need to be careful in their desires. The film is fresh, 2020 release.
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Fantasy Island (2020)? is definitely not a horror, as some sources say. And is a black fantasy with a not terrible and scant plot. Plot? 5 people arrive on the island to get their fantasies in Java. This island is managed by a certain Mr. Roark, who discovered the island and monetized its capabilities in the form of realizing the fantasies of his customers. Everyone has their own fantasies. A couple of stepbrothers Bradley and Brax want to get a cool party with chicks and pumped men, as one of the brothers faggots. The young man Randal really wants to participate in the war, as he promised his mother not to become a soldier because of his lost father, but became a cop, an ordinary postman, but he couldn’t wait to tickle his nerves with explosions and shots. Elena wants to remember the day when she refused her lover 5 years ago and say yes! Ariel, a young chick in childhood offended by her peer and being humiliated, had mental disorders in connection with which she was forced to visit a psychiatrist. There are many complexes. But now she's pretty much nothing of herself and wants to be on the other side of the barricades after experiencing what it's like to humiliate the one who humiliated her. And so their fantasies begin any minute, but strangely they are being watched out of the woods by some Robinson, and black water is dripping everywhere, initially mistaken for ink. As well as a mysterious ghostly figure flashing for a split second before the eyes of some participants. All this is clearly not good! ... Thoughts? To be honest, I am disappointed with this film. He turned out to be completely stupid and weak. Yes, streaming, that is quite passable, but stupid. With no logic at all. The island's own rules are being violated. And it was especially annoying when Mr. Roarke said you had to wait for the logical ending. How do you know where the logical ending is? When will everyone die? ... And perhaps the most important thing I don’t like about movies is when the characters are shown to the audience as if they were good. They behave correctly, even when they are alone, and then they say that they behaved on purpose. For who? For the viewer? That's stupid!
A post shared by Films | REVIEWS | SPOILERS (@greylok86) on Apr 24, 2020 at 2:47am PDT
13 to 30. Children so desperately want to be adults, not knowing that years will pass and they just as passionately want the opposite. But because miracles still happen in our world, some people don’t have to wait long to see it. Today Jenny is only 13 and she really wants to be big. Apparently, her desire gets to the right address, because in the morning she wakes up. A 30-year-old beauty!
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From 13 to 30: 13 Going on 30, 2004 Gary Winnick in the roles of Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo, Judy Greer and others? Films about rapidly growing up children are not original at all, and all are made on the same principle - the child wants to grow up, gets what he wants, sees a bunch of shoals and with a sigh of relief, returns back to his age. The goal of the creators of this film is to make this journey through time as interesting as possible. Our heroine initially desperately wants to be cool and like the most popular girls of the school. This is hampered by the reputation of the crazed and plump friend-nerd does not contribute to obtaining the desired status. So she easily abandons friendship, hurts Matt and makes a wish to grow up faster. It turns out that being an adult is not so easy. Especially when you are in the thick of the consequences of your own despicable behavior. Sometimes adults would not look at their behavior through the eyes of a child, maybe even who they were. When dreams were bright, friendship was honest and opinion was direct and independent. When Jena sees that in the future her friend-snakes, boyfriend is a stupid playboy, Matt has not communicated with her for a long time, and she is a bitch and a traitor, she realizes how far she has gone in wanting to meet the expectations of others and completely lost herself. Her task now will be to correct the shackles of the past, to find herself and not be afraid to be her. To treat people sincerely, to be honest and responsible, as well as to try not to commit stupid acts and value friends. You don’t always get a chance to fix what she got. The result was a kind comedy melodrama about the fact that everything has its time and be yourself – the best you can be. As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself, everyone else is already busy.” Have a good time! #JG?? #elevenland #up-to-date hashtag #goodsheekino #film #what you see #interestingfilm #from13v30 #what to watch
A post shared by @___elevenland___ on Feb 26, 2020 at 5:01am PST
"Liar, liar." Good old comedy with Jim Carrey. The film tells about the successful lawyer Flatcher Reed, who, by virtue of his profession, also professionally lies to everyone, including his young son. On his birthday, the boy, once again deceived by his father, makes only one secret wish: that his father always tells the truth. And here we go!
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What could be better than a good old comedy with Jim Carrey? The feature film “Liar, Liar” is a sample of a good family comedy of the 90s. The film tells about the successful lawyer Flatcher Reed, who by virtue of his profession professionally lies to everyone, including his young son. On his birthday, once again deceived by his father, the boy makes only one secret wish: that his father always tells the truth. And here we go. Flatcher no longer wants to lie to anyone. This is what makes a bunch of comical situations where Jim Carrey is as irresistible as ever. This is the case when we were young, and Hollywood comedies could make the audience laugh without using vulgar jokes. Those for whom Jim Carrey was the most beloved comedy actor of childhood will cry from the surging feelings of nostalgia. In this film, the great comedian uses all his signature techniques. This is the inimitable facial expressions of the actor, and hilarious, memorable scenes, most of which, I am sure, are improvised by Jim himself and an excellent acting game, when the artist equally well gives out both grotesque comedy and touching drama. Something the film ideologically echoes another good comedy Carrie "Always say yes." And there and there the characters of the comedian overcome themselves through force and eventually become completely different people who, in addition to themselves, begin to notice those who are close to them, who love them. I think you already know that I liked the film and would recommend it. It is. Great movie. Another proof that before Hollywood tried a little better and movies came out with a soul, no matter how lofty it sounds. Everybody watch! Recharge yourself with positive and positive emotions during this difficult time. My grade: 5/5
A post shared by Nikolai (@blablafilm) on Mar 31, 2020 at 8:52am PDT
"Old Man Hottabych." Remembering films about desires, it is impossible not to mention the old children’s film “Old Man Hottabych”. This story will remind you of your childhood. I am sure your children will enjoy watching this movie.
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Older Hottabych (Nikolai Volkov) and Volka Kostylkov (Alyosha Litvinov) at the palace, a shot from the Soviet feature color film-fairy tale "Older Hottabych" (1957), Leningrad Film Studio "Lenfilm" #Older Hottabych #KaraikolaiWolves #Lazar #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves #Wolves
A post shared by Hedgehog in the Fog (@hedgehog2017) on Apr 11, 2020 at 1:32am PDT
Click. With a remote for life Very good, kind and funny movie! A workaholic architect gets into the hands of a remote control with which you can scroll life situations forward or backward. But technology is technology - it always has a surprise in store.
Having accumulated its own memory, the remote itself begins to control the speed of rewinding and the choice of the moment of life. Only now the hero realizes how wrong he used time.
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Click movie. With a remote for life" 2006. Genre: comedy, fantasy, drama, melodrama. “Click: with a remote for life” is a well-worked comedy with a serious message. Mike Newman (Adam Sandler) is a very determined man. He has a wonderful family: beautiful wife Donna (Kate Beckinsale) and wonderful children. He spends little time with them. In pursuit of a promotion, he works day and night, and family affairs, worries, festive conversations are very distracting for him. And then one day in the hands of a workaholic architect is a remote, with which you can control the film of your own life. Mike is delighted: now he can easily jump over unwanted moments. However, soon he begins to think that the miracle technique began to fail. For explanations, he turns to a strange man named Morty (Christopher Walken), and he clearly explains to the hapless guy that everything in the world has a price, and the super-remote just takes its own. Mike is desperate to get things back on track... My impression of the film: The movie is a miracle! Anyone who has seen it has noticed a similarity to their own lives. Sometimes you want to rewind unwanted events in life. This opportunity was provided by the hero of the film Click. But sooner or later you have to pay for everything. Adam Sandler is my favorite comedy actor зн️зн️зн️ #movies #comedy #fantasy #filmnanight #adamsendler #clickspoollife #kirovatka
A post shared by jusiFruit (@jusifruit_home_ideas) on May 16, 2019 at 4:00am PDT
I also offer to get acquainted with a selection of documentaries that fascinate from the first minutes of viewing. And interesting, and informative, and there is a chance to fascinate your child with science!
These films about wish fulfillment are a real guide to action that helps master art. dream. But it works in a positive way only if it is our true desires, and not imposed by society.
I sincerely wish you that your brightest dreams and desires are realized as soon as possible for the benefit of you and others!
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